Monday 29 July 2019

Post No. 1,382 - Cross Posting: Humans, Humanity, and Human Rights - Chapter 1 - What I Don't Currently Know to My Satisfaction

This project commenced with a conceptual outline, published on Saturday 1st December, 2018, at:
I’ve decided I’ll post each chapter in its first, raw state, and you, Dear Reader, can see if my later research (probably long after I've finished this first version, in my retirement, should I be fortunate enough to actually get to retire) led to any change. (You can also think about the points I am making.) 
I've come up with an initial structure of the book (no guarantees it won't change), and will add the links to each chapter in the latest installment as they are published. Owing to the size of each chapter, I will have to publish this using the sub-chapters.


Chapter One – Introduction to Concepts, and On Early Humans

Chapter One: What I don't currently know to my satisfaction

(As a digression, I was going to title these sections “what ‘we’ don’t know”, but someone else may well know what I’m going to raise here, so using the royal “we” was, I considered, presumptuous and quite possibly wrong. Also, if I do manage to get this published, I doubt very much that I’ll have the luxury of publishing updated editions – that’s OK, this book, as with virtually all others, will eventually become dated and obsolete. It’s better, though, IMO, for the author to make sure that is brought to the Reader’s attention early, in the interests of promoting thoughtful, reflective and constructively critical reading. As a final point, I’m not really interested in others’ opinions / knowledge other than as expressed below: if you think I’m an idiot and some things in the list below are well known, you are welcome to your opinion / knowledge - and you may well be correct, but, at the time I’m writing this, this is the situation as far as I am concerned. By the time you read it, my opinion may have changed . . . )
What I currently don’t know to my satisfaction (I know I will expand this when I edit it, but I am keen to get the first version of this first chapter up, so here ‘tis):
·         Major (to me) question:

o   Why no-one else (especially someone with credibility or even academic qualifications) has thought to do this, or something similar. (If they have, where?)
o   How a proper, objective and independent consideration of philosophical (logical) fallacies would rate this chapter (dammit, Jim, where’s Spock when you need him?);
o   How I would have written this chapter if I had done all the reading and study I want to.
o   The actual, probably pre-historic origin of human rights thinking / action.
o   Adequate details of Australia’s indigenous cultures. By the way, I actually don’t consider that I need to know those: I would love to see an indigenous person draw on that rich history and culture and write their version of what I am covering in this book.
o   To what extent I can rely on the descriptions of pre-historic cultures in Jean M. Auel’s Earth’s Children series of books.
o   To what extent and in what manner Neanderthals and early homo sapiens interacted.
o   How well I can rely on the experiences of modern re-enactors of pre-historic cultures.
o   Differences in the thinking and world views of people in pre-historic cultures as compared to modern, industrialised cultures.
o   The quantitative benefits of families, groups, tribes, companies, organisations, or nations treating its constituent members with respect and dignity, including fully respecting and realising human rights, throughout history and in various cultures.
o   How death rates from violence of humans through our history compares with that of primates.
o   The extent to which kindness is uniquely or human or can be used to define “human”, which includes how much what reasonable or normal people (not scientists) would find kindness in life other than humans, and to what extent kindness can be considered characteristic of life itself.
o   The extent to which “tough love” and similar ilk could be justified, and exactly by what, in humanity’s gatherer-hunter eras – past and present;
o   Exactly how much of a struggle was survival then compared to now (keeping in mind the variety of circumstances humans find themselves in, and the wide range of ways we can struggle)?
o   How can the hardening of the human heart created by social engineering over the last few millennia be best undone?
o   How can bad motivation (e.g., keeping power, protecting oneself, or for self-gain) for plausible actions (e.g., the “we’ve all got to tighten our belts” line) be detected/identified, and made apparent / proven?
o   How can people be brought to accept and work constructively with variety?
o   How can people be enabled to be comfortable with the non-binary reality of gender?
o   To what extent I can actually rely on the word analysis I have used to support my proposal that being kind is – or should be - an essential part of being human?
o   To what extent can I rely on looking at genetic neighbours for any conclusions?
o   What circumstances were like in the early tribes that were moving out of Africa – how much of that move was violence, and how much was actively thinking and deciding to avoid conflict?

·         Other questions:

o   The differences between Cro-Magnons and modern humans, and the ins and outs of the history of sub-species under homo sapiens – for instance, when I was younger I am fairly sure I was told modern humans were homo sapiens sapiens.
(Digression and minor whinge: how can I get Word to accept that some repeated words are not mistakes – as in the preceding sentence, and Australian names such as Baw Baw. Will a future version of Word allow us to add exceptions to that “rule”? J )
o   Exactly how quickly the first Australians adapted their cultures to Australian conditions.
o   What percentage of human DNA would be Neanderthal if Danny Vendramini’s Neanderthal Predation theory applied (I suspect it would lower than it actually is – see preceding footnote in this chapter).
o   What challenges other people have experienced to the view that groups “do better” under “fairer and more humane” conditions. (Yes, the fact that this question is in the “minor to me” section is arrogant and self-centred, isn’t it?)
o   Can the hardening of the human heart created by social engineering over the last few millennia (until the Enlightenment, perhaps? Or the Gutenberg printing press and modern literacy?) be quantified?
o   Exactly how did specialisation start?
o   What academics and experts think of all this is of very minor curiosity to me.

Post No. 1,381 - Cross Posting: Humans, Humanity, and Human Rights - Chapter 1 (I)

This project commenced with a conceptual outline, published on Saturday 1st December, 2018, at:
I’ve decided I’ll post each chapter in its first, raw state, and you, Dear Reader, can see if my later research (probably long after I've finished this first version, in my retirement, should I be fortunate enough to actually get to retire) led to any change. (You can also think about the points I am making.) 
I've come up with an initial structure of the book (no guarantees it won't change), and will add the links to each chapter in the latest installment as they are published. Owing to the size of each chapter, I will have to publish this using the sub-chapters.


