Wednesday 27 February 2019

Post No. 1,286 - India, Kashmir, and Pakistan

I am currently working towards a prevention of further escalation of the situation in India, Kashmir, and Pakistan, and request all who are able to do so to join in, doing whatever they can for peace.

My aims are outlined here, and there is a running summary here.

Post No. 1,285 - No PWR this week

As a result of the continuing, major illness of a very close and very dear family member (for her psychic protection I will give no other details), I will not do a Psychic Weather Report this week, and will possibly do limited posting throughout 2019. Please use the default this week:
  • Sunday: the purpose of this day’s work is, mainly, to build a reserve of BPM energy to call upon during the coming week. In addition to the meditation / clearing work described below, I will also be working on making sure I, my crystals and my other tools / devices are as fully charged with BPM energy as I can make them (which is something I have posted about elsewhere, but may post more about in the near future):
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to the Arctic, South Atlantic Ocean, Southern Ocean, Antarctica, and the Indian Ocean, and to all actual and potential BPM Leaders, for all humans to recognise the essential shared humanness of other people, all BPM Interrupters of violence / hate / fear / anger, and for all humans to choose to live modestly;
  • Monday:
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to all of America, and the North and South Atlantic Oceans, Europe, and European Russia;
  • Tuesday:
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to Europe, European Russia, all of Africa and West Asia;
  • Wednesday:
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to the Indian Ocean, West and Central Asia, European Russia and Siberia;
  • Thursday:
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to South, East, mainland South East Asia and archipelagic South East Asia;
  • Friday:
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to South and West Asia, European Russia and North America;
  • Saturday: this day will now be reserved for rest, recuperation and healing – of all those who are trying in a BPM way to make this planet a better place, not only of myself and those who are sharing this work. I ask that any and all healers who wish to contribute to this, take a few minutes to contribute to this on this day.
The default bindrune is:

Sunday 24 February 2019

Post No. 1,284 - Cross Posting: Male vs. female in the workplace

This was originally posted at


For personal reasons, this is going to be a rushed post: apologies in advance.

To begin with, it is a simplification (ESPECIALLY AS IT USES A BI-POLAR MODEL OF GENDER, AND THAT IS WRONG - but it is hard enough to get some people in workplaces to accept a 2nd gender in the workplace . . . ), but it is possible to present the strength (or proportion of a gender with) characteristics using what is typically termed "a bell curve".

If we look at the above diagram (and apologies for the cropping), and say it is showing height, you could say some women are shorter than average (shown on the right - I've reversed the pattern of showing female on the left because that is art of the building of discrimination against women in patriarchal societies, because of the association of left and evil [which also affects left handed people]), most are around average (under the peak), some are as tall as men (some are actually much taller than most men), some men are shorter than some women, and so on.

If we were to call it something that is stereotypically (and thus it is a misleading simplification, in many cases) ascribed to men, such as aggression, you would see there is some overlap between the two genders, and a minority have an excess of aggression.

This affected by things like social conditioning. This curve a few decades ago could have looked more like the following:
Note particularly the areas of unfulfilled lives (for both genders) and severe personal problems. Such still exist for many reasons, but one is that we continue to condition (or socially engineer) people into bipolar stereotypes.

If we move to the modern workplace, which has changed a little in recent decades, we could portray the situation as being as follows:
Where workplaces has moved slightly towards a more balanced position, but:
  • thee fact that some women have coped in a male-dominated workplace is incorrectly used to resist change; 
  • some of the behaviours shown or expected in workplaces (such as a belief in competition, or resistance to changing language to be inclusive or, at the very least, gender neutral) are characteristic of a more extreme expression of gender stereotypes.
All of the above helps to illustrate, in my opinion, the fact that we need to continue addressing gender bias, as well as discrimination, in the workplace. Whether they like it or not, the predominant gender in any workplace will have to change as human beings throughout most of the organisation to properly, sustainably, address discrimination.

As a final point, this also applies equally to female dominated workplaces - representatives of which I have heard within the last few years using exactly the same arguments and words as men did two or three decades ago.

Post No. 1,283 - Cross Posting: Political Tribes: A Comment

This was originally posted at


I recently mentioned Amy Chua's book "Political Tribes" (Pub. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018, London, ISBN 978-1-4088-8154-5; Amazon; a review here). Well, I've now finished reading it, and:

  • about 75% of it I agree with, ranging from, "oh, that makes sense" to "<expletive deleted> yeah!"
  • about 10% I'm neutral about, and 
  • about 25% of it I disagree with, ranging from, "no, that doesn't seem right" to "<expletive deleted> no!";
My main problem is the conclusion, which is that face-to-face contact potentially enables people to overcome their biases. I agree with that - quite strongly, but it isn't a viable or sensible solution to the problem of bigotry in society.

There are too many bigots, with too many forms of hate, to expect that members of minorities can realistically meet them all, and convert them.

Apart from the mathematical impossibility, it is incredibly wearing on the victims of discrimination - after 30 years, I am heartily fed up with having to justify my existence simply to get some basic manners out of bigots.

