Sunday 30 January 2022

Post No. 2,148 – This Week’s Psychic Work

This week's psychic work is the same as last week's

Post No. 2,147 - Cross Posting: WAY, WAY, WAY OFF TOPIC: thoughts on the return of commercial sail vessels

This was originally posted on my political blog at


In recent years there has been a strong interest in a return to using sail-driven vessels for cargo - largely in the interests of reduced environmental impact. Probably one of the most spectacular of those currently under construction is the "Ceiba" - website here (they have quite interesting videos) - and there are a few in operation elsewhere (see here - I'll refer back to one of these shortly)

This is intended to be a for-profit commercial venture, which such projects have to be if they are going to be a viable option for reducing the impact of commercial mechanically-driven cargo vessels, many of which have appalling fuel characteristics when they are at sea (they change fuel grade when close to land), quite apart from the inherent impact of using fuel rather than wind. 

That is a noble and actually widely desired goal - even mechanically-driven vessels have been looking at using parasails and vertical turbines to gain some advantage from the wind. Traditional rigging clutters decks and makes modern containerised cargo handling impossible.

They've also been looking at air injection to break down boundary layers, which, based on my experience racing small sail dinghies (which used venturi bailers to remove water - which also sicked air if left open when the bilge was dry) as a kid, I KNOW works. I'll come back to this again shortly. 

To simplify considerably, some of the main reasons sail-driven vessels lost out to mechanically-driven vessels was a combination of: 

  • greater surety of travel times - mechanically-driven enable schedules to be made and more-or-less kept to; 
  • faster travel - cargo ships now travel at up to 30 knots and don't have to worry about the doldrums when crossing the equator; and 
  • the lack of rigging enabled the use of shipping containers, which cuts down time in ports and thus shipping charges, as well as also reducing the need for, and thus cost of, skilled and unskilled labour to load and unload.

Now, the sail cargo projects that are getting most attention are those using traditional approaches, but at least one (refer to the second link above) is using modern materials (aluminium, which has an extremely energy-intensive manufacture) and containerisation. These do have advantages over timber in terms of strength, but their mining and manufacture causes damage and GHG emissions that are contributing to the climate crisis and environmental damage. 

There are, however, some lessons that can be learned from modern shipping practices, and I would suggest they are the following. 

Firstly, build ships to use containers - perhaps to "10' container", or cube. I've put a cross section below showing how this could be done, but it may need stronger construction techniques than traditional timber - e.g., epoxy reinforced timber, perhaps, or a modest amount of metal work, as is being done with "traditional" construction. 

A double skinned construction could be achieved in a number of ways. As the inner liner would only need to deal with the pressure of a leak, and not the impacts of going over waves (although that would convey a pressure surge), perhaps a plywood material would suffice - but having a cavity that a tank could be put into to use water ballast would add modern sailing knowledge into the mix, just as does using containers, and things like air injection under the hull to break down the boundary layer.

Is it traditional? No. 

Does it allow better use of the advantages of traditional techniques? yes. 

The second suggestion that would enable better use of sail power is cleaner rigging - something which allows space for handling containers, and possibly increased safety by not needing people to aloft as often, something which may incorporate the means to handle 10 t containers, like . . . 

We could also put solar panels on the yard arms to, amongst other things, drive electric bow thrusters or short term electric propulsion for entering / leaving ports etc. 

Just a few thoughts aimed at trying to combine the best of traditional with the best of modern . . . 

(And in terms of usage, I'd suggest a vessel like this may be good for archipelagos, much as small planes can be used flexibly. Also, I used to use my blog here for such ideas, but haven't used it for so long I se little point in trying to resurrect it for this.)

Post No. 2,146 - an absurdity

If someone cooks a meal in an oven, afterwards it will still retain the heat for a while, but the active heating element is not working, making what is being felt an after-image of the original cause, much as when we close our eyes after seeing a strong light we may see an after-image that is not the actual light itself. 

If someone picks up a crystal that has been charged with healing energy, they will feel the healing energy, but not the active intent that put it there - a little like "seeing" the wind by it's effects. 

As a variation on that, someone psychometrising an object will also feel the after-image of the vibrant principle, whether person or other, that actively created what is now being detected - but that is NOT the same as being or directly experiencing the actual active principle. 