Chapter One – Introduction to Concepts, and On Early Humans

I.  Summary / conclusions

My day job inclines me toward the use of dot points, so here’s my first summary (and my apologies that this copies from Word to Blogger so poorly, but that is out of my control):
·         we physically evolved from a common ancestor of hominids and primates;
·         archaeological evidence suggests cooperation was important, and that ancient people were more evolved than we give credit for – backed by modern gatherer-hunter societies;
·         human rights is about enabling all people to be their best, and that was what was best for small groups trying to survive – discrimination weakens the group by losing access to human capital;
·         both modern hominids (humans) and primates suggest kindness in leaders important, but:

o   in many ways, being human is linked to being humane – essence of humanity;
o   kindness is not limited to humans, but possibly the extent of kindness is unique to us;
o   our biases tend to blind us – e.g., not noticing same sex relationships in animals, quibbling about personality in animals (which flourishes when animals are treated as individual,, and not crushed);
o   given militaries have to expend lot of effort getting people to be capable of harming others, the absence of kindness may be a sign of damage to humans;

·         rules evolved to manage conflict and population and ensure survival:

o   we can get some idea of that from modern gatherer-hunters;
o   archaeology shows interacted, so that tools, resources, techniques, people, etc were shared for mutual benefit (some of the benefit perhaps mutual obligation?);
o   survival was probably the earliest application of 2nd generation (economic, social and cultural) rights, but the ancient perspective was likely different to that of moderns;
o   our evolution on this and other thinking/social matters shows our capacity to change at a rate greater than that of natural selection (aka “evolution”), which is a trait that our genetic neighbours – who share more than we may be comfortable with in other ways (as do other animals – even dinosaur babies may have had big eyes to look cute) – don’t have, and that potential for change faster than evolution is a “superpower” that – Peter Parker like - comes with responsibility;
o   somewhere, it went wrong and individuals began to dominate – but that was more likely later, when agriculture / civilisation changed everything (which, overall, was good, but there were problems – just, when addressing those problems, one must be sure not to throw the baby out with the bathwater, rather, one should change so get the best of both changed and unchanged, and the worst of neither):

-          we had to learn that things like abuse of power, which was probably one of the earliest abuses of human rights, was “bad”, and should be stopped;
-          being aware and able to articulate is a defence against abuse of, and enables realisation of, human rights;
o   notions around “not being weak” being somehow desirable are signs of damage to society, much as the absence of kindness (including an addiction to “tough love”, as opposed to valid, constructive criticism) is a sign of damage to individual humans – and enforced uniformity cuts out the possibility of evolving to better things;

Now, how reasonable is all that?

Self-critique – Chapter One

There are a number of areas I would like to be able to formally study in, such as philosophy and history, but have not been able to – and may have to defer until either I retire, or possibly even to a future life J . In the meantime, I’ll have a look at this summary from the point of view of the little I do know of such topics, as well as the review / analytical / “critical” [1] thinking I have developed from life [2] and for my day job.
In addition, Dear Reader, please keep in mind that I may simply be flat out wrong J .
If you want a good guide to this, I thoroughly recommend Brendan Myers’ [3] “Clear and Present Thinking”, available free online at Other guides to this topic also exist [4] . I intend to study these many arguments the way I studied engineering at uni – lots of summarising and repetition, until I feel comfortable that I can recognise which of the many fallacies apply to a situation. However, I have not done that as yet.
I’m not, by the way, looking at all the fallacies, only what I understand are the more common ones. When I edit this, I’ll add a one sentence description (and I may add more fallacies, and be more comprehensive in my assessments); in the meantime, I’ll provide some links for now.
False equivalence [5]
One of the things which most concerns me is the extent to which we can draw from modern knowledge – including modern scientific knowledge. It is impossible to use primary sources in the modern sense, as they simply don’t exist – we don’t have YouTube clips recorded by the first, shiny, just out of the evolution box humans, nor even written records . . . although we do have their bones to read (and other evidence).
I personally am reasonably comfortable with the various forms of modern science that I’ve relied on – although, given my life circumstances, I have accessed much of that second hand (through media reports and books for general public consumption).
Overall, I consider this philosophical error a possibility, but I rate as a low likelihood.
Ad hominin fallacy / straw man attack [6]
I’ve been fairly conservative, and have attempted to be balanced as I write this, but I have been a victim of various forms of discrimination in my life, including the “tough love” view, and thus have likely worded my arguments on that more harshly than perhaps a more objective person without my life experience would.
Appeal to Ignorance (argumentum ad ignorantiam) [7]
This is, I consider, similar to my point in this section: I am open to the charge of saying “no-one can disprove early humans didn’t think the way I am suggesting”. I’ll leave it to you, Dear Reader, to consider whether I am guilty as charged or not on this point.
False dilemma [8]
I don’t think I have made this error: I’ve tried to refer to shades of grey and the range of opportunities, but it is still a possibility.
Slippery slope [9]
There are implications which come from my arguments, particularly around things like the near ubiquitous belief in “tough love” et al. I consider that we do need to consider those issues, and, in my defence, point out that I am far from the first to suggest so – refer to the collected works of Buddha, Christ, Gandhi, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., etc for more.
Circular Argument (petitio principii) [10]
I had thought a great deal about these matters before I started writing, but some of the evidence I’ve uncovered has genuinely surprised me, so I consider I have not fallen in to this error.
Hasty generalisation [11]
I consider I’ve been fairly cautious in my arguments, so, again, I don’t consider I’ve fallen in to this error – by the standards of the everyday person.
By strict academic / scientific standards, however, I clearly have – I am not relying on evidence with demonstrated repeatability that has been tested by critical peer review.
And yet, somehow, I still sleep at night . . .
More seriously, Dear Reader, this is a point you should keep in mind as you read this book. I’m “ahead of the curve” here, and further evidence may disprove my speculations.
Red herring [12]
Hmm . . . fish’n’chips . . . nope, didn’t work: I haven’t distracted myself or, I consider, you, Dear Reader, so this one doesn’t apply either.
Tu Quoque (you too) Fallacy [13]
I don’t consider that applies to this chapter, but I can see how it could apply down the track.
Causal fallacy [14]
This one definitely could apply – I’m attributing various matters to things like “being human”, but, particularly given the occurrence of kindness in animals and our biased and limited understanding of that, I could well be wrong. maybe it is just life that is kind . . .
Fallacy of Sunk Costs [15]
I have invested a great deal in this project, and yes, I do want to see it through and be worth publishing, so this fallacy is one you, dear reader, should be aware of as you read and critique my work.
Appeal to Authority (argumentum ad verecundiam) [16]
If you were reading this at the rate I write it, you would now have to pause and spend five minutes ROFLMAO.
Equivocation (ambiguity) [17]
This is another one which could result from my attempt to be cautious: keep it in mind.
Appeal to Pity (argumentum ad misericordiam) [18]
This is another one which could apply – not only from my writing, but because, in my experience, many people like cute animals etc, and thus there may well be a bias in you, Dear Reader, on this one.
The counter argument to erring towards cute and kind can seem rather soulless (and sometimes it is)¸but the point here is to try and maintain some balance and objectivity and self-awareness as you read and reflect.
Bandwagon Fallacy [19]
See “appeal to authority” above.

