Sunday 30 October 2011

Post No. 335 - Helping those who are disturbed [Content Warning: Mental Illness]

I've just had an "interesting" experience: my partner and I tootled off to our local spiritualist mob, and, after the service had commenced, the front door slammed open and a woman stomped heavily in, and sat down at the front. During the singing, she tried singing a back-up type of routine - great if you're in a studio, but confusing and against the purpose of the singing if you're in a service/ritual. Superficial impression from that, and her talking to those making announcements and asking obvious questions, could perhaps have been "attention seeker", but she clearly had some psychological problems.

Looking at her psychically, her aura was split, with her spirit from solar plexus chakra upwards displaced to one side from her physical body. Her auric sheath, the outermost "skin" of her aura had many tears in it, and strong negative links to entities outside her who were directing her - using those links almost as if they were reins, and she was a horse enslaved to their will. That happens to be fairly close to what the situation was, and was further exacerbated by all the earthbound entities in her aura, entities drawn in by her pain. The impression of her pain was that she had received a strong shock at some stage, a blow to her self-confidence, sense of self-worth, and her fundamental notion of what reality is like, and had never recovered from it - in fact, had been on a downward spiral ever since.

Her presence in the service was quite disruptive. Apart from the talking and heavy stomping whenever she moved around (which happened several times), her negative energy was being used to try and block the demonstrator.

Two things had led her to be there: one was a small part of her which, along with her Higher Self, wanted her to be healed; the other was the desire of the negative entities in and around her to challenge and disrupt what was happening in the temple, which led to them using that small desire to get her to go in, and then act up to gain attention.

So ... what to do?

Well, it seems someone talked to her on one of her excursions up the back, as she quietened down a little, but this was also an opportunity for me to "do some good". So, I:
  1. started clearing the negative entities from inside her aura (using a very strong beam from higher realms, visualised coming in from above);
  2. started cutting the links being used to control her from outside her aura (I will later be clearing those entities) and started sealing her auric sheath;
  3. surrounded her a positive energy shield to try and minimise her influence on others and the temple itself;
  4. sent healing to the demonstrator to try to help him overcome the psychic attack he was under (he did a sterling job under very difficult conditions; I normally make a point of telling my guides not to give me a reading, but said I would accept one if it would help, and he gave an excellent reading of my birth father); and
  5. started sending some healing to address her initial scarring, which had opened her to all those problems, by sending healing energy from Mother Earth.

The healing and clearing was never ever going to be enough: she needs professional help, but what I tried to do, I hope, helped to minimise the damage she was causing, as well as giving her some healing. I doubt she would have felt that consciously: she probably felt somewhat angry as her negative energy was removed, but maybe the seed has been planted for future healing.

It was a useful experience, though, as I am going to include some formal work on such people in my personal healing work at home.

More generally, I think it shows the need for alternative and conventional health care to work together (although I know almost no conventional doctor in Australia would accept that), and for people to learn how to look after themselves psychically, with such fundamentals as flaming, shielding and grounding.

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")

Tags: healing, mental ill health, protection, rituals,

First published: Sunnudagr, 30th October, 2011

Last edited: Sunday, 30th October, 2011 



Post No. 334 - Sabbat ritual: Southern Hemisphere Beltane, Northern Hemisphere Samhain

The core of this ritual is chanting, one chant for each hemisphere:
- Southern Hemisphere:
As the time of introspection passes,
We greet the Light from the Northern half,
And celebrate Life;
As the Dark goes to the Northern half,
We wish our Northern kin wisdom and growth,
As they reflect within,
But here and now,
We greet Life and Light and renewal
With joy and merriment and dance
- Northern Hemisphere:
As the time of outward activity passes,
We greet the Dark from the Southern half,
And welcome wisdom and growth;
As the Light goes to the Southern half,
We wish our Southern kin joy,
As they celebrate Life,
But here and now,
We greet the Dark
With reflection, introspection and contemplation
The ritual in full, using a structure I was taught in the Correllian Tradition, is as follows (I will, by the way, one day work through these and add more correspondences - incense, candles, foods for the feasts, etc):

