Friday 25 January 2008

Post No. 035 - Evil [Content Warning - discussion on Evil, including Bigotry/Discrimination, and Harm]

I’m a little off colour – I don’t need any healing, just a chance to slow down for a day, and that’s what I’m doing. And I’m watching a film, and enjoying doing so – and letting my mind drift, as it does under such circumstances.

One of the things which comes out of this viewing for me is how easy it is in films to pick out and fight what is “evil”. Sure, there’s the major theme of some film characters being “prophets without honour”, and cover ups, but the actions some characters take are clearly “harmful”, “evil”, “destructive” (whatever label you wish to use).
In the real world, the office bully, the bigot who’s bigotry manifests against someone lacking in social power or influence (e.g., women, a member of a minority ethnic or religious group, a lesbian or a trans person in an office) or the small-minded person who tries to force others to live in ways the small-minded person considers “traditional” etc – THESE are the people who are doing evil. THESE are the people who are ACTIVELY creating and using energy and spells (no matter that they may not know they are doing so, or not be aware consciously of magic or nonphysical energy – or even consciously oppose magic etc) to do harm. The harm they are doing is to the individuals they are targeting, and to other sentient life (by creating fear, the feelings that go with being on the end of discrimination, by harming “group souls” ** through harming one of that group soul’s members, and by slowing, harming or reversing evolution/growth generally [if you want an example of this, look at the discussion about social conflict in the 1960s at***), and to this planet that we live on and should revere (by creating harmful energies and slowing, harming or reversing evolution/growth generally – and that makes the chances of doing something constructive about problems such as global warming MUCH harder).

It’s far less spectacular proposition than the sort of struggle in many films, but what the world needs is just as determined a campaign against the everyday harm bringer, such as the office bully etc. It is also worth keeping in mind that such people are connected together through means they are unaware of – group minds, the collective unconscious, unconscious psychic connections to the like minded, and so forth.

Of course, all those connections are available to those who would like to make the world a more GENUINELY caring, loving, tolerant, inclusive place – AND we have the advantage of consciously being aware of all this, and predisposed towards developing and using such abilities in accordance with moral codes such as the Wiccan Rede (, the Golden Rule (, etc. When I use Rampa’s alternate nostril breathing or any of the other techniques for developing my psychic and/or spiritual abilities, or stand up to the office bully, or campaign for human rights, I am actively working to improve this world on many levels. (I sometimes have to remind myself of this, as when I am struggling against yet another bigot or bully, it would be so much easier to just go round the problem: but that leaves them to potentially harm others.)

As Gandhi said, be the change you wish to see.

Given that I started this while watching a film (which I’m still fitting in! Ah, the joys of being able to do two things at once, eh?), let’s consider a typical day. I would start that day with some of the prayers for protection I mentioned in, including specific mention of protection at work. When I get to work, I will “flame” (visualise heat and light cleansing my aura and my environment), check for any obvious problems (there are always some psychic problems because of the levels of stress we work under – and even the boredom some of the junior engineers there experience until they have work can be a problem), and I might even try some energy work on problem people to remove energies/things (I use the generic term “unit”) they are using against others, then neutralise those units, and then some of the conventional clearing techniques I have written about in and (these posts include flaming, grounding and protection). I am also considering working out a way to confirm who I need to be careful of (beyond just using my normal sensing); I also use Welsh when working with magic – see

Now, a few cautions: read,,, and before you try any of this. You need to be VERY sure that you are not the problem owing to your own lack of perspective or personal problems (such as discomfort with your own shadow self). Some of the personal mental/emotional torments that film characters experiences are exactly the sort of thing which can and does happen at the psychic hands of those who wish the sort of evil I am writing about in this article.

Be safe and balanced as a sentient being, but, I repeat, be the change you wish to see. Don't let bullies and their ilk win: it harms other people, and this planet which is our beautiful, underappreciated home.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


This post's photo is from Langwarrin Flora and Fauna Reserve, near Frankston (see This was established as a military training reserve at the time of the British Empire's war in the Sudan in the 1880s, was used for training in the Boer War and then was converted to a hospital/recovery base for soldiers in the First World War. In the last part of the 20th Century (about 1970s, I think) it was converted to a Flora and Fauna reserve.

Tags: breathing, change, emotions, energy work, Harry Potter, interpersonal interactions, judging others, Lobsang Rampa, love, mirrorology, morality, personal characteristics, Psychic attack, evil

First published: Friday 24th January, 2008

Last edited: Friday 24th January, 2008

*** Just in case this is changed in future edits, the article at discusses "The 8-Circuit Model of Consciousness is a model of consciousness proposed by psychologist Timothy Leary. Leary believed the mind is best viewed as a collection of 8 "circuits", also called "gears" or "mini-brains". Each stage is claimed to represent a higher stage of evolution than the one before it.".
The discussion I reference is:
"Leary claims that this model explained, among other things, the social conflict in the 1960s, where the mainstream, said to be those with circuit 4 active and characterized as tribal moralists by Leary, clashed with the counter-culturists, said to be those with circuit 5 active and characterized as individualists and hedonists."
Quotations are as at Friday 25th January, 2008 



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