When we eat healthy vegetables, herbs, and other plants, we get the direct benefit of the nutrients in the plant, and, much as we can experience the healing energy put into the crystals I mentioned above, the - hopefully - beneficial energy of the environment that the plant grew in - but we are NOT mystically ingesting the spiritual essence of that plant type. 

If we want to connect with the active, living, and intelligent essence of a plant species, we would need to connect to that through the astral or etheric - and do so by a respectful meeting as equals. We don't get that by eating the physical. 

This is something where fuzzy attempts at "thinking" and poorly understood psychometrical impressions have been widely misunderstood through the psychic field, in my opinion. 

To illustrate that with a few examples: 

  • there is a suggestion that some forms of cannibalism were an attempt to honour and partake in the essence of brave warriors or respected elders: they do neither - they consume a shadow of the vital principle (person) that was brave or respected, and are no more effective than lying in the shadow of an object enables one to get tanned by the sun which causes the shadow (mind you, given the risk of skin cancer, that particular folly would be better than actually getting a sun tan);
  • one area of magickal practice I came across many years ago advocated consuming the entirety of an animal in order to take in its essence. What a load of twaddle.
    Setting aside the ethical wrongs of that for a moment, again one is consuming the shadow, not the active vital principle - and much of what is being sought could be achieved by competent psychometry, rather than destroying what one is allegedly seeking to honour, and a FAR better way to access that power would be through connecting psychically, whether through meditation, a shamanic journey (that tradition described itself as "shamanic"), or similar.
    On the other hand, that tradition also talked about walking the length and bounds of a water catchment, which IS beneficial, as it puts one in direct contact with the still present active vital principles (not all good, owing to pollution, etc) of part of this world; and 
  • finally, and what triggered this little essay, I have started re-reading Katherine  Kurtz’s Lammas Night, which is an entertaining book, but gets caught up in the notion of having to make a physical sacrifice in order to access energy for a purpose.
    Once again, this is not correct - when someone dies as a sacrifice, their vital essence is GONE, and all one is left with is the after-image of that vitality, just as, once the oven is turned off, all one is left with is the gradually cooling after-image of the formerly active heating element.
    That doesn't add anything of significance energetically, although psychologically it may have impressed impressionable people.
    Such an active is ILLEGAL, spiritually and morally wrong and indefensible, and indicative of a world (or group or person, depending on the scale) that is so barbarous and backward that it believes in physical violence, war, and conflict in general - the sort of backwardness that is behind extraterrestrials not making open contact with us, as many people and groups have attested to.
    If you need energy for a working, you can build that energy by slowly, painstakingly, caringly creating BPM energy - just as, if you want to develop your psychic abilities, the best way to do so is through slow, careful, methodical, and persistent PRACTICE, not taking dangerous, ill-advised, undisciplined, uncontrollable and often
    ILLEGAL actions such as taking psychoactive substances (i.e., "drugs", whether legal or otherwise).

Take the time to do things in a way that is most constructive and of most long term benefit - BPM ways that do not harm sentient life, do not promote indiscipline or other immaturities (being contrary or rebellious is not standing up for oneself: it is reacting against something else, something outside and not of oneself), and help to build - NOT detract from by removing some of - all that is good in and of this world. The harm that can be done by deaths is shown by the harm done by the assassinations of Lincoln in the USA, Yitzhak  Rabin in Israel (which destroyed the Oslo Accords - as intended), and John F and  Robert F Kennedy in the USA - all cases where the harm is still continuing to this day. Even Christ's death was a problem, as it allowed the religion to be warped in ways that were not intended. Killing has a cost - to the mundane world, to the culture we all live in (one of the moral harms of capital punishment is that it demonstrates a limit to, and thus a diminishing of, the sanctity of life), and shows a deplorable spiritual immaturity on the part of all who advocate or demand it. Rather than that:

Be genuinely, spiritually, BPM better, and help to make the world so as well.

Saturday 29 January 2022

Post No. 2,145 - A Good Real Estate Agent

One of the most traumatic aspects of renting is the regular inspections to make sure the place isn't starting to fall down - at least the questionable and offensive trawling through personal possessions for signs of drugs (part of the many stupid biases against renters - on a par with the wrong notion that renters cannot order trespassers off their property [renters have the right to "quiet enjoyment"] ) seems to have stopped (I had one friend who would get me to protect her underwear drawer against real estate agents taking their time going through that, it was so bad back in the 80s and 90s). We also have a reduced frequency of inspection, owing to a combination of my partner's outstanding housekeeping and real estate agents' generally inane bias that people who keep the place neater will not be associated with damage to the property or the owner's perception of how the property is viewed. I qualified that with "generally" because hoarding and some lack of housekeeping can cause problems (e.g., attract inset pests that damage timber), and neighbours are typically as shallow, superficial and materialistic as those who get into moronic "houses are for building wealth not having a home" myth.

