Saturday, 20 October 2012

Post No. 410 - Emergency Action Plan

We had an interesting exercise in the development group I am in recently, which is to develop an EmergencyAction Plan for times when we are overloaded psychically, or walk into a situation that is psychically dangerous. Here is mine, followed by some back up references material, after my signature block. The technique of passing energy through is similar to what can be found in the Order of Scathach's [3] training materials.

Emergency Action Plan

1.       I use a technique that I was taught called “flaming”, which I now refer to as “psychic flaming”, which flushes out the aura. If overwhelmed by negative energy, my first response is to clear my aura, and I have a pre-loaded thought form which is triggered by a word (I use one of the Deity names for a sphere of the Qabbalah).

After I have flamed to push stuff out of my aura, I shield, then centre/ground myself and check my chakras. All of this has been practised over three decades, and can be done is a second or three.

2.       Next I ask for help from all positive forces, including my Guides, which I term the “BPF” (short for Balanced Positive (spiritual) Forces): “BPF – help!” This will include advice on other sources of help, whether I should leave the situation and how quickly, etc.

3.       As soon as the initial crisis is over, recovery needs to happen. What form that takes depends on the situation, how overwhelmed I was, etc.

I have not covered the preventative work I do, such as asking for protection regularly, having protective devices, etc.
There is also a technique of passing energy through oneself which sometimes can be useful.

[1] BPF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Forces. See here and here for more on this.

[2] Please see my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. 

[3] Pronounced "sky-aa"

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")
My "blogiography" is here. I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ...
May the world of commerce and business be recognised to be a servant, not a master, of the lives of people.
A home is for living in, not feeling, becoming or being rich or a “better” class than others.
The International Labour Organisation's definition of "full employment" is wrong, useless and misleading.
Armageddon is alive and well and happening right now: it is a battle between the indolence of "I only ..." and/or "I just ..." on one side, and perspicacity on the other.
Like fire to the physical, emotions to the soul make a good servant, and a bad master. 
The only prejudice should be against prejudice. 
"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger [people]." JOHN F. KENNEDY 
One size does NOT fit all ...  

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing. EDMUND BURKE

Your children are not your children. ... They come through you but ... they belong not to you ... for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow KAHLIL GIBRAN

We didn't inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we only borrowed it from our children ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY

 Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

Those whom we cannot stand are usually those who we cannot understand P.K.SHAW

Tags: about me, energy work, flaming, grounding, negative energy, protection, shielding,

First published: Frysdagr, 19th October, 2012

Last edited: Friday, 19th October, 2012

Supplementary Information

1.7        Underlying Assumptions about “Reality”
Some key assumptions will be discussed in the next section. In addition, the following assumptions apply, but may not be examined in this workshop in any detail (unless they crop up in the course of any discussions J ):
Ø  we have a non-physical part of our being (actually, several);
Ø  some part of this non-physical essence survives the death of the physical body; and
Ø  the essence which survives the physical death is capable of reincarnating into a different body.
Please refer to Figures 1, 2 and 3.
It is also assumed that you will maintain independence of thought – you are NOT expected to believe or automatically accept any of this, but please respect others’ wish to participate in the workshop, and time constraints.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

2.1        Flaming
2.1.1      Concept
Flaming is the concept of purposefully using energy to clear “negative” energy from one’s aura.
2.1.2     Objectives
The aim of this is to develop an ability to undertake some steps to look after one’s psychic health (particularly with respect to one’s aura).
2.1.3     Desired outcomes
Ø  basic awareness of non-physical health issues
Ø  introduction to purposefully directing energy
Ø  basic familiarity with several flaming techniques
2.1.4     Assumptions
See 1.7  Assumptions.
Also note that the aura extends beyond the outlines of the physical body. How far it extends depends of factors such as the energy state of the person, and what nonphysical levels one is considering.
2.1.5     Flaming - background
The first technique fits into the “bad out” category, but can be adapted for use in the “good in” category. The technique is called flaming, and involves use of personal will and skills to generate “positive” energies in a way that removes energies and nonphysical objects from your aura that are not a constructive influence for you. Those energies could simply be incompatible with your energies (a bit like a clash of colours, or an unpleasant discordance in music, or an unpleasant smell intruding into an aromatherapy session), or more actively counter to your wellbeing.
A common example of the latter is being on the receiving end of unresolved jealousy. The jealousy energy can be actively harmful to your psychic wellbeing – it’s basically a form of psychic attack. (This does NOT mean all incidents of jealousy result in projected energy that impacts in the target’s aura: but some does.[1])
There are a number of benefits to getting into a regular habit of flaming. These include:
Ø  the obvious and intended benefit of removing incompatible or negative energy
Ø  development of healthy psychic habits
Ø  improved psychic strength
Ø  practice at directing energy in a purposeful way.
2.1.6     Flaming - techniques
OK, so how do you actually do this?
Most commonly, flaming is accomplished by visualisation. Other senses, however, can also be used. Try the following techniques and note which work well for you, which are neutral, and which feel uncomfortable (note that your assessment may change after practising these techniques a little more, or in different circumstances):

Your comments
1.      Visualise a candle in the centre of your body, and feel the heat and light of the candle radiating out through your body and aura, dissolving and/or displacing anything you do not want there.

