Wednesday 30 June 2021

Post No. 1,927 - Additional for today

Today's extra map, based on my perceptions, the news, this week's planned psychic work, and this, is below:

(You can find out more about my bindrunes here.) 

Post No. 1,926 - 14 years ...

The 14th anniversary of this blog was just a few weeks ago. I've been thinking of a reason to blog on that, and there really isn't any . . . except to say that I am pleased I've now completed my second period of seven years of blogging :)

Post No. 1,925 - Psychically Defending a Rental

In my home state, renters have important legal rights - including the right to order people off the property. That is paralleled by a similar psychic right to integrity of one's home. 

That means that, psychically and spiritually, NO-ONE has a right to be there who you do not want - landlords, tenants, real estate agents, NONE have ANY right to be psychically present. 

There are a lot of stupid notions around in the broader community (including some f*** wits who think renters cannot order people off their land, others who have idiotic ideas about rights to search for drugs without evidence, and landlords or real estate agents who think they have the right to dictate how the renters live). Those translate into psychic intrusions. 

What is needed to deal with that is stronger-than-normal psychic protection practices - more assertive intent, possibly bordering on aggression. 

After having done that recently, our sleep, energy levels, and health, have improved dramatically. 

**** off, psychic intruders.

Post No. 1,924 - Existing as Purpose

When I started incorporating psychic practice into my spiritual practice, as a young teenager, I believed in helping others and being spiritually loving (although I termed that being "kind, gentle, and generous", which was my first ever  affirmation, and is one I still use to this day). A key part of my practice was using alternate nostril breathing to strengthen my being and radiating / projecting  loving  emotions - and that still is, although I don't spend as much time as I want doing that these days (which is an argument for a more minimalist lifestyle).

However, as I grew and gained in life experience, I came to the view that doing that is not enough on its own. The issues I was concerned about were: 

  • others could either mistake or take advantage of the positive vibes (which I've written about before)
  • others may be so blinded by their personal scars (I still want to finish my book on that topic one day) or infused (from parents, peers, etc) ideology that they rejected this notion (including those who think "it's a hard world out there so one has to be hard" [the first part is right, the second is wrong], money / power [in any form, not just personal or socio-political] / social status & prestige is all that matters, and other Newtonian worldviews)
  • there are validly needs for other skills (peace-making, - keeping, and -building are separate arts, as is guiding the complex organism known as "a society" [including dealing with a fair & equitable allocation of resources according to need, ensuring we are "giving roses as well as bread" aka nurturing our souls, and addressing problems such the climate crisis, overpopulation, overcrowding, overpopulation, and light & noise pollution], but it is the psychic skills required to clear the residual energies of past mistakes, malice, and mayhem - which is a bit like cleaning the oil spilled from a tanker that has rolled on a road - that is also crucial, along with learning about and enacting / realising / manifesting spiritual growth); and 
  • simply existing is not purpose enough.

The last point has been, in my opinion, probably best set out by Steven  Greer in his video "The Holographic Conscious Universe", with the levels of development of personal and civilisation.

On that, our violent and inequitous, unequal & unjust (unfair, if you prefer) planetary set of cultures doesn't even get to the starting gate - curing war and poverty are not ambitions,  they're as fundamental as not walking mud through another's home, as being rested and ready for a day, as taking in a breathe before doing anything. 

The fact that so many people on this planet think otherwise is an indictment on all of us. It's hard to be part of a collective, but, whether we like or not, we are - we are members of (or connected to) many collectives, ranging from  family or circle of friends up to being a member of the human species while incarnated as one on this planet (including "starseeds", walk-ins, Indigo people, etc): some we can choose to leave (including abusive families), but others we can't - particularly the aforementioned human species.