[1] I often wonder if academics realise that “critical” thinking has, to many people, a purely negative association – in the sense of attacking to destroy, harm or put down someone – rather than meaning “objective”, “balanced”, or “taking a step back to look at the bigger picture / review / make sure nothing has been overlooked or forgotten”. In this case, I’m most unlikely to be attacking myself, so I am using this term in the academic sense.
[2] In our over-addicted to qualifications (which I suspect is so people can avoid taking responsibility) world, it is too easy to forget how invaluable experience is. I tell all the graduates who come to work for me that their degree is a Licence to Start Learning. Furthermore, some of the best learning I have experienced has been through informal or what can, perhaps, be described as informal (or semi-formal J ) learning. In terms of analytical thinking and understanding, nothing I’ve come across has been better than the informal personal growth work I did in the 1980s.

Sunday 28 July 2019

Post No. 1,380 - Psychic Weather Report No. 0198

As the world situation is largely similar to last week, I am going to repeat last week's PWR, but with a different bindrune.

This week’s assessment and plan:
My approach this week will be (incidentally, if you disagree, please use your own interpretations, or your own divinations [see the monthly :World Psychic Predictions / Remote Viewing" here for an example of other approaches):
  • Sunday: the purpose of this day’s work is, mainly, to build a reserve of BPM energy to call upon during the coming week. In addition to the meditation / clearing work described below, I will also be working on making sure I, my crystals and my other tools / devices are as fully charged with BPM energy as I can make them (which is something I have posted about elsewhere, but may post more about in the near future):
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to East and West Pacific, South America, the South and North Atlantic Oceans, southern Africa, the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, the Indian Ocean and Australia, and to all actual and potential BPM Leaders, for all humans to recognise the essential shared humanness of other people, all BPM Interrupters of violence / hate / fear / anger, and for all humans to choose to live modestly;
  • Monday:
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to Central and North America - especially the USA;
  • Tuesday:
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to central and northern Africa;
  • Wednesday:
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to West Asia – especially Iran;
  • Thursday:
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to South Asia;
  • Friday:
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to East and archipelagic and mainland South East Asia;
  • Saturday: this day will now be reserved for rest, recuperation and healing – of all those who are trying in a BPM way to make this planet a better place, not only of myself and those who are sharing this work. I ask that any and all healers who wish to contribute to this, take a few minutes to contribute to this on this day.
No assessment of the  (non-physical) energetic state of the world this week.
I have selected the same rune for this week’s work:
Routine Explanation / commentary
There is an introduction / reminder / explanation about these posts here (and also see here for some investigation into evidence of the effectiveness of this type of work, which shows variability [and mentions causes] and cycles in the energetic/consciousness response), and some additional comments at the end of this post. Please also note that I hope this work will be taken up by a network of competent dowsers and BPM psychic warriors (also, this blog was created for spiritual reasons, including a course: this is just part of it).
As you read this, consider this: how does one outflank an idea, or attack an emotion in the rear? It is as well to consider what those who are unbalanced could do to good ideas and emotions, as well as considering BPM ways to outflank or ‘attack in the rear’ bad ideas/emotions. Also consider geopolitics, and this mapping exercise.
Remember, the meditation (see here, here, and here) consists of:
 - appropriate and responsible protection (see here, here, here), prayer and ritual (e.g., here) to establish and check protection (re-do or re-schedule, if you don’t feel safe and secure);
 - establish a personal connection to Higher BPM influences;
 - flush one's aura with emerald green, royal blue and royal purple;
 - fill one’s Heart Chakra (and maybe one’s Earth Star, Solar Plexus, Third Eye and Crown Chakras) with emerald green, royal blue and royal purple; send a weave of three streams of this colour from the Chakra(s) to a visualisation of a gigantic, multi-faceted emerald (which has been created to facilitate networking of BPM workers) through your facet until you see your energy enlivening other areas of the emerald and can feel similar energies flowing back to you;
 - visualise the rune / bindrune (if given);
 - generate  feelings of love, peace, joy and respect;
 - strengthen those feelings (energies);
 - radiate those energies to the world for nine to eighteen minutes;
 - close your chakras, centre yourself and close your aura, use the banishing version of the LBRP to open circle, ground and release all excess energy; and make sure you are grounded and closed down – eat, if you need to, or seek help from someone capable and trusted.
Important note: although I show the flow of energy using arrows, they are really - to continue the weather chart analogy - more like the passage of a frontal system as shown on a synoptic chart. Also, if I ever miss doing a Psychic Weather Report, I have posted a standard, fall-back, default version here, which I will update from time to time when needed.
Irrespective of this assessment, however, please join us in trying to make sure that the Shield of Hope area formed by (part or all of) the South Atlantic Ocean, Southern and Eastern Africa (including both sources of the Nile), the Indian sub-continent (including the Himalayas) and the Indian Ocean, shown outlined in gold on this week’s energy map, consistently has BPM energy at or above 7 by the time Neptune leaves Pisces, on around 30th March, 2025 (a date which has an eclipse the day before). If you wish to do a little more coordinated action on a positive strategic front, I'm also planning on routinely sending BPM energy to Hong Kong, Tunisia, and Mexico, which show potential as "outposts of the BPM” and I wish to encourage their change for the better, and through the Red Sea and Suez Canal to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.
I have a simplified blogiography of posts related to this work here, a list of themes I have identified here, and my changing the personality of oppressors and other world leaders post is here. It is also worth contemplating that one of the greatest weaknesses of those who oppose Balanced Positivity is the inherent pain, suffering and negativity of their aims and means – from the personal slights, insults and traumas left by the petty tyrant, autocrat, dictator/monarch or those oligarchs or politicians who are ruthless (some at least are not; some are BPM), through the social dislocation of the economic ideologue to the long-lasting trauma, injury, death and desolation of society caused by those who use violence or war as a means to achieve power or impose their will. It may take time, but people WILL eventually realise what is not good, and will take action – which is why slavery is no longer ubiquitous, and why the march to freedom and democracy is underway – tentatively, and with backsliding and mistakes along the way, but inexorable nevertheless.
Also, if you’re interest is healing, I have changed the way I do these posts to more clearly show opportunities for doing healing. Those interested in providing protection for others always have a place – refer to the first item from yesterday’s summation of world events (details and link below), for instance. Finally, a reminder that if none of this is of any interest to you, but you would still like to contribute energetically / psychically to making the world a better place, there are other options – for instance, see here, here, here, here, here, here (and here), here, here, and here – and, no doubt, many other places on the internet.

