Monday 8 June 2009

Post No. 059 - Chakras and "push-pull"

I’ve written about chakras before (see In a simplistic sense, they are generally described as “energy centres” – places where energy can be added relatively easily, places where blockages can cause problems (e.g., difficulty releasing emotional pain, physical symptoms/problems such as pain [e.g., headaches] or functional problems [e.g., difficulty with clairvoyance for the “3rd Eye” chakra or clairaudience with the throat chakra]).
They are like energy hearts – pumps driving energy round the various energy pathways we have in our non-physical body.

If you wish to achieve a particular non-physical effect, effective use of chakras can help that. For instance, it is fairly widely known that the “3rd Eye” chakra, that one located in the forehead region, is associated with clairvoyance. “opening” that chakra (which basically means stimulating it) can potentially enhance clairvoyance (I use the word potentially as there are so many other factors which can have an influence here).

The forms of stimulation are generally through visualisation, but colours, scents and sex can also stimulate chakras (sex can – under certain circumstances - lead to stimulation of the Kundalini). After “opening”, most forms of training emphasise “closing” the chakra, which does not stop the functioning of the chakra: it just returns it to a normal state.

Now, a few facts which are less well known.

Our energy structure is an evolving thing: humans are evolving more chakras. This is an idea I first came across in Shirley Maclaine’s books (although, in hindsight, Rampa also touches on this), but it has also been elaborated on in Katrina Raphael’s “The Crystalline Transmission”. In my case, I now use a thirteen chakra system.

Next: our chakras are point of connection between various levels of our being. Hence, our “Earth Star” chakra is a connection point to the physical world, our Base Chakra is a connection to our physical body, the 2nd Chakra is a connection to our etheric, the Solar Plexus Chakra is a connection to the lower astral, the Heart Chakra is a connection to the higher astral, etc.

When people die, the connection between the person and the physical body, etheric and lower astral ends: this is sometimes seen as a Silver Cord between the navel of the physical body and the image of a navel in an astral body parting. (The base and 2nd chakra cords part as well, but that tends to be less “visible” as it is within the body/auric confines.)

The higher cords don’t part as the soul is still connected to those bodies. (Rampa talks about “incarnations” onto the astral plane from higher planes, which I find quite interesting.)

To rephrase what I have been writing about slightly: each level is sustained (in an energetic sense) by a higher frequency level. That chakra is a connection point to a specific level.

We can use that connection to connect to those levels.

For instance, if you want to do some work on the astral plane, try using shamanic techniques to go through that chakra.

However, my main focus in this post is using chakras tactically/strategically in situations of psychic attack.

Before I go into that, it may be useful for any serious readers to review my past articles on the topic of psychic attack”

Since writing those articles, I have come across a book by Kerr Cuhulain “Magickal Self Defense: A Quantum Approach to Warding”, (Pub. Llewellyn, 2008; ISBN 978-0-7387-1219-2). In that book, the author talks about an adaptation of a martial art technique called “push-pull” to psychic self defence.

The basis of “push-pull” is that, if your opponent pushes, you pull, and if your opponent pulls, you push. If someone is trying to direct negative energy against you, pull that energy hard (e.g., by grabbing it with gloved hands and pulling as you connect it to, say, Mother Earth, a tornado of light, etc) and get your opponent off balance. If someone is trying to drain you, or perhaps a protective shield (“ward”) you have created, take their connection and hook it up to the Universe – they’ll find it a lot harder to drain the Universe than your shield.

This is something I have tried (keeping in mind that psychic “attack” can occur with things as simple as someone “thinking ill” of you, and I have found it works quite well. I like the technique also as it is what I would consider “non-violent”: you are not retaliating, it is almost like a spiritual form of Aikido.

As a further development of this, it is possible to check what level the energy (or energies) the attack is on – for instance, most emotional attack is on the level of the solar plexus, as it is emotionally based. Given this, it is worth considering using an “outflanking” manoeuvre, perhaps stimulating the attackers “higher” emotions, so that they perhaps reconsider what they are doing – which would require projecting positive energy to your attacker on the heart and crown levels. The Crown Chakra is needed to direct the emotions being triggered through inspiration; remember, the person is someone who is and is capable of indulging in attack, so they aren’t necessarily going just automatically feel nobler emotions towards you simply because you have stimulated the point by which such emotions can come into being.

As a digression (at this time – I’ll come back to this in future posts), to be “jealous” or “angry” or “loving” or “lazy” or any particular “emotion” (although I do not consider anger an emotion – see, you need to, in effect, pull those energies in through the appropriate chakra into this world, or latch on to some existing energies, and use them. You have a choice in all situations: you do not have to behave in any particular way (although, granted, you may have established a habit of reacting in a particular way). Learning channelling – particularly in situations of rescue - can help people to overcome their habits of using particular energies, as they will, for a while, relinquish control of their body to another spirit, who almost inevitably leaves some of their energies behind, so the medium re-enters their body and has to practice not using energies that are “laying about the place, in a sense.

Building a little further on that point, I mentioned that chakras return to a normal state of being. Not all chakras are at the same energy level, and to some extent, it is possible to work out where a person is at” in life by looking at the various states of energy in the chakras. For instance, someone who is mentally focused in life will tend to have more activity in the head chakras; someone who is emotionally giving will have more activity in the heart and solar plexus chakras; someone who is what used to be termed “base” (lives for the day, addicted to pleasure) may have the base and 2nd chakras more active.

These states of being may all be valid, when viewed from the long term perspective of the soul, a perspective taken over many lifetimes.

If there is an “ideal” to pursue on this aspect, it is the activation/use of any combination of chakras which is spiritually best for a particular situation. For instance, someone who has been focusing on communication (throat chakra) may find themselves in physical peril, and so need to boost the base and 2nd chakras for survival reasons. Or someone may wish to grow their own food (or some of it, at any rate), and so need to stimulate the Earth Star. At this time in this Earth’s evolution, few people live in more than a few of their chakras – the lack of connection to the Earth Star is a particular problem in light of what is happening to this world.

Returning to the point I was making about using different levels of reality to address psychic attack, perhaps you can now understand why it may be necessary to stimulate levels the person has not used if you wish them to stop their attack.

As you do this, keep in mind the other person’s free will. They have no right to attack you, but if they desist, you have no right to do anything further to them.

I’ll leave that post at that for now.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


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Tags: chakras, energy work, protection, practice, martial arts, cross-fertilisation (ideas), response, speed of response, strength,

First published: 8th June, 2009

Last edited: Saturday 26th June, 2010 (tags added)

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