Tuesday 1 March 2011

Post No. 235 - Disasters and collective & personal responsibility

I just listened to (most of) a great segment on the ABC Radio National's Background Briefing programme on disasters. The programme made some points that I agree with:
  • a rigid, hierarchical military structure can alienate the very community it is seeking to help;
  • disaster professionals MUST take the wish of people to help into account, and engage them BEFORE the disaster happens;
  • we need to take personal responsibility for being prepared (I recall the cyclone warnings about preparing for cyclones when I was a kid, and compare that with the abysmal situation now when virtually no warning is given - presumably to avoid scaring away tourists);
  • we need to take collective responsibility for some of our stupidity - such as building in flood or fire prone areas, or doing so in inappropriate ways;
  • we all need to accept that we are part of a collective, and things like "greenies" railing against firefighters for clearing land, and firefighters railing against "greenies" for not allowing said firefighters to turn forests into a barren desert do not help (no prizes for guessing which side of the argument I am on - BUT I do consider those who choose to live in fire prone areas should not necessarily get help from fire fighters if there is a fire: take the consequences for your decisions!);
  • communication needs to be understandable - plain English, yes, but also information that is meaningful, not "Xm height at point Y on the River".
The segment is well worth having a listen to - and a think. It is called "Mismanaging Disasters", and can be found here.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


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Tags: personal responsibility, responsibility, society, nature, disasters, collective,

First published: Tysdagr, 1st March, 2011

Last edited: Thursday, 3rd March, 2011