Post No. 1,379 – Gnwmythr’s News Ed. No. 275

For the sake of my health, until I retire or change to an easier day job , I have cut back these posts.
I am catching up on some of the articles I missed the previous week in this post.
Information and Summary of News with Opinion / Advocacy / Analysis:
(1) I am NOT an objective or free-from-bias journalist (this is a spiritual blog);
(2) I do NOT hold copyright to, nor claim authorship of, any of the articles I link to, except for links to material I have written for this and my related blogs, and my commentary in these posts.
The purpose of posting these news links is not only to inform; it is also to
     stimulate a connection to:
      - nonBPM units that need to be cleared, and
      - BPM units that need to be strengthened,
     so that you can do the clearing / strengthening that is required.
That only works if you don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by this, so take it in small chunks if you need to, but remember to actively clear and heal! … including yourself. Note that clearing (rescue) of uncooperatives should ONLY be within your ability – if you get a sense (e.g., through meditation) or are told by your BPM Guides/Higher Self to back off, do so (many others are doing this work, including some who will be stronger), and content yourself with clearing the smaller nonBPM units within your capability – which will weaken stronger uncooperatives. It is OK to take a break or cut back this work if you need. Be mindful that the energies we use and manifest in our daily lives contribute to the larger soup of energies that influence world events, so address those as well (or keep them out of the psychic soup :) ).
Reminders / explanations about Sunday’s meditation-clearing are here;     see also here,     here,     here,     (here and also here and here are interesting),     here, here,     here,     and     this post reminds us to be patient and persistent, like a “speeding oak”, and there are notes at the end of this post about other options for those who do not like this way of working.
One of the biggest concerns I have about spirituality in the world now is that the concept of agape type love has been perverted into both a quest for emotional warm fuzzies, and an excuse to avoid doing the hard work of improving oneself and all that one does. See also here and here.
The themes that come to mind for my work this week, after I review all this news, are:
 (a)   based on my interpretation of information here and here with Pluto in Capricorn contributing to a transformation of power and business (and careers) (until some date in the Year 2024), conditions are ripe for a change for the better in world politics;
(b)   there is an enormous need to clear nonBPM energy – the thought forms, unattached energy and scars of the collective unconscious created by millennia of violence, including spirit rescue, and healing the warped views, seemingly “inherent” biases, and other damage created. Also, remember:     (1) the counter to fear is genuine  EQ, clear thinking, and calm, de-escalating speech;     (2) where problems exist, advocate for being BPM and BPM responses;     (3) peace is powerful, but it is a process requiring patient, persistent and nuanced nurturing, and a blend of conventional spiritual work, clearing nonBPM units, and physical world activism;
(c)   dealing with th POTUS45 requires:     1. eroding POTUS45’s nonBPM influences and strengthening his BPM Guides - and giving those BPM Guides whatever BPM help they need to present a BPM alternative to promote a change of heart;     2. lifting the nonBPM influences from the shoulders of POTUS45’s marginal supporters to allow them to “come to their senses, and simultaneously strengthening their BPM influences;     3. physical world activism  – e.g., this, helping those who are doing this work including clearing nonBPM blockages;     and     4. ensuring opposition to POTUS45 is unified, cohesive and FOCUSED;
(d)   the major events this week are:
(i)   as the search for
humans rights abusers continues, further to the current map of genocides this week there are risks of mass atrocities in   burma, Afghanistan and Syria,
(ii)   ongoing violent conflicts and crises in Syria, Afghanistan, Mexico, Iraq, Burma, Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Libya, Sudan (Darfur and South Kordofan), Yemen, Egypt (Sinai), Kurdistan, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Mali, DR Congo, Burundi, Kashmir, Baluchistan (Pakistan and Iran), India (Maoist and other insurgencies), the Maghreb (Africa), Ukraine, and elsewhere;
(iii) refugee and humanitarian crises;   -   the political madness of regimes with authoritarian leaders – and all who put or keep them there;   -   and, specific to this week,     hate and/or fear in the form of trying to wipe out entire groups of people, legacy influence of such abhorrent policies, and ongoing bigotry in all its “-isms” , and information about underlying foundations and acts that are key parts of manifesting that bigotry;     denial, deception and misdirection in order to keep power / influence or avoid having to take action or be a decent person;     a mixed bag of good, bad and indifferent on climate change, including some good inventions, some common sense comments about why others do things, and how to get them to change, and some blunt rebuttals of stupidity;     serious concerns about interference with and attacks on access to knowledge, particularly through journalism;    political commentary about elitist policies such as keeping a pool of unemployed;     violence, especially violent tribalism;     power struggles,     limited learning / willingness to learn / education;
(e)   may people never lose sight of the fact that they are, first and foremost, members of the human race, and sharers of that bounty described as “being alive” – of life itself;
(f)   may people always wish to BPM learn without fetters;
(g)   may people always refuse to accept constraints on access to BPM knowledge, and willingly BPM protect journalism as part of that;
(h)   may people never let themselves be duped, coerced or socially conditioned into anything that not is not BPM, free, and far / equitable;
(i)   may all people in politics be only BPM ethical
(j)   may all people BPM reject the use of violence, coercion and similar;
(l)   may all else that should BPM asked for, also be done;
It is absolutely VITAL that this psychic / metaphysical / spiritual work be performed non-violently and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good – which is part of being BPM – on all levels and in all ways. Always remember (see here): Do you fight to change things, or to punish? See also here, here, here, here, here, and my comments about “authentic presence” in this post.
News and other matters from this past week follows:
   news items are presented in the following sections (there is overlap, and items may appear more than once; those without news deleted each week):
   -   Permanent Issues and Thematically Arranged News:
          permanent issues;     particular attention;
          democracy, freedom, governance, and ethics;     the USA and POTUS45;
          violent extremism;     refugees and migrants;     human rights
           (including homophobia/transphobia, white supremacism, trafficking
          and children’s rights, sexism, religious rights, workers’ rights, animals’ rights,
          and privacy, differently abled and other rights);     war, violence and hate;
          peace;     spirituality and psychism;     natural and other catastrophes;
          modern lifestyle (including climate crisis and environment, technology
          and science, economic and financial, housing, health and medical);     media;
          education;     crime judicial and police;
   -   Location-based News:
         Africa;     South and Central America;
          mainland China, East and South East Asia, and the Pacific;     Europe;
          Ukraine;     Russia and Central Asia;     Afghanistan;     South Asia;
          West Asia and northern Africa;
   -   Other Sites;
   opportunities/good news (in my opinion) are shown in green;
   comments (by me) are shown in purple; and
   WARNING: some of these links may contain triggers around issues such as violence, sexual assault, discrimination, etc.
Permanent Issues and Thematically Arranged News:
  • Permanent issue: may all actual and potential BPM Leaders and their Significant Others be kept BPM safe, undetectable and inviolable against indirect  psychic attack, and may they have all the BPM resources (including an assured income), opportunities and assistance for them to be BPM effective, all as is for the Highest Spiritual Good;
  • Permanent issue: may all actual and potential BPM  Violence Interrupters (and Interrupters of hate / fear / anger) of be kept BPM safe, and may they have all the BPM opportunities and assistance for them to be BPM effective at containing and stopping – along the lines of the Cure Violence model - the spread of violence (and hate / fear / anger), all as is for the Highest Spiritual Good;
  • Permanent issue: may all people     (a) recognise, irrespective of the appearance of difference, the essential shared humanness of other people, the strength of BPM collaboration, the benefits of diversity, and choose fairness and inclusivity;     (b) choose to live modestly;     (c) be in better
  • Matters warranting particular attention:
         this week on reversing the deliberate, well-funded, long-term strategy (from about the 70s – and the 90s) to make self-interest seem normal and a commitment to fairness (such as former US President Franklin D Roosevelt’s Four  Freedoms) an aberration (see also here, here, and here):     the entirety of this blog and all other spiritual work and physical activism I and many others do;    
       on genocide, especially the Rohingya  genocide being committed by  historically  violently  expansionist  burma, and similar matters this week:
       -   “despite China’s denials, its treatment of the Uyghurs should be called what it is: cultural genocide (which is what they have been doing in Tibet for decades);     burma is not preparing for the return of the Rohingya;
       on other matters requiring particular attention:
       -   “anti-extremism software [is] to be used to tackle vaccine disinformation;     “Australia's plan for tackling alcohol abuse and harm has been compromised because of meddling from the alcohol industry;     POTUS45 has reinstated the death penalty - and a warning that the “seeds of fascism are being sown” by POTUS45, who has been compared to Hitler;
       -   “farmers don’t grow food you want to eat. They grow food you’ll buy. They’re running businesses, not charities. So if you want a farmer to do something, then you need to make it attractive to them in a financial sense;     “the world’s largest mining company has endorsed drastic action to combat global warming, which he calls “indisputable”, and an emerging crisis;     cement makers;     Bangladesh has invented plastic-like bags made from jute, the plant fibre used to produce burlap bags”;     “researchers warn of ‘unexpected implications’ as climate risks converge”;     Australia’s neoliberal government ignored a deadline on the release of available data on greenhouse gas emissions;     “the outgoing head of [Australia’s] Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet says power prices would be lower now if an emissions trading scheme had been implemented over a decade ago”;     “environment contractors who relocated 30,000 animals during [a seven year construction project over a 1,000 ha area] . . . have called on other mining companies to take a similar approach to protecting native fauna”;     details of the bullying and coercion that POTUS45’s denialist administration is using to drive out scientists;     data confirms that, in response to the new president’s policies, “Amazon deforestation [is] accelerating towards unrecoverable ‘tipping point’ “;     a “living stump discovered in New Zealand's kauri forest suggests trees share water (up to date sharing of nutrients etc was known about, but not water specifically);     “contrary to previous theories that pre-industrial temperature changes in the last 2,000 years were due to variations in the Sun, our research found volcanoes were largely responsible. However, these effects are now dwarfed by modern, human-driven climate change” –and the effects have accelerated enormously in the last half century;     the finance industry continues to leave coal-fired power;
       -   as three quarters of Australians – and some former judges - are found to be concerned by AFP raids on journalists and related matters, and two French journalists are arrested for filming a protest against a controversial coal company (bail conditions were described as an “abuse of police power” and “entirely inappropriate” - the charges were later dropped after France’s Ambassador advocated for sanity), more illegal targeting of journalists by police;
       -   “a primer on the criminalisation of border crossing”;
       -   “having a constant pool of unemployed workers is deliberate policy [aided by demonisation - “you can terrify workers out of demanding wage rises and keep their labour cheap if jobs are scarce, and the alternative, unemployment, is an experience both stigmatised and deplorable”] . . . to maintain an economy for the benefit of the rich under the pretext of fighting inflation”;
       -   a “Jim Crow” legacy in the USA’s jury systems;     the problem of “white restoration”, and a rebuttal of claims of “white discrimination”;     a complaint will be lodged about a judge over apparent racism;
       -   the constituents of one of the women that the racist (“America's red scare is back. And it’s racially tinged”), misogynistic, and lying POTUS45 attacked – as he tries to set up a political civil war (evasion not be as good a solution as winning, in this instance – the civil war is for the USA’s soul) - are proudly standing by her;
       -   “sexually objectifying women leads women to objectify themselves, and harms emotional well-being”;     “two US police officers in [the USA] have been fired over a [social media] post suggesting congresswoman . . . should be shot;     a murder shows the stupidity and danger of people training others in violence;     a refugee from Afghanistan writes “in Norway, I finally found out what it means to be a truly independent woman;     “both male and female students will be allowed to wear skirts at a school in Taiwan after it announced plans to drop gender-specific uniforms”;
       -   noting, from the TV series The West Wing, season 5, episode 3, at around 33:22, that “Violence is the last choice of civilised nations. Violence wrapped in secrecy is the choice of thugs”, and that people and money are leaving Hong Kong, where pro-China protestors have also turned out and police claim a man was arrested after finding he had a stash of explosives, armed, masked vigilantes – possibly criminals (triad thugs for hire) - have attacked pro-democracy protestors, leading to demands for an explanation of police’s sudden ineptness, widespread fear and self-defence lessons. The violent protests between pro-democracy and pro-China protestors have also reached a University in my nation, and, to top it off, “China says it will not renounce the use of force in efforts to reunify Taiwan with the mainland”;
       -   bullying and alleged sexual assault by students at a religious school;     a “ ‘toxic’ parenting pandemic” – but see this;     “bitter disappointment” at the failure of “never again” promises made after revelations over terrible treatment of children in prison, and “there is no question about what needs to be done, only a question of who is prepared to do it”;
       -   as Panama starts to withdraw the registration of an oil tanker seized by Iran, the UK has “denounced the Iranian seizure of a British-flagged oil tanker in the Gulf as a ‘hostile act’ “, and called for a European maritime mission to counter Iran's ‘piracy’ ”, and calls are made for the UK to strengthen its military. Meanwhile, Iran is continuing to abuse of a detained female journalist who has been charged with allegedly spying – allegations which are denied by her, her family, and her employer, and claims by Iran of arresting 17 spies for the USA are disputed, and reports indicate some had already been sentenced to death;
       -   reduced interest in studying history is an indication of social decline;
       -   as Russia and China launch joint air patrols, South Korean planes have fired warning shots at a Russian plane which repeatedly invaded South Korean air space;
         this week’s atrocity alert at R2P lists   burma, Afghanistan and Syria;