That also illustrates the moral dilemma - it is not for the victims of wrongful behaviour to demonstrate that their persecutors are wrong. If I was to take a slightly different perspective on that, Lesson Ten of the MOOC Chile course "Introduction to Human Rights" contains the following:
These prohibited grounds operate as a reason to invert the burden of proof in cases in which the law, state organs, public officials, or private actors make a distinction between a person who displays any of these characteristics and another one who does not.
After making a prima facie case that such a distinction took place - for example, between two workers of different skin colour - the burden of proof turns to the State or the private actor to show that the distinction was legitimate, necessary, and proportionate. If it was not, the distinction is arbitrary and constitutes discrimination.
Morally, it is not up to me to justify that others should refrain from their abusive behaviour - the abuser must demonstrate a valid justification for doing so, and, if they cannot, their behaviour is wrong.

Going back to Ms Chua's book, in simpler cases, such as a political divide, this approach can be useful, and it could possibly be used to get the leaders of communities which are biased to change their positions and allow more effective education, but the best solution remains prevention: counter the social engineering (by religions, peers, parents, etc) that turns children, who are mostly (not all!) relatively blank slates into haters - rather, actively teach them, in school, to be accepting and tolerant.

Post No. 1,282 – Gnwmythr’s News Ed. No. 253

For the sake of my health, until I retire or change to an easier day job , I have cut back these posts.
Throughout 2019, these posts are likely to be cut back even further as a family illness is dealt with.
Information and Summary of News with Opinion / Advocacy / Analysis:
(1) I am NOT a journalist (this blog was created for spiritual reasons, including a course), and make NO claims to objectivity or freedom from bias.
(2) Furthermore, I do NOT hold copyright to any of the articles I link to, nor do I claim authorship, except for those links to material I have written for this and my related blogs, and my commentary in these posts. (I try to make sure quotes are shown using quotation marks.)
The purpose of posting these news links is not only to inform; it is also to
     stimulate a connection to:
      - nonBPM units that need to be cleared, and
      - BPM units that need to be strengthened,
     so that you can do the clearing / strengthening that is required.
That only works if you don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by this, so take it in small chunks if you need to, but remember to actively clear and heal! … including yourself.
As part of that, note that there are key uncooperatives to be cleared (rescued): you should ONLY address those that are within your ability – if you get a sense (e.g., through meditation) or are told by your BPM Guides/Higher Self to back off, do so, and content yourself with clearing the smaller nonBPM units within your capability – which will weaken those uncooperatives. More importantly, there are many people doing this sort of work, and others are quite likely to be able to clear the uncooperatives concerned.
That is also one of the many reasons it is OK to take a break or cut back this work if you need – in fact, doing so will help you deal with the next point, which is …
… the energies we use and manifest in our daily lives contribute to the larger soup of energies that influence world events, so it pays to address those as well, to the extent that one can, or to at least stop oneself projecting them into the psychic soup.
The reminders / explanations about Sunday’s meditation-clearing are here;     see also here,     here,     here,     (here and also here and here are interesting),     here, here,     here,     and     this post reminds us to be patient and persistent, like a “speeding oak”.
There are some notes at the end of this post about other options for those who do not like this way of working.
Finally, one of the biggest concerns I have about spirituality in the world now is that the concept of agape type love has been perverted into both a quest for emotional warm fuzzies, and an excuse to avoid doing the hard work of improving oneself and all that one does. See also here and here.
The themes that come to mind for my work this week, after I review all this news, are:
(a)   based on my interpretation of information here and here with Uranus in Aries contributing to fresh and possibly radical starts (until March 2019), and Pluto in Capricorn contributing to a transformation of power and business (and careers) (until some date in the Year 2024), conditions are ripe for a change for the better in world politics;
(b)   there is an enormous need to clear nonBPM energy – the thought forms, unattached energy and scars of the collective unconscious created by millennia of violence, including spirit rescue, and healing the warped views, seemingly “inherent” biases, and other damage created. Also, remember:
(1) the counter to fear is genuine  EQ and clear thinking, expressed through calm, de-escalating speech,
(2) where problems exist, advocating for BPM responses, and being as BPM as one can be, are constructive solutions,
(3) peace is powerful, but it is a process requiring patient, persistent and nuanced nurturing, and a blend of conventional spiritual work, clearing nonBPM units, and physical world activism;
(c)   dealing with the 45th “President” of the USA requires:
1. eroding
(i.e., slow, patient and persistent clearing of the little bits one can SAFELY cope with – remember, you are but one of many) the nonBPM influences feeding his arrogance and his mind-set, and strengthening that person’s BPM Guides and giving those BPM Guides whatever BPM help they need to present a BPM alternative to promote a change of heart,
2. lifting the nonBPM influences from the shoulders of that person’s marginal supporters, allowing them to “come to their senses”,
which may result in them feeling bewilderment/shame, and simultaneously strengthening the BPM influences around them (e.g., their BPM Guides) to counter them backsliding,