Against that is the idiotic tight-fistedness of some real estate agents, who, at a previous rental, refused our requests for repairs (that we couldn't do - e.g., leaking pipes) which led to damage to the place. (That's not an issue where we are now - maintenance is properly attended to.)

However, inspections are always an invasion of renters' privacy - and, in the last few years family health issues raised potential health risks - quite separate to the pandemic, which also raised health risks. We didn't have inspections during that period, which was good, but now they will resume. 

And we have had an extraordinarily good offer from the real estate agent doing the  inspection: to do it virtually. 

This reduces the extent of the intrusion into our privacy (and particularly minimises the psychic disruption to wards etc - and I've long ago given up on the delicate spells I used to use to aid vulnerable babies in hospitals), minimises residual health risks (the pandemic is still active), and enables the inspection to be undertaken without the agent having to spend time travelling. 

In this case, the agent is also aware of the potential for traumatising pets (having some themself), and has offered this partly to avoid traumatising the dog my partner is rehabilitating. As we moved here for the sake of our pets, that is a very well received gesture.

As far as I'm concerned, the notion of virtual inspections is a winner, and I think I will do some advocating for more of this with our local MPs. 

Post No. 2,144 - Reading and other links

I'm going to begin this with a reminder that the work of this blog is: 


  • BPM  strengthening  BPM units - some nonphysical, some incarnated people . . . and one of, if not the, best ways that is done is strengthening people's connection with their own Higher Self (which is often not what they interpret as their conscience).

Having made that point, here are some links that you, Dear Reader, may find of interest or value: 

