Monday 22 October 2007

Post No. 027 - Communication

The following flow chart (presented as four figures - you should be able to click on each to see it full size) outlines the approach I teach regarding communication, and is based on the saying "communication is a process of mutual exploration to a common, shared understanding". Note that it is a process, meaning it takes time, that it needs to be mutual (if it is to be effective), and that it aims towards a common, shared understanding, meaning that respect is required, which means that concessions have to be made for the different meanings attributed to words, tones, etc. There can be a fair few lessons in communicating, which is why I have added a fair few tags.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


This post photo's are the flow chart :)

Tags: communication, energy work, interpersonal interactions, judging others, life lessons, personal characteristics, mirrorology,
First published: Monday 22nd October, 2007 



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