Friday 22 August 2008

Post No. 049 - Precognitive dreams: what do you do about them?

I have a habit of having precognitive dreams – for instance, the tragic crash of a plane in Spain yesterday explained a dream I had recently where a jet seemed to disappear into the bottom of a sports arena. In yesterday’s crash, the ravine was identical to the effect of what I had seen in my dream, and the combination of “spectators” (witnesses at the airport) and the shape of some of the background mountains reminded me, as I watched last night’s news, of a stand in a sports field.

Perhaps because I died as a result of a plane crash in my most recent incarnation, I seem to be quite tuned into incidents involving planes (that may also be because I was a night fighter pilot, and shot down a lot of bombers: maybe I have some karma to clear up ...). They’re not all serious ones: I once dreamed of a plane doing a doughnut (360degree spin), and a couple of months later, heard of a plane doing exactly that.

However, on the issue of serious dreams, I had many terrifying dreams about plane crashes, including rolls, before 9/11. Other people did as well, and as one of the alternative world’s follow ups to that, I joined a Yahoo group based on recording dreams. Unfortunately, by the time I had joined the group, it seemed to have degenerated into a normal dream interpretation group, rather than one which watched for trends/themes which warned of impending events, and then did something about them.

That leads me back to: what does one do?

Well, there is almost always something one can do – no matter how small, tiny, insignificant and emotionally unsatisfying that may be – apart from anything else, you are showing to the Universe your quality as a human being by deciding whether or not to try and do something, or even just wish for something to do. You can ALWAYS ask the Goddess to protect those involved in, or affected by, the incident, and to minimise it’s extent and harm - or prevent it happening, if that is for the Highest Spiritual Good. If you are familiar with the energy clearing techniques I’ve written about in very early posts on this blog, you can always use those to try to help alleviate the situation.

After the clarity of understanding I received watching the newscast last night, I am going to try to dissect such dreams a little more, and then fine tune the work I do. For instance, the plane that crashed yesterday appears to have had control problems. I could have realised that from an analysis of my dream and worked specifically on the plane being able to be glided to a safer location.

I’m tempted to say I’d use the Grove of Gyhldeptis to analyse reported dreams which could be precognitive, and look for trends that people could work on (through psychic means – I don’t see any of this as being accurate and clear enough to report to authorities and be taken credibly, but I could be wrong there, too :) ). I suspect I would be swamped (it would have to be a necessary condition that NO personal interpretations would be given about any dream).

Well, now it is time to get back to my day job.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


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Tags: dreams, precognition, personal responsibility, inaction, action, karma,

First published: Friday 22nd August, 2008

Last edited: Saturday 26th June, 2010 (added tags)

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