Monday 15 July 2019

Post No. 1,372 - The Challenge of Change

It's been a wonderful week . . . for a pluviophile ☺We've had an Antarctic blast with cold winds (the kind my [adoptive] Mum described as lazy - went through you, rather than going the extra distance to go round you) and lots of rain. There have been some downsides to this, though - although nothing like the devastation this year's monsoon has caused in South Asia. Still, on a smaller scale though they be, for me, the downsides have been that I haven't been able to harvest (mow) the grass for our compost pile, and I'm thinking of moving a couple of deciduous trees while they're still asleep. Ah well, have longer to go in winter, so may get those done yet.

The other problem is that this is the second winter I've really felt the cold since coming back to Melbourne in the '80s. I still like temperatures considerably cooler than others, and I'm wary of restarting the keeping warm breathing exercises as they exacerbate the difference between the temperature I like and that most others like (mind you, I still maintain that most people are out of touch and over-heat themselves during winter).

My experience of cold is also because (a) Australian houses are built without any hermetic sealing requirements, (b) I am slightly ill, and (c) I'm getting older.

I'm noticing the "getting older" bit with having to slow down this year. I watch my spoons of energy more, and am doing less (not none - I am still aware of the need) rescue - and I'm finding my day job more and more demanding (in part because we are doing more, incidentally - but we also have some juniors to train who can help with all that). I'd love to be able to retire, but we (my family and I) aren't in a position to do that yet, and I've still got to chase the disappearing into the age distance retirement age.

Ironically, if I could get the time and energy to finish some of my writing projects, I would possibly be able to cut back my day job. Roll on the rest of my long service leave then ☺

Watch this space for more in due course (probably around early next year).

More generally speaking, changing careers is difficult, and will become more and more a normal part of the work life cycle - I've written about that here, including possible solutions. And now I'm going to go and do a little writing elsewhere (and some candles for people affected by the monsoon and other events).

May your weather be tolerable, but what you need, and may that also be what you enjoy - all in a dynamic sense ☺

PS - I've typed a fair bit of this with our cat curled up in my poncho/cloak - he votes for "it's cold"

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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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