Wednesday 30 June 2021

Post No. 1,924 - Existing as Purpose

When I started incorporating psychic practice into my spiritual practice, as a young teenager, I believed in helping others and being spiritually loving (although I termed that being "kind, gentle, and generous", which was my first ever  affirmation, and is one I still use to this day). A key part of my practice was using alternate nostril breathing to strengthen my being and radiating / projecting  loving  emotions - and that still is, although I don't spend as much time as I want doing that these days (which is an argument for a more minimalist lifestyle).

However, as I grew and gained in life experience, I came to the view that doing that is not enough on its own. The issues I was concerned about were: 

  • others could either mistake or take advantage of the positive vibes (which I've written about before)
  • others may be so blinded by their personal scars (I still want to finish my book on that topic one day) or infused (from parents, peers, etc) ideology that they rejected this notion (including those who think "it's a hard world out there so one has to be hard" [the first part is right, the second is wrong], money / power [in any form, not just personal or socio-political] / social status & prestige is all that matters, and other Newtonian worldviews)
  • there are validly needs for other skills (peace-making, - keeping, and -building are separate arts, as is guiding the complex organism known as "a society" [including dealing with a fair & equitable allocation of resources according to need, ensuring we are "giving roses as well as bread" aka nurturing our souls, and addressing problems such the climate crisis, overpopulation, overcrowding, overpopulation, and light & noise pollution], but it is the psychic skills required to clear the residual energies of past mistakes, malice, and mayhem - which is a bit like cleaning the oil spilled from a tanker that has rolled on a road - that is also crucial, along with learning about and enacting / realising / manifesting spiritual growth); and 
  • simply existing is not purpose enough.

The last point has been, in my opinion, probably best set out by Steven  Greer in his video "The Holographic Conscious Universe", with the levels of development of personal and civilisation.

On that, our violent and inequitous, unequal & unjust (unfair, if you prefer) planetary set of cultures doesn't even get to the starting gate - curing war and poverty are not ambitions,  they're as fundamental as not walking mud through another's home, as being rested and ready for a day, as taking in a breathe before doing anything. 

The fact that so many people on this planet think otherwise is an indictment on all of us. It's hard to be part of a collective, but, whether we like or not, we are - we are members of (or connected to) many collectives, ranging from  family or circle of friends up to being a member of the human species while incarnated as one on this planet (including "starseeds", walk-ins, Indigo people, etc): some we can choose to leave (including abusive families), but others we can't - particularly the aforementioned human species.

And that is where and when our existence as decent, loving (or caring, if you prefer), and genuinely BPM  spiritual people DOES , contrary to my uncertain or even somewhat despairing position, matter - that is where we start to sway the collective, just by existing as good people or people trying to be "good". That is where we have an influence - small, it is true, but potentially significant, whether that is through our psychic energies, our effect on the collective unconscious, or some other phenomenon we are as yet unaware of.