Well, my birth sister is now home, 200 km
out of the city, after a totally botched discharge procedure. There are some
clearly gifted and caring people in our hospital system, others who are
overwhelmed and have been beaten down by the workload and cut-backs, some who
have not been trained properly, some who are verging on incompetent, stupid
and/or uncaring, and, overall, a system that is penny-pinching and – in effect,
whether done consciously (unlikely)
or not - designed to create social division and ill-will (a bit like the connection between austerity measures and xenophobia claimed by former Greek Minister Yanis Varoufakis – and, on that, see also here and here, which are links I have previously posted. On health systems, see here, here, here, here and here. I also once had a URL for an article which discussed the changes in
social attitudes which result from a more privatised, user pays approach, but I
cannot find that link - sorry). Anyway, the main thing is, she’s well, and
home … now to get ready for the next family member due to have major surgery
shortly (not me, by the way, in case
anyone was wondering, but also a major procedure with significant risk).
The other thing that came out of the event
is that, while my sister’s husband was travelling down to Melbourne to collect
her from our home, he was stopped for a routine check by the police, and wound
up being asked questions about the medical procedure she underwent by the
police, which is clear and serious breach of the Privacy Act. Don’t the police
get taught
about the law anymore?
Anyway, moving on … One of the other
outcomes from these events is that I deferred replying to a question I saw on a
website that I am on (and was thinking of
leaving, because of the New Age biases and a few problems, until I had a few questions/discussions occur that I could relate to), about “light” and
“dark”, a question which was actually the first of several questions
and comments.
What I had wanted to say was that I look at
this from the point of view of balance (being a convenient shorthand for “Balanced Positive”, of course :) ) / lack of balance,
rather than dark and light, which is an attitude partly informed by "Briefing for
the Landing on Planet Earth" by Stuart Holroyd (Pub.
Corgi, 1979; ISBN 10: 0552109975, ISBN 13: 9780552109970, republished as
"The Nine: Briefing from Deep Space" - see http://www.theonlyplanetofchoice.com/newbook.htm),
and partly by my decades as a Buddhist and years as a Wiccan, both traditions
which include a significant emphasis on acknowledging and integrating shadow
One of the discussions included a couple of
other issues:
a questioning of why an unconditionally loving Deity would destroy an “evil” being.
On that, I have a few comments:
- first off, were any such entities actually destroyed, if someone perceived (whether physically or non-physically) such an event? If such an entity was, say, taken to a hospital for healing (or even a jail), the perceiver would perhaps see a flash of light, and the entity disappear: from that, it would be fairly easy to misconstrue the events as being the destruction of the “evil” entity, whereas that was not what had actually happened;
- next, consider an exhausted parent who has been pushed past their limits by one or more children. While not be ideal parenting, is it not conceivable that they might snap out an exaggerated threat in an attempt to gain some measure of consideration compliance from their child(ren)? Perhaps, something along the lines of being grounded until their an adult? Spiritual entities also have their limits and flaws –we NEVER stop learning and growing, and learning how to lead others is one such aspect that advanced entities (including Deities and deities) have to go through. Is it not possible that such an entity may react in a flawed way – perhaps turning a city to salt, or threatening to destroy a soul?;
- finally, there is the issue of true compassion, and how that affects such situations – specifically, would a Deity destroy, or exercise compassion? Well, personally, the best example I can think of here is from one of Dawn Hill’s books, which I have posted about previously, and will quote now: “when Dawn encounters the next demon that she writes about (and, by the way, I do accept that such creatures exist), she calls on the Lady to help her clear the demon. She prepares for a surge of Light, but what happens is that she sees the demon from the perspective of the Lady, as a small, bitter creature surrounded by darkness, rather than the imposing, threatening vision Dawn had perceived. The Lady sees the hurt which has driven this creature to become negative, and is able to manifest so much compassion that she wins it over - a bit like winning over a dog that has been traumatised and turned savage by violent abuse”.
That is a good point to lead in to the next
topic I want to cover: “Words of Power” - and, strictly speaking, also
include Gestures
and Postures of Power.
