strange thing happened on the way to this blog ... I have a few shrines over at
nshrines.com, and get some strange messages
from time to time (for instance, some gamers at one stage decided they could
"chat" to each other via my shrines - which I literally consider a sacrilege; I also had someone
think I had created the shrines so I
could sell a rune card deck!). The latest offering includes someone who somehow
has decided I am getting married (huh? have been handfasted,
and can't get married because of legalised
discrimination), and another saying they like my posts but can they be longer for newbies.
that last one makes perfect sense, and is a reasonable request of my blog (and I think I know who may have posted it, and welcome her - Hi C :) ). I do tend to make shorter posts
in these days of utter exhaustion and time-poorness than I used to, and I could
possibly add in a little more about basic concepts.
for instance, with regard to my recent post
about the devices I've made to protect my neighbourhood, I could add the
Basic/Underlying Concepts for this Topic:
- nonphysical energy exists, and can influence people;
- moods are also associated with nonphysical energy;
- thoughts and feelings can direct, attract/repel and create nonphysical energy, both good and bad;
- tools can assist us as we work this magic, and one of those tools is wands;
- wands are typically described as being a tool of Air (imagination and creativity), but I personally consider them more active and externally focused than that, so I actually consider them more a tool of the element of Fire (manifestation and transformation);
- the concept of having a base station and moving wand relies on a principle called sympathetic magic (same symbols and intent on both - and from the same piece of timber - to help the "radio-like" connection);
- free will is absolutely crucial to this, so all I can do is flood the public spaces (i.e. the streets) with positive energy (I was recently given a reading where I was told I was or was lighting up the streets) and reinforce boundaries to prevent people projecting their negativity at neighbours;
- there are arguments about whether to actively return psychic attack, or passively reflect it off elsewhere: the issue of "we train others how to treat us" has to be considered here, along with other ethical issues such as non-violence (the amount of psychic violence in this world is absolutely phenomenal – which is something I have posted about previously), and the fact that what is appropriate in one circumstance is not in another ... ;
- have a read of this post, also, and the book, if you can get it.
(Could someone
actually think contacting people through lighting candles on a shrine is easier
than using email? I suppose so ... maybe they're one of the social media only
junkies and don't have an email address ... fools * grumbles off into distance
complaining about how things were different "back in my day" * J )
moving on.
started writing this on winter solstice. It's interesting, but there are two
days which, according to the publicly available information, are both 572 minutes
long: the 21st AND the 22nd of June. (More accurate information would
probably determine a difference.) This is one of the reasons I generally give a
range when people ask me when I consider solstice is. The other reason I give a
range is that, for solstices, I tend to favour the old Celtic approach to a
day, which is that it begins at sundown, so my idea of winter solstice is that
it starts at sundown on the 21st, and ends at sundown on the 22nd.
solstice. Yule. The shortest
day of the year (although the Wikipedia link I gave uses a different definition, based
on northernmost and southernmost travel of the apparent position of the Sun on
the Earth), start of the coldest time of the year, and in Waring, the
Wombat season in the seasons, of
the Kulin people, traditional
people of this land.
Wicca, this is a time for introversion, resting, healing, reflection, preparing
yourself for the coming seasons of increasing light and growth. I find it
interesting that the Celtic day starts with the quiet of night, and the Celtic
year starts with Samhain, as
we enter what is called the dark half of the year. Are we moderns too focused
on partying and frenetic activity?
think so.
and quiet and a certain amount of solitude are necessary to enable us to start
hearing the most important spiritual voice of all: our Higher Self. if we're
being busy and frenetic and focused on the physical, we drown that voice out,
and do things without reflection, thoughtlessly.
if we take things with a few moments of reflection and tuning into our Higher
Self first, we're far more likely to do things well and constructively - in a
way that is of benefit to all, including our own Higher Self.
would also head towards a lifestyle that used a lot less, and was less
stressful, so we didn't had to live every day as if it was the equivalent of a
famine for a Neolithic/Palaeolithic forebears - from whom we have inherited our
physiology. (I've written about the problems of this elsewhere.)