And that is where and when our existence as decent, loving (or caring, if you prefer), and genuinely BPM  spiritual people DOES , contrary to my uncertain or even somewhat despairing position, matter - that is where we start to sway the collective, just by existing as good people or people trying to be "good". That is where we have an influence - small, it is true, but potentially significant, whether that is through our psychic energies, our effect on the collective unconscious, or some other phenomenon we are as yet unaware of.

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Post No. 1,923 - Additional for today

Today's extra map, based on my perceptions, the news, this week's planned psychic work, and this, is below:

(You can find out more about my bindrunes here.) 

Post No. 1,922 - Cross posting: More on dealing with psychopaths in the workforce

The following originally appeared on my political blog at


I have put up with a lot of personal abuse in workplaces, some of it at the hands of, or in the course of standing up to, people who I feel are - or were - psychopaths. As an example, one manager a few decades ago tried to tell us all how to vote (liberal): I responded if people cared about the environment they should vote Green and if they cared about workers they should vote ALP.

In other words, that particular person was so arrogant they thought they were a feudal overlord who could dictate details of our life - and ignore various aspects of local anti-discrimination law (such as this - and this, but note those links are to current law: some of the other aspects did not exist at the time I am writing of).

They basically thought - staggering though it seems - they were being almost like a parent when they were trying to brainwash people into neoliberalism.

They were so incapable of handling dissent that when I was standing up to them on one occasion they put a black mark on my personnel record that was considered so blatantly unfair that it was later quietly removed by our Human Resources personnel.

That person was also such a bigot that they actively interfered with LGBT matters - including refusing to use correct pronouns for trans people. As a result, I will return that favour for the rest of this article by referring to them as “it” - which is what it was trying to do to all trans people. 

(My view is that it was a bigot that created workplaces of damaged people that were riven by fear, despair and conflict - there were a few other professional concerns as well.)

In my decades long struggle against it and it’s legacy, what didn’t help was other people being cowards.

I got plenty of feedback from others - or acted on behalf of others. For instance, on one occasion it used a religious profanity in support of a view that people should feel despair over not making profit - no matter how good the job, which left one person who was deeply offended as the religious profanity. After the meeting I explained the reason for the person’s distress to it, but it was so fixated on “everyone should feel overwhelming emotional pain at low profits” that it could not comprehend that humans might be upset about something else.

So, as I wrote, all I did was based - in part - on feedback from others, but that tended to leave me exhausted - and the lack of gratitude from others was a problem. After around three decades of putting my neck on the chopping block for others I had had enough, and started to work less directly and actively, and attempt - unsuccessfully - to do more self-care.

Unsuccessfully because our world is still diseased by neoliberalism- an infestation that is actually far worse than the current pandemic, as neoliberalism has actively spread and supported the worldviews and values that have left us in an existential climate crisis.

That crisis is also an excellent example of the stupidity of such people - they have what I have described as a Newtonian worldview - see here (and also here).

It is also an example of the damage such people cause. I did have plans to write an article on how business was reversing civilisation, but for time and energy limits I’ll reduce that to this:

  • the drive to address everything from money (which I have been fighting all the way back to the Shire Clerk in Queensland who thought all environmental values should be converted to a dollar amount so his limited brain could do a mathematical calculation [with fudge factors to get the result he wanted] ) is actually countering and reversing the specialisation that allowed  the  development  of  civilisation. Specialists are NOT motivated by money - they’re motivated by the love of the skill they have, or the intellectual challenge of the task facing them. Having a solution in mind, but having to say nothing about it because of contractual limits, is demoralising, drives people out of fields they are good at, and thus actively weakens civilisation (no matter how much money is left in various bank accounts).

(The argument that profits have to be made is true enough in our current world situation [see Star Trek for an alternative world situation], but does not change the FACT that attempting to motivate people by using something that has no resonance with people is (a) ineffective, and (b) shows incompetence at being a manager on the part of those managers who attempts to do so - such managers" need to learn to suck up the damage of their concern over profit/loss enough to motivate the humans under their care in ways that mean something to those humans.)

