Monday, 9 May 2011

Post No. 264 - Opinions, Sir Hugh Dowding and the travails of travel

Well, I've had another sleepless night - have to travel for work by air, which means running the gauntlet of security theatre. On top of that, I've been asked to go to North Korea - six weeks without any way of being in touch with my family, plus extremely high risk!!! :( Me thinks may be time to find another job ...

This is just a quick post on a couple of matters before I go to pack.

Firstly, one of the major problems with this world is that people have opinions about things that are none of their business - especially fashion. You know, if someone feels comfortable wearing something that isn't what someone else considers flashy or "neat" or even matching (ever think that the colours which others find unappealing might be exactly what that person needs for their aura? Also, because I've been so annoyed by people saying "blue and green should not be seen without something in-between" that I frequently choose to wear exactly that), and isn't breaching any obscenity laws, then KEEP YOUR LIPS ZIPPED - you have NO right to have an opinion on that matter.

I also consider that people should only have an opinion if they have done some basic research or have at least SOME knowledge - as an example, if someone thinks LGBTIQ people are all "X" without having ever met and got to know at least one person from each category, they are hypocritical imbeciles. I might argue with them if they make that decision after having met only one person, but at least they have SOME basis for their opinion ...

There is a writer who contributes something to The Age occasionally: Kate Holden. She wrote a column last weekend on friends who dare to venture an opinion that she hasn't asked for. It is worth a read - see here.

Also, I found out recently on the excellent Spirit Rescue website from the UK, that Hugh Dowding, who led the defence of the UK during the Battle of Britain, became involved in rescue after the war - see here. I'll have to try tracking down some of his books.

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")

Tags: rescue, opinions, personal characteristics, personal responsibility, perspective,

First published: Manadagr 9th May, 2011

Last edited: Monday, 9th May, 2011