Thursday 26 October 2017

Post No. 1,089 - Some “Holiday” Reflections

I’m going to begin this with a minor, and possibly irrelevant, note: something I’ll call – for want of a better or an established term – hemispheric reversal: when I’m reading a novel written by someone in the hemisphere on the opposite side of the equator, I’ve noticed that often they will begin to describe a scene, and my visualisation will be reversed. They may, for instance, start  describing a valley and I visualise a feature on the left, only to find they’ve conceptualised it on the right.
As I wrote, it’s a small matter … anyone else ever come across this?
Next, I want to comment on an aspect of the movie Dr Strange that I quite like: its realism – not of the version of reality it creates, where there are a few centres defending the world against a physical existential threat, nor of the comic-verse it is in, but of the fluidity of the astral – i.e., the so-called “mirror dimension, which, as portrayed,  is a blend of the astral and etheric  levels of reality.
I’ve written about this fluidity, and using it in the context of (spirit) rescue  here, and Katharine Kerr’s Deverry series of novels also covers (dramatizes) this (especially what happens to the character Morwen in “The Spirit  Stone).
In terms of clearing - particularly an uncooperative, shifting through the sub-sets of the levels of reality that are often loosely called dimensions (not the mis-named rubbish used in many New Age groups – e.g., “I’m going to connect to the 6th dimension tonight”) can be a way of bypassing the shields that the entity has set up around itself or the units performing harm at its command.
This is a weakness of many people, not just “bad” people: we all tend to have limited focus – a bit like casting a circle using a visualisation in the horizontal plane, but failing to close above and below oneself. As your skills progress, you may wind up casting a circle/psychic defences on physical and astral, but forget about the etheric level in-between.
Going back to clearing an uncooperative, the situation is a little like the person concerned having built a fence around themselves, but for some reason there is a maze in one part of the fence, and your challenge is to find a way through that.
(Either that, or channel so much compassion from the Goddess that you overwhelm all defences and the uncooperative in agape-type spiritual love – which is far more difficult than naïve people are prepared to admit.)
The other side to this, of course, is learning how to construct multi-layered defences for oneself and those one wishes to protect. For that, a good initial step is building one’s visualisation up in multiple colours – e.g., visualise a pyramid in one colour, then add a layer of another colour, and so on.
Another visualisation that can help people who are beginning is rolling their shields. To give some background to this, most people have a weakness at visualising things behind them. To help overcome this, at the appropriate stage of development I will get people to do things like have their back outwards while they cast a circle – which takes that horrible, horrible thing called “practice” to master (I also have them, at another stage of development, cast a circle without moving, or speaking out loud, or using colours [e.g., use scents or music] - which addresses other issues). At an early stage of development, however, it is more important that they be properly protected than that they master these more advance skills, so, after visualising a protective sphere around themselves, I may get them to rotate the sphere several times – which passes the well visualised portion in front of them through the poorly visualised section behind them: that tends to result in a strengthening of their defences all round. (It may not always, however: it the rotation doesn’t work, they may need to physically face each direction.)
Anyway, I think I’ll leave this post at that, for now.

I apologise for publishing these posts twice, but Blogger keeps changing my formatting. I can either publish it and then correct it, or save and close the post and correct it when I reopen it, but that leaves an extra copy in my "drafts" folder ...

Love, light, hugs and blessings
(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear") 
Pagan Energy Worker, Wéofodthegn, Bellatrix Lux, Venatrix Maga, would-be Drýicgan
I am revamping my former website, and getting at least one other underway.
My "blogiography" (list of all posts and guide as to how to best use this site) is here, and my glossary/index is here
There is also a Yahoo group at

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ... See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "Pagans for Peace" project (and join me for a few minutes at some time between 8 and 11 PM on Sunday, wherever you are, to meditate-clear for peace), and here for my bindrune kit-bag. I also strongly recommend learning how to flame, ground and shield, do alternate nostril breathing, work with colour, and see also here and be flexible. 
May the best in me, my Higher Self,
and those of the Clear Light who assist me,
help me to keep myself grounded, centred and shielded,
to be Balanced and a Fulcrum of Balance,
a centre of Balanced Positivity and Spiritual Maturity,
with my aura continuously cleansed, cleared and closed,
repelling all negative or unwanted energies,
whilst allowing positive, balancing and healing energies in and through.
The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral. Returning violence with violence only multiplies violence, add deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.
The real dividing line is not between Christianity and Islam, Sunni and Shia, East and West. It is between people who believe in coexistence, and those who don’t.
Tom Fletcher, Former UK Ambassador to Lebanon
  • All of the above - and this blog - could be wrong, or subject to context, perspective, or state of spiritual evolution ...
Tags: astral, clearing, etheric, levels, protection, psychic development, rescue, uncooperative, visualisation,
First published: Thursday, 26th October, 2017
Last edited (excluding fixing typo's, Blogger's change of my formatting and other minor matters): Thursday, 26th October, 2017