  • a reflection on the history of how financial interests got out of control at the expense of the majority of people; 
  • suggestions on how to improve one's practice of Wiccan-style witchcraft; 
  • a useful reminder that life on other planet's is UNLIKELY to be humanoid; 
  • an article reports a "theory" that extraterrestrials have avoided contact because of our violence - which is well known to people such as the CE-5 movement
  • "an overview of evidence to support an afterlife"
  • an online video "you don't need a psychic to see signs from lost loved ones";
Human rights related links (originally published on my political blog) that you, Dear Reader, may find of interest or value
  • a comment that Russia's statements about Ukraine have not shown how military action would comply with international law (I have a few thoughts here, and there is a good overview in the media here). Also, the UK has accused Russia of wanting to install a puppet regime, and, in a significant indicator of expectations of violence, the US and UK have ordered families of diplomats to leave Ukraine, Australia has called for its citizens to leave, NATO (including the USA) has reinforced forces in eastern Europe, and the USA is threatening to use the Magnitsky Act (which has a history of being effective) against Putin - but the situation is different to when Russia invaded in 2014, and an invasion is less likely to be successful (there are also reports the massed troops have not been organised into combat formations). Furthermore, as Russia points out responses to date have ignored its main concerns, a reminder that "Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter prohibits aggressive war. This renders illegal any aggressive war on the part of Russia. Moreover, article 51 gives all states the right to self-defence on behalf of one. That is, this right authorizes “collective self-defence” by the international community of states against aggressive war"
  • a call to rethink nuclear weapons strategies (e.g., to a "deterrence only" approach);
  • a useful reminder that nations are complex and play a wide range of roles (i.e., they're generally neither all good nor all bad) with Russia playing an intermediary role between Iran (which is facing internal unrest over the prospect of talks) and the USA;  
  • Ethiopia will lift the state of emergency that was imposed in response to the uprising in Tigray;
  • the largest incursion to date by mainland China's airforce into Taiwanese airspace;
  • Chile has shown enlightened implementation of gender equality in its Cabinet appointments
  • suppression of criticism in Kyrgyzstan and continuing murders of journalists in Mexico
  • many Australians do not know of our inglorious connections to the Holocaust
  • as Australia's corruption ratings plummet, "Malawi’s president dissolves cabinet over corruption allegations";
  • fossil fuel companies have withdrawn from Burma over the junta's human rights record;
  • an oil spill in Peru blamed on the tsunami caused by a recent Tongan eruption is being cleaned up, but has caused significant environmental damage, and sanctions may be imposed; 
  • "long-duration energy storage systems are writing coal’s death certificate"; - but "changes in mindset and boosts in funding are key to achieving a swift transition to a climate-smart economy" (there are no technical blocks)
  • a family of Indian refugees have died of exposure on the US-Canadian border, leading to calls for reform;  
  • dozens of refugees are missing, feared drowned, after a human smuggling boat capsized on the way from Cuba to the USA;
  • criticism of Europe's border agency at a conference meant to resolve that agency's human rights abuses; 
  • Nigerian police continue to commit abuses; 
  • a Victoria Police search without suspicion operation has been criticised for missing the fact that poverty is the real problem (I continue to hold that the oath police swear is the cause of a lot of these elitist-favouring problems - that, and the low-level cumulative psychological damage of policing);
  • the national neolibs will boycott one of the more concerning (Chinese owned, in this instance) social media platforms after the PM's account was hacked (no, apparently it was SOLD - how the **** can that be???!!!) and turned into a CCP propaganda outlet for some time; 
  • the national neolib nitwits' proposed enable-religious-discrimination bill "will ‘clog’ [the] court system and deny access to justice";
  • the national neolib nitwits are still denying an Indigenous voice through their lip service attempt at formalising an Indigenous Voice to the Parliament;
  • on reconciliation, "to tell the truth, our flawed emotional logic must be laid bare";  
  • a correction that the national neolib nitwits haven't "freed" the Indigenous flag - that "transfer" of copyright was more "a violent appropriation of what Aboriginal people deem to be a symbol of reverence";
  • after a recent notorious visa case involving a sports "celebrity", a court has found that the visa case a popular refugee family being held in extended (and expensive) detention lacked fairness
  • the organisers of a sporting event in Australia have been called out for their human rights hypocrisy after T shirts asking where a Chinese female sports player (who criticised a sexual abuser and then disappeared after allegedly recanting) was - an apt question, given the CCP's history and style of suppressing dissent (the organisers recanted, but remain contemptible, IMO - and there are serious questions about the police reportedly involved in this: why are they acting as agents of foreign repression?)
  • the violent bigots who have power in Afghanistan are probably succeeding in their quest for political legitimacy by being included in an international conference to solve the humanitarian crisis that the bigots have created - although the intent is that aid be linked to respect for human rights;
  • as Burkina Faso undergoes a military coup, a reflection on why - beyond the internal politics and structure - the UN Security Council "stumbles in responding to coups", and Ghana has "implored" ECOWAS and West African governments to "proactively tackle the underlying causes of military takeovers in the sub-region to avert their increasing effect on security and socio-economic development"
  • a more easily stored and transported vaccine against COVID - which will be of immense benefit to places like Africa
  • a sports club has received a token fine for its fans' homophobic abuse, another club's homophobic fans could face hate crimes charges, a hate crimes unit is investigating online homophobic abuse of a player, and a sports organisation has been criticised for setting an effectively transphobic policy; 
  • a West Asian airline is allegedly trying to silence its pilots raising safety concerns;  
  • a warning to learn from mistakes around other social media when considering using the "meta" verse
  • how a powerful and honest speech led to Germany facing its history under hitler;
  • "teaching tolerance in schools cannot avoid controversy";
  • children of smokers are worse off than children of non-smokers; 
  • a thoughtful reflection on whether an Australian national identity is outdated
  • based on what has happened recently, a call for our society to base work on a four day working week.

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Post No. 2,143 - Fixing avoidable problems after the fact

There is a lot of valid criticism of nations trying to do things like "sportswashing" their human rights abuses (distracting the world from the fact they are committing human rights abuses - egregiously so, in some cases - with international sports events), and corporations investing in philanthropic works but getting their money in ways that are damaging, unethical, or unsound. 

The abusive nations I won't cover in this post - they, and those idiots who are duped by their distractions, are repugnant, and morally indefensible. 

However, I do want to briefly consider corporate ethics. 

If we go back a few decades, we had things like widespread advertising of smoking, widespread drinking to excess, highly questionable ethics ("gifts" and other more severe forms of corruption) and misogynistic and other discriminatory abuses that are only now coming to light through the actions of the Me Too, BLM, and other movements. 

