Sunday 17 May 2015

Post No. 705 – Psychic Weather Report No. 0029

There is an introduction / reminder / explanation about these posts here. I have a simplified blogiography of posts related to this work here, a list of themes I have identified here, and my changing the personality of oppressors post, which I am contemplating expanding to include some key people to work on, is here.
As a first point, it is also recommended that you read yesterday’s summation of world events. The key themes were:

(a) it is possible for something that is well intended and genuinely (BPLF) spiritually inspired to be warped into something else: therefore, it is always important to think one’s actions through carefully;
(b) attempting to have and keep power by force will, in the long term (which is possibly centuries), be unsuccessful, as the human drive for freedom, truth and love, and the BPLF influences guiding this planet, will eventually find a way to win – evolving as is necessary to do so. The only way to have “power” is to have the BPLF powers of spiritual maturity, freedom, truth and love;
(c) we are here in this world for a reason - several, actually, and one of those reasons is to make it a better place;
(d) respecting and caring  even spiritually loving - people who are different, but not harmful, is part of making this world a better place. Harsh treatment of refugees, subjugating women, discrimination against ethnic groups or LGBTIQ people is as wrong as a politician abusing power or an unjust war - and, in some cases, possibly more harmful;
(e) every act on a small scale reinforces larger scale versions of those acts -psychically, and through their effect on society;
(f) every time you think could not do something "bad" (e.g., that you could never be violent or commit acts of torture), you set yourself up to be thoroughly tested  possibly quite some time later, but it WILL happen. Therefore, be merciful, understanding of human complexities, vulnerabilities and failings, and nuanced in your judgements - both for good and bad;
(g) think about the concepts of “the greater good” and "the Highest Spiritual Good";

From my runic and other divination:

In the interests of managing my energy (both recovery from last week, and building up for another busy week), I have not done a rune casting this week.
I no longer type up a list of places with most/least of energy - you can get that most effectively from the images showing the development of the contours for this week’s assessment:

Overall, the high energy in the Mediterranean Sea is because the arguments over refugees there are, in effect, what used to be termed a “battle for the Soul of Humanity”. That’s a bit melodramatic, but it IS an extremely important battle between Compassion and Fear, not “only” physical lives.
In a similar sense, there are battles for the “souls” of humans in other places as well – Russia, which, although intense, is finally starting to go the way of the BPLF, and also, to slightly lesser extent, South America, the Indian sub-continent (partly because of the Nepal earthquake) and Australia.
Other critical areas this week include areas of major physical conflict – the Middle East, Central and Northern Africa, and also East Asia, where the China Sea and repression in China are significant, South East Asia, being affected by the fallout from the executions in Indonesia, refugees and repression (e.g., Thailand, Myanmar).
The energetic issues in the Arctic, I suspect, are over the developing tensions over minerals in the area – so environmental risks and political tensions that have a low but existent chance of physical escalation into physical conflict.
It is mildly disappointing that BPLF energy is so low in the Indian Ocean, but at least so also is nonBPLF energy.
My approach this week will be:

