Saturday 10 September 2011

Post No. 315 - Illness and "spiritual inflammation" - and indirect psychic attack

This post continues a bit of speculation that I think I have posted about previously, which is on the topic of why some powerful mediums (such as the pre-invasion Tibetan state oracle) are ill or suffer poor health which, to me, might be related to why some people have visions (of a sort) when they are ill.

To begin with, consider the issue of inflammation in a physical body. In that case, inflammation helps healing - a technique considered for my back pain involves injection of fruit juice to cause inflammation, which thus apparently promote healing. As I understand it, this "prolotherapy" causes inflammation which presumably causes more flow of blood, white blood cells to fight the infection, activation of the body's immune response, etc.

Interestingly, I have been sent a link showing where issues around inflammation and the body's response are being considered with respect to management of diabetes: with thanks to "A" (you know who you are :) ), see here.

So ... in much the same way as physical inflammation triggers responses including increased flow of beneficial "stuff", could illness perhaps trigger, amongst other things, greater flow of energy and support from our higher selves? This would be on the basis that it is what comes from our Higher Selves that sustains us anyway, and there would be sense a greater need for that psychic and spiritual sustenance in response to the physical illness.

If that is so, then perhaps that influx of higher frequency energies is what leads to some feverish people having visions, and some mediums having their powers but being renowned for being ill?

Of course, I think it is better not to need to be ill, but maybe having to be ill is a reflection of our world as it is - lacking in widespread or advanced psychic/spiritual awareness and knowledge, and stuck in Kali Yuga.

To extend that a bit further, with regard to spirituality, could the aggravation of daily life be a stimulation for more flow from our higher levels? Hence, this would favour at least occasionally (which could means say, once every fifth lifetime) "engaging with the world", rather than always being withdrawn from world - although most people need periods of being withdrawn from the stresses and strains of "daily life", from time to time, to heal and integrate learning, etc. So, just as there is a cycle of extroversion-introversion through the year (see the Wiccan concept of light and dark halves of the year - here, for instance) and over longer cycles.

Mind you, at present I am getting lots of indirect psychic attack through work ( e.g., threat of being sent to North Korea again) which is making focusing on my spiritual development/psychic work hard - so maybe this is a case where withdrawing from part of the "everyday" world's trials would be good :)

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")

Tags: energy flows, healing, health, indirect psychic attack, Psychic attack, psychism, spirituality,

First published: Laugadagr, 10th September, 2011

Last edited:Saturday, 10th September, 2011