Here's a few more brief comments that I am not going to get the time and energy to write up properly:

  • “That’s the problem with the American Dream - it makes everyone concerned for the day they’re gonna be rich.” Character President Bartlett, TV series The West Wing, Season 3, Episode 4 – Ways and Means (at 38:57).
  • the Paul Principle
    much as Murphy’s Law (which is “whatever can go wrong will go wrong”) has an adjunct, known as Smith’s Law (which is the saying that Murphy was an optimist - see, I am going to propose an adjunct to the Peter Principle (which is that people are promoted until they reach the level at which they are incompetent) which, in anticipation of a future “Mary Principle” I will call the Paul principle (apologies to that wonderful band): those who stay at their level of competence are overloaded until they reach a point of failure.
  • the Mary Principle
    this is a variation on the Peter principle, where talented people are put into un-resourced situations like casting seed on barren ground.

These can all be overcome - at least in part - by treating people with decency - as individuals, not economic cogs driven by dreams of someone else’s profit / KPIs.

How does that happen in modern businesses?

By activist shareholders starting to take an interest in the personalities of those they appoint, and how much human damage is being created in the quest for profit.

And if such people consider they can outsource being human (or if they are uncomfortable with that wording: “outsource being decent”) , they should remember my comments above about cowardice - because they are.

They should also remember this.

The TV comedian Stephen Colbert - who I like for his stance for democracy, decency, and human rights under the nightmare of #45 in the USA - has started a series of questions to ask celebrities as a “getting to know you” exercise. One of those questions is “What is the scariest animal?” My answer to that would be, especially as I look out at a world ruined by the climate crisis and riven by inequity, inequality, and discrimination, humans.


Monday 28 June 2021

Post No. 1,921 - Additional for today

Today's extra map, based on my perceptions, the news, this week's planned psychic work, and this, is below:

(You can find out more about my bindrunes here.) 

Post No. 1,920 - Cross posting: Australians

This originally appeared on my political blog at


Aussies used to be proud of a stereotype - that few went anywhere near, and was exclusively male - of being self reliant, laconic, bushies.

That stereotype got gradually replaced as we moved through the 20th Century with others - of being larrikins, then of being able to fix anything with a bit of "baling wire" and so on, and then - from the 70s on - with being multicultural and having gotten over the cultural cringe. 

Again, none of them ever really fit reality. 

Now we've got a range of stereotypes that people hold up when it suits them to show off not so much the reality of being an Australian, but what each person thinks - or thinks at that time - we should be holding up as an ideal. 

The truth is we're a mix of around 25 million people - there's no one stereotype that can embrace the real mix of cultures in our nation. 

But there are a few flaws we need to admit to, and then deal with - racism, classism (yes, it does exist in Australian society), small-minded bigotry and xenophobia, simple-minded "thinking", and wanting to be one of the rich - not even wanting to be one of the squattocracy, just one of the rich elites, which is another fatal flaw that the evil John Howard nurtured and polished in our collective psyche until it came to tarnish everything else. 


Sunday 27 June 2021

Post No. 1,919 – This Week’s Psychic Weather Report and Work No. 0266

Black Lives Matter!

Stay safe - wash your hands, practice social distancing and wear a face mask in public, and follow informed medical advice - and be considerate towards those at risk or in situations of vulnerability (including economic) while the COVID-19 pandemic is a problem.

This week’s assessment is:

This week’s plan is:

My approach this week will be (incidentally, if you disagree, please use your own interpretations, or your own divinations [see the monthly “World Psychic Predictions / Remote Viewing" here for an example of other approaches):