  • With regard to democracy (which can be measured [as can goodness],     requires  protection of minorities and the vulnerable),     freedom,     governance (e.g., here, here, here, here, here, here)     and     ethics:
       analyses, research and commentary this week include:
       -   why good government matters”;     an examination of the possibility that South Korea and the USA can synchronise their approach to China;     an examination of China’s actions on a code of conduct for the South China Sea;     an examination of the current state of the “CNN effect”;
       of concern internationally this week:
       -   “Puerto Rico’s embattled governor . . . has announced that he will resign as president of the ruling . . . party and will not contest next year’s gubernatorial election, but has stopped short of resigning as governor” - but the protests are continuing . . . (he later did agree to “step down”);     the Butcher of Beijing has died;     a controversial swimmer who has been previously convicted of being a drug cheat is experiencing a series of snubs at award ceremonies – see also here, and this support from a former training partner;     a controversial coal mining company has been assessed as being at risk of corporate collapse;     concerns over China’s new approach to debt management;     corruption allegations in Italy over its hardline far right leader’s connections with Russia;     a rebuttal of the wrong, stupid and irresponsible claims by Australia’s Home Minister that most deported New Zealanders are child abusers;     Russia has been upgrading a nuclear facility;
       on the US-China – and other - trade war this week:
       -   the USA will compensate farmers hurt by the trade war;
       of concern in my nation (Australia) this week:
       -   Australia’s neoliberal government “is being accused of ignoring bipartisan recommendations [“to improve scrutiny of proposed new powers for the home affairs minister”] and breaching commitments to reform the spy agency’s powers as it prepares a fresh push on national security” – see also here, and “preventing foreign fighters from returning home could be dangerous to national security”;     the scandal around a lawyer police informant in my home state has now resulted in a conviction being quashed (I consider the behaviour went beyond being an informant, bad enough as that is for a lawyer), but there may not be other similar cases, and police are concerned that handlers have been revealed and thus put at risk;     “the commonwealth ombudsman has refused to investigate a complaint from a home affairs employee about the Australian federal police’s handling of raids on their home and workplace over leaks related to the au pairs saga”, on the basis that issues have already been considered (hmm . . . );     an inept attempt by the neoliberal government to “fend off a formal inquiry” was brought undone by the letter being dated after the event of concern, and from a lobby group, not a “concerned farmer” . . . ;     in a week when a pensioner was billed less than $70 from last century, more neoliberal bloody-mindedness and/or ineptness on the disability pension;     Australia's unemployment social security has been assessed as one of the worst in the OECD - but I'm not sure I like the time limits nor the giving a higher payment to richer people that other nations appear to have (the dispute over time spent on unemployment social security is also clarified);    the ethical controversy over the private industry jobs of two former ministers is continuing;     a criticism that the main opposition party must lead the fight to increase Newstart”;     “hundreds of thousands of Australians are forced into inadequate or unhealthy housing by high housing costs. Thousands are evicted by landlords wanting higher rents. Some end up homeless”;     another opinion that the fallout from the latest controversy around a divisive union figure may make it easier for the neoliberals to pass anti-union legislation;     a legal challenge will be launched against misleading Chinese language posters from the recent Federal election;     the Government “will examine whether China-funded Confucius Institutes [at Universities] require registration under [the] foreign transparency scheme”;     Australia’s private health insurers (“the sheltered workshop of Australian capitalism”) wants to get rid of health care for poor people to boost their profits, pays and bonuses;     a legal mistakes means arrests by Protective Services Officers in my home state could be challenged;
       other internationally concerning events this week have occurred or are developing in:
       -   Australia,   Australia,   India,   ViĂŞt Nám,   Zimbabwe;
       with regard to cyber warfare and other cyber problems (including AI and cyber-crime) this week:
       -   Australian businesses take 281 days to identify and contain cyber hacks (at a cost of $3 million) compare to 131 days internationally;     legal variations and shortcomings over privacy and CCTV in Australia, with one state conducting a “review” . . . ;     a Guardian exclusive reports a technology company’s “contractors regularly hear confidential medical information, drug deals, and recordings of couples having sex” while assessing the voice activated service;     “ ‘anonymous’ data won’t protect your identity”;     the USA’s Attorney-General – the one who falsely claimed the Mueller report exonerated POTUS45 – has claimed that loss of privacy is “worth it”;     “facial recognition push at India airports raises privacy concerns;
       -   other events related to cyber warfare have occurred or are developing in:   here;
       on development (in an “end poverty/thirst/hunger” sense):
       -   mobile banking reduces the incidence of women selling themselves to pay for “shock” expenses;     the limits of consumer pressure in improving healthcare services;
       on such matters in my nation this week:
       -   Australia’s  neoliberal, evangelical  zealot prime minister is trying to get politics off the front page” . . . ;     agricultural land in my home state will be safeguarded;     support for indigenous organisations in my home state on infrastructure;     a rebuttal of claims that reduced super payments will increase wages – and see this rich person’s stupidity, but see also this, and this call for low income earners to not have to pay super (which depends on the pension being reasonable);     the “big four” banks are – unsurprisingly – losing customers;     the “public sector [is] propping up employment and the economy”, not the private sector;     Australia’s banks (which have been caught breaking the law – see also here) are trying another code of conduct - the fifth since 1993;     as a call is made for progressives to focus on “bold action on inequality, democracy and climate”, Australia’s new main opposition party’s leader has defended recent capitulations;     problems managing bridging visas;     Australia’s neoliberal government has cut short the “drought fund debate and [pushed] on with laws targeting vegan activists”;
  • With regard to the USA and spiteful POTUS45 (see here on actions for US residents, and note that the VP is at least as bad):
       -   the appearance of the Special Prosecutor investigating Russian interference in the 2016 US Presidential election before the US Congress didn’t add anything to – or take anything away from - his report, and was generally considered disappointing, but it is a first step in a potential impeachment process;
       -   calls “for a ‘9/11-style commission’ to investigate child separation on the border with Mexico”;     “the Supreme Court cleared the way for the [POTUS45] administration to tap billions of dollars in Pentagon funds to build sections of a border wall with Mexico.”;
       -   POTUS45 has made a stupid remark about wiping Afghanistan out to “win” the war there, a claim he was asked to mediate between India and Pakistan, which was denied by India, while sitting beside Pakistan’s (concerning) Prime Minister;
       -   a trumpette Republican (and conspiracy nut) who accused a Congresswoman “of being a criminal for advising immigrants how to avoid agents from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement” has herself committed crimes (and been the victim of a violent crime);