There is a lot of rubbish written about “Words
of Power” – rubbish which is akin to the bragging and one-up-person-ship shown
by children on a school ground (“Oh yeah?
Well I’ve got hundreds of them” “Oh yeah? Well I’ve got thousands of them” … or
… “It’s so deadly, just touching it will kill you” “Oh yeah? Well X is so
deadly, it will kill you even if you think of it” – thereby demonstrating the
need for lessons in logic. I once had a shot at this sort of stupidity by
joking about starting a secret society called the Pink Butterflies, which was
so secret even its members didn’t know they were members).
The key here is that the powers being
invoked are NOT physical: they are, therefore, nonphysical. In a sense, a Word
of Power is like, in the words of the old song, banging on a pipe to get the
attention of someone on another floor of a building (which dates to a time and culture where pipes were left exposed
inside buildings for the poor).
Physical sound, however, exists in the
physical: the “pipe” that conveys the “sound” (energy) to the higher floor is
the very being of the person sounding the “Word of Power” – their etheric,
astral, etc bodies, up to and including the level which the power either lives
on, or can access readily.
Some can access the physical level, but, in
those cases, what has to be done, in effect, create either enough noise to get
their attention (like a whole lot of people psychically “yelling” by holding
a ritual), or something specific to gain their attention (my partner and I have such a word). My
experience is that that, the sound of a word alone, will only work for sources
of energy up to the etheric, and even then, it will generally include an
etheric component of the call.
In my experience, successful use of “Words
of Power” (such as names of Deities)
occurs when it is done using multiple levels of the caller’s being, or the source
of energy has already been called by someone using all the levels of their
If we try using a “Word of Power” without
being focused on all our levels of Being
(which is done by meditation, practice, etc), it’s a bit like trying to hit
the pipe and suddenly being so distracted by a cute man/woman/glofylgyn from
the planet Effulia, depending on your orientation and origin, that you either
miss the pipe totally, waste some of the energy by hitting the wall as well as
the pipe, and hit the pipe so weakly the sound barely penetrates the wall of
the pipe, let alone travels along it to the next floor.
I’ll finish this with another analogy: that
of the striking a tuning fork, and getting one of the same frequency beside it
to start vibrating. Whatever strikes the first tuning point is our focused
Being behind the Word of Power, which is represented by the first vibrating tuning
fork. If you’re not focused, you’ll either miss the tuning fork, hold it wrong,
or in some other way fail to get the vibration going correctly.
So … next time someone tries to claim they
know some secret word of power which is so powerful it will take over your mind
/ cause the sky to fall / make your beer go flat *
, you can tell then to go get distracted by a cute man/woman/glofylgyn from the
planet Effulia, depending on their orientation and origin.
* this is
from a joke email circulating a few years ago, sending up warnings about
viruses – no idea who first came up with it
Now, on power (in the energetic sense), one of the things that can be useful is
being able to disperse energy. I’ve got several techniques for this (although all have been overwhelmed at some
stage in recent years, as a result of things like being trapped in life style
and situation I don’t want until I have no more financial dependents), but
I have also – following re-watching the film “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” - come
up with a
bind rune for “disperse”. As it happens the pattern also covers
other word forms for this intention – for instance, dispergo, and dispergere (pronounced dis-per-GAH-ray, I think … ).
I would probably be inclined towards using “disperse” for mundane situations (e.g., bad tempers in a meeting), and dispergo
or dispergere for situations involving a psychic / metaphysical awareness.
The bind rune is below.
Another situation where one needs to be
aware of energy is burning old papers. I’ve been doing that,
getting rid of things like 15 year old tax returns (we only have to keep them
for 7 years), and old organisation meeting notes with people’s contact details
in preparation for our possible move. As I do so, I have found the energy of
some of the old meeting disagreements etc being released. Ideally, the energy
would have been cleared, but I went from a situation where I was actively
dealing with the issues in real life to one where I was dealing with being in
an abusive relationship, and didn’t get around to doing that. Tsk, tsk.