All rituals consists of 5 major parts, which you will notice below are segmented into the five elements. Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit, but not in that order. Each Elemental correspondence has its own unique role within the ritual.
In most cases they are broken down as follows:
· East – Air – Athame – Opening – This is the basis of preparation, introduction of the ceremony.
· North – Fire – Wand - Invocations – This is the basis of invocations, prayers of the ceremony.
· Spirit – Centre – the ritual itself.
· West – Water – Chalice - Offerings – This is the time of offerings, libations, and honour
· South – Earth – Pentacle – Closing – This is the time of devocation and opening of the circle.
Words (if wish to provide guide or use particular words)
Overall direction of ritual:
Ritual leader
Collate items required:
· Cauldron and match
· salt, water
· athame
· copy of order of ritual / running sheet / speaking notes
Ask for and brief volunteers
Air – East - Athame OPENING
Cleanse salt, water, incense and fire.
Charge salt, water, incense and fire.
Cleanse and charge area.
Participants waiting outside to Ground and Release, and make sure watches are removed and mobile phones are turned off.
- hand over water, visualise yellow-white light from hand into water, 3 Clockwise, to the south, circles while say
“Behold, I exorcise you, O creature of Water, casting out from you any impurities which may lie within!”
- hand over water, visualise blue-white light filling water, 3 Sunwise (to the north, anticlockwise) circles while say
“And I do bless and consecrate you to this work!”
- hand over salt, visualise yellow-white light from hand into water to force out negativity, 3 Clockwise, to the south, circles while say
“Behold, I exorcise you, O creature of Earth, casting out from you any impurities which may lie within!”
- hand over salt, visualise blue-white light filling water, 3 Sunwise (to the north, anticlockwise) circles while say
“And I do bless and consecrate you to this work!”
- add three pinches salt to water (to make Holy Water) and say
“Behold, the salt is pure! Behold, the water is pure! Purity into purity then, and purity be blessed!”
Walk Sunwise (to the north, anticlockwise) and asperge (sprinkle with Holy Water) while visualise filled with yellow-white light.
“Behold I cleanse and purify this space.”
Turn to face inside of circle, visualise blue-white light and say.
“I bless and consecrate this space.”
Cast circle
“Behold I do cut apart a space between the realms of humankind and of the Might Ones – a Circle of Art, to focus and contain the power raised herein!”
Invite participants into circle and smudge
Fire – North - Wand
Invoke the Four Quarters
East (air)
Example only: “Hail unto You, O Guardian of the Watchtower of the East, power of Air and intellect. We pray that You will be with us this night in our circle, and that You will give Your blessing and Your aid to this our undertaking! We bid you hail, and welcome!”
North (fire)
Example only: “Hail unto You, O Guardian of the Watchtower of the North, power of Fire and manifestation. We pray that You will be with us this night in our circle, and that You will give Your blessing and Your aid to this our undertaking! We bid you hail, and welcome!
West (water)
Example only: “Hail unto You, O Guardian of the Watchtower of the West, power of Water and emotion. We pray that You will be with us this night in our circle, and that You will give Your blessing and Your aid to this our undertaking! We bid you hail, and welcome!”
South (earth)
Example only: “Hail unto You, O Guardian of the Watchtower of the South, power of Earth and integration. We pray that You will be with us this night in our circle, and that You will give Your blessing and Your aid to this our undertaking! We bid you hail, and welcome!”
Invoke the Goddess
Example only: "Divine Mother Goddess, All-Bountiful, All-Beautiful, Source and Sustenance of Existence: we do invoke You, asking now for your aid and guidance in this our undertaking.– May Your Divine Love be as a light within our hearts, now and always! Light our path, guide and strengthen us, enfold us in Your love, Divine Mother – we thus pray! Holy One, we bid You Hail and Welcome!"
Invoke the God (optional / depending on type of ritual)
Example only: "Holy Father God –Son, Brother, and Consort of Our Lady- we do invoke You asking now for your aid and guidance in this our undertaking.–. May Your Divine Love be as a light within our hearts, now and always! Light our path, guide and strengthen us, enfold us in Your love, Divine Father – we thus pray! Holy One, we bid You Hail and Welcome!"