Many companies are not stupid: they know bad publicity harms them (reduced income, possibly legal costs, etc), so they started seeking, some years ago, to avoid doing the wrongdoing that exposed them to the bad publicity that hurt their profits. Some time after that they realised that "being proactively good" (i.e., inclusive, corporate social responsibility, etc) actually had direct benefits - it boosted their profits, and thus they went from doing unbridled harm through damage minimisation to anti-wrongdoing. 

This has been aided by investors/shareholders and customers setting expectations that go beyond price and immediate quality, and there are companies providing independent assessments of how ethical companies, or who are specialising in ethical superannuation, banking, investment, etc. 

In some cases, however, no matter what the company does, they cannot make up for the harm they do - and the environmental damage caused by fossil fuel companies fits into that category, in my opinion. 

(Incidentally, I am satisfied that the company I work for is doing good - sustainable water & wastewater [which is where I work], solar power, community skills building, CSR, etc.) 

Some companies are somewhere between the two - it is a grey area whether the good they are doing offsets the harm, and that is also affected by whether they are genuine in their caring (or perhaps how genuine they are)

All of this also applies to individuals

  • instead of just ensuring you are recycling, perhaps you should reduce using plastic in the first place, and buy goods made from recycled plastic when no plastic-free options are available (my partner is excellent at this)
  • instead of focusing on buying green power, build houses that aren't effectively tents (which is how Australian houses have been described); and 
  • instead of focusing on charitable giving, get involved in preventing or fixing the problems that create poverty and other needs for assistance - for instance, be anti-racist.

Above all else, think deeply:

are you minimising or fixing problems that you should not be creating in the first place?

I have a few thoughts here that are worth considering, also. 

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Post No. 2,142 - new definition and possibility of ads

I've posted - largely out of frustration at a superficial and glib response to a caution I gave a company - a new definition: lip service

I have also got to the stage where it is worth my while considering advertisements on this blog. I'd rather not, but this gives me a greater possibility of being able to focus on my blogging. This is a bit of prior notice so you can think about this. 

Sunday 23 January 2022

Post No. 2,141 - Comments and Community

When I first started this blog, some of the people I knew at the time were quite offended that I had turned comments off. I did that, however, as I consider comments should be moderated in most situations to weed out hate speech, trolling, abuse, etc - it just seemed obvious to me. 

And it was something I didn't - and still don't - have the time and energy to do. 

And now, with recent court decisions saying groups are responsible for the content posted in their group pages, I consider myself well vindicated. 

It's great - the world has caught up with where I was at 14 years ago 😁 

There is a downside of course, much as I've paid a price for avoiding social media platforms that I consider questionable ethically (although I acknowledge that they have got better [less bad?] in recent years). In the case of this blog, enabling comments would possibly enable or contribute to the development of an online community.

It's also possible, based on some of the rubbish emails I've received over the years, that it wouldn't - or would only do so in a flawed way. 

I have looked at other options, such as mailing lists, Patreon, and Yahoo groups, but there have been problems with those (in the case of Yahoo, when they were sold to Verizon suddenly I had demands for disclosure of personal information to Verizon that I considered unacceptable, so I left).

If I ever get to retire, and am able to recover from the demands of my day job when I do so, I may revisit all this on the basis that I have time and energy to moderate comments - as the law has now made clear I have to. 

Until then, I apologise for the lack of an online community based on this blog: that is certainly something I would like to have one day.

Post No. 2,140 – This Week’s Psychic Weather Report and Work No. 0292

Black Lives Matter! Be Anti-Racist, Anti-Sexist, and Actively Inclusive in ALL Areas.
The Climate Crisis is real, urgent and

The Pandemic is Real, and Vaccinations save lives. Stay safe - wash your hands, practice social distancing and wear a face mask in public, and follow informed medical advice - and be considerate towards those at risk or in situations of vulnerability (including economic) while the COVID-19 pandemic is a problem.

This week’s assessment is:

I have also found a live 24-hour display of output from the Global Consciousness Project, and and, which I will be referring to regularly as a supplement to this.

This week’s plan is:

My approach this week will be (incidentally, if you disagree, please use your own interpretations, or your own divinations [see the monthly “World Psychic Predictions / Remote Viewing" here for an example of other approaches):

Sunday: refer to map

Monday: refer to map

Tuesday: refer to map

Wednesday: refer to map

Thursday: refer to map

Friday: refer to map

Saturday: this day will now be reserved for rest, recuperation and healing – of all those who are trying in a BPM way to make this planet a better place.
May any and all healers who wish to contribute to this, take a few minutes to contribute to this goal on this day.