course, I am in the Southern hemisphere, so those of you in the Northern
hemisphere are celebrating Litha. Those of you in the tropics will probably be
variously celebrating the wet or dry seasons ...
have, at times, made attempts planet wide rituals. I haven’t done one for the
solstices yet, but here are a few I’ve done previously:
- September equinox (Southern Ostara, Northern Mabon) - here;
- Southern Beltane/Northern Samhain
- here;
Basic/Underlying Concepts for this Topic:
- things to exist in cycles, or possibly a dynamic equilibrium;
- cycles tend to go from one side to the other, and then back again, which is symbolised by the taijitu ("yin-yang" symbol), where each half holds the seed of the other in itself;
- spirals are also common (as an example, the spiral of a tornado has been copied to create a VERY efficient water tank mixer), and in this case, the cycle repeats by also moves on;
- the day and the year tend to be divided by many pagans into two halves, with each half having a beginning, a peak and a decline: these sometimes don't correspond with what people might consider "obvious" - for example, the wintry half of the year is considered to start at Samhain, reach its peak at Yule, and then decline, despite Yule being the start of the coldest time of the year: I consider the reason for this largely to be that what we know as Wicca/paganism has its roots in agriculture, and the amount of light is equally as significant as temperature, as plants respond to both (e.g., spring growth is trigger by both reaching a certain amount of light per day AND a certain temperature). "Modern" people have become so divorced from the reality of where their food and everything else comes from that too many don't know basic, fundamental things such as fruits are seasonal, floods and droughts impact on agriculture and thus the availability of food, and that transport and storage are key to us having fruit available all year round, for instance. (I've posted reading links about this recently - won't repeat them here, though.) In fact, that divorcement from physical reality is why I would like to make it illegal to water lawn grass: when the lawn goes brown, it's summer, people; when it's green it's winter, and when it's growing like crazy and needing cutting every couple of weeks, it's spring. Pardon me - I'll go take my anti-sarcasm medication (chocolate, if anyone wants to know :) - but not too much, given my diabetes) now ... but I am serious that measures need to be taken to get people back in touch with the physical realities of life on this planet. We need our Earth Star chakras, the chakras 150mm below our feet that keep us in touch with the planet, to start working again. (The base chakra is about our personal existence in this physical realm, the Earth Star is more about our interaction with Gaea.)
what next.
going to start using a few new quotes in my various signature blocks around the
place, including three new quotes from ... me :)
so now my signature block in full will now be:
Love, light,
hugs and blessings
(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")
May the world of commerce & business be recognised to be a servant, not a master, of the lives of people.
(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")
May the world of commerce & business be recognised to be a servant, not a master, of the lives of people.
A home is for living in, not feeling, becoming or
being rich or a “better” class than others.
The International Labour Organisation's definition
of "full employment" is wrong, useless and misleading.
Armageddon is alive and well and happening right now: it is a battle
between the indolence of "I only ..." and/or "I just ..." on one side, and perspicacity
on the other.
only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do
children are not your children. ... They come through you but ... they belong
not to you ... for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow KAHLIL GIBRAN
We didn't inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we only borrowed it from our children ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY
Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.
We didn't inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we only borrowed it from our children ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY
Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.
whom we cannot stand are usually those who we cannot understand P.K.SHAW
The new quotes are:
home is for living in, not feeling, becoming or being rich or a better class
than others.
- this is a comment on the materialism and greed that is making buying a first home impossible for many people. It doesn't matter whether your home value has gone up or down: all that matters is, can you live in it? You certainly don't need to redecorate or change simply because you're bored (if you are, GET A HOBBY!!!) - leave the resources and energy that uses alone, so we have less impact on the planet.
is happening right now: it is a battle between the indolence of "I only
..." and/or "I just ..." on one side, and perspicacity on the other.
