Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Post No. 204 - Professionalism, fear of end of life and reading

This topic is one that I have very clear in my mind, but the words are not quite what I want (ah for universal telepathy, eh? [1] ).Basically, I want to post about being better in what one does psychically.

Now, a lot of my psychic work is directed at clearing negativity [2]. I know, however, that there are many people who reject any acknowledgement of, or discussion about, or possibility of looking at, negative psychic energy. I personally consider much of that is probably due to simple fear ("will I be contaminated by that energy?"), but some of it could be ideological ("we're meant to be positive so I'll having nothing to do with that negativity stuff!" [3] )

To divert into another field to allow an example, professional health care could involve things like identifying the specific type of health problem you have (maybe even testing to identify specific pathogens), so that THE BEST CURE can be selected.

In the same way, if one wishes to be nice and balanced-positive, it may be necessary (in my opinion) for you to look at WHAT SPECIFIC NEGATIVE ENERGIES, OBJECTS, LINKS, ENTITIES, ETC are affecting you, so you can select THE BEST WAY to deal with them.

Worth a thought, perhaps ...

  1. It is possible to shut down any psychic ability, once one has learned how to develop and use it, so this would not preclude having privacy.
  2. For instance, see here and here.
  3. Actually, I prefer the point of view expressed in "Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth", which is that we are meant to be "balanced positive".
Now, after all that, I recently came across a specific point in "Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth" which resonated with me this time when I read it this time round.

In that book, one of the characters, the healer and group's initial medium "Bobby", had a fear of dying on a particular date, at a particular place, when he was in his 30s. This fear, and other factors, eventually lead to him leaving that role and Phyllis taking over the role of medium. However, "The Nine" explain that his fear of death is wrong, as what will occur at that time is that Bobby would complete his preparations for his planned role in this life.

Well, I've had a feeling for much of my life that I would die somewhere between my 50th and 52nd birthdays. But maybe - particularly given all that I've been through in the last couple of decades (or three) - what I am picking up on is that I will have simply completed my preparations to accomplish my life task at around that time.

Hmm. I like that - might be wrong, of course, and doesn't mean I won't keep learning and growing, but I like it :)

(I also like the comments in "The Only Planet of Choice" to the effect that it is important to exercise as we get older [I've had a theory for many years that at least part of the alleged effects of ageing are due to decreased activity - possibly in response to family, work and other demands on our time], and that social conditioning has some very profound effects - including on length of life.)

Now, as a final part to this post, here are a few links to some reading which might be of some interest:

Enjoy :)

Love, light, hugs and blessings


This post's photo is yet to be posted.

Tags: energy, energy work, negative energy, fear, professionalism, health, death, mediumship, purpose, deities, crystals, evolution, Pagan,

First published: Odinsdagr, 5th January, 2011

Last edited: Wednesday, 5th January, 2011