Monday 30 May 2016

Post No. 873 – The Importance of Knowing Thyself … and Doing Something About It

Life can be viewed as a series of pendulums swinging from one extreme to the other, in so many areas that viewing them looks like a kaleidoscope made of pendulum clocks manufactured by Mr Escher – dizzying and confusing to look at, rendering one liable to consider taking up chaos magick for a – misplaced - sense of control.
We tend, so often, to swing from being, say:
  • overly focused on controlling diet to overly focused on exercise that we miss the point about enabling quality and enjoyment of life;
  • focused on social interaction and the people we love to – well, most people forget there is even a balancing point to this one;
  • showing we understand and can be better at complying with and using society’s rules and expectations to being oneself that we forget there is a role for both;
and so on.
I actually consider the (modern) Taijitu, the so-called “yin-yang” symbol, a good symbol for the way we "should" be viewing all these pendulum arcs: not extremes connected by a path to be jumped across quickly or ignored, but dynamic balances, where each “opposite” contains the seed of the other within itself, the dynamic processes are what is renewing and life-giving and enriching rather than which polar opposite one is closest to at any one moment, and all the stages along the way are equally valid as either end.
Shades of “Balanced Positive”, anyone? :)
Now, in terms of what led me to this post, which is - nominally - contemplation on the nature of real estate agents, I noted:
  • such people tend to be inherently people who have bought in to the materialist aspects of society – i.e., that having a flashier house is better than having a modest house that meets one’s needs, and renters – who don’t have a house at all – are scum who are beneath contempt;
  • such people tend to generally be younger, and more vehement in how they demonstrate their adherence to the Officially Accepted Social Code of How Things Should be (OASCoHTS) to show well they understand and accept the OASCoHTS;
  • some of these people experience a “sea change” as they mature (and some just grow old and set in their ways), and then seek a better, more rewarding, less materialistic life – often dismissed by those still in the throes of OASCoHTS as “mid-life crisis”, or “tree change”, or, occasionally, even an actual “sea change” (like me, I hope, in the not too distant future);
  • these people are found in other situations as well – I’ve seen many in engineering, and have made the same mistakes myself, in that engineering context - and also in sailing, where my initial emphasis was on competitive sailing (although success at that kept me alive through a troubled time in my life).
Now, if one is self-aware, or seeking to be self-aware, it is quite possible to become aware of one’s flaws – and the behaviours I am describing here, not just OASCoHTS, are problems; as an example, I became aware that I have a bad temper when I was a kid, which is something I was led to because of my involvement in personal growth areas such as Buddhism.
Just as important, I was also aware, because of that personal growth work, that I am a “work in progress”, and thus was able to make the decision to use my anger, rather than being a tool for that anger (or, more accurately, whatever was behind it) to express itself. If I’d been caught up in some sections of the New Age movement, I would have been focused on the “accept and love oneself as one is” end of the pendulum swing, and thus failed to acknowledge the other end of the pendulum swing, which is about transforming and integrating that aspect of oneself so one becomes a better, more effective person as a result.
I’ve written about this elsewhere.
The topic can be very important when one is, for instance, considering the violent emotions shown – on both sides – last weekend in relation to refugees. If one understands why people are like this, one is better placed to be able to help them. This is why people such as – genuinely - reformed terrorists can be so useful.
Now, the anger and violence didn’t help either case, but was expressed nevertheless: why?
Well, I’m going to start this consideration off by raising the issue of why people are homophobic. Why could they have that major – and it is very, very, VERY major - flaw?
Notice I am asking “could”, not “why”: “shy is specific, relating to specific people, but, before examining “why”, one should always first examine the broad range of possible why’s:
  • they could be suppressing their own same sex attraction (it is possible, and is a mistake I made on one occasion when I was young);
  • they could be reacting to having been abused, perhaps in a previous life, by someone in a same sex situation (not necessarily child abuse – some same sex relationships are abusive, just as some heterosexual or bisexual relationships are, and that does not mean that same sex relationships are bad any more than such incidences mean heterosexual or bisexual relationships are bad);
  • they could have been the one who did the abusing, and thus are now overreacting out of guilt;
  • their views could have been warped by parents, peers, organisations or governments;
  • they could have some other cause, possibly a personal matter needing help (maybe counselling, maybe healing, maybe a combination of modalities that changes as they progress through that experience), or something the existence of which I have no clue.