2.      Visualise a fire burning in the centre of your body, and allow the fire to gradually spread, “burning out impurities” as it does so, until your entire aura is left glowing brightly

3.     Visualise a light bulb turning on in your centre, and radiating out bright light

4.     Visualise a waterfall of light washing through and cleansing your aura, washing any negative energy into Mother Earth for recycling

5.     Feel the energy of Mother Earth radiating up, through your Earth Star chakra[2] and your feet, into your aura, dislodging anything negative and drawing that back into Mother Earth for recycling

6.     “Hear” a pleasant musical chord or refrain building up, as if from the centre of your body (the solar plexus chakra, if you are aware of chakras) and transforming anything discordant within your aura into something harmonious

7.     “Smell” a strong pleasant scent (e.g., a favourite flower) and allow that smell to pervade your aura, flushing out or transforming any unpleasant smells

Techniques exist for strengthening these various techniques (other than lots of practice). These include:
Your comments
 i.     Visualise yourself flaming strongly, whilst building an association with a word. Chant the word (mentally only, if necessary) to help strengthen the technique.

ii.     Visualise a nonphysical object such as a crystal, and send lots of positive energy to it at times of your own choosing, when feeling energised or “up” (technically, this is creating a thought form)

iii.     Connect the flow of energy to your breathing (generally build energy up as you breathe in [take in prana], and “flush” as you exhale)

See Figure 4 for an example illustration.

[1] This is why resolution of interpersonal issues and personal problems is generally so important. Better to know what you are really feeling and deal with it than create a thought form of blindness to anything other than peace 
[2] The Earth Star chakra, which I came across in Katrina Raphael’s book “The Crystalline Transmission”, is located around 150mm below the feet, and provides a connection with the Earth. It is, in my opinion, a chakra which needs much attention.

Figure 4 

2.1.7     Alternative viewpoints on this practice
There is a view that any one “place” in the Universe is potentially connected to all other places in the Universe. This concept, if applied to flaming, suggests that we aren’t really using an internal source of energy: it is more a case of tuning in and accessing the Universe’s enormous stores of energy.
Of course, that concept also applies, to some extent, to the notion of accessing energy from our Higher Self, or from other sources, when visualising energy coming into us while using breathing.
Still, it’s often useful to contemplate the sources of energy that one can access.

2.2       Shielding
2.2.1     Concept
The concept of “shielding” in the psychic world is the concept of creating a protective device or barrier.
2.2.2     Objectives
The intention of these notes is to provide a basic introduction to this fundamental protective technique.
2.2.3     Desired outcomes
An ability to try several techniques for protecting oneself against incompatible/disharmonious energies/influences.
2.2.4     Assumptions
See 1.7  Assumptions.
Also note that the aura extends beyond the outlines of the physical body. How far it extends depends of factors such as the energy state of the person, and what nonphysical levels one is considering.
Another other key assumption here is that, just as some foods are unsuitable (even harmful) for some people[1], some energies/psychic influences are undesirable or even harmful for people. What is “undesirable or even harmful” varies from person to person, and may also vary depending on circumstances.
Finally, it is assumed that psychic energy can be directed (which is a common definition of magic) by various means to create a protective device, often conceived of as a barrier.
2.2.5     Background
This is one of the key techniques in many writings about psychic protection. Some techniques have become famous (such as the “Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram”; others, such as the viewpoints expressed by Kerr Cuhulain in “Magickal Self Defense”[2] are less well known.
One of the most frequent debates in Wiccan circles is the issue of “active” vs. “passive” defence.
With a “passive” self-defence technique, one does not direct energy back at one’s attacker. The idea is to outlast the attacker (psychic attack takes a lot of energy on some level – even if the attack is being performed unconsciously), and to be non-violent, non-aggressive and not risk incurring any negative karma.
With an “active” self-defence, one does direct energy back at one’s attacker. The thinking here is generally along the lines that one is returning the attackers creation back to them so that they can experience what they are dishing out and – hopefully – eventually learn not to indulge in that sort of behaviour.
All seems fairly clear cut, until you also consider:
Ø  sending positive energy to one’s attacker (e.g., healing), which is an active technique, but one that probably incurs positive karma;
Ø  the possibility that one may be responsible at an unconscious level for an attack that one is trying to consciously stop; and
Ø  that if one has the ability to stop harm being done (e.g., if one is a police officer and does nothing to stop a violent attack that is being committed when one is in a position and has the resources to safely stop it), one incurs negative karma: the same applies on a psychic level.
2.2.6     Techniques
The most common technique used for shielding is visualisation, possibly with strengthening by using breathing, chanting, prayer or physical movement.
Your comments
1.      Visualise a white “egg shell” around the outside of your aura. See it as solidly and in as much detail as you can.

