Thursday 25 August 2022

Post No. 2,267 - Service to Guide the Souls of the Dead

This has been adapted from some of the books of the controversial Lobsang Rampa. It is NOT a Tibetan ritual, nor an actual Buddhist ritual, as far as I know, but it has it uses for doing spirit rescue. 

The original description referred to lighting a stick of incense, rather than making a call, but in typical Western houses, rooms are too small for that to be viable (especially in people have lung or allergy issues): I lightly chime a Tibetan singing bowl (which is the only time I will ever strike a bowl rather than play it properly)

“Hear the voices of our souls, all you who wander unguided in the Borderlands. The living and the dead live in worlds apart. Where can their faces be seen and their voices heard? The first call is made to the quarters to summon those who wander that they may be guided.

“Hear the Voices of our Souls. This is the World of Illusion. Life on Earth is the Testing, that we may be purified of our dross and soar ever upwards. Hear the Voices of our Souls, all you that are in doubt. Soon the memory of the Earth life will pass away, and there will be Peace, and release from Suffering. The second call is made to the quarters that a doubting Soul may be guided.

“Hear the voices of our souls, all you who wander. This is the World of Illusion. Life is but a dream. All that are born must die. Only the Way of Balanced Positivity leads to eternal life. The third call is made to the quarters to summon a wandering ghost that they may be guided.

“Hear the voices of our souls all you of great power, you who have been enthroned with mountains and rivers under your rule. Your reigns have lasted but a moment, and the complaints of your peoples have never ceased. The earth runs with blood, and the leaves of the trees are swayed by the sighs of the oppressed. The fourth call is made to the quarters to summon the ghosts of kings and dictators that they may be guided.

“Hear the voices of our souls, all you warriors who have invaded, wounded and killed. Where are your armies now? The earth groans, and weeds grow over the battlefields. The fifth call is made to the quarters to summon lonely ghosts of generals and lords and those who served them for guidance.

“Hear the voices of our souls, all artists and scholars, you who have worked at painting and writing. You have strained your sight and worn down your ink-slabs, and now your  souls must continue on. The sixth call is made to the quarters to summon the ghosts of artists and scholars for guidance.

“Hear the voices of our souls, all who have loved and been loved. After the embrace of lovers comes now the parting, whether for short or long or ever after. The autumn, then the winter, comes, trees and flowers fade, as does beauty of body, while only beauty of soul persists and grows. The seventh call is made to the quarters to summon the wandering ghosts of those who love, loved and are loved that they may be guided away from the ties of the world.

“Hear the voices of our souls, all who have committed crimes against others and who cannot now obtain rest. Your soul wanders friendless in the world, and you have not justice within you. The eighth call is made to the quarters to summon all those ghosts who have sinned and who now wander alone.

“Hear the voices of our souls, all those who sold themselves or their souls to survive, and all those who have been sinned against and now wander alone in ghostly realms. The ninth call is made to the quarters to summon them for guidance that they may be freed from the bonds of the world.”

After that, the normal actions of spirit rescue are used. 


Assumptions / basis 

In writing this, I have assumed / started from the following:

  • there is more to Reality than the physical; 
  • we survive the death of the physical body we use; 
  • psychic communication is real; 
  • some people - a minority - have problems leaving this world, and those of us in the physical may be better able to catch their attention than those who are not incarnate, and thus better able to start freeing them from their state of being stuck - which is termed spirit rescue, and is completed by those who do the normal process of aiding all Sentient life to pass over.

Possible flaws 

Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider: 

  • the nine examples given in Rampas books were particularly problematic (i.e., bigotted). I may still not have got the best combination of aspects of life - and, in fact, this may need to be changed from circumstance to circumstance. I was actually thinking of trying to improve the rescue work I did for those who died as a result of Russias invasion of Ukraine, and thus at the moment only one call is relevant to that specific exercise (and, for what it is worth, has worked well so far);
  • there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend Brendan  Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking” 
  • I could be wrong - so keep your thinking caps on, and make up your own minds for yourself.


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