3. physical world activism
(especially education) – e.g., this. As well as doing what one can there, help those who are doing this work (e.g., sending them “positive vibes”) and look for nonBPM blockages that can be cleared (e.g., setting up a BPM vortex above meetings to draw away external nonBPM influences/energies/units, so that the audience can listen as they are, without any obsession/possession);
4. Ensuring opposition to POTUS45 is unified, cohesive and FOCUSED, NOT fractured or divisive;
(d)   the major events this week are:
(i)   as attraction to violence continues to be inadequately addressed, the search for
humans rights abusers continues, and further to the current map of genocides, this week there are risks of mass atrocities in   Nigeria, South Sudan and Syria,
(ii)   ongoing violent conflicts and crises in Syria, Afghanistan, Mexico, Iraq, Burma, Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Libya, Sudan (Darfur and South Kordofan), Yemen, Egypt (Sinai), Kurdistan, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Mali, DR Congo, Burundi, Kashmir, Baluchistan (Pakistan and Iran), India (Maoist and other insurgencies), the Maghreb (Africa), Ukraine, and elsewhere;
(iii) refugee and humanitarian crises;   -   the political madness of regimes with authoritarian leaders – and all who put or keep them there;   -   and, specific to this week,     reminders of the value of democracy, and moves towards less onerous living conditions;     abusers trying to take advantage of the results of their abuses, and other abusers continuing to hide or deny their acts of evil as their victims flee or suffer;     imperfect communication, including media;     attempts by the powerful elites and their puppets to hang on to power, including by attacking those who want change for the better;     continuing delusional denial of the climate change crisis, despite warnings from more and more people;     thoughtlessness and short-sightedness;     the mainstreaming of hate;     tensions, threats and fear internationally;     brainwashing and enforced compliance;     misuse and abuse of technology;     naivetĂ©;     gossip;
(e)   may people never be too afraid to BPM admit the truth;
(f)   may all that is good continue and flourish;
(g)   may people have the BPM balance and equanimity to face change courageously;
(h)   may people never glibly or tritely dive in, go along or accept anything;
(i)   may people BPM listen, and take BPM care to be clear;
(j)   may people never cause others to dig their toes on by being too pushy, and may those who have been obstinate be BPM shown how to change;
(k)   may all abuses or misuses of power be BPM resisted, neutralised, and reversed;
(l)  may all else that should BPM asked for, also be done;
It is absolutely VITAL that this psychic / metaphysical / spiritual work be performed non-violently and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good – which is part of being BPM – on all levels and in all ways. Always remember (see here): Do you fight to change things, or to punish? See also here, here, here, here, here, and my comments about “authentic presence“ in this post.
News and other matters from this past week follows:
   news items are presented in the following sections (there is overlap, and items may appear more than once; those without news deleted each week):
   -   Permanent Issues and Thematically Arranged News:
          permanent issues;     particular attention;
          democracy, freedom, governance, and ethics;     the USA and POTUS45;
          violent extremism;     refugees and migrants;     human rights
           (including homophobia/transphobia, white supremacism, trafficking
          and children’s rights, sexism, religious rights, workers’ rights, animals’ rights,
          and privacy, differently abled and other rights);     war, violence and hate;
          peace;     spirituality and psychism;     natural and other catastrophes;
          modern lifestyle (including climate change and environment, technology
          and science, economic and financial, housing, health and medical);     media;
          education;     crime judicial and police;
   -   Location-based News:
         Africa;     South and Central America;
          mainland China, East and South East Asia, and the Pacific;     Europe;
          Ukraine;     Russia and Central Asia;     Afghanistan;     South Asia;
          West Asia and northern Africa;
   -   Other Sites;
   opportunities/good news (in my opinion) are shown in green;
   comments (by me) are shown in purple; and
   WARNING: some of these links may contain triggers around issues such as violence, sexual assault, discrimination, etc.
Permanent Issues and Thematically Arranged News:
  • Permanent issue: may all actual and potential BPM Leaders and their Significant Others be kept BPM safe, undetectable and inviolable against indirect  psychic attack, and may they have all the BPM resources (including an assured income), opportunities and assistance for them to be BPM effective, all as is for the Highest Spiritual Good;
  • Permanent issue: may all humans recognise, irrespective of the appearance of difference, the essential shared humanness of other people, the strength of BPM collaboration, and the opportunities of having a diverse, inclusive and welcoming population, and may all people choose fairness, when such decisions are before them;
  • Permanent issue: may all actual and potential BPM  Violence Interrupters (and Interrupters of hate / fear / anger) of be kept BPM safe, and may they have all the BPM opportunities and assistance for them to be BPM effective at containing and stopping – along the lines of the Cure Violence model - the spread of violence (and hate / fear / anger), all as is for the Highest Spiritual Good;
  • Permanent issue: may all humans choose to live modestly – to forgo outdoing others, or trying to have more than they need - for the sake of an easier, more manageable life, if they cannot do it for the sake of the planet, and may we all exercise our human characteristics of reason, self discipline and improvement to overcome the often evil flaw of seeking social status;