2.     Visualise the white shell, but this time also physically move your hands up from the floor as if you are scooping plaster up and pack it into your aura.

3.     Stand, centre yourself, and take a settling breath. With your hands at your side, palms forward, breathe in and raise your hands, palm up, until they are fully extended above your head. As you breathe out, take your hands out to your side and down, visualising the shield being formed as you lower your hands. (This is based on Kerr Cuhulain’s previously mentioned book[3].)

4.     Try techniques 1 to 3 using different colours.

5.     Create an astral melody that you find safe, protective and energising (it must NOT be relaxing, or something that could put you to sleep: you generally want a firmer energy for creating shields) and imagine the sounds flowing round your aura and wrapping it in a safe cocoon.

6.     Repeat technique 5 using a suitable scent.

7.     Visualise wrapping your aura in bandages of whatever colour worked best for you. (The “ideal” colour will vary, depending on circumstances – and may be several colours.)

8.     Visualise (and act out, if you wish), hanging reflective mirror mobiles around your aura.

9.     Visualise the outside edges of your aura becoming a shimmering skin which filters energy, or shifts its frequency (the latter is based on the refractive techniques mentioned in Kerr Cuhulain’s book[4] .)

10.   Combine any previous technique with visualising protective symbols such as ankhs, pentagrams or runes (e.g., Algiz) on your auric “ skin”

11.    Combine any or all of these techniques with protective spells (sometimes also called “setting wards”). A widely used traditional protective spell is “the lesser banishing ritual of pentagram” , which has been around for possibly centuries (and will be discussed in the next section).

12.   Activate a chakra (e.g., breathe a selected colour into it until it has a strong, clear ball of energy of that colour in it), then keep feeding energy in until the energy radiates out to the outside of your aura, and starts rotating around the outside of your aura, deflecting energy away. Repeat this from as many chakras as you feel are needed – if you vary the rotations, you may perceive the shields as grinding up any negative of disharmonious energy trying to come in.

Selection of which chakra(s) and colour can be by logic (e.g., if having emotional upset problems, try the solar plexus chakra and blue or green; if having mental confusion try the crown and blue; if having self-expression problems try the throat and orange) or, best of all, by intuition + logic.

As a variation, try building up rotating shields of colour – whether from a single chakra/point or several.

13.   Ask your Higher Self/guides/helpers to let you know whenever something activates/tries to affect your shields – and remember to ask that your shields last for longer than just the time you think of them!

See Figure 5 for an illustration of shielding (and of grounding).

[1] What is unsuitable/harmful varies from person to person. Sugar is generally not harmful if not eaten in excessive amounts (until point calorific intake becomes an issue). However, some people are diabetic and can be harmed by relatively small amounts of sugar - although, in some circumstances (e.g., too much insulin) some sugar is, paradoxically, essential for a diabetic.
[2] Llewellyn, 2008, ISBN 978-0-7387-1219-2
[3] “Magickal Self Defense” Llewellyn, 2008, ISBN 978-0-7387-1219-2
[4] “Magickal Self Defense” Llewellyn, 2008, ISBN 978-0-7387-1219-2

Figure 5

2.2.7     Alternative viewpoints
Some people are inherently uncomfortable with the idea of having to defend oneself, seeing this as a negative thing promoting conflict. While this is directly disputed by the author, it is useful to keep in mind that these techniques are also about protection against energies/influences that clash with one, much as two colours, notes or scents may clash.
Another consideration is that one may not need formal shielding/protection if one is be stronger than the energy/influence. This is particularly a consideration as one gains experience and psychic strength: the energies/influences which used to be problematic may become easier to deal with. This is akin to exercising to build one’s physical strength: lifting weights that used to be hard becomes easier.