(The colours for the days are:   Sunday - gold,   Monday - grey,   Tuesday - red-orange,   Wednesday - green,   Thursday - blue,   Friday - purple.)

Routine Explanation / commentary

My “Magickal Battle of the World”, dowsing, and other courses on this blog can be found at

There is an introduction / reminder / explanation about these posts here (and also see here for some investigation into evidence of the effectiveness of this type of work, which shows variability [and mentions causes] and cycles in the energetic/consciousness response), and some additional comments at the end of this post. Please also note that I hope this work will be taken up by a network of competent dowsers and BPM psychic warriors (also, this blog was created for spiritual reasons, including a course: this is just part of it). See also this excellent analysis on this topic.

As you read this, consider this: how does one outflank an idea, or attack an emotion in the rear? It is as well to consider what those who are unbalanced could do to good ideas and emotions, as well as considering BPM ways to outflank or “attack in the rear” bad ideas/emotions. Also consider geopolitics, and this mapping exercise.

Remember, the meditation (see here, here, and here) consists of:

 - appropriate and responsible protection (see here, here, here), prayer and ritual (e.g., here) to establish and check protection (re-do or re-schedule, if you don’t feel safe and secure);

 - establish a personal connection to higher BPM influences;

 - flush one's aura with emerald green, royal blue and royal purple;

 - fill one’s Heart Chakra (and maybe one’s Earth Star, Solar Plexus, Third Eye and Crown Chakras) with emerald green, royal blue and royal purple; send a weave of three streams of this colour from the Chakra(s) to a visualisation of a gigantic, multi-faceted emerald (which has been created to facilitate networking of BPM workers) through your facet until you see your energy enlivening other areas of the emerald and can feel similar energies flowing back to you;

 - visualise the rune / bindrune (if given - or, on Sunday, the group of symbols provided);

 - generate  feelings of love, peace, joy and respect;

 - strengthen those feelings (energies);

 - radiate those energies to the world for nine to eighteen minutes;

 - close your chakras, centre yourself and close your aura, use the banishing version of the LBRP to close circle, ground and release all excess energy; and make sure you are grounded and closed down – eat, if you need to, or seek help from someone capable and trusted. As a final point, note that your BPM family of choice (i.e., friends - especially those outside this area of your life) and BPM family will help keep your life grounded - but they must be BPM: as the Wiccan  Rede says “With a fool no season spend, nor be counted as their friend”. Similarly, you should focus on all that you love in life outside this work at the end of a session - and, if you have nothing else, you must broaden your life for the sake of being balanced and thus capable (and seek expert help, if necessary); and
 - make sure you are yourself again - free of any lingering attachments or (misguided) ideas of being subservient, respectful of yourself and your integrity as you should be of others.

Important note: although I show the flow of energy using arrows, they are really - to continue the weather chart analogy - more like the passage of a frontal system as shown on a synoptic (“weather”) chart. Also, if I ever miss doing a Psychic Weather Report, I have posted a standard, fall-back, default version here, which I will update from time to time when needed.

My changing the personality of oppressors and other world leaders post is here. It is also worth contemplating that one of the greatest weaknesses of those who oppose Balanced Positivity is the inherent pain, suffering and negativity of their aims and means – from the personal slights, insults and traumas left by the petty tyrant or autocrat, dictator or monarch or those oligarchs who are ruthless (some at least are not; some are BPM), through the social dislocation of the economic ideologue, to the long-lasting trauma, injury, death and desolation of society caused by those who use violence or war as a means to achieve power or impose their will. It may take time, but people WILL eventually realise what is not good, and will take action – which is why slavery is no longer ubiquitous, and why the march to freedom and democracy is underway – tentatively, and with backsliding and mistakes along the way, but inexorable nevertheless.

Also, if you’re interest is healing, I have changed the way I do these posts to more clearly show opportunities for doing healing.

In addition, those interested in providing protection for others always have a place – refer to the first item from yesterday’s summation of world events (details and link above), for instance.

Finally, a reminder that if none of this is of any interest to you, but you would still like to contribute energetically / psychically to making the world a better place, there are other options – for instance, this comprehensive list, and see also here (new, as of Oct., 2020), here, here, here, here, here, here, here (and here), here, and here – and, no doubt, many other places on the internet.


Black Lives Matter!
The Climate Crisis is real, urgent and