Sunday 4 September 2011

Post No. 311 - Pagans for peace - introduction

Post Script
I am now aiming to meditate on peace regularly every Sunday evening at 9 P.M. My intention is to get a wave of energy rolling round the planet, which is intended to tie in to the energy created by those following the ideas channelled by Phyllis V. Sclemmer (see the paragraph highlighted in green under Commitment Level 5 below) and both contribute to those energies and help them to spread around the world.

The technique I will be using is:
As part of establishing protection, I will probably use the following prayer, which is an updated version of that prayer in my post at

May the Goddess guide, nurture, protect and heal all of us present here, whatever our form, existence or purpose for coming here may be.
We ask that the assistance be both within and without ourselves:
- within, by increasing our spiritual strengths and our love, and by reducing our weaknesses;
- without, through the assistance of our and other Balanced Positive Spiritual Force Guides and helpers, our Higher Selves, the Ancestors and by being connected to positive energy centres.
We ask that the protection without include a Pyramid of Light about this place, existing in all dimensions. We ask that our Pyramid be kept continuously clear of all negative or discordant units, and free of all outside negative influences.
May this prayer, and everything that is done, thought or said by anyone present or connected to here in any way, be only for the Highest Spiritual Good. As a sign of our commitment to this request, we ask that all that we intentionally do to others be done immediately to us, so that we may know no harm is being done.
So mote it be.

Similarly, the updated version of the closing prayer is:

We ask that our auras be cleansed, cleared and closed. We ask that we be assisted to close down and to centre ourselves, grounding and releasing all excess energy in doing so. We ask that the pyramid be cleansed and cleared in all times, dimensions, realities, levels and spaces. We ask that all positive links, skills outcomes and other things be strengthened. We ask that the circle be cleansed, cleared and closed, but that the protection, healing and guidance continue for the Highest Spiritual Good.
So mote it be.

Please consider joining in ... and maybe email me (via my website) if you do :)

Original Post
Something I have posted about in the past is peace [1]. Well, as I drove home from my day job on the night I started this post, I was listening to the ABC Radio National's Encounter programme, which had a show on non-violent activism for peace (Sacred Fools - Non Violent Peace Activists). This was quite an interesting show; some of the points covered included:
  • if you chose to not take action against violence, you are supporting violence;
  • the chaplain who blessed the crews of the Enola Gay and the Box Car was on the show, which covered his gradual realisation of what a terrible thing he had been part of;
  • peace makers from the Middle East, who do work for both sides of that conflict;
  • the importance of avoiding internal violence;
  • the role of Augustine in creating the "Just War Theory".
There was also lots of tape of the great Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., and a discussion on Dr King's principles for non-violent action. As I listened to those, it struck me that there is no equivalent of those simple, sharp, punch points in the pagan world - there are great pagan advocates for peace, such as Starhawk, and much of what I have come across in the pagan world is about caring for the planet which inevitably will get around to peace [2], but probably nothing that sets out an ... agenda.

This then moved me to think about something I have been pondering for some time: maybe it would be good to have a site where pagans could at least declare their support for world peace, and maybe an end to world hunger, and a more caring, if not spiritual, world. I was blessed to be part of the discussions which led to the Hope, Peace, Love and Prosperity spell which many people repeat on the 11th of each month: making a commitment to do that would be the sort of thing I am thinking of - but ANYTHING would be fine. People can be very, very busy (especially if they have teenagers in their life), so even just committing to the principle would be enough. In fact, here is a list of levels of commitment that I am thinking of.
  1. The first, most basic and most essential step of all: that of committment to the principle of:
    (a) world peace;
    (b) committment to the principle of world peace and an end to world hunger;
    (c) committment to the principle of world peace, an end to world hunger and a more caring, spiritual (in a genuine, mature sense) world;
  2. I will light a candle, cast a spell, do a ritual or do what I can, when I can for that which I have committed to.
  3. What I can do, when I can, and also joining in the Hope, Peace, Love and Prosperity spell on the 11th of each month.
  4. What I can do, when I can, and meditating or doing rituals regularly (e.g. weekly) for what I have committed to.
  5. What I can do, when I can, and meditating or doing rituals regularly (e.g. monthly or weekly) with others for what I have committed to
    (there are networks of people who aim to use meditation to promote world peace - for example:
    - the Lucis Trust's "Triangles" network, which I used to
    - movements such as the "meditate at 9 P.M. Sunday, Israeli time", as suggested in Phyllis V. Schlemmer's "The Only Planet of Choice", follow up to "Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth" by Stuart Holroyd [4], about the alleged contact between aliens and Andrija Puharich, Phyllis V. Sclemmer and Sir John Whitmore, e.g., p. 279 in my copy, although my experience tells me everyone working at the same time in their time zone can actually build up a wave of energy rolling round the planet, so I don't necessarily agree with trying to everything at the same instant around the globe, and
    - of a slightly different nature, the "Healing Minute" movement).
  6. What I can do, when I can, and aim to make charitable donations equivalent to what the "Make Poverty History" (see here and here) Campaign recommends for my nation's government.
  7. What I can do, when I can, and print, make, and charge a Talismanic Tetrahedron for World Peace (especially after that lazy Gnwmythr finishes writing her ritual for this :) - which I did some time ago, but have now finally posted at
  8. All of the above.