Sunday: the purpose of this day’s work is, mainly, to build a reserve of BPM energy to call upon during the coming week. In addition to the meditation / clearing work described below, I will also be working on making sure I, my crystals and my other tools / devices are as fully charged with BPM energy as I can make them (which is something I have posted about elsewhere, but may post more about in the near future):
 - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy, guidance/inspiration, support, and protection to sweep through (cleanse and clear) and BPM  heal & build up  North and Central America, the North Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic, and Europe, and archipelagic South East Asia and Australia, including preparing, organising and enabling an effective BPM resistance to all retaliation / counter-attacks / attempted undermining/attrition of this work,
   with a particular focus on determination and also on helping all humans to recognise the essential shared humanness of other people and to choose to live modestly (in the “
minimalist” sense),
and also to
(a) all
BPM Interrupters of violence / hate / fear / anger,
(b) genuinely
BPM spiritual groups/leaders (including the Lucis Trust, the Lorian organisation, and others),
(c) to all actual and potential
BPM Leaders and their networks/supporters/successors, including Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nyadol Nyuon, Kailash Satyarthi, Jacinda Ardern, Tsai Ing-wen, Tawakkol Karman, Sanna Marin, Justin Trudeau, Caoimhe Butterly, Rigoberta MenchĂş, Joe Biden-Kamala Harris,
and also perform the weekly meditation outlined at;

 - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to sweep through (cleanse and clear) and BPM  heal & build up  East Pacific Ocean, South America, South Atlantic Ocean, Antarctica, the Southern Ocean, and the Indian Ocean, including preparing, organising and enabling an effective BPM resistance to all retaliation / counter-attacks / attempted undermining/attrition of this and previous work,
   with a particular focus on determination

 - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to sweep through (cleanse and clear) and BPM  heal & build up  the West Pacific ocean, mainland South East & East & Central Asia, Siberia, and European Russia, including preparing, organising and enabling an effective BPM resistance to all retaliation / counter-attacks / attempted undermining/attrition of this and previous work,
   with a particular focus on determination

 - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to sweep through (cleanse and clear) and BPM  heal & build up  northern Africa, and West & South Asia, including preparing, organising and enabling an effective BPM resistance to all retaliation / counter-attacks / attempted undermining/attrition of this and previous work,
   with a particular focus on determination,
and to BPM disrupt, neutralise, reverse, clear and/or rescue the group minds/egregores and all persons that are
(a) promoting selfishness / rabid individualism at the expense of being a decent human and having an overall better society,
(b) casting doubt or misdirection over, or aiming for personal gain/acquisition of power from, COVID-19,
(c) all neochristian fundamentalists, and
(d) all who are clueless about or dismissive/belittling of the suffering they cause;

 - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to sweep through (cleanse and clear) and BPM  heal & build up  central and southern Africa, including preparing, organising and enabling an effective BPM resistance to all retaliation / counter-attacks / attempted undermining/attrition of this and previous work,
   with a particular focus on determination,
and BPM clear and/or rescue the nonBPM entities / psychic cartels in, focused on, or acting through North Korea, Iran, Syria, and Lebanon;

 - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to sweep through (cleanse and clear) and BPM  heal & build up  central and southern Africa, including preparing, organising and enabling an effective BPM resistance to all retaliation / counter-attacks / attempted undermining/attrition of this and previous work,
   with a particular focus on determination,
and BPM clear the nonBPM networks, supports, and reinforcements around Murdoch and his ilk and Scott & Dutton & Shelton & Latham and Murdoch’s other pets, Putin, Xi, Kim Jong-un, Museveni, Lukashenko, General Min Aung Hlaing, and all other despots;

Saturday: this day will now be reserved for rest, recuperation and healing – of all those who are trying in a BPM way to make this planet a better place.
May any and all healers who wish to contribute to this, take a few minutes to contribute to this goal on this day.

To aid this week’s work, taking into account what I have discerned/divined from this week’s assessment of the news, I’ve created a bindrune for determination for this week’s work, which is:

The most recent lesson - with links to preceding lessons - in my intermittent series on how to do this work is at

Routine Explanation / commentary

There is an introduction / reminder / explanation about these posts here (and also see here for some investigation into evidence of the effectiveness of this type of work, which shows variability [and mentions causes] and cycles in the energetic/consciousness response), and some additional comments at the end of this post. Please also note that I hope this work will be taken up by a network of competent dowsers and BPM psychic warriors (also, this blog was created for spiritual reasons, including a course: this is just part of it).