  • Permanent issue: may all humans be in better communication with the better parts of their nature – especially those who need that more than other, better people;
  • Matters warranting particular attention:
         this week on reversing the deliberate, well-funded, long-term strategy (from about the 70s) to make self-interest seem normal and a commitment to fairness (such as former US President Franklin D Roosevelt’s Four  Freedoms) an aberration (see also here, here, and here):     the entirety of this blog and all other spiritual work and physical activism I and many others do;     a second “Atlantic Charter” in support of democracy and freedom – text and signatories here;     a retiring Australia politician “has used his final speech to parliament to warn against a resurgence of what he termed ‘American race-based, dog-whistle politics’, arguing democracies work best when they exhibit moral force”;     trial of a four-day week lowered stress and increased productivity by 20%;
       on the Rohingya  genocide this week:
       -   a call for education for Rohingya refugee children;     burma is trying to attract investment to the areas it drove the Rohingya out of (again – the first time was in 1785);
       on other matters requiring particular attention:
       -   this week I found nothing in the news on Afghanistan,   Ukraine;
       -   more on the indigenous child suicide crisis;
       -   “the Catholic church is still making excuses for” child abuse, and doing “too little, too late” - and has admitted to a secret plan for priests who father children;
       -   more Saudi women have fled;     ways to overcome the disadvantage women have in superannuation;     the UN is belatedly taking some action on the abuse of women;
       -   the world’s most under-reported humanitarian crises (Haiti, Ethiopia, Madagascar, DR Congo, and the Philippines);
       -   the growing world-wide attack on NGOs;
       -   “almost a decade after Norway signed a $1 billion deal with Indonesia to help protect its tropical forests, the first payment for reduced emissions will be made after deforestation rates fell;     a move to a grocery delivery service using reusable packaging in the USA;    “Europe would still be able to feed its growing population even if it switched entirely to environmentally friendly approaches such as organic farming” (and moved away from grain-fed meat), but the “world's food supply [is] under ‘severe threat’ from loss of biodiversity –see also here;     the fears of students for their future in light of climate change are being ignored;     “the Swedish teenager whose lone protest against climate change spurred a global youth movement has told an Australian state education minister his words ‘belong in a museum’ after he warned students against attending an upcoming protest” – see also here;     facing up to the age of environmental breakdown”;     militaries are warning of risks from climate change;
       -   a man has been charged over staging an alleged racist and homophobic attack to increase his salary(IF the charges are proven – and he is innocent until proven guilty – he is an UTTER, IRRESPONSIBLE IDIOT);     “US senators call for [the] resignation of [a] newspaper chief who urged [a notorious racist group] to ‘ride again’ ”;     a Guardian Australia exclusive reports “Australia’s former race discrimination commissioner will warn voters to brace for a possible race-based election, declaring there is every indication that the Coalition government has already ‘flicked the switch to fear’ ”;     the Southern Poverty Law Centre reports that “US hate groups have seen ideas enter [the] mainstream in [the POTUS45] era”;     “at least some MPs see themselves as partisans with knuckledusters;
       -   as the UK’s intelligence visits Israel, a cyber-attack is blamed on Iran – which shows off new navy assets and says it cannot rule out war with Israel, “Iran's foreign minister says [Iran’s] public are losing faith in nuclear deal” – which the IAEA says Iran is sticking to;
       -   grave concerns after revelations in the USA that “top White House officials pushed a plan to share nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia, despite objections from career national security staff”;      an “Australian next-generation weapons system [is] bound for war crime-accused Saudi Arabia”;
       -   “Russia will develop new weapons and aim them at western ‘centres of decision-making’ if the west deploys new short and medium-range missiles in Europe” – but see also this;
       -   as millions of China are obliged to listen to the thoughts of Chairman Xi, unsecured data from monitoring of Uighurs and a list of censored topics;     China is trying to punish New Zealand for protecting itself against possible cyber hacks, and has retaliated against Australia by holding up coal imports;     US-China tensions are continuing;
       -   as violence commences and Venezuelan kill one woman, a backgrounder on the rejection of US aid, which has arrived in Colombia. Concerningly, POTUS45’s “man to handle [the] Venezuela crisis was convicted in [the] Iran-Contra affair and fought to cover-up [the] worst massacre in recent Latin American history”, possibly indicating a lean towards military intervention . . . ;
       -   what to watch for in “foreign influence” cyber-attacks;
       -   the case against border security;     6 out of 25,000 refugees who have entered Bosnia have been arrested on violent extremism charges;
       -   Germany has criticised US isolationism, urging ‘win-win solutions’, as a group of “pro-diplomacy organisations urges the US to support the Iran nuclear deal;
       -   a controversial coal mine has engaged a law firm which wants to act as an “attack dog” and bankrupt objectors, in a move described as “a threat to democracy”;
       -   a call for funding for education of the “ ‘lost generation’ of children forced out of classrooms by conflict”;
       -   as US cities start burning recyclables after China stops accepting rubbish, the addictive physiology of getting stuff - and better approaches;     the privilege and bias behind disparagement of food choices;     the growing discontent of inequality;
         upcoming events (opportunities to do BPM clearing etc):   International Training on Dialogue and Mediation will be held in Sweden in June 2019;