The same sort of range of causes also applies to xenophobia. A few decades ago I knew someone who hated Greeks for no known reason. At the time, I had a lot less life experience than I do now (this was before I had started my intensive training in the 80s), so I could only think to point out to her that she was "condemning" herself to being born as a Greek (we risk becoming what we hate, if we focus on it in an unbalanced and uncritical way). Now, following the sort of exercise I just went through in the context of homophobia:
  • the person concerned could have died in a war against Greeks;
  • the person concerned could have been fighting for Greece, but either lost, or found the experience so wracking that they would up hating their involvement and went from love to hate;
  • the person could have been responsible for something which either harmed or failed to help Greece / Greeks (e.g., perhaps one of the military leaders who failed to stop the invasion of Greece during World War Part Two), and is now acting out a desire to avoid facing up to their sense of guilt;
  • their views could have been warped by parents, peers, organisations or governments (or they could be subject to psychic control, and thus be in need of clearing and lessons on the fundamentals of protection, flaming and grounding, and good psychic health);
  • they could have some other cause, possibly a personal matter needing help (maybe counselling, maybe healing, maybe a combination of modalities that changes as they progress through that experience), or something the existence of which I have no clue.
Those involved in the violence on last weekend may:
  • be focused on a stereotypically alpha male / macho view that ideas and concepts need to be strong “physically”, in ways that I actually consider range from superficial to stupid, or simply thought they would “win” if they drowned the others out (thereby ignoring the rest of society, media, government and the complexity of life);
  • have ulterior motives;
  • have “simply” wanted a fight, or some excitement;
  • have no clue how threatening such behaviour is to others, let alone how damaging it is;
  • have acted out of a sense of wanting to protect someone they know and care about and perceived as being threatened, and the issues actually didn’t mean anything to them;
  • their views could have been warped by parents, peers, organisations or governments (or they could be subject to psychic control, and thus be in need of clearing and lessons on the fundamentals of protection, flaming and grounding, and good psychic health, This is also where the work on pointing out that (a) refugees do not constitute the threat they are made out to be, (b) we non-indigenous people are not the “original” or “rightful” inhabitants of this land, (c) there are other, important principles, such as compassion, legal justice and the reciprocity that our actions create for our citizens later, (d) so on, are important);
  • they could have some other cause, possibly a personal matter needing help (maybe counselling, maybe healing, maybe a combination of modalities that changes as they progress through that experience), or something the existence of which I have no clue.
In terms of the work I want people to do, being aware of a wider range of possible causes means you are more likely to be aware of and properly clear nonBPM units, or to send the form of BPM healing that is actually needed.
This sort of exercise can be difficult. Many, many years ago one of my students said she couldn’t understand how anyone could abuse a child. Well, my BPF Guides gave me a nudge, and we found that she actually had been a child abuser several hundred years earlier: her vehemence now was, in part, due to unresolved guilt – but it also normal and healthy outrage at the utter wrongness of such actions.
On a personal note, I am aware of how I could have made decisions in this life that led me to be an alcoholic, or a very angry person, or a superficial pleasure-seeking person, and so on – we all face such potential choices: knowing who we are makes those situations an actual, manifest exercise in making a choice, rather than being thrown haphazardly through the trouble and turmoil of unresolved and unacknowledged issues to wherever they dictate we, their controlled PUPPET, shall be taken.
Being aware ourselves, then also makes us better able to help others.
When I was contemplating this post, I recalled reading, a few weeks or months ago, of someone who avoided the “need” for relationships by being aware of what he was seeking for in that person. I don’t think I posted the link, as I wasn’t comfortable with what the person was doing (it came across as too glib and anti-people for me). However, if applied to things like shopping and buying material things, like bigger houses etc, the concept could actually be quite beneficial –for u personally, for those who would ultimately be able to access the resources we didn’t consume, and for the environment and thus the planet.
Oh, and I deny “vehemently” that I could have been a real estate agent … unless I was born into a silver spoon situation … or saw the benefits of owning a place earlier in my life … or I had missed the personal growth experiences that I have had :) . And if the latter had been the case, who knows where I would be, or what I could be.