  • With regard to refugees (noting the New York Declaration), this allusion to MLK, and remembering Haiti, Ethiopia, Madagascar, DR Congo, and the Philippines), asylum seekers, and migrants:
       -   no action was taken on the bullying of a Somali refugee in the UK who drowned suspiciously;     the political games played by Italy against asylum seeker rescue boats;     up to 150 asylum seekers may have died when their vessel capsized off Libya;     “fourteen member countries of the European Union have agreed to a new ‘solidarity mechanism’ proposed by Germany and France to allocate migrants across the bloc;     the savagery of Australia’s onshore immigration detention;     PNG is complicit in Australia’s refugee gulags;     “there’s no credible evidence to justify scrapping procedures that allow clinicians to safeguard asylum seekers’ wellbeing” – see also here;     refugees in Australia are having difficulty finding work (is that because of our racism?; - and also need formal jobs in Turkey;     six years of hell;
       -   other refugee-related matters have also occurred in:   USA,   Libya,   Venezuela / Colombia,   USA;
  • With regard to other human (and other) rights and discrimination     (incidentally, NOT all people choose to discriminate so those that do aren’t thinking clearly):
       -   other human rights matters have also occurred in:   Gambia;
       on HOMOPHOBIA/TRANSPHOBIA     (including heteronormativity and cisgender-normativity and noting that trans kids are the same as cis kids of the trans kids’ true gender):
       -   25 violent homophobic bigots have been arrested in Poland;     more violent (this time fatal) homophobia in the mediaeval Russian Empire of Tsar Putin;
       -   other homophobic/transphobic matters have also occurred in:   sport,   Nepal,   UK,   USA (good news),   sport,   Israel;
       on white supremacist and other forms of RACISM / CULTURAL DISCRIMINATION and Indigenous matters (including land rights) generally this week:
       -   a “Uluru custodian says it is time climb closure critics learn about the way we see it’ ”;     “both Aboriginal oral histories and the archaeological record shows the Chinese drove Australia’s first global trade in the Asia-Pacific well before the first fleet’s arrival”;     “the brutal history of [an Australian state’s] Native Mounted Police”;     the coroner will examine whether racism was a part of the death of an indigenous woman in custody;
       -   other white supremacy / racism problems have also occurred in:   Uganda;
       on TRAFFICKING, and CHILDREN’s and associated human rights this week (from Thomson Reuters Foundation and other sources):
       -   on child abuse, including institutional, this week:   Nepal,   Australia,   Australia,   burma;
       -   on slavery / human trafficking this week:   Thailand,   Ecuador (good news);
       on SEXISM this week (keeping in mind the overblown influence given to testosterone, and the potential value to women of using anger):
       -   “women like porn, too – we're all just trained to believe they don't . . . , but this is junk science used to excuse bad behaviour;     women’s creativity has been restrained by not having the luxury of time to themselves;     gagging clauses will be banned in the UK;     “a Broadway actor has spoken out against an audience member who broke theatre rules by taking a photograph during a nude scene”;
       -   on sexual harassment/misconduct/violence this week, see:   Australia,   Australia,   Indonesia,   Russia;
       -   other sexism matters have also occurred in:   USA,   Georgia;
       on RELIGIOUS rights this week:
       -   existing “protections for freedom of religion in Australian law”;
       on WORKERS’ rights this week:
       -   another court case over alleged (in court, and no decision yet, so innocent until found guilty, remember) underpayment – see also here;     Australia’s neoliberal government might take action against wage theft;     action on farm safety in my home state;
       on PRIVACY, AGED, DIFFERENTLY ABLED, AND OTHER forms of human rights this week:
       -   a new campaign “to help people with disabilities gain employment;
  • With regard to war (noting that economic ties do NOT prevent war), violence and hate generally:
       -   a consideration of how to consider “radical” technology in the military;     a watch list on violent areas;
  • With regard to natural and other disasters:
       -   the measles outbreak in 2018 which killed over 100,000 people and made 200,000 ill appears to have started in Ukraine, linked to the civil war;     the death toll from monsoonal floods in South Asia is now over 300 - see also here;     “drug-resistant malaria parasites [is] ‘spreading aggressively’ across south-east Asia”;     another record breaking heatwave in Europe;     drought in East Africa;
  • With regard to overcrowding and “modern“ lifestyle issues     (such as     smart phones’ environmental harm,   child labour,   conflict  minerals,   FOMO [which can be overcome],   addiction or unthinking pro-technology bias [new is NOT always good – see here],   AI ethics,   plane pollution,     and     work, busy-ness and lifestyles causing depression and burnout,   being duped by modern mantras,  management  fads and corporate misuse of mindfulness as a distraction,   failing“ at being well,   life options,   financialisation of homes,   agroforestry,   raising Prince Boofheads and forcing everyone to have children,   the “Earth3” model [SDGs + 9PBs]):
       on climate crisis (our World War III?) and other environmental matters:
       -   the phenomenon of “flash droughts”;     criticism of inadequate water storage planning for small towns;     “the Murray-Darling river system managed by NSW – the Barwon-Darling – is ‘an ecosystem in crisis’ which is on a path to collapse and urgent reforms are needed to save it;     the maritime is changing to a less polluting fuel;     planning guidelines for solar farms in my home state;     “extreme weather caused by climate change has damaged 45% of Australia’s coastal habitat”;     “our cities need more trees, but some commonly planted ones won’t survive climate change – but see this, and this;
       -   other environmental matters have occurred in:   Lake Baikal,   Australia;
       on technology and science matters:
       -   deep seated anger against intrusive social media “influencers” has surfaced in one town after a magazine article;
       on affordable, sustainable and decent housing and homelessness matters    (politicians with “investment properties” have a conflict of interest):
       -   in response to abandoned houseboats sinking, compulsory salvage insurance may be introduced (as a boat-lover, I hope they do – and why didn’t the houseboats have buoyancy, and why weren’t they sold by the owners?);
       on health and medical:
       -   “as an overworked perfectionist, ignoring wellness advice was the salve my soul needed;     a local Council’s ban on smoking was supported by 80% during consultations;
       on other matters in the category:
       -   the disturbing problem of “begpackers”;
  • With regard to press aka the media, and freedom of expression     (claims of presenting “both sides” of a debate can be WRONG if the other side is RUBBISH –as is the case on LGBTIQ issues.     Also, media can be unprofessional,     but funding is an issue … ):
       -   the Australian Communication and Media Authority has made a weak (I would consider it inept) response on televising violence;
       -   other media / freedom of expression matters have occurred in:   UK,   Australia,   Somalia,   Iran,   Israel;
  • With regard to education:
       -   a “kindergarten abandons plastic toys in favour of sticks and mud to help kids develop”;     managing academic errors;
       -   other education matters have occurred in:   UK;
  • With regard to crime, judicial matters and policing     (noting (1) an uncle of mine resigned when corruption was not comprehensively cleaned out of the police force he served in, I have high expectations of police, and I consider all violence, abuse of power and failure to understand the impacts of their actions [e.g., see here and here] undermines and weaken all police – who are under incredible pressure, and (2) all people charged are innocent until proven guilty):