         this week’s atrocity alert at R2P lists   Nigeria, South Sudan and Syria;
  • With regard to democracy (which can be measured [as can goodness],     requires  protection of minorities and the vulnerable   -   and are you fighting to change things [by 198 nonviolent methods], or to punish),     freedom,     governance (e.g., here, here, here, here, here)     and     ethics:
    Note: I have a section specifically for POTUS45 below
       analyses, research and commentary this week include:
       -   a criticism of centrism;     an assessment of assassinations finds democracies are “rarely” destabilised, and “an autocratic country was only 13 per cent more likely to become a democracy following the assassination of an autocratic ruler” (this examination is simplistic, and misses the effects on policies and the loss of gifted people – the assassinations of Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and the Kennedys were all utterly devastating, despite their democracies continuing to exist as democracies);     “the challenges and opportunities around co-producing evidence appropriate to participatory social policy and practice”;
       of concern internationally this week:
       -   against the background of an analysis of Australia’s “bullying”, criticism of a STAGGERING suggestion that Pacific nations deal with climate change by giving up their sovereignty for Australian citizenship;     tensions over deporting New Zealanders who grew up in Australia continues to grow (I’m with NZ};
       of concern in my nation (Australia) this week:
       -   the extreme costs and effort some candidates have to go through to overcome the dual citizenship hurdle;     the power of anti-corruption organisation in my home state has been restricted;     proposed new aged care regulations have failed to adequately cover temperature – apparently at the cost-saving behest of nursing home owners;     on the excess franking credits rort, see here, here, and here;     a punitive social security programme has cut payments to more than a million Australians, a 40% increase;     Australia’s hypocritical neoliberal, evangelical  zealot prime minister has claimed he didn’t oppose a disability enquiry – even as he sets up a new roadblock;     political tensions over yet another privatisation scheme – this one for visas;     10% of Australians have had the good sense to opt out of the neoliberal government’s highly flawed online records system;     the notorious “robodebt scheme costs government almost as much as it recovers”;
       also of concern this week:
       -   other concerning events have occurred or are developing in:   Bulgaria,   Burundi,   DR Congo,   Nigeria – see also here,   South and Central America;
       with regard to cyber warfare and other cyber issues this week:
       -   cyber threats are “the new  norm”;     a social media platform has been “labelled ‘digital gangsters’ . . . on fake news;     the problem of doxing – including the incompetence of police;     a call for public input on AI policies;
       good news this week includes:
       -   a US group is providing a venue for non-mainstream voices on foreign policy;     the US has been urged to maintain protection against “robocalls”;
       -   other good news has occurred:   Nagorno-Karabakh;
       on development (in an “end poverty/thirst/hunger” sense):
       -   the growth (again) of “ethical investment”;     reversing the brain drain from villages;
       and democracy/governance/political matters in my home nation this week:
       on the Royal Commission into banks, and similar matters:
       -   the opposition has proposed bills to address the lessons of the Royal Commission;     the class actions have commenced;
       on other matters:
       -   Australia’s Border Force has admitted errors in its handling of the case of a refugee wrongly detained in Thailand;     “the moderate Liberal MP is extinct – Howard subjugated them years ago”;
  • With regard to the USA and their schoolyard BULLYING, unpresidential, uncomprehending, delusional 45th “President” (POTUS45) (see here on actions for US residents, and note that the VP is at least as bad):
       -   Bernie Sanders will run again in 2020 for US President, when he will be 78 – current list of Democratic candidates here;
       -   16 US states have commenced (expected) legal action against POTUS45’s declaration of an emergency so he can build a wall along their southern border;
       -   more environmentally stupidity from the US White House as “even Republicans” move to support a “Green New Deal”;
  • With regard to violent extremism (VE) (aka, terrorism)     (ALL people advocating hate or discrimination in response to violent extremism are actively doing the work of violent extremists. This will be countered, in part, by “Cure Violence“, real and perceived disempowerment as well as acknowledging the variety in what provides genuine, BPM fulfilment as a counter to fanaticism as a source of meaning, and good old fashioned police work.     Also, I don’t name groups in order to reduce their publicity):
       -   according to this Wikipedia page, there have been 7 attacks in Iraq, 6 attacks in Afghanistan,   and 7 attacks in Syria   (out of a total of 43,   including   a neo-nazi serving in the US Coast Guard “intended to ‘murder civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country’ ”, including Democratic politicians and journalists;
       -   a violent extremist is happy to lose his citizenship because he doesn’t want to be extradited to face charges;     an opinion that removing citizenship risks making martyrs;     the USA has called on the nations where foreign fighters captured in Syria came from to take responsibility for putting their citizens (or former citizens?) on trial (I think this is a fair and reasonable request);     another woman married to a violent extremist has regrets – see also here;     the final (?) collapse (some are slipping into a nearby nation) of a notorious violent extremist group “will inflame the regional power struggle”;     a call to not “leave children of foreign fighters in legal limbo”;
       -   the wide reach of the so-called “War on Terror”;