- this builds a little on the previous quote. I am heartily fed up with people saying things like "I only wanted a nicer home" to justify an egotistical extravaganza, or "I only want to have fun" to justify not thinking about other people (especially those one cannot see). The words have been chosen with some care: if you don't understand them, look them up - don't be indolent!
International Labour Organisation's definition of "full employment"
is wrong, utterly useless and misleading.
- 1 hour of paid work in the previous fortnight is enough for the ILO to consider you fully employed. What rubbish! How does one pay the bills and rent, buy food, plan for the future, etc on one hour's pay? Are they completely nuts? (I do know the era was different when that definition was adopted: so what, it is out of touch with reality, and needs to be changed)
also added my standard email quotes, including one I use on lobbying/activist
about the length of it all ...
upon a time, I had a hard-line view on these (excepting what I would describe as self-euthanasia, in the case of
people with incurable illness and ongoing pain), but now I've
realised how tough life is, and that people do bite off more than they can
chew. (Which is not
necessarily a bad thing: there have been a few articles in the media of late
about how in Silicon Valley failure is seen as a necessary learning tool - do
we need to have a similar attitude in spirituality, rather than the idiotic
rubbish about "you're never given more than you can handle?" After
all, it is ultimately us who gives this all to us, when we - our Higher Selves,
that is - plan our lives ... Then again,
I have personal experience at how we can sometimes take on more than we can
handle for the sake of others. When I was a primary school child, I was a
member of a surf lifesaving
club, and at one competition I was asked to carry a lifesaving reel [I
couldn’t find a link for this: it is exactly what it says, a reel, with several
hundred feet of rope used to pull a rescue swimmer and rescued person back to
the beach] in a march past. It was too heavy for me – I was a scrawny little
runt at the best of times, but if I didn’t try, we would lose too many points …
so, if the person who has bitten off too much guilty of poor planning, or of
being the only person prepared to take on a necessary task or role?)
are times when people do resort to suicide - in some cases, they are driven to
it by other people's behaviour (I am thinking of people who have been hounded into suicide by
discrimination, for instance, including people I've known). In that
case, is the failure theirs, or the people doing the harassing? If the person
being harassed does cope, does that give the wrong message to the bigots -
i.e., that they can do whatever they want to, and it is OK, because the victim
"was just upset a little, but it wasn't serious - they didn't harm
are often ways to cope better with such overloads in life: counselling may be
part of it, but getting people who doing WRONG things to change is another -
and is possibly one of the main reasons I am and have been for so long involved
in human rights activism (so hard to write that rather than the old "lobbying" ... ).
I found a new aspect to this topic recently: people who commit suicide because
they consider that they can do more to help people from the "Other
Side" (of death). Apparently
at least one such person was actually correct.
Basic/Underlying Concepts for this Topic:
- at some stage, "we" plan our lives;
- that "we" that plans our lives isn't necessarily what we know as our "conscious" self in this incarnation, it may be our Higher Self (that is particularly likely to be so for less evolved people who are trying to put off learning lessons);
- there is a certain amount of responsibility we need to take for our lives;
- in many cases, people are capable of doing FAR more than they realise;
- "we train others how to treat us" (see here, here, here, here, and here, for more), and thus there is a balancing act between being able to cope with anything that comes our way, which selfishly (pick up my bias there? Hope so! If you didn’t, please write a 500 word essay on why my bias there is unreasonable … just joking! OK?) allows us to become evolved beings, and contributing towards the world being a better place so that EVERYONE can learn in a more constructive way (which does not preclude the coping with everything approach);
- like many such things, the balance point probably changes with time, circumstances and people;
- if we seek to opt out of lessons (perhaps by committing suicide when we could have coped or should have thrown behaviour back at others), we have failed a lesson, and at some stage that lesson needs to be repeated;
- the understanding that people have of concepts may be simplified to suit their current level of evolution (spiritual immaturity, perhaps?), and thus, for instance, a Guide may snap at someone who is wallowing "You will only have to come back and do it all over again", which the person may interpret as "all suicides are bad, and all suicides have to come back" and adds their own little bit (to show how much they "know") about it being immediately or ASAP (ever watched a rumour grow? When I was at uni I was told of an incident where an army officer told a subordinate to use two sticks of gelignite to create a hole to bury some rubbish in: the subordinate didn't think that would be enough, so added a little bit, as did the next subordinate, and the next, and so on - until two crates were used, and blew all the buildings in the base off their stumps ... and all because each person thought he knew better than the other).
mentioned that I have been tootling off to a Spiritualist development circle.