On abusive situations, I recently came across a
situation where a young boy’s privacy is not being respected by his mother –
the mother has a daughter, whose room is sacrosanct, but the hypocritical
mother is not extending the same basic respect to her son. That is WRONG – spiritually, morally, ethically. As it happens, I’m
aware of that particular woman’s life situation, and consider her – and her
current partner – to be hypocrites (both
of them- for the aforementioned abusive
behaviour), cowards, and incompetent, abusive parents.
As I mentioned, I’ve had personal
experience of being stuck in abusive situations: it is hard enough as an adult
to get out of such situations, but for a child … it is almost impossible (I know of one child who put herself into
welfare, rather than stay, and some run away from home, but for perhaps most …
In addition to the above situation, I know
of people who are abusing a trans kid by misgendering,
and I am considering making a complaint with the police if I find the situation
is continuing.
Actually, that particular abuser is a woman
who is a friend of the mother, and that brings to mind another problem I’ve
come across: denial. Now, that can occur in both men and women, but the
instance I am thinking of is where women deny being attracted to other women.
This probably comes about because of the socialisation / social engineering of
the society / culture I live in over the last few centuries (particularly at the hands of neochristianity, which has been the most successful exponent of social engineering in
the last couple of millennia), but results in things as extreme as women
misgendering a trans woman to avoid having to admit to any lesbian / bisexual
feelings / tendencies. In other words, they are prepared to commit an attempted
murder for the sake of their personal hypocrisy and comfort. An article was
published on this denial – see here.
Actually, while I’m letting rip, I know too many women - and a few men – who
think that happy / comfortable / “nice” emotions are the same as spirituality:
they are NOT.
Spiritual growth can be uncomfortable confronting and challenging, and – from
my quotations
- Like fire to the physical, emotions to the
soul make a good servant, and a bad master.
Going back to parenting generally, I agree
– largely – with this
article; on trans / gender diversity, see this
excellent article by a friend of mine.
Next, I want to put down a few thoughts on entitlement.
I recently saw a post
on LinkedIn where ex-military and ex-police getting into the private security
industry find they are – in my words – up themselves about their advantages –
because those so-called “advantages” (experience and training) were in a
completely different context. The author words this far more nicely than I, by
casting it as a case of unwarranted entitlement.
Now, I disagree vehemently with former
treasurer Joe Hockey’s views on this, but I do consider there are situations
where a sense of entitlement is problem – the above is one, and another that
comes to mind is when a few mothers who have been friends of mine get to the
end of their child-rearing duties, and expect that they should be able to be
supported because of their child rearing, rather than get a job. That is a load
of – er, unwarranted entitlement, and gets no sympathy from me whatsoever.
Similar to that, in some ways, is the
problem of people thinking expressing gratitude for something is healing. As an
example, I’ve had people in my life think that saying “thank you” for me
destroying myself in a job is somehow healing, and makes up for having to do
that to support them. That is a ludicrous as someone who mistakenly misdirects
a bunch of marathon runners into a 60 km route, rather than the approx. 42 km
distance, thinking saying “sorry” will somehow magically restore the runners to
a condition as if they had run only the normal distance.
Now, when those in a relationship have
dependents - e.g., children, or the ill, one or more person may be obliged to
work and support others while they are dependent, and
during that time the proprieties (i.e., manners) are a nicety that may help,
but it needs to be understood that they do not restore physical energy etc –
providing healing, in that instance, is better – nor do they give the worker
back time of their life that they may have wished to spend on other matters
(e.g., psychic / spiritual development). Hence the overwhelming importance of
entering into relationships – and many other situations - without coercion, and
will full and free agreements based on being fully informed.
Now, on the topic of energy, I’ve started
trialling a new character / life assessment based on runes.
It’s fairly simplistic: using my dowsing
techniques, I just dowse for the amount of energy that each rune has in the
readee’s character / life. Thus, if, say, Hagal has a lot of energy, their life
may be chaotic, or if Berkana has a lot of energy, being nurturing may be important
to them.
