Sunday 4 December 2011

Post No. 344 - Evidence suggestive of reincarnation

Came across the following links from a group I'm on recently. The video is interesting, with the story similar to some of those written about by Professor Stevenson - not sure what the book is like.

I can relate to this to some degree, as I was "recognised" by a former colleague, a former German night-fighter pilot, who gave me a flight in a glider when I was in my 30s and considered that I was a certain pilot. I wasn't ready to accept that then, but have now done a fair bit of work on coming to terms with that life. (Some of the other aspects of the boy's story I can also relate to, although I have not had the same degree of recall.)

Might have to get the book ...

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")

Tags: reincarnation,

First published: Sunnudagr, 4th Dcember, 2012

Last edited: Sunday, 4th Dcember, 2012