Sunday 10 February 2013

Post No. 436 - An epiphany

I've had an epiphany.

Epiphany: from Wikipedia [2]: epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, "manifestation, striking appearance") is an experience of sudden and striking realization

So, let me explain :)

Almost all my adult life, I've wanted to make a place to live - house or boat - that suited me and what I wanted, rather than these stupid boxes that don't suit the Australian climate that have been built over the last 100 years or so (the old "Queenslanders" were different - they suited the climate, although their wooden materials don't last well - decades, not the centuries that I want). As I've written in the draft of a poem I'm working on, wherein I compare modern suburban life to the experience of an animal in a trap:

Between teeth of triple fronted

brick veneer,

sprung with that

soul destroying torture

of the 9 to 5 grind,

the hinge this inner city


So I'm fairly clearly not impressed by "modern" houses. (I've been arguing since the 1980s with architects about relying on air conditioning instead of SENSIBLE design).

You'll notice I've inferred that I would like whatever I built to last: my first dreams for a home on land were of a bluestone dome, half-buried in the earth but with lots of skylights - a bit like a hobbit house, but different materials. To see a sketch of what I had in mind, except for the trees I wanted in the earthen cover over the roof, see here. My dreams of building a boat to live on also involved having something strong and durable - but I don't have any on-line sketches of those ideas ... yet.

The reason I haven't put the sketches of the boat on line is that I've been thinking I might actually be able to build that one day, whereas I know I am too old and don't have enough working life left to be able to afford the home I want ... in the physical.

And that's it: the epiphany. These aren't meant to exist in the physical, they're meant to exist in the astral.

I've created places for myself in the astral for meditation and recovery - that's a fairly standard technique, but they've all been fairly simple and for one person only. My original dream was for a place with lots of bedrooms so visitors could come, and that's what is meant to happen, I think: the place I want to create is almost like a group's astral temple, except it doesn't look like most temples. Most of those are like classical Ancient Greek or Roman structures (the Order of Scathach is a good exception to this), whereas I want something that is comfortable, and part of the Earth.(For more on astral temples, see here, here, and here.)

In my dreams, near to this is a labyrinth around a circular ritual area formed of stone arches and trees that have been trained to grow into furniture, all created with living plants and living crystals and stone.

This is all meant to exist - in the astral, where other people can access it, and where it will also last for the period of time I envisaged.

Similarly, I've worked out that there is a purpose for my boats - travel in other realms. 

So, I'll go back to my very clear daydreaming :) , but this time I'll do it with that extra level of intention to create this place in the astral. Maybe I'll see you there :)

[1] BPF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Forces. See here and here for more on this.

[2] Please see my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. 

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")
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Tags: astral, astral travel, creation, energy work,

First published: Sunnudagr, 10th February, 2013

Last edited: Sunday 10th February, 2013