I’d got as far as also adding up the
numbers for each Ætt, to start assessing the relative importance of those, when
I started working on this with my good friend, RMftB (Rune Master from the
Bush) – aka, Tony. With Tony’s help, I’m working on an extension of this where,
as a separate exercise, each rune is assigned to one of the Nine Worlds of
Yggdrasil, which is probably a bit like assigning a house to planets in
astrology: it determines what lens each rune’s influence is seen through.
The other key thought to come out of this,
for those who are unable or uncomfortable using a pendulum, is rolling dice instead
– which is possibly akin to using coins to cast the Yi Jing oracle. When I get around to finding some 9 and 10 sided
dice (it seems like such things exist in the
games playing world), I’ll let you know how it goes.
Next: what do you do when logic / logical
sounding friends and/or influencers say you should do something, but you don’t
feel comfortable with that? Most discussions I’ve come across on that topic are
based on whether one should follow the logic, or one’s intuition. However, I’ve
made mistakes doing that, and have come to realise that the proper answer to
this logic vs. intuition dilemma is that you
need better, more personally credible evidence. Your “gut” could be wrong,
right, or missing the nuances / “shades of grey”, but so could the available
“evidence”/logic – or both could missing an entirely new
perspective (which is what I have
generally to be the case since I started following this philosophy – which I
did for a long time before having the words to elucidate it).
I will end with a few reading links:
- an interesting post about real-life vampires (based on energy vampires), zombies and vampires (the latter being described as variants of the first);
- the psychology of Tarot;
- by someone else, not me: “Why I Worship Gods From Europe”;
- an older post by Victor Zammit – from a few years ago - to the neochristian Pope, on doctrinal errors held by the Catholic Church;
- crimes against the environment, including during war;
- why smokers prefer to quit on their own;
- some very interesting thoughts concerning ancestors;
- an excellent article on Pagan organisations;
- another excellent article http://www.patheos.com/blogs/naturespath/2015/09/the-lives-that-dont-matter/;
- some excellent thoughts on what comprises Paganism: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/allergicpagan/2015/09/10/why-pagan-an-atheists-response-to-a-theist/;
- a healthy attitude towards myths;
- change;
- a couple of posts on fundamentalists here and here;
- some interesting, common sense comments in this video on star seeds;
- short clip on a couple of “spirit orbs”;
- from the Correllian YouTube channel: using “imaginary advisors”; some common sense notes on the sending and receiving hands nonsense;
- http://www.essentialkids.com.au/news/current-affairs/parents-resign-as-parents-on-sons-20th-birthday-20151013-gk8glg;
[2] Please
see here, here and my post "The
Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons
I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2,
although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather
engagingly - to be the Earth edition of
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy").
[3] I apologise for the formatting: it seems Blogger is
no longer as WYSIWYG as it used to be, and there are a lot of unwanted
changes to layout made upon publishing, so I often have to edit it immediately
after publishing to get the format as close to what I want as possible.Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix
Lux … aka Morinehtar … would-be drýicgan or maga
... )
My "blogiography" (list of all posts and guide as to how to best use this
site) is here, and my glossary/index is here.
I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue
(see here and here), and it grew ... See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "Pagans for Peace" project (and join me
for a few minutes at some time between 8 and 11 PM on Sunday, wherever you are,
to meditate-clear for peace), and here
for my bindrune kit-bag. I also strongly recommend
learning how to flame, ground
and shield, do alternate
nostril breathing, work
with colour, and see also here and be
The real dividing line is not between
Christianity and Islam, Sunni and Shia, East and West. It is between people who
believe in coexistence, and those who don’t.
- If your “gut” (your instinct/intuition) is telling you something is wrong, but logic and the available evidence is saying otherwise, the proper conclusion to draw is that you need better, more personally credible evidence. Your “gut” could be wrong, right, or missing the nuances / “shades of grey” . So could the available evidence.
- All of the above - and this blog - could be wrong, or subject to context, perspective, or state of spiritual evolution ...
First published: Tysdagr, 10th November, 2015
Last edited (excluding fixing typo's
and other minor matters): Tuesday, 10th November, 2015