 - invoke Æther and Ac;
 - clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of fear, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly strength, confidence and compassion, to the South Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Indian sub-continent;
 - invoke Water and Nied for balance, and then devoke;
 - invoke Æther and Ac;
 - clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of fear, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly strength, confidence and compassion, to, Southern Africa - both directly, and from the reserve in the South Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Indian sub-continent, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
 - invoke Water and Nied for balance, and then devoke;
 - invoke Air and Stan ;
 - clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of greed for power, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly resolve, to, the Middle East - directly, and from the reserve in the South Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Indian sub-continent, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
 - invoke Earth and Wynn (Wunjo) for balance, and then devoke;
- invoke Air and Yr ;
 - clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of impatience, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly balance and reflection, to, Central Africa - directly, and from the reserve in the South Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Indian sub-continent, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
 - invoke Earth and Othala for balance, and then devoke;
 - invoke Fire and Nied ;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of insularity / xenophobia and greed for power, from, and send BPLF energy, those of courage, to, Northern Africa and the Mediterranean Sea - directly, and from the reserve in the South Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Indian sub-continent, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
 - invoke Ac and Air for balance, and then devoke;
 - invoke Air and Wynn (Wunjo);
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of rigidity and fear of chaos, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly objectivity, perspective and intellectual honesty, to, East Asia and South East Asia - directly, and from the reserve in the Indian sub-continent and the Indian Ocean, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
 - invoke Earth and Peorth (Perthro) for balance, and then devoke;
 - invoke Air and Thorn (Thurisaz) ;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of greed, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly appreciation, to, the Arctic - directly, and from the reserve in the South Atlantic Ocean, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
 - invoke Earth and Wynn (Wunjo) for balance, and then devoke;
 - invoke Air and Kenaz ;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of complacency, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly BPLF passion (commitment), to, South America - directly, from the reserve in the South Atlantic Ocean, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
 - invoke Earth and Raidho for balance, and then devoke;
- invoke Air and Kenaz ;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of greed for power and sloth, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly passion for one’s home and hearth, to, Central America (not shown on the sketch) - directly, from the reserve in the South Atlantic Ocean, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
 - invoke Earth and Stan for balance, and then devoke;
- invoke Air and Gar ;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of insularity, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly willingness to care, to, Australia - directly, from the reserve in the Indian Ocean, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
 - invoke Earth and Algiz for balance, and then devoke.

Uncooperatives I will be working on clearing this week are:

  • in the Pacific: an entity who is encouraging sloth, indolence and laziness, simply because they can;
  • in the Equatorial Atlantic: an entity who is stubbornly blocking energy flows, as they feel “things change” too quickly for the entity to be able to cope with;
  • in Sudan: an entity who is “whispering in the ears” of key people to encourage them to seek power and influence in a mistaken belief that they (the people being controlled, that is) have the right to do so, which this entity is doing out of sadistic pleasure in setting people up for later failures/loss;
  • in Central Asia: an entity who is fanning outrage and warping in such a way as to lead to violence, out of sheer perverse pleasure at being able to do so.

Remember: you will need to work on the problem areas that these uncooperatives are working through in yourself first.
Combining the assessments of levels and types of energies, strategy and uncooperatives, here is this week’s assessment, presented graphically: 

Irrespective of that assessment, however, please join us in trying to make sure that the Shield of Hope area formed by (part or all of) the South Atlantic Ocean, Southern and Eastern Africa (including both sources of the Nile), the Indian sub-continent (including the Himalayas) and the Indian Ocean, shown outlined in gold on this week’s energy map, consistently has BPLF energy at or above 7 by the time Neptune leaves Pisces, on around 30th March, 2025 (a date which has an eclipse the day before). If you wish to do a little more coordinated action on a positive strategic front, I'm also planning on routinely sending BPLF energy to Hong Kong, Tunisia, and Mexico, which show potential as "outposts of the BPLF” and I wish to encourage their change for the better, and through the Red Sea and Suez Canal to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

[1] BPLF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Forces. See here and here for more on this.
[2] Please see here, here and my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2, although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather engagingly - to be the Earth edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy").
[3] I apologise for the formatting: it seems Blogger is no longer as WYSIWYG as it used to be, and there are a lot of unwanted changes to layout made upon publishing, so I often have to edit it immediately after publishing to get the format as close to what I want as possible.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
Gnwmythr, Wéofodthegn
(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix Lux … aka Morinehtar … would-be drýicgan or maga ... )
My "blogiography" (list of all posts and guide as to how to best use this site) is here, and my glossary/index is here.

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ... See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "Pagans for Peace" project (and join me for a few minutes at some time between 8 and 11 PM on Sunday, wherever you are, to meditate-clear for peace), and here for my bindrune kit-bag. I also strongly recommend learning how to flame, ground and shield, do alternate nostril breathing, work with colour, and see also here and be flexible.

Tags: activism, discrimination, energy work, magick, meditation, nonviolence, peace, psychic weather, society, violence, war,
First published: Sunnudagr, 17th May, 2015
Last edited (excluding fixing typo's and other minor matters): Sunday, 17th May, 2015