What I am considering is either having a new blog, with one page for each of those levels (or just pages on this blog), and posting something about people who wish to commit to those. So ... an example could be (for myself):

  • Gnwmythr, Australia, Energy Psychic, Level 8 (c)
(the (c) indicates commitment to all three principles outlined in step 1)

Perhaps some listings may be of the form:

  • Anonymous No. 14, Malaysia, Level 5 (a)
  • Anonymous No. 15, Saudi Arabia, supporter, Level 7 (b)

Possibly ideally this would be done through some sort of online group. Well, unfortunately, I do not have the time, energy or inclination to do that. Fortunately, however, some sort of online interaction is posiible through the "Earth's Children - Pagans for Peace" group on the "Peace Next" group, which was one of the outcomes of the Parliament of World Religions, 2009.

If I get this blog idea up and running, however ... well, watch this space :)

PS - submission of information would be via my Gnwmythr website. Please note that personal identifying details would be kept confidential., but there is little point in contacting me unless you give me permission to post something


  1. My past posts on peace are here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
  2. I was interested to read today that Ken Henry thinks Australia's population is around 7 million too high ... must find out why he thinks that :)
  3. The revised version of "The Great Invocation", which I found here, is as follows:
    From the point of Light within the mind of God
    Let light stream forth into human minds
    Let Light descend on Earth.
    From the point of Love within the Heart of God
    Let love stream forth into human hearts
    May the Coming One return to Earth.
    From the centre where the Will of God is known
    Let purpose guide all little human wills
    The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
    From the centre which we call the human race
    Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
    And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
    Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
  4. Which I posted about here. 
  5. BPF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Forces. See here and here for more on this. 
  6. Please see here and my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2, although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather engagingly - to be the Earth edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy")
Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix Lux?)

My "blogiography" (list of all posts - currently not up to date) is here.  

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ...  See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "pagans for peace" project, and here for my bindrune kit-bag.
  • One size does NOT fit all. 
  • May the world of commerce and business be recognised to be a servant, not a master, of the lives of people.
  • A home is for living in, not feeling, becoming or being rich or a “better” class than others.
  • The secret to being (financially) rich is not to have lots of money: it is to have an income above the poverty line, and then make whatever sacrifices are necessary in order to live within 90% of your means.  
  • Like fire to the physical, emotions to the soul make a good servant, and a bad master. 
  • Armageddon is alive and well and happening right now: it is a battle between the indolence of "I only ..." and/or "I just ..." and/or "Everyone knows ... " and what Bruce Schneier [2] calls "security theatre" on one side, and perspicacity and the understanding that the means shape the end on the other. 
  • The means shape the end.  
  • Sometimes you just can't argue with a biped that is armed with a sharp stick, a thick head and not too much in the way of grunts.
  • Spiritual love is far more than just an emotion - it is a concept, thoughts, actions and a way of living. 
  • One of the basics of serious spiritual / psychic work is that the greatest work is that which we do on ourself, which seems trivial to many. Our own Innermost Essence, which is our Higher Self / Soul / Spirit, has the power to do so much, and is actively participating in the creation and sustenance of this physical reality. Some mote of our conscious or unconscious knows that, which is why we seem inclined to be dismissive of Self Mastery - which is a bit like the child who sees an adult spending money to buy toys, and fails to recognise the daily grind of work which has led to having the money. 
  • My favourite action movie of all time is "Gandhi". However, I loathe the stereotypical action movie - and, for similar reasons, I loathe many dramas, which are often emotionally violent, more so in some cases than many war films.
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger [people]. JOHN F. KENNEDY 

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing. (based on writing by) EDMUND BURKE

Your children are not your children. ... They come through you but ... they belong not to you ... for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow KAHLIL GIBRAN

We didn't inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we only borrowed it from our children ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it is not haphazard and superficial. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

Those whom we cannot stand are usually those who we cannot understand P.K.SHAW

Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, and the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change." SENATOR ROBERT F. KENNEDY (US Attorney General 1966 Speech)

People I'm currently following or reading, or have considerable respect for, include:
You can find news sources I use here
 Tags: chakras, energy work,  flaming, grounding, Martin Luther King Jr, meditation, network, peace, protection,

First published: Sunnudagr, 4th September, 2011

Last edited: Monday, 9th September, 2013