Thursday 26 April 2012

Post No. 379 - Flexibility and strategy, and reading

I did a house clearing yesterday: nothing unusual about that, except that it was the first time my partner came along. She did very well, too: at one stage, when one of the entities being cleared started to block one technique my partner was using to generate positive energy, she "invented" a new technique on the spot. That sort of flexibility and adaptation is the hallmark of a great Spirit Rescuer in the making :)

On that, there are a few strategic approaches to doing this sort of work. As I see it, the options are:
  • clear negative energy and then generate positive energy (how I used to mostly work when I started)
  • generate positive energy and then clear the negative (which I consider better);
  • alternate between the two (which is what we did for the clearing yesterday); or
  • do both at the same time (which takes a fair bit of experience and practice).
One thing I never do is just clear negative energy: that can leave a vacuum, and doesn't do enough to prevent entities coming back in.

It can also be absolutely invaluable when clearing an uncooperative (which is what we were doing) to be able to identity the specifics of negativity - for instance, is the opposition coming from entities behind the uncooperative, a negative link or a thought form (it is rarely due solely to personality, and even then, there will frequently be some form of externalisation of the negativity in the person's aura which can be cleared if identified)? Whatever it is, use a technique for clearing that is relevant to the specific item (refer to my initial workshop notes in the very first posts (here and here) when I launched this blog for more).
And now, some reading links.
and from "The Age"

Enjoy :) ... and think :D

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")
May the world of commerce & business be recognised to be a servant, not a master, of the lives of people.

Tags: about me, deities, discrimination, environment, negative energy, rescue, society

First published: Thorsdagr, 26th April, 2012

Last edited: Thursday, 26th April, 2012