Invoke your Patron Deity (optional / depending on type of ritual)
Invoke the Ancestors (optional / depending on type of ritual)
Example only: “O Mighty Ancestors, Beloved Ones Who have gone before, We invoke You and ask You to join us and to Bless us! Ancestors of the Correllian Tradition, Priestesses and Priests, Mothers and Uncles of the lineage, Spiritual family which aids and supports us –lend us Your inspiration and Your love, Your guidance and Your aid this night, we pray. Beloved Ones, we bid You Hail and Welcome!”
Spirit – Centre
For this ritual is to celebrate the equinoxes.
The ritual is in two forms:
- one for use in the Southern Hemisphere;
- one for use in the Northern Hemisphere.
The chants are:
- Southern Hemisphere:
As the time of introspection passes,
We greet the Light from the Northern half,
And celebrate Life;
As the Dark goes to the Northern half,
We wish our Northern kin wisdom and growth,
As they reflect within,
But here and now,
We greet Life and Light and renewal
With joy and merriment and dance
- Northern Hemisphere:
As the time of outward activity passes,
We greet the Dark from the Southern half,
And welcome wisdom and growth;
As the Light goes to the Southern half,
We wish our Southern kin joy,
As they celebrate Life,
But here and now,
We greet the Dark
With reflection, introspection and contemplation
Water – West - Chalice
This is traditionally done with a chalice of juice, wine or water passed around the company within the circle AFTER the dedicationary offering has been completed.
Then it is common practice to pour out a small libation, and dedicate that to your Ancestors, physical and spiritual, and to all your friends in Nature, seen and unseen.
Dedicate what remains in the Chalice to the Goddess and the God.
(After the ritual, the libations may be emptied outside, or otherwise respectfully disposed of.)
Earth - South - Pentacle
It is now time to give thanks, and close the ritual
Devoke the Four Quarters
North (fire)
Example only: “Guardian of the Watchtower of the North, power of Fire and manifestation. We thank You for Your presence here tonight – we thank You for Your aid, and Your guidance. May there be peace between us now and always. Go if You must, stay if You will, we bid You hail, and farewell!”
West (water)
Example only: “Guardian of the Watchtower of the West, power of Water and emotion. We thank You for Your presence here tonight – we thank You for Your aid, and Your guidance. May there be peace between us now and always. Go if You must, stay if You will, we bid You hail, and farewell!”
South (earth)
Example only: “Guardian of the Watchtower of the South, power of Earth and integration. We thank You for Your presence here tonight – we thank You for Your aid, and Your guidance. May there be peace between us now and always. Go if You must, stay if You will, we bid You hail, and farewell!”
East (air)
Example only: “Guardian of the Watchtower of the East, power of Air and intellect. We thank You for Your presence here tonight – we thank You for Your aid, and Your guidance. May there be peace between us now and always. Go if You must, stay if You will, we bid You hail, and farewell!”
Devoke the Goddess (optional / depending on type of ritual)
Example only: "Divine Mother Goddess, All-Bountiful, All-Beautiful, Source and Sustenance of Existence: we thank You for Your presence here tonight – we thank You for Your aid, and Your guidance. May there be peace between us now and always. Go if You must, stay if You will, we bid You hail, and farewell!
Devoke the God (optional / depending on type of ritual)
Example only: "Holy Father God –Son, Brother, and Consort of Our Lady, we thank You for Your presence here tonight – we thank You for Your aid, and Your guidance. May there be peace between us now and always. Go if You must, stay if You will, we bid You hail, and farewell!”
Devoke your Patron Deity (optional / depending on type of ritual)
Devoke the Ancestors (optional / depending on type of ritual)
Example only: “O Mighty Ancestors, Beloved Ones Who have gone before, we thank You for Your presence here tonight – we thank You for Your aid, and Your guidance. May there be peace between us now and always. Go if You must, stay if You will, we bid You hail, and farewell!”
Take down the Circle itself.
Example only: “As Above, So Below. As the Universe, so the Soul. As within, so without. Merry meet. Merry part. And merry meet again.”
Ground and release all excess energy.

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")

Tags: Sabbats, Beltane, Samhain,

First published: Sunnudagr, 30th October, 2011

Last edited: Sunday, 30th October, 2011