Annual reviews and “best of”

I have decided to link to my annual reviews, blogiography, and “best of” reviews here - largely for my convenience, as I intend to use this to create a “best of” book.

In doing this work, it has amazed me how much of my content is actually working posts - psychic weather reports and the like. 

So ... 

Annual reviews: 

Note: the preceding “best of” reviews will not be detailed below.


“Best of” reviews:

Owing to the length the interim post has reached, I have decided to post the interim copy here and keep updating it here until it is completed (at which point I will reconfigure this page a little). I may add more posts to 2020 - 2023. 


Year 2023

There MIGHT be others to add: 


Year 2022

There MIGHT be others to add:


Year 2021

There MIGHT be others to add: 


Year 2020

There MIGHT be others to add:



Posts worth considering from: 

Year 2019 (12 No. posts)

  • “Post No. 1,465 - Selfishness”   I noted in particular others not dropping everything to start working on the bushfires   Labels:   selfishness, emergencies/responses, bushfires, inflexibility, flawed/rigid "thinking", timing of global workings, arrogance, global wave of energy, magick,  
  • “Post No. 1,456 - Making the world a better place”   Considers binding spells and the need to address psychic control, the need for nonviolence (especially physical), specific politicians of that time - and media, sexist blindness/appropriation of ideas, ethics, and the work of peace advocate Paul K Chappell (which shows the need for patience and persistence) and other links   Labels:   society, nonviolence, activism, upstanders, sexism, Paul K Chappell, patience, persistence, witchcraft activism, media, Dion Fortune, John Beckett, magickal battle of the world,  

Year 2018 (10 No. posts)

Year 2017 (5 No. posts)

Year 2016 (28 No. posts)

Year 2015 (22 No. posts)

  • Put behind a “Sensitive Content” warning by Blogger, and a re-written version will eventually be completed by me to fix the problems (as I understand them to be):   “Post No. 740 - Can One Person Make a Difference?”    Labels:   Abraham Lincoln, action, change, evolution, Gandhi, history, inaction, John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, personal characteristics, personal responsibility, whistleblowing  

Year 2014 (33 No. posts)

  • “Post No. 604 - Some Sources of Negative Energy?”   Labels:   control, energy work, indirect psychic attack, meditation, nonviolence, peace, Psychic attack, runes, violence, war,   Editorial comment:   I now have considerable doubt about a formal, secret Russian psychic operation - they’ve got far further with troll farms and direct foreign influence. The early warning (by others) about a neochristian movement was particularly prescient ...  
  • “Post No. 599 – Language, links to concepts, and karma vs. victim blaming”   Labels: about me, attitudes, blaming others, clearing, emotions, hate, karma, links, love, personal responsibility, perspective, reincarnation,   Editorial comment:   I consider there little point in trying to discuss the taking-personal-responsibility-for-oneself aspect of karma, as the “it’s victim blaming” bandwagon - and the haters/incompetents who validly triggered those concerns - have made it a lost cause. People will see what they have to when they pass over anyway, so I don’t consider that too much of a loss. The argument that people take on unpleasant situations as a test of others, though, needs to be pointed out fairly regularly - and is well worth doing so, as it prompts others into growth  


All posts before mid-September, 2014 are recorded in my 18 No. blogiography posts, all accessible via the first post in that series, which is: 


  • “Post No. 583 – Next steps with energy (colour) work”   Labels:   about me, Balanced Positivity, chakras, clearing, colour, energy work, flaming, health, objectivity, practice, rescue, responsibility, safety, society, visualisation, well being,   “Something I have come to realise with chakras is that what we see is actually only the outlet: the ‘other’ end of each (major) chakra is an inlet on the Inner Planes – the nonphysical worlds, if you prefer”   
  • “Post No. 577 - “Gnosis: “The Lost Gospels”” by Anglican priest Pete Owen Jones, and the rise of neochristianity”    Labels:   Christianity, discrimination, history, neochristianity, society,   “All in all, I am rather shocked by Rev. Pete Owen Jones rather easy acceptance of the decisions made around the Apocrypha, and the violent path that those decisions led to.   ...   All told, I have to say this TV show is the best presentation in support of my contention that much of what we see now is actually neochristianity, rather than Christianity, that I have ever come across.   Rev Pete interviews experts in the various fields and reviews the archaeological evidence   ...”    
  • “Post No. 571 - Changing the personality of oppressors (and other world leaders) [Content warning - includes discussion on abuses committed by oppressors, and personal abuses]”    Labels:   aura, Balanced Positivity, change, clearing, energy work, evil, growth, guides, negativity, personality,   
  • “Post No. 567 - An “Egyptian” version of the LBRP”    Labels:   about me, devoking, Egypt, energy work, invocation, Israel Regardie, Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, magick, protection, rituals,   “Now, as far as I know, the Ancient Egyptians did not use anything similar to this – for all I know they may have, but I consider that if they had, some evidence of it would have been found by now and proudly claimed by someone or another. So … my view is that this a modern creation, an example of that Unverified Personal Gnosis (UPG) that some people don’t like”   I am now DEFINITE that the Ancient Egyptians did NOT have anything like this, so it is entirely a modern creation   
  • “Post No. 555 - Are families evil?”   Labels:   control, evil, family, karma,   “Well, no, actually, they’re not all evil - but the dangerous assumption that they are predominantly good needs to be challenged. Assuming that families can ‘always be relied on for … ’, or that relationship X always means … is wrong. Life is more complex than that.   ...    If your family is not like this, you are truly blessed … so long as that is truly the case, and you are not being naïve ...”   
  • “Post No. 552 - Some Sunnudagr Speculations - including some thoughts for tonight's meditation”   Labels:   artificer, choice, courage, cult of celebrity, discrimination, maturity, personal responsibility, protection, society, subservience, uniformity, variety,   Includes some info on protective devices I have made   