  • With regard to refugees (noting the New York Declaration), and remembering Haiti, Ethiopia, Madagascar, DR Congo, and the Philippines), people seeking asylum and migrants:
       -   as problems are raised over the new independent health advice panel established by the medical evacuations bill and questions are asked over the competence of health care company and what a security company supposed to be protecting refugees is actually doing, the homophobic, anti-women, climate-change denying neoliberal government’s scare campaigns over refugees is working in the polls, but may backfire in the polls, and is devastating society - see also here. Meanwhile, in Italy a criminal case against a senior politician who refused to allow refugees to disembark is blocked . . . ;     not enough resettlement solutions for refugees worldwide”;
       -   other refugee-related matters have also occurred in:   Mexico/Honduras/USA;
  • With regard to other human (and other) rights and discrimination     (incidentally, bigots clearly have flaws of observation and thinking – shown by the fact that NOT all people choose to discriminate [and there’s this]):
       -   Australian and Canadian indigenous (park) rangers are sharing their experiences;
       -   in addition to opportunities below on child abuse and human trafficking, general opportunities to take action on human rights here, here, and, this week,   here;
       -   other human rights matters have also occurred in:   South and Central America;
       on HOMOPHOBIA/TRANSPHOBIA     (including heteronormativity and cisgender-normativity and noting that trans kids are the same as cis kids of the trans kids’ true gender):
       -   a former sports star has shown herself to be transphobic;
       -   other homophobic/transphobic (and heteronormativity / cisgender-normativity) matters have also occurred in:   UK (Anglican Church),   Kenya,   UK,   Colombia,   Taiwan (good news),   Senegal,   Iceland;
       on white supremacist and other forms of RACISM / CULTURAL DISCRIMINATION and Indigenous matters generally this week:
       -   “we have to stop thinking about racism as someone who says the N-word”;     “a public hospital . . . has become the nation's first health service to employ traditional Aboriginal healers to help treat Indigenous patients”;     a US city will ban hairstyle policies that discriminate against black people”;     a Tasmanian farming couple are returning 110 ha (half their property) to local indigenous people (my brother has arranged for that to eventually happen with his urban block);     the actual “Closing the Gap” report (13Mb download);     lingering, less overt racism in Australia;
       -   other white supremacy / racism problems have also occurred in:   Brazil,   a regressive Australian conservative MP;
       on TRAFFICKING, and CHILDREN’s and associated human rights this week (from Thomson Reuters Foundation, Freedom United, and other sources):
       -   also on child abuse, including institutional, this week:   here;
       -   also on slavery / human trafficking this week:   North Korea,   Ireland,   Nepal,   Brazil,   Brazil,   advanced technology,   Cambodia/China,   India,   UK,   Australia,   USA/Central America;
       on SEXISM this week (keeping in mind the overblown influence given to testosterone, and the potential value to women of using anger):
       -   concerning statistics over potential “revenge porn”;     the popularity of “dead girl” programmes on a streaming service raise disturbing questions about its audience;     (some of) “Australia's top sports federations have pledged to achieve gender equality in pay for athletes and administrators”;
       -   on sexual harassment/misconduct/violence this week, see:   El Salvador,   Australia;
       -   other sexism matters have also occurred in:   Lebanon (good news),   DR Congo;
       on RELIGIOUS rights this week:
       -   religious rights / Islamophobia matters have also occurred in:   France;
       on WORKERS’ rights this week:
       -   Australia’s silicosis crisis;
       on ANIMALS’ rights this week:
       -   critics of a snake handler don’t realise the strength of snakes;
       -   other animals’ rights matters have also occurred in:   the tourist industry;
  • With regard to war (noting that economic ties do NOT prevent war), violence and hate generally:
       -   a young woman of colour from a poor community has, after trauma and tragedy in her family, has “made a lifelong commitment to combatting urban violence in low-income communities”;     the data suggests private security contractors are – in recent years - sticking to their jobs and avoiding contentious situations;
  • With regard to peace:
       -   a report on “a two-day workshop on Sustaining Peace in the West Asia – North Africa region” – see also this;     political change last year in Armenia is leading to the possibility of peace with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh;
       -   other events concerning peace have occurred or are developing in:   Colombia;
  • With regard to natural and other catastrophes:
       -   a fire in Bangladesh has killed 80 people;
  • With regard to overcrowding and “modern“ lifestyle issues     (such as conflict  minerals,     environmental harm and child labour in smart phones,     FOMO [which can be overcome], addiction or unthinking pro-technology bias [new is NOT always good – see here],     social media making people miserable or envious,     work and lifestyles causing depression and burnout,     being duped by modern mantras and  management  fads,     failing“ at being well,     life options,     AI ethics, corporate misuse of mindfulness as a distraction,     embedded emissions,     plane pollution,     bigger, flashier homes/cars and financialisation,     the need for agroforestry,     insisting on busy-ness,     raising Prince Boofheads,     trying to force everyone to have children,     the “Earth3” model [SDGs + 9PBs]):
       on climate change (our World War III?) and other environmental matters:
       -   “renewable energy won't be able to reach the grid without major upgrades to networks” in my home state;     the “Seabin” has been put into use, but requires manual separation of plastic and organic matter – see here, on the reach of plastic;     “dramatic rises in atmospheric methane are threatening to derail plans to hold global temperature rises to 2°C”;     (reintroduced) wolf-farming conflicts in Germany;     Australia’s cane toad plague is spreading;     my home state’s recycling crisis will worsen;     how the world “got addicted to palm oil”;     “Australia's biggest companies are ignoring calls . . . to do more to mitigate the risks of climate change”;     this week the decline in tropical species is also being described as “the canary in the coalmine” (while the concerns are valid, the communication needs to be better – starting with being cognisant of other communication);     insurance won’t adequately cover climate change;     “two of the most prominent women in the Caribbean nation of Suriname are speaking out about developed countries that release large volumes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere”;
       -   other environmental matters have occurred in:   India;
       on technology and science matters:
       -   a social media platform has been used by conspiracy nuts to increase the number of “flat earth” nuts;     new panels to use the age-old principle condensation to harvest humidity as drinkable water (there is other modern technology, but has also been simpler versions for millennia);
       on economic and financial matters, including consumer complaints:
       -   “once established, social enterprises often struggle to scale up”;     after two decades of devastating deregulation, a minimum floor price for milk in Australia may be set (after the next election);     teachers want banks out of schools – but someone has to ensure kids are taught to save, and about financial literacy, and too many parents don’t do that!;
       on affordable, sustainable and decent housing and homelessness matters    (why are politicians with “investment properties” not admitting a conflict of interest and staying out of housing affordability debates?):
       -    high cost of living is driving people out of one major Australian city;     “U.S. mobile homes affordability is slipping] as [corporations] move in;     home ownership among the young has declined;     “the seventh annual report from the Specialist Homelessness Services Collection”;
       on health and medical:
       -   getting medical consent is not always easy or clearcut;     how to communicate with those who have not had their children vaccinated (they’re not all anti-vaxxers);
       on other matters in the category:
       -   a debunking of the moronic stupidity over so-0called royal protocol (do we have to have such trivial gossip as royal watching in our lives?);
  • With regard to press aka the media, and freedom of expression     (claims of presenting “both sides” of a debate can be WRONG if the other side is RUBBISH –as is the case on LGBTIQ issues.     Also, media can be unprofessional,     but funding is an issue … ):
       -   a US teenager in a viral video which misrepresented a situation is taking legal action against the media (did the post the video? A more nuanced video appeared here via mainstream media);
  • With regard to crime, judicial matters and policing     (noting (1) an uncle of mine resigned when corruption was not comprehensively cleaned out of the police force he served in, I have high expectations of police, and I consider all violence, abuse of power and failure to understand the impacts of their actions [e.g., see here and here] undermines and weaken all police – who are under incredible pressure, and (2) all people charged are innocent until proven guilty):
       -   interpersonal dislikes may have influenced a problem situation;     wastewater analysis shows Australians spent more than $9 billion on drugs last year;     a convicted murderer will be deported back to Malaysia after that nation ends the death penalty;     a criticism that “inaccessible justice and socio-economic inequality act as core components of the United States criminal justice system”;
      -      other crime, judicial and policing matters have occurred in:   Indonesia,   Mexico (good news),   DR Congo.
Location based News:
  • With regard to Africa, the Africa Center for Strategic Studies (and other sources) has:
        on Africa generally:
       -   an assessment of democracy in Africa;
       on specific African nations:
       -   farmers in Botswana are seeking social security;
       -   “an inter-Burundian, inclusive dialogue remains the only viable option for lasting settlement of the political crisis and the holding of elections in 2020 in a peaceful environment”;
       -   police are abducting and murdering young men and boys (allegedly suspected gang members) in DR Congo;     the “DRC’s first peaceful transition of power was at expense of women”;
       -   an assessment of the delayed elections in Nigeria – see also here;
       -   “Sudan’s leader [has declared a] year-long state of emergency in face of mass protests”;
  • With regard to South and Central America:
        on South and Central America generally:
       -   “attacks on Human Rights Defenders: a daily occurrence in Latin America”;
       on specific South and Central American nations:
       -   a “Black Lives Matter” movement is emerging in Brazil after a supermarket security guard put a black youth into a “sleeper hold” after which the youth died;
       -   “El Salvador’s supreme court has overturned a 30-year sentence for a teenage rape victim who was convicted of aggravated homicide after having a stillbirth” (it should never have got to this!);
       -   the last day of two child refugees in Mexico (which, as well as showing the problems of the USA’s new policy, also remind the world of the US contributions to that problem;
  • With regard to mainland China (may her growing middle class bring a love of peace and freedom),     East and South East Asia     and     the Pacific):
       on increasingly totalitarian mainland China, and also Hong Kong, the DPRK (North Korea) and South Korea (which need to accept their partition – for now – and sign a peace treaty), Taiwan, and the free but invaded and occupied nation of Tibet:
       -   a respected idealist who joined the Chinese Communist party in 1937 and criticised both Chairman Mao and President Xi has passed away;     a “former top Chinese general [has been] sentenced to life for corruption” (if he was guilty, this is good: the problem is, I don’t trust China’s judicial system);     China is trying to recover stolen money from other nations, including Australia (claimed to be by legal means);
       -   foreign medical volunteers in North Korea, which is facing a food crisis;
       elsewhere in Asia:
       -   the UN is working with the violently genocidal regime in burma “to help improve nutrition and food security . . ., while safeguarding and sustainably managing the use of natural resources”;
       -   “Indonesia’s election [has ignited] piety debates, causing divisions within families”;
  • With regard to Europe and the European Union (EU) (which need to step up, as the USA steps down):
        on Europe generally:
       -   the USA’s role in the formation of the EU;
       on specific European nations:
       -   France’s President “has condemned anti-Semitic abuse . . . by a group of "yellow vest" protesters” (no top of concerns about their violence and bullying, this compounds doubts about that movement) - and tens of thousands have protested in the streets against anti-Semitism;
       -   Poland’s attempts at revisionist denial of involvement in the Holocaust is causing problems in its relationship with Israel;
       -   in Spain, 200,000 “demonstrators have marched en masse through Barcelona in protest at the trial of Catalan separatist leaders”;
       -   an ultra-rich, climate change denial delusionist who advocated for Brexit is now - hypocritically - leaving the UK to save on future tax;     a “centrist” group has split off from the UK Labour Party, and from the conservatives – see also here;
  • With regard to the conflict in  sexist Afghanistan (noting that Afghanistan was once a peaceful and modern society, even allowing women in miniskirts, before the Russian invasion – see here):
       -   the long-term path to peace . . . ;
  • With regard to South Asia (aka the Indian sub-continent), The Hindu and other sources have:
       -   a call for “India and Pakistan to take steps to defuse tensions in the wake an attack in Kashmir late last week that left dozes of Indian security forces dead”;
       on India:
       -   concerns over the stresses on democracy in India;    “India has proposed incentives worth 885 billion rupees ($12.4 billion) to encourage power plants to install equipment to curb emissions and to develop infrastructure for electric vehicles”;     “India's top court has ordered the eviction of more than 1 million indigenous people who live in forests” – see also here, and here;
       elsewhere in South Asia:
       -   the highly  controversial Maldives has claimed it is committed to “a ‘free and open’ Indo-Pacific region and to democracy”;
  • With regard to West Asia (aka “the Middle East”) and Northern Africa, the Middle East Eye, the Times of Israel, and other sources have:
       on Israel and Palestine:
       -   the prospect of peace in Gaza and the West Bank is “fading by the day;     criticism of ties between Israel’s ruling party and a “racist and homophobic” party;     Israel is increasing diplomatic efforts in Africa;     how Israel’s religious party gradually became more hawkish;
       -   other events concerning Israel/Judaism and/or Palestine have occurred or are developing in:   France,   USA;
       on the  conflict and the world’s biggest humanitarian crisis in Yemen:
       -   troops will start withdrawing from Hodeidah – see also here;     the conflict on Yemen’s northern border;
       on Syria (where the Assad Dictatorship has lost all pretence of legitimacy, and partition is needed):
       -   the attack by US-backed Kurdish forces to reclaim the last pocket of territory, on the Syrian side of the Iraqi border, from violent extremists is being held up because thousands of civilians remain trapped there;     civilians in a Syrian city are still caught between troops of the Assad regime and rebels;     some US troops will remain “indefinitely” in Syria;
       elsewhere in the region:
       -   an Egyptian resort is trying to recover tourism – lost after a violent extremist attack - by building a wall, to the lament of the local community;
       -   some personal reflections on the 40th anniversary of Iran’s Great Leap Backwards;
       -   “Lebanese women [have hailed the] first female Arab interior minister”;
       -   how to reduce the risks facing Syrian youths in Turkey.
General Comments/Information
(Dear Reader, please remember, I expect you to THINK when reading this blog, and I reserve the right to occasionally sneak in something to test that)
Many others are very capably doing this type of work – for instance, the Lucis Trust's Triangles network (running for many decades);     the Correllian Tradition's 'Spiritual War for Peace' (see also here, here, and here), the Hope, Peace, Love and Prosperity Spell (also from the Correllian Tradition, in around 2007 or 2008),     the Healing Minute started by the late, great Harry Edwards (running for decades);     the “CE 5  ET contact“ movement started by Dr Steven M Greer, which is the one which appears to me to most capitalise on the teachings of “The Nine”,     the “Network of Light”  meditations;     the 1 Million Meditators movement,     and     also see here, here and here – even commercial organisations (for instance, see here), online groups (e.g. here and here – which I do not know the quality of) and even an app.
Thus, if you don't like what I am suggesting here, but want to be of service, there are many other opportunities for you – including secular opportunities: e.g., see here, here and here.
Again, activism in the physical world is also required - see here, here and here, here, and, of course, here.
(I specifically have a role for (absent) healers on Saturdays [see Psychic Weather Report]. Anyone who wishes to be protector has a role every day. At all times, on all levels and in ways, BOTH must ALWAYS be BPM in the way they perform such roles.)
If I am ever late getting my Psychic Weather Report up any week, there is a default plan.