Monday 11 November 2019

Post No. 1,439 - Various

I get a lot of benefit from alternate nostril breathing, although I know that doesn't apply to everyone. If I have a cold, it can be difficult to do (can't close the unblocked nostril), but I have a visualisation involving circulating energy through cones on one side for one breath, then passing it through the point of the body to the cone on the other side, and building up energy there for the next breath, that I have developed for such circumstances.

Normally the point I pass the energy through for my substitute for closing nostrils for alternate nostril breathing is the connection between left and right hemisphere. Tonight I did that for most of the main chakras, and, surprisingly (to me), it worked.

I need to do a diagram showing that (if I haven't already - I'll check my blog next weekend), and should be able to do so when I finish rearranging my room.

Next, I want to do a plug for a post showing a "survivor support sigil" at I urge you, Dear Reader, to have a look - great work, great explanation, great sigil.

Finally, although work (insecurity, workload, and the worry about the upcoming engineer's registration) has left me with extreme levels of stress (I'd love to be able to retire - or find easier work), I was able to get a few important things done this weekend, have been enjoying some reading (reviews in due course), it's getting closer to my partner's return from a long holiday, and it's been a pleasant night.

As I posted on Twitter:
A pleasant warmth, the moon near full and edged by a few flying foxes, cirrostratus sliding across the stars and presaging the coming change - ‘tis a lovely night here, tho’ not up north. 
(I can't forget the fires.)