       -   tax scams (although a lot of focus is on the victims and warning potential victims, my opinion is that the people committing those scams are evil [lacking in empathy]: they need to be wary of the karma they are creating for themselves);     a riot in a youth detention centre left some inmates injured and guards in fear of their life (the questions are not only about loss of control, by why the riot occurred in the first place - we need to be learning from New Zealand, in my opinion);     16 US soldiers have been arrested for alleged drug offences and human smuggling;
      -      other crime, judicial and policing matters have occurred in:   Australia,   mentally ill.
Location based News:
  • With regard to Africa, the Africa Center for Strategic Studies (and other sources) has:
        on Africa generally, and multi-African nations:
       -   “successful elections and ‘political dialogues’ push democracy forward in West Africa and the Sahel”;
       -   West African nations will jointly fight piracy;
       on specific African nations:
       -   a fatal clash between conservation rangers and Mbuti people in the DR Congo over access to a forest;     a “Congo minister's resignation . . . could unblock new vaccine”;     more violence impeding efforts against Ebola;
       -   peacekeeping in Liberia is showing benefits;
       -   the UK will send 250 troops to Mali for peacekeeping;
       -   after ten years of violent extremist violence, Nigerians crave peace;
       -   “journalism can get you killed in Somalia, but we are not just poster children for desperation”;
       -   accusations of ceasefire violations in South Sudan;
       -   as members of the military suspected of coup involvement a journalist are arrested, protestors and the military have agreed to the power sharing deal . . . again. meanwhile, Sudanese “militia” have gone to . . . ;
       -   violent evictions of Ugandans from a wildlife reserve;
  • With regard to South and Central America:
       -   blackouts have plunged “Venezuela into chaos as minister blames saboteurs”;     growing tensions between the USA and Venezuela have been shown by a Venezuelan fighter aircraft “aggressively” shadowing a US plane in international airspace;
  • With regard to mainland China (may her growing middle class bring a love of peace and freedom),     East and South East Asia     and     the Pacific):
       on increasingly totalitarian mainland China, and also Hong Kong, the DPRK (North Korea) and South Korea (which need to accept their partition – for now – and sign a peace treaty), Taiwan, and the free but violently occupied nation of Tibet:
       -   North Korea has thrown a two missile hissy fit over South Korea taking reasonable measures to ensure it is able to be defended;
       elsewhere in Asia:
       -   China, which is undertaking a lot of construction in Cambodia, has reportedly signed a “secret deal to station troops in Cambodia”, although this is denied by Cambodia’s Prime Minister;     helping Cambodia get clean water;
       -   a court decision will force Indonesia to do more to prevent the health endangering annual forest fires;
       and in the Pacific:
       -   as PNG’s Prime Minister visits Australia, a detailed examination of the violence, staggering ironies, and fears in parts of PNG;     PNG plans to be financially independent in ten years;     Vanuatu has declared a state of emergency due to an insect pest;
  • With regard to Europe and the European Union (EU) (which need to step up, as the USA steps down):
        on Europe generally:
       -   a culture of sexism in the European Parliament;
       -   a record heatwave in Europe is being blamed on climate change;
       on specific European nations:
       -   the descendant of a German whose forebears lost their land for supporting an assassination plot against Hitler is trying to get the land back;
       -   huge bushfires in Portugal;
       -   a threat of legal action for defamation as “press freedom campaigners and charity groups warn the government in an open letter that UK courts are being used to ‘intimidate and silence’ journalists working in the public interest;     the UK’s controversial new PM – who has been greeted by the EU rejecting his Brexit plans . . . and Boris has started with vengeance and stacked the cabinet with retrogressive reprobates and Brexiteers . . .;     “Britons care more about climate change than Brexit”;
  • With regard to the (forgotten or ignored and underreported) conflicts in Ukraine, particularly in the east:
       -   the party of Ukraine’s President is heading for an electoral win;
       -   other events concerning Ukraine have occurred or are developing in:   measles outbreak
  • ith regard to the conflict in  sexist Afghanistan (noting that Afghanistan was once a peaceful and modern society, even allowing women in miniskirts, before the Russian invasion – see here):
       -   “an impassioned plea . . . for Afghans to reconcile with the past and put ‘women at the centre’ of all efforts to forge a durable peace, and a truly inclusive political process”;
  • With regard to South Asia (aka the Indian sub-continent), The Hindu and other sources have:
       on India:
       -   water deliveries in an Indian city;
       on Pakistan:
       -   the USA will support Pakistan’s F16 fighter jets;
       elsewhere in South Asia:
       -   “eight people have been killed in vigilante lynchings in Bangladesh, sparked by rumours on social media of children being kidnapped and sacrificed as offerings for the construction of a mega-bridge”;
  • With regard to West Asia (aka “the Middle East”) and Northern Africa, the Middle East Eye, the Times of Israel, and other sources have:
       on Israel and Palestine:
       -   Israel is destroying more Palestinian homes, in breach of international humanitarian law;     “ ‘tangible steps’ [are] needed to alleviate [the] crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, keep two-State solution alive”;     “Israel’s former centre-left prime minister . . . has given his campaign to unseat the incumbent PM . . .[to end the incumbent’s “rule with the radicals, racists and the corrupt”], in upcoming elections a boost by making a pact with left-wing politicians”;     the USA has condemned the BDS movement;
       -   on other violent incidents this week, see:   this;
       on the  conflict and the world’s biggest humanitarian crisis in Yemen:
       -   the peace deal in Yemen is faltering;     Australia is also enabling the abuses in Yemen;
       on Syria (where the Assad Dictatorship has lost all pretence of legitimacy, and partition is needed):
       -   dozens of civilians have been killed by airstrikes in Syria’s Idlib province;
       elsewhere in the region:
       -   “how Iraq's neglect made Basra's water unsafe to drink.
General Comments/Information
(Dear Reader, please remember, I expect you to THINK when reading this blog, and I reserve the right to occasionally sneak in something to test that)
Many others are very capably doing this type of work – for instance, the Lucis Trust's Triangles network (running for many decades);     the Correllian Tradition's 'Spiritual War for Peace' (see also here, here, and here), the Hope, Peace, Love and Prosperity Spell (also from the Correllian Tradition, in around 2007 or 2008),     the Healing Minute started by the late, great Harry Edwards (running for decades);     the “CE 5  ET contact“ movement started by Dr Steven M Greer, which is the one which appears to most capitalise on the teachings of “The Nine”,     the “Network of Light”  meditations;     the 1 Million Meditators movement,     and     also see here, here and here – even commercial organisations (for instance, see here), online groups (e.g. here and here – which I do not know the quality of) and even an app.
Thus, if you don't like what I am suggesting here, but want to be of service, there are many other opportunities for you – including secular opportunities: e.g., see here, here and here.
Again, activism in the physical world is also required - see here, here and here, here, and, of course, here.
(I specifically have a role for healers on Saturdays. Anyone who wishes to be protector has a role every day. At all times, on all levels and in ways, BOTH must ALWAYS be BPM in the way they perform such roles.)
If I am ever late getting my Psychic Weather Report up any week, there is a default plan.
I apologise for publishing these posts twice, but Blogger keeps changing my formatting.