Wednesday 16 September 2015

Post No. 758 - Psychic Weather in West Asia / the Middle East, and an Announcement

For meditation over Thursday-Saturday, my psychic weather report for West Asia (i.e., the Middle East) is below:

My apologies for the errors in the contour lines, but I've just found out that my father has passed over, and, although I can interact with him, I will still miss his physical presence. Work on this blog will be second to family matters for a little while.

PS - North Finland may be a good way to get energy in to Europe.

[1] BPLF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Forces. See here and here for more on this. 
[2] Please see here, here and my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2, although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather engagingly - to be the Earth edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy").
[3] I apologise for the formatting: it seems Blogger is no longer as WYSIWYG as it used to be, and there are a lot of unwanted changes to layout made upon publishing, so I often have to edit it immediately after publishing to get the format as close to what I want as possible.

Love, light, hugs and blessings
(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix Lux … aka Morinehtar … would-be drýicgan or maga ... )
My "blogiography" (list of all posts and guide as to how to best use this site) is here, and my glossary/index is here.

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ... See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "Pagans for Peace" project (and join me for a few minutes at some time between 8 and 11 PM on Sunday, wherever you are, to meditate-clear for peace), and here for my bindrune kit-bag. I also strongly recommend learning how to flame, ground and shield, do alternate nostril breathing, work with colour, and see also here and be flexible. 
The real dividing line is not between Christianity and Islam, Sunni and Shia, East and West. It is between people who believe in coexistence, and those who don’t.
Tom Fletcher, Former UK Ambassador to Lebanon

Tags: activism, discrimination, energy work, magick, meditation, nonviolence, peace, psychic weather, society, violence, war,

First published: Wodensdagr, 16th September, 2015
Last edited (excluding fixing typo's and other minor matters): Sunday, 16th September, 2015