Year 2013

  • “Post No. 440 - The Magical Battle of Melbourne, Australia and Humanity”    Labels: about me, attitudes, connectedness, control, Dion Fortune, Group Mind, Higher Self, Jung, levels, parallels, planes of existence, psychic work, runes, society, Soul, soul parts, subconscious, unconscious, visualisation   
(To make this a little more interesting for me, I am adding some of the earlier years first)  

Year 2009 (18 No. posts)

  • “Post No. 090 - Logic flaws”   Labels: balance, daily life, Douglas Sirk, evil, Herman Hesse, life lessons, Nazism, Oskar Schindler, philosophy, religion, Righteous Amongst the Nations, warfare      
  • “Post No. 089 - A new visualisation for dealing with psychic attack [Content Warning: Psychic Attack]”   (The images need to be reposted by me at some stage - or a transcription used, which I will get to in due course)   Labels: energy work, protection, Psychic attack, visualisation      
  • “Post No. 062 - Perspective”   Labels: attitudes, discrimination, emotions, family, interpersonal interactions, judging others, life lessons, Lobsang Rampa, personal characteristics, self knowledge      

Year 2008 (15 No. posts)

  • “Post No. 038 - Giving oneself a kick up the backside [anger, interpersonal interactions, judging others, life lessons, personal characteristics, self criticism/knowledge]”   Labels: about me, anger, communication, I Ching, interpersonal interactions, judging others, life lessons, personal characteristics, prophecy, self knowledge,   
  • “Post No. 035 - Evil [Content Warning - discussion on Evil, including Bigotry/Discrimination, and Harm]”   Labels: breathing, change, emotions, energy work, evil, interpersonal interactions, judging others, Lobsang Rampa, love, mirrorology, morality, personal characteristics, Psychic attack,   
  • “Post No. 034 - Doing things differently [Content Warning: automatic/unconscious biases are criticised]”   Labels: about me, chakras, cross-fertilisation (ideas), energy work, interpersonal interactions, judging others, personal characteristics, symbology,  

Year 2007 (22 No. posts) - my apologies for the order not matching the numbers: either I mucked up the numbering, or the order was changed when I did some edits
  • “Post No. 029 - Protection [Content Warning: interpersonal interactions, problems, karma, life lessons, psychic attack]”    Labels:   interpersonal interactions, karma, life lessons, Lobsang Rampa, love, past lives, planes of existence, protection, Psychic attack, Seth,    
  • “Post No. 026 - Judging others [Content Warning: Judgementalism, bigotry / discrimination, harm]”    Labels:   about me, discrimination, interpersonal interactions, judging others, karma, personal characteristics, polarity,   
  • “Post No. 024 - Them and us [Content Warning: harm, bigotry, judgementalism, harm / abuse]”    Labels:   about me, Buddhism, change, emotions, initiation, karma, life lessons, mirrorology, past lives, personal characteristics, responsibility,   



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Copyright © Kayleen White 2007-2024     NO AI   I do not consent to any machine learning aka Artificial Intelligence (AI), generative AI, large language model, machine learning, chatbot, or other automated analysis, generative process, or replication program to reproduce, mimic, remix, summarise, or otherwise  replicate any part of this post or other posts on this blog via any means. Typos may be inserrted deliberately to demonstrate this is not an AI product.     Otherwise, fair and reasonable use is accepted under Creative Commons 4.0 on an Attribution-ShareAlike basis