2.3       Grounding
2.3.1     Concept
Our various non-physical bodies are not necessarily always “properly” (effectively) aligned or focused together. Although there are times when it is right and proper that they not be aligned together (e.g., when astral travelling [sleeping], or for some states of altered consciousness), when they are not grounded, we may be distracted or otherwise less effective in our living than we could be, or we could be vulnerable to undesirable (e.g., disharmonious) psychic influences.
Grounding is the act of bringing all our non-physical bodies into an effective alignment or focus, often – but not always - centred on our physical body.
2.3.2     Objectives
The intention of these notes is to provide a basic introduction to this fundamental technique for management of psychism.
2.3.3     Desired outcomes
An ability to try several techniques for grounding oneself, and be safer with respect to one’s psychic state of being.
2.3.4     Assumptions
See 1.7  Assumptions.
We are more than just a physical body, and our non-physical aspects are able to be directed by us, when we are in appropriate states of consciousness.
2.3.5     Background
When working at directing our focus to nonphysical levels, especially when learning, it is easy to become so focused on the nonphysical that one loses proper connection with the physical. This can result in problems such as distraction, or making oneself vulnerable to incompatible or undesirable energies.
Grounding is a techniques aimed specifically at making sure that one has a proper focus and connection with the physical – particularly when one finishes a psychic training session, as one needs to make sure one is, for instance, in a fit state to drive safely. One should no more think of driving ungrounded than driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
2.3.6     Techniques
The following is not an exhaustive list of techniques. The aim is to help you gain an understanding of what is most effective at getting you to ground.
Your comments
1.     Visualise a tree root growing out from the centre of your body into the earth. If you can, “feel” it pull you snugly into the centre of your being. 1

2.     Visualise a tree behind you, with roots going into the ground and branches forming a protective layer above, and merge into the tree. 2

3.     Eat or drink (non-alcoholic) 3

4.     Put your hands on the earth (not the floor – actual dirt that is part of this planet, not in a pot)

5.     Put your bare hands and bare feet on the earth (not the floor – actual dirt that is part of this planet, not in a pot)

6.     Do some martial arts centering techniques 4

7.     Do some focused breathing

8.     Touch a crystal that has been charged with the task of grounding you (haematite is useful for this purpose, but sometimes a large chunk of rose quartz can clear emotional energy that has been stimulated by a personal working and thus allow a person to ground more easily/quickly).

9.     Talk your experiences through with a teacher or other experienced person who is running the session to resolve any unacknowledged matters which you may be being held back (i.e., being kept in the non-physical/altered state of consciousness) by your guides/helpers until you acknowledge them.

10.   As a last ditch measure, splash some water onto any person who is having persistent trouble grounding – but beware! That will leave the person with a headache and probably

11.   If problems persist (e.g., problems sleeping, headaches, trouble concentrating), seek help.

1.      You should be able to move physically, and still stay grounded. The connection is not physical, it is non-physical.
2.     A very dear friend of mine who is HSP (a Highly Sensitive Person – see and/or the 1999 book “The Highly Sensitive Person's Workbook” by Elaine Aron, ISBN 0-7679-0337-4) says this technique was particularly useful for her at managing HSP moments
3.     This is a fairly traditional Wiccan/witchcraft technique after ritual work
4.     See “Magickal Self Defense” Llewellyn, 2008, ISBN 978-0-7387-1219-2

See Figure 5 for an illustration of grounding (and shielding).
Things to avoid if you are trying to stay grounded may include:
·         receiving healing;
·         incense;
·         relaxing music;
·         anything which is a key for shifting consciousness to a magical state.
That probably sounds a bit obvious when you read it, but one of the biggest problems with getting beginners to ground is their enjoyment of being in an altered state of consciousness (which they may have had to expend considerable effort to get into – with a possible underlying fear that they won’t be able to do this again, so should keep it going as long as possible).
With people who are a little more advanced, there may be an element of “showing off”, along the lines of :”hey I’m such a strong psychic that I can’t really control it – I just waltz off into a trance without any say in the matter”. 99.9999% of the time, that it rubbish: a good psychic actually will have learnt control over her/hir/his abilities.
2.3.7     Alternative viewpoints
It is difficult for me to think of an alternative viewpoint to the issue of grounding. Perhaps there are those people who argue that it is only a matter of focus – as in, being “grounded” is really just a matter of having enough self-discipline to ensure your focus is adequately on the physical world.
What I will add in here, though, are a couple of points from Debra Lynne Katz’s book “You Are Psychic” (Pub. Llewellyn, 2010 [first pub. 2004], ISBN 978-0-7387-0592-7), who advises people to ground their surroundings as well, to prevent the grounding cord they have created for themselves dragging in stuff from their environment, and to limit the length of time the grounding cord is created for (she includes visualises to destroy the cord when it has done its work).