Well, crunch time has arrived, and we are being expected to start having a go
at "proof of survival" readings. In these, typically, the medium
starts off with something like "I'm being shown a male with you, an older
gentleman, bald, had blue eyes, bit taller than me, etc".
I've met and know, to some extent, probably several thousands of people in this
life. In my mind, I do not file them under categories "these are all the
people I know who are six feet tall", "these are all the people I know who have blue
eyes", etc. I file them, first and foremost, under how close they are to me (which is NOT the same thing
as how closely related by marriage/hand-fasting, blood or adoption they are), and then
maybe by what part of my life I knew them in.
for instance, if I receive a reading which starts "this person was a close
friend in primary school", I have a much better chance of identifying who
the person was, because I am "looking" in the correct part of my
brain from the start, rather than aimlessly wandering along wondering what
height everyone was.
I am going to have a go at establishing a new technique with my new readings
guide (who looks like a
delightfully nerdy librarian, complete with desk and pile of books, and gives
me a thumbs up for yes and thumbs down for no):
- where on the pyramid of closeness (base is wide, and represents lots of acquaintances, whereas the top is for those people who are genuinely and significantly close) is the entity that I am describing to the recipient;
- what part of their life did the recipient know this person (still working on a symbology for this - and I have to keep in mind that they may not have known the person at all);
- what type of person was the entity, which I can best assess by seeing what the colours in their aura were; and
- THEN go through the physical appearance, distinguishing features, etc.
Basic/Underlying Concepts for this Topic:
- the reading being conveyed is you contacting your BPF Guides, who then talk to the BPF Guides of the person receiving the reading, and convey the recipient’s message etc to you;
- it is important that, if a recipient, you do not feed the medium: you only answer yes or no, to minimise any chance of an inaccurate reading or the "cold reading" that skeptics say happens for every single such reading;
- on the part of the medium, it is important to relay the messages and impressions as you give them: many people go to mediums after they've had a reading and say "oh yes, that WAS old Uncle Harry" (in fact, I've sometimes suggested a book for recording such comments so they can be passed on to the medium to help maintain an accurate self-assessment of their abilities);
- free will applies here as well: you are allowed to say "no" to a reading, and a good medium should start with something like "may I come to you?"
finally ... well, I have a MAJOR rant to get off my chest, so you may want to
skip this and just go straight to my latest reading offerings, but any who are
foolish enough to stay here, her goes ... I warned you.
have a link here about a woman who spent many years living with her parents,
despite being of an age normally considered to be an adult. I will NOT refer to
her as an adult, because as far as I am concrned, she isn't! Pretty much the only definition of adulthood that I
give any credence to these days is: the capacity to live independently of one's
you're living in your parent's home, you're not an adult. You're a child.
... this particular child has, in my view, compounded her sin by refusing to
pay board (which I
consider that she has mislabelled "rent" - it's only rent if she is
paying for food, bills and doing her own cooking, washing, etc AND a fair share
of the housework separately). She has
claimed "the pleasure of her company" was adequate payment. What an arrogant, up-herself ... build a
bridge and get over yourself, little girl!
arrogance has been even further compounded by her presumption that she can now
pay her board later - but only in one particular form, that of an all expenses
round the world trip.
Now, she claims she "knew" they were alright financially: how would she know - for sure? What if they weren't? In any case, and more importantly, what if they want to use the money for something erlse, or they can't get time off from work without negative consequences, or they just don't want to go???
if they don't want the money? (I personally don't ever want money from any of my step-kids when
they've left the roost.)
