Tuesday 2 June 2009

Post No. 058 - Healing

This post is about a skill I learned back in the 80s: what I call channelled energy healing. You do NOT need to be greatly skilled, not possessed of great health and high energy levels yourself to do (channelled energy) healing. To quote from some notes I have been updating on healing:
(1) the energy is NOT yours, it comes from other sources (such as energy channelled to you from your guides/helpers/Higher Self, and psychic energy that can be accessed from Mother Earth, the Universe, etc – you might even find that you get a healing boost as well);
(2) when you have commenced the healing, you do not need great psychic powers to determine the “right” place to put the healing in: much as the physical body knows where nutrients, vitamins and minerals are needed (we don’t have fingernails drop off because things like Silica were “wrongly” applied to the digestive system rather than the fingernail), the non-physical body (bodies, actually) have circulation systems (meridians and chakras) and is well and truly capable of taking the energy to wherever it is needed.
I usually start explanations of healing with a bit of a blurb along the lines of the following:
Ø the many bodies we have can be considered to be like the skins of an onion, or a set of tuning forks at a similar frequency: if something presses on one skin of an onion, it will affect those nearby; if the tuning forks are close enough in frequency, when one gets some energy and starts vibrating, those near it will also; when on of your bodies is affected in some way, that will affect others
Ø this is a two way street:
- if something drags down the energy levels of your physical body, that can also “lower your spirits” as the saying goes;
- if one of your nonphysical bodies is drained, it can manifest as physical health problems;
- is something boosts your physical system (e.g., good nutrition, rest and exercise), that can boost your nonphysical bodies;
- if something boosts your nonphysical bodies, that will potentially improve emotional and mental state of being, but in the classic sense can help the physical body to heal itself.
It should also be noted that:
Ø physical and psychic problems may also limit themselves to only that level;
Ø there is a pragmatic aspect to this: if a problem is sized, say, five units, three units worth of energy won’t fix it: that is where practice (we generally get better with practice, but that is a long term view :) ), working with other people (who provide more energy) and magic (which accesses other sources of energy such as that of various Deities, and other skills & knowledge such as that of Ancestors) come into play.
OK, so how do you actually do this healing thing?
What I was taught to do to begin was:
(1) establish protection
(2) ask my guides/helpers/Higher Self/Deity to channel healing through me to the person being healed as is for the Highest Spiritual Good.
Now, Highest Spiritual Good. I’m going to cheat here, and quote from the notes from one of my workshops:
No matter how good your application of the techniques we will be learning about in this workshop, they may not work for you in all situations.
This may be because the person or situation being worked on is meant to experience something unpleasant or difficult or challenging. This may also be because that is needed to motivate someone into learning thoroughly, or to be a strengthening experience, to repay a karmic debt or perhaps you may have agreed to take something on to see whether others would help you (i.e., as a test of a friend, perhaps).
There is a flip side to this as well: it may be for the Highest Spiritual Good to have what is being worked towards happen, and so that may happen despite the combination of you and crystal(s) not having the ability to ordinarily manifest that.
Protection can be by a simple mental request (a prayer) for protection, casting a circle, or visualisation (.g., of a Cone of Light, a Golden Pyramid or some other device which surrounds you, the patient, others present and the place being worked in (including above and below). An adaptation of one prayer I’ve used for this purpose is:
May the Goddess guide, nurture, protect and heal all of us present here, whatever our form, existence or purpose for coming here may be.
We ask that the assistance be both within and without ourselves:
- within, by increasing our spiritual strengths and our love, and by reducing our weaknesses;
- without, through the assistance of our and other suitable guides, helpers, Higher Selves, the Ancestors and by being connected to positive energy centres
We ask that the protection without include a Pyramid of Light about this place, existing in all dimensions. We ask that our Pyramid be kept continuously clear of all negative or discordant units, and free of all outside negative influences.
May this prayer, and everything that is don, thought or said by anyone present or connected to here in any way, be only for the Highest Spiritual Good. As a sign of our commitment to this request, we ask that all that we intentionally do to others be done immediately to us, so that we may know no harm is being done.
So mote it be.
Similarly, to start the healing process, ask. These do not necessarily have to be complicated. One healing prayer I’ve heard of was “Lt ‘er rip”. It all depends on what is comfortable for you and your healing team. My prayer is usually
I ask for healing to go through me to this patient, as is for the HSG.
At this point, I’ll make a few comments about Reiki. I have not done any courses in Reiki, as I do not consider that I need to. The form of channelled energy healing I was taught works – without me having been attuned, or given a formalised system to work with, or having particular visualisations to use, or a particular way to open chakras (I consider that opening chakras should not be done in healing unless you know very well what you are doing). There can be advantages to using a formalised system – in particular, it can give new people a source of comfort around “what do I do”. I have also, in other circumstances, personally experienced the benefits that can come with initiation (including when I received my First Degree Initiation in the Correllian Tradition). However, the point is that you do NOT need to do Reiki training to be able to do effective healing.
