Monday 18 June 2018

Post No. 1,171 - When someone is in palliative care

This is just a quick note about some recent work helping others, which is more or less based on - in part - an adaptation of the Harry Potter Expecto Patronum spell (which have written about previously).

The context here is someone with basic psychic skills, who was unable to get to a relative-in-law who is in palliative care:
  • set up protection, as per normal; 
  • ask the person to relax and get comfortable - to the extent that they are able; 
  • ask the person to think of a time when they were supported after a loss, recreate that energy and concentrate it into a sphere in the heart chakra (which is where having some basic psychic skills helps - otherwise, a key part of this would be teaching the person how to work with energy), then send the supportive energy to the relative; 
  • next, direct the person to think of a time when they experience a loss which eventually turned into something good, put the energy into a sphere in the heart chakra, and then send it to the person who is in palliative care (death can feel, initially at least, like a loss - especially of loved ones, children in particular  until one has a chance to learn more about life after passing);
  • next, think of a time when one was supported in a situation when one felt helpless, put the energy into a sphere in the heart chakra, and then send it to the person who is in palliative care, the relative, all those around them, and to the person doing the work, creating a loop of supportive, loving (or loving-kindness, if you prefer) energies; 
  •  finally, have the person ask a caring Deity they trust (in this instance, we used Kwan Yin) to put their hands on the loop, and boost it.
I keep meaning to type up these little examples of work, but I am usually too tired and time poor from my day job to do so.