What a ... loser!(I have slept overnight, and toned this down very considerably.)
safe to emerge now - rant over, and RESUMPTION
- "Why I'm Not Wiccan (Or neo-Wiccan for that matter)", by BellaDonna Saberhagen: http://www.witchvox.com/va/dt_va.html?a=uspa&c=words&id=15083;
- "A Monotheistic Pagan and Christo Witches", by Mirror: http://www.witchvox.com/va/dt_va.html?a=usfl&c=words&id=14923 ;
- "Your Moral Compass: Cursework for College", by Deborah Castellano: http://www.witchvox.com/va/dt_va.html?a=usnj&c=words&id=15044;
- Native American Spirituality: http://www.emystica.com/culture/native_american.php (first found at http://spiritrescue.ning.com/forum/topics/1972845:Topic:352336);
- "Random acts of kindness", 12th June, 2012: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/random-acts-of-kindness-20120612-208hv.html;
- "Too high a price for growth", 13th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/too-high-a-price-for-growth-20120612-20822.html;
- "Greeks count cost of heartbreak in tough times", 15th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/world/greeks-count-cost-of-heartbreak-in-tough-times-20120614-20cv2.html;
- "Transport plans need a social approach, not just an economic focus", 13th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/transport-plans-need-a-social-approach-not-just-an-economic-focus-20120612-207z3.html;
- "Black-out denies Xenophon pokies jackpot", 8th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/blackout-denies-xenophon-pokies-jackpot-20120608-2009a.html;
- "'Good on her': Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton hails Wendy Harmer's courage after broadcaster says sorry", 13th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/national/good-on-her-lindy-chamberlaincreighton-hails-wendy-harmers-courage-after-broadcaster-says-sorry-20120613-2091e.html;
- I remember the words of the local Pitjanjara people at the time, and how their trackers pointed out what had happened. This vindicates them also. "The final verdict: Azaria killed by a dingo", 13th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/national/the-final-verdict-azaria-killed-by-a-dingo-20120612-208bv.html;
- "Pro-gay marriage MPs get hate mail", 10th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/national/progay-marriage-mps-get-hate-mail-20120609-20382.html;
- "Christian Lobby analysis reveals strong gay focus", 9th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/queensland/christian-lobby-analysis-reveals-strong-gay-focus-20120608-2017g.html;
- "Nuns versus the Vatican? I know which side I'm on", 9th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/nuns-versus-the-vatican-i-know-which-side-im-on-20120608-201nw.html;
- "What they do to food", 9th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/what-they-do-to-food-20120608-201su.html;
- "Mums is the word, and work is the goal", 11th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/national/mums-is-the-word-and-work-is-the-goal-20120610-204ey.html;
- "I regret having kids", 21st June, 2012: http://www.dailylife.com.au/life-and-love/real-life/i-regret-having-kids-20120620-20nqr.html;
- "Mental illness check for toddlers", 10th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/national/mental-illness-check-for-toddlers-20120609-20398.html;
- "Drunk uni students cop warning", 12th June, 2012: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/tertiary-education/drunk-uni-students-cop-warning-20120612-207sy.html;
- "Gunplay swimmers' punishment right on target: Olympic shooter", 11th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/sport/olympics-2012/gunplay-swimmers-punishment-right-on-target-olympic-shooter-20120611-205bm.html;
- I have to say that I did: "Gifted students go dumb to fit in", 21st June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/gifted-students-go-dumb-to-fit-in-20120620-20ogw.html;
- "It's a changing media landscape - and it's your fault", 19th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/blogs/blunt-instrument/its-a-changing-media-landscape--and-its-your-fault-20120618-20jt6.html;
- "Sexism dovetails with hypocrisy", 21st June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/sexism-dovetails-with-hypocrisy-20120620-20ocf.html;
- "Outrage as Lynx aims below the belt again", 17th June, 2012: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/business/media-and-marketing/outrage-as-lynx-aims-below-the-belt-again-20120616-20gk9.html;
- "Why is masturbation such a taboo topic?", 15th June, 2012: http://www.watoday.com.au/lifestyle/life/why-is-masturbation-such-a-taboo-topic-20120615-20e0q.html;