[1] BPM = Balanced Positive (spiritually) Mature. See here and here for more on this.
Please see here, here, here and my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2, although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather engagingly - to be the Earth edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy").
[3] I apologise for the formatting: it seems Blogger is no longer as WYSIWYG as it used to be, and there are a lot of unwanted changes to layout made upon publishing, so I often have to edit it immediately after publishing to get the format as close to what I want as possible.

Love, light, hugs and blessings
(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix Lux … aka Morinehtar … would-be drýicgan or maga ... )
My "blogiography" (list of all posts and guide as to how to best use this site) is here, and my glossary/index is here.

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ... See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "Pagans for Peace" project (and join me for a few minutes at some time between 8 and 11 PM on Sunday, wherever you are, to meditate-clear for peace), and here for my bindrune kit-bag. I also strongly recommend learning how to flame, ground and shield, do alternate nostril breathing, work with colour, and see also here and be flexible.

The real dividing line is not between Christianity and Islam, Sunni and Shia, East and West. It is between people who believe in coexistence, and those who don’t.
Tom Fletcher, Former UK Ambassador to Lebanon
  • All of the above - and this blog - could be wrong, or subject to context, perspective, or state of spiritual evolution ...
Tags:choice, growth, life lessons, lifestyles, paths, personal characteristics, personal responsibility, self knowledge, stages of life,
First published: Sunnudagr, 30th May, 2016
Last edited (excluding fixing typo's and other minor matters): Sunday, 30th May, 2016

Sunday 29 May 2016

Post No. 872 – Psychic Weather Report No. 0074

There is an introduction / reminder / explanation about these posts here (and also see here for some investigation into evidence of the effectiveness of this type of work, which shows variability [and mentions causes] and cycles in the energetic/consciousness response). I have a simplified blogiography of posts related to this work here, a list of themes I have identified here, and my changing the personality of oppressors and other world leaders post is here. It is also worth contemplating that one of the greatest weaknesses of those who oppose Balanced Positivity is the inherent pain, suffering and negativity of their aims and means – from the personal slights, insults and traumas left by the petty tyrant, autocrat, dictator/monarch or the ruthless (some at least are not; some are BPM) oligarch or politician, through the social dislocation of the economic ideologue to the long-lasting trauma, injury, death and desolation of society caused by those who use violence or war as a means to achieve power or impose their will. It may take time, but people WILL eventually realise what is not good, and will take action – which is why slavery is no longer ubiquitous, and why the march to freedom and democracy is underway – tentatively, and with backsliding and mistakes along the way, but inexorable nevertheless.
Now, as you read this, consider this: how does one outflank an idea, or attack an emotion in the rear? It is as well to consider what those who are unbalanced could do to good ideas and emotions, as well as considering BPM ways to outflank or ‘attack in the rear’ bad ideas/emotions. Also consider geopolitics, and this mapping exercise.
Also, if you’re interest is healing, I have changed the way I do these posts to more clearly show opportunities for doing healing. Those interested in providing protection for others always have a place – refer to the first item from yesterday’s summation of world events (details and link below), for instance. Finally, a reminder that if none of this is of any interest to you, but you would still like to contribute energetically / psychically to making the world a better place, there are other options –for instance, see here, here, here, here, here (and here), here, here, and here – and, no doubt, many other places on the internet.
As a first point, it is also recommended that you read yesterday’s summation of world events. The key themes were:
(a)   based on my interpretation of information here and here with Saturn in Sagittarius contributing to finding an authentic balance (until 20th December, 2017), Uranus in Aries contributing to fresh and possibly radical starts (until some date in the Year 2018), and Pluto in Capricorn contributing to a transformation of power and business (and careers) (until some date in the Year 2024), conditions are ripe for a change for the better in world politics;
(b)   there is an enormous need to clear nonBPM energy – the thought forms, unattached energy and scars of the collective unconscious created by millennia of violence. This need includes rescuing those who have been trapped by that history, and healing the warped views, seemingly “inherent” biases, and other damage done by the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual violence committed on scales large and small in that timeframe;
(c)   viewing the overall emotional state of the world from an elemental point of view, this week we need more of the discipline, strength and iron of Earth;
(d)   considering oneself to be right does not justify violence – even if one is, by some chance, genuinely and truly in a BPM sense correct in one’s opinion: restraining others from harming others is the only justification, and only if one has been authorised – whether temporally or spiritually – to do so, and then only to the extent that is proportionate, and using methods that are only BPM. The violence shown this week by those opposed to Trump, or the abuse of refugees, is unacceptable – it just compounds the problem, and feeds those sad entities who feed off the energy;
(e)   the attitudes of many people in life towards events, actions and options is weak minded – from a spiritual perspective, they let things happen, even though they are wrong in principle, if it avoids “rocking the boat”, or lets them have what they want. Such people could benefit from learning the disciplined, rigorous thinking of the legally trained;
(f)   “out of sight, out of mind” continues to be a problem;
(g)   wars are being conducted through the words we choose;
(h)   making choices that are different from what we want for ourselves does not necessarily mean other people are “evil”. The bigotry shown towards child-free women by those with children exemplifies this (and always, to me, suggests a sensation of sour grapes … );
(i)   knowing –and accepting – reincarnation makes many of the arguments and disagreements in society look quite churlish – in fact, downright childish;
(j)   ensuring justice is done and is seen to be done remains important – this is why the procedures used are so important, and why talking is crucial to achieving “true and lasting” peace;
(k)   humans are not the only form of life on this planet. Humans and animals, including sea critters, are not the only forms of sentient (physical) life on this planet;
(l)   preparing for the future is always important – individually (including for futures beyond this lifetime) and as a society / species, and that includes making sure education includes giving children the skills to be effective adults – NOT just “mini-me’s”;
(m)   where problems exist, advocating for BPM responses, and being as BPM as one can be, are constructive solutions - as is clearing nonBPM units;
I also take this opportunity to repeat that it is absolutely VITAL that this psychic / metaphysical / spiritual work be performed non-violently and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good – which is part of being BPM – on all levels and in all ways. Always remember (see here): Do you fight to change things, or to punish? See also here, here, here, here, here, and my comments about “authentic presence” in this post.
This week’s assessment:

Overall, BPM energy (remember: this is balanced / balancing energy) is highest in North America, Russia, Central Asia, West Asia / the “Middle east” and the Indian Ocean. NonBPM energy (remember: this is unbalanced / unbalancing energy) is highest in Southern Africa, the North Atlantic Ocean and Europe. The contention between the forces of Balanced Positive-Spiritually Mature (BPM) and imbalance (nonBPM) is most significant in Europe, South Africa and Australia.
My approach this week will be (incidentally, if you disagree, feel free to use your own interpretations, or your own divinations):
  • Sunday and Monday: the purpose of this day’s work is, mainly, to build a reserve of BPM energy to call upon during the coming week. In addition to the meditation / clearing work described below, I will also be working on making sure I, my crystals and my other tools / devices are as fully charged with BPM energy as I can make them (which is something I have posted about elsewhere, but may post more about in the near future):
     - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to the Pacific, Central and South America, the Antarctic, the Indian Ocean, Central and Northern Africa, West Asia / the “Middle East”, Central Asia, the Indian sub-continent, and East and South Est Asia;
  • Tuesday:
    - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to the South Atlantic Ocean and Southern Africa;
  • Wednesday:
    - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to Australia;
  • Thursday and Friday:
    - clear nonBPM units from, and send BPM energy to Europe, the North Atlantic ocean and North America;
  • Saturday: this day will now be reserved for rest, recuperation and healing – of all those who are trying in a BPM way to make this planet a better place, not only of myself and those who are sharing this work. I ask that any and all healers who wish to contribute to this, take a few minutes to contribute to this on this day.
Important note: although I show the flow of energy using arrows, they are really - to continue the weather chart analogy - more like the passage of a frontal system as shown on a synoptic chart.
Also, if I ever miss doing a Psychic Weather Report, I have posted a standard, fall-back, default version here, which I will update from time to time when needed.
Irrespective of this assessment, however, please join us in trying to make sure that the Shield of Hope area formed by (part or all of) the South Atlantic Ocean, Southern and Eastern Africa (including both sources of the Nile), the Indian sub-continent (including the Himalayas) and the Indian Ocean, shown outlined in gold on this week’s energy map, consistently has BPM energy at or above 7 by the time Neptune leaves Pisces, on around 30th March, 2025 (a date which has an eclipse the day before). If you wish to do a little more coordinated action on a positive strategic front, I'm also planning on routinely sending BPM energy to Hong Kong, Tunisia, and Mexico, which show potential as "outposts of the BPM” and I wish to encourage their change for the better, and through the Red Sea and Suez Canal to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

[1] BPM = Balanced Positive (spiritually) Mature. See here and here for more on this.
Please see here, here, here and my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2, although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather engagingly - to be the Earth edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy").
[3] I apologise for the formatting: it seems Blogger is no longer as WYSIWYG as it used to be, and there are a lot of unwanted changes to layout made upon publishing, so I often have to edit it immediately after publishing to get the format as close to what I want as possible.

Love, light, hugs and blessings
(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix Lux … aka Morinehtar … would-be drýicgan or maga ... )
My "blogiography" (list of all posts and guide as to how to best use this site) is here, and my glossary/index is here.

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ... See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "Pagans for Peace" project (and join me for a few minutes at some time between 8 and 11 PM on Sunday, wherever you are, to meditate-clear for peace), and here for my bindrune kit-bag. I also strongly recommend learning how to flame, ground and shield, do alternate nostril breathing, work with colour, and see also here and be flexible.

The real dividing line is not between Christianity and Islam, Sunni and Shia, East and West. It is between people who believe in coexistence, and those who don’t.
Tom Fletcher, Former UK Ambassador to Lebanon
  • All of the above - and this blog - could be wrong, or subject to context, perspective, or state of spiritual evolution ...
Tags: activism, discrimination, divination, energy work, magick, meditation, nonviolence, peace,  psychic weather,  runes, society, violence, war, 
First published: Sunnudagr, 29th May, 2016
Last edited (excluding fixing typo's and other minor matters): Sunday, 29th May, 2016