As you read this, consider this: how does one outflank an idea, or attack an emotion in the rear? It is as well to consider what those who are unbalanced could do to good ideas and emotions, as well as considering BPM ways to outflank or “attack in the rear” bad ideas/emotions. Also consider geopolitics, and this mapping exercise.

Remember, the meditation (see here, here, and here) consists of:

 - appropriate and responsible protection (see here, here, here), prayer and ritual (e.g., here) to establish and check protection (re-do or re-schedule, if you don’t feel safe and secure);

 - establish a personal connection to higher BPM influences;

 - flush one's aura with emerald green, royal blue and royal purple;

 - fill one’s Heart Chakra (and maybe one’s Earth Star, Solar Plexus, Third Eye and Crown Chakras) with emerald green, royal blue and royal purple; send a weave of three streams of this colour from the Chakra(s) to a visualisation of a gigantic, multi-faceted emerald (which has been created to facilitate networking of BPM workers) through your facet until you see your energy enlivening other areas of the emerald and can feel similar energies flowing back to you;

 - visualise the rune / bindrune (if given - or, on Sunday, the group of symbols provided);

 - generate  feelings of love, peace, joy and respect;

 - strengthen those feelings (energies);

 - radiate those energies to the world for nine to eighteen minutes;

 - on Sunday, also perform the additional meditation work and exercise(s) as set out in the posts for that work;

 - close your chakras, centre yourself and close your aura, use the banishing version of the LBRP to close circle, ground and release all excess energy; and make sure you are grounded and closed down – eat, if you need to, or seek help from someone capable and trusted. As a final point, note that your BPM family of choice (i.e., friends - especially those outside this area of your life) and BPM family will help keep your life grounded - but they must be BPM: as the Wiccan  Rede says “With a fool no season spend, nor be counted as their friend”. Similarly, you should focus on all that you love in life outside this work at the end of a session - and, if you have nothing else, you must broaden your life for the sake of being balanced and thus capable (and seek expert help, if necessary); and
 - make sure you are yourself again - free of any lingering attachments or (misguided) ideas of being subservient, respectful of yourself and your integrity as you should be of others.

Important note: although I show the flow of energy using arrows, they are really - to continue the weather chart analogy - more like the passage of a frontal system as shown on a synoptic (“weather”) chart. Also, if I ever miss doing a Psychic Weather Report, I have posted a standard, fall-back, default version here, which I will update from time to time when needed.

My changing the personality of oppressors and other world leaders post is here. It is also worth contemplating that one of the greatest weaknesses of those who oppose Balanced Positivity is the inherent pain, suffering and negativity of their aims and means – from the personal slights, insults and traumas left by the petty tyrant or autocrat, dictator or monarch or those oligarchs who are ruthless (some at least are not; some are BPM), through the social dislocation of the economic ideologue, to the long-lasting trauma, injury, death and desolation of society caused by those who use violence or war as a means to achieve power or impose their will. It may take time, but people WILL eventually realise what is not good, and will take action – which is why slavery is no longer ubiquitous, and why the march to freedom and democracy is underway – tentatively, and with backsliding and mistakes along the way, but inexorable nevertheless.

Also, if you’re interest is healing, I have changed the way I do these posts to more clearly show opportunities for doing healing.

In addition, those interested in providing protection for others always have a place – refer to the first item from yesterday’s summation of world events (details and link above), for instance.

Finally, a reminder that if none of this is of any interest to you, but you would still like to contribute energetically / psychically to making the world a better place, there are other options – for instance, see here (new, as of Oct., 2020), here, here, here, here, here, here, here (and here), here, and here – and, no doubt, many other places on the internet.


Black Lives Matter!