Tuesday 16 August 2022

Post No. 2,264 - Audiences: is it quality, not size, that matters?

The heady days of - for this blog - massive numbers of daily views in June are now past, and the views are settling back closer to the long term norm. I went from around 250,000 views to 440,000 in those few weeks, which was very gratifying  - surprising, stunning even, but also very, very gratifying.

However, normal life is now the norm 😊

Does that matter? 

Well, no. 

That’s not because of the widely used comment in such situations that it is the quality of readers rather than quantity, although I certainly consider that does exist here (I deliberately avoid the populism/social media click bait/etc of some). Rather, what I consider this blog is doing is helping to bring into (physical) being and anchor into this world concepts and ways of thinking, acting, and being that I consider will - or could - help humanity to take the next step of evolution. 

Im not the only person doing that, of course - I follow others doing such work when I find them, and am coming across a fair few on Medium, of late, but there are others, and you will often find them in my weekly reading and other links posts. 

There have been others who have done similar work over the last millennia or so, and no doubt there have been others before - many who I do not know, but my lack of knowledge does not lessen their (psychic) effect. 

In fact, as a polytheistic Pagan, I suspect many Deities have a role of bringing some key aspect of existence into physical being, and then continue to exist to help anchor it until it becomes embedded into physical reality.

So, in a small way, what I am trying to do with this blog is a form of combined service and worship of some Deities, and is done to further the spiritual development of Life, including Sentient Life, including the human species.

More succinctly, it is about Love, and Love cares not about the count, only the quality. The count helps, but quality is the goal that it must help, if it is to be of any worth.


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