- "Sex is not dirty work", 10th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/sex-is-not-dirty-work-20120609-202ww.html;
- "Racism v Sexual assault", 12th June, 2012: http://www.dailylife.com.au/health-and-fitness/dl-sport/racism-v-sexual-assault-20120612-206uy.html;
- I consider this good: hire professional counsellors! And how about minority religions!!! "School chaplaincy program is 'constitutionally invalid': High Court", 20th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/school-chaplaincy-program-is-constitutionally-invalid-high-court-20120620-20n2d.html;
- "In sickness and in health", 10th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/national/in-sickness-and-in-health-20120609-202q2.html;
- "One girl's search for elusive answers amid the grief of teenage rail suicide", 9th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/one-girls-search-for-elusive-answers-amid-the-grief-of-teenage-rail-suicide-20120608-201q1.html;
- Does this Tanya Hall know how harsh chemotherapy is, and the lifestyle changes chemotherapy brings??!!! "Doctor denounces Gawler program's 'harsh' healing", 9th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/doctor-denounces-gawler-programs-harsh-healing-20120608-201qp.html;
- When I write legal contracts, I specify that email communication cannot be used unless a receipt or acknowledgement of receipt is received: otherwise, you have to assume the email hasn't got through, and use a legally admissible form of communication, such as fax or mail. That uncertainty of email is partly behind the following: "Writing's on the wall for snail mail", 13th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/business/writings-on-the-wall-for-snail-mail-20120612-20860.html;
- "Technology gives voice to worker brain strain", 11th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/it-pro/business-it/technology-gives-voice-to-worker-brain-strain-20120610-204fg.html;
- "Face up to social reality", 10th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/digital-life/consumer-security/face-up-to-social-reality-20120609-2027x.html;
- "Facebook to pay $9.9 million to settle suit", 18th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/technology/technology-news/facebook-to-pay-99-million-to-settle-suit-20120618-20izn.html;
- "Unfriending persuasion: a heretic wises to Facebook", 16th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/unfriending-persuasion-a-heretic-wises-to-facebook-20120615-20fjr.html;
- "The problem with oversharing: why burglars like you using Facebook", 10th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/technology/technology-news/the-problem-with-oversharing-why-burglars-like-you-using-facebook-20120609-2030x.html;
- "Change in Aceh hinders carbon plan", 9th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/world/change-in-aceh-hinders-carbon-plan-20120608-201jm.html;
- "Diesel exhaust causes lung cancer: WHO report", 13th June, 2012: http://www.theage.com.au/drive/motor-news/diesel-exhaust-causes-lung-cancer-who-report-20120613-208un.html;
- "The truth about diesel", 1st June, 2007: http://www.smh.com.au/drive/motor-news/the-truth-about-diesel-20070601-1416x.html.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")
May the world of commerce & business be recognised to be a servant, not a master, of the lives of people.
A home is for living in, not feeling, becoming or being rich or a “better” class than others.
The International Labour Organisation's definition of "full employment" is wrong, useless and misleading.
Armageddon is alive and well and happening right now: it is a battle between the indolence of "I only ..." and/or "I just ..." on one side, and perspicacity on the other.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing. EDMUND BURKE
Your children are not your children. ... They come through you but ... they belong not to you ... for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow KAHLIL GIBRAN
We didn't inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we only borrowed it from our children ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY
Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.
Those whom we cannot stand are usually those who we cannot understand P.K.SHAW
Tags: about me, energy work, Kulin, meditation, personal responsibility, readings, rituals, Sabbats, seasons, society, spiritualism, suicide,
First published: Frysdagr, 22nd June, 2012
Last edited: Friday, 22nd June, 2012