Useful contact is normally on or above the chakras, or at joints (which are minor chakras). Don’t touch anywhere your patient doesn’t feel comfortable (ask if you haven’t worked with them before). One thing to watch is trying to give healing into the palms of your patient if they are also a healer or potential healer: that can result in two energy flows trying to compete against each other.
Now, the next topic: pay attention to your patient.
To be a little facetious, there’s not much point closing your eyes (which a number of healers do), healing someone and failing to notice that he/she/ze has had a heart attack. If the patient is getting worse, stop. You may not be doing anything wrong, but that is immaterial: “first do no harm”. Stop.
In the same way that not all medicines developed by modern medical science are suitable for everyone, not everyone will always be suited to receiving healing in this general way (and this applies also to Reiki: not everyone is suited to that technique, in my opinion), or possibly not to receiving healing from a particular person (and that can change: you may be OK to receive or give healing on day, but not necessarily at some other time). The main concern here is (lack of) compatibility of energies as channelled.
Two people may be extremely compatible people, even partners, but the healing energies they work with may not be compatible. There could be, for instance, a tendency for one person to channel, say, orange energy as a result of past lives working with the God Mercury, which may be a different type of energy to that being lived now (which could be, say, in harmony with what are termed “Green Ray” energies. Ideally, the healer concerned needs to update their healing techniques from old habits, but in the short term, pay attention and stop if need be.
It could also be that, if you are healing someone for the first time, they are wary of you (possibly with some justification if you are being too pushy, or are using this as an excuse to get closer to the person), want subconsciously to hold on to something (possibly because they feel they need to solve the problem themselves [and they could be correct]) or there is a shield or barrier of some sort. These are the sort of problems I came across from time to time while healing in spiritualist churches. I also came across people who would begin trancing or exhibiting other inappropriate behaviour: the solution there is to stop, firmly talk the person back to a normal state of being (if need be, some water in their face will help, albeit at the price of a headache), and tell them to go away until they learn some basic grounding and/or psychic self discipline (that sort of behaviour is certainly nothing to be impressed by). (I also came across some people who were healing junkies: they would keep getting haling at the expense of taking some personal responsibility for their energy states of being – THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO PEOPLE WITH GENUINE HEALTH PROBLEMS, including CFS. The latter will need ongoing, sustained healing.)
How long you heal depends on how much healing the patient needs, how long you stay relaxed and what rate you can channel at. In most cases, 20minutes is long enough. With practice, your intuition will tell you when you’ve finished, or you (or your patient) may feel the healing slow or stop. (Then again, on or both of you may feel nothing, despite healing flowing. You could also, if working with a group, ask someone else to check with their guides/helpers/Higher Self whether or not you have done as much as you are supposed to.) It is worth asking your patient how they feel before you finish, as they may want some part of their body given direct healing - they may not know that direct contact is not necessary, and hence, for instance, may want a sore finger touched and healed before they will let go of that pain.
On that, whenever you are healing, informed consent applies. You do NOT have the right to touch any person in a way that they are uncomfortable with (and you could quite possibly be the subject of legal action if you do). Such contact is not needed – indeed, it is possible to heal without any direct contact, just by having your hands close to the patient. In fact, it is possible to heal at a very considerable distance, but that is a topic for another email.
When you finish:
Ø check how your patient is feeling
Ø explain that they have received psychic energy, and this tends to open them up psychically; it is therefore important that they be aware they could potentially experience light headedness, difficulty sleeping or discomfort if they do not adequately close their psychic openness – this will comprise grounding and closing the aura (if you have opened their chakras, you need to make sure they know how to close them in case you don’t adequately close the chakras)
Ø grounding is commonly done by visualising a tree root growing into the earth and anchoring your spirit bodies inside your physical, or by having something to eat or drink (non-alcoholic) or visualise a shower of energy flushing out your aura
Ø closing the aura is done by visualising oneself inside a white egg shell around the boundaries of the aura (I tend to run my hands over the outside of the aura, from the ground up, to help the sealing process)
Ø explain who to contact if they have problems
Ø say a closing prayer, such as the example given below, or open circle (whatever is appropriate for what you have done at the start of the healing session)
Ø ground and release all excess energy yourself, and close your aura
OK, the example closing prayer is as follows:
We ask that our auras be cleansed, cleared and closed. W ask that we be assisted to close down and to centre ourselves, grounding and releasing all excess energy in doing so. We ask that the pyramid be cleansed and cleared in all times, dimensions, realities, levels and spaces. We ask that all positive links, skills outcomes and other things be strengthened. We ask that the circle be cleansed, cleared and closed, but that the protection, healing and guidance continue for the Highest Spiritual Good.
So mote it be.
It sounds far more complicated than it actually is to do.
Love, light, hugs and blessings


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Tags: healing, energy work, protection, prayer,

First published: Tuesday 2nd June, 2009

Last edited: Tuesday 2nd June, 2009

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