Monday 26 November 2012

Post No. 415 - Bushfires [Content Warning: bushfires, harm/harmful actions, links to distressing news stories]

A few years ago, my home state of Victoria had some major  bushfires [2]: we're apparently looking at having another bad season [3], so I've decided to post a ritual I came up with a few years ago to try and prevent or minimise bushfires. Obviously, this can be used for other places as well - just use it with the intention of preventing bushfires elsewhere.

This ritual is to seek to minimise damage from bushfires, by
- seeking to minimise the chance of bushfires occurring, including by asking wind and rain to help, and by trying to get arsonists to grow to an awareness which leads to them not lighting fires
- making sure those who have the duty of looking after the bush to prevent bushfires or of fighting bushfires do so properly, and
- helping all people to appreciate ALL the various forms of life in the wild places.

The core of the ritual is five chants, one to each quarter, and one for the centre (repeat each as many times as feels comfortable):
(Southern hemisphere - north; Northern hemisphere - south)
“Artemis[4], Baba Yaga[5], Pachamama[6] and Cernunnos[7],
help us connect to the wild places
- show us all the beauty of all the life there,
human, animal, plant or mineral,
help all who touch these places,
to truly know and care for them,
for their own innate worth.”
“Brigid[8], Maeve[9] and Isis,
inspire and help all those who care for the bush or fight bushfires,
let them fulfil their duties with passion and inspiration;
and inspire and heal those tempted to do harm
to such responsibility and caring
that they can NOT commit such sacrilege,
but may Ma’at[10] bring swiftly to justice all who do.”
(Southern hemisphere - south; Northern hemisphere - north)
“Nu Kua[11], bringer of order to chaos,
bring your ordered way to the wild places;
let the rains fall and the winds blow when and where they are needed;
Durga[12], protector against demons,
set boundaries on any fires which may occur,
and protect the wild places from the demon “bushfire”;
Cerridwen[13], transform all harm and damage done into growth: death into rebirth.”
we call on you to help synthesise all these threads,
love, responsibility, inspiration, justice;
ordered rain and wind, protective boundaries, transformation;
help these many ways become one great whole,
for the good of all the wild places, and all the wild life.
throughout this coming bushfire season and beyond.”
”Artemis, Baba Yaga, Pachamama, Cernunnos,
Let us love the wild places;
Brigid, Maeve, Isis and Ma’at,
Heal and inspire responsibility and justice;
Nu Kua, Durga and Cerridwen,
Tame, bound and transform the demon bushfire;
Bring all this together.”

Proposed Order of Service:
Most rituals consists of 5 major parts, which you will notice below are segmented into the five elements.  Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit, but not in that order.  Each Elemental correspondence has its own unique role within the ritual.

In most cases they are broken down as follows:
·         East – Air – Athame – Opening – This is the basis of preparation, introduction of the ceremony.
·         South – Fire – Wand -  Invocations – This is the basis of invocations, prayers of the ceremony.
·         West – Water – Chalice -  Offerings – This is the time of offerings, libations, and honour
·         North – Earth – Pentacle – Closing – This is the time of devocation and opening of the circle.



Clear and Release.
Cleanse salt, water, incense and fire.
Charge salt, water, incense and fire.
Cast Circle

FIRE - SOUTH Invocations

Invoke the Four Quarters  (optional / depending on type of ritual)
Invoke the Goddess  (optional / depending on type of ritual)
Invoke the God  (optional / depending on type of ritual)
Invoke your Patron Deity (optional / depending on type of ritual)
Invoke the Ancestors  (optional / depending on type of ritual)


This is the main body of the ritual. The actual purpose of the ceremony is presented here. This can be for initiation, healing, dedication, or any other purpose. The statement of intents, and the act of powers are also performed at this time, depending greatly on the ceremony.

(Southern hemisphere - north; Northern hemisphere - south)
Artemis, Baba Yaga, Pachamama and Cernunnos,
help us connect to the wild places
- show us all the beauty of all the life there,
human, animal, plant or mineral,
help all who touch these places,
to truly know and care for them,
for their own innate worth.”
Brigid, Maeve and Isis,,
inspire and help all those who care for the bush or fight bushfires,
let them fulfil their duties with passion and inspiration;
and inspire and heal those tempted to do harm
to such responsibility and caring
that they can NOT commit such sacrilege,
but may Ma’at bring swiftly to justice all who do.”
(Southern hemisphere - south; Northern hemisphere - north)
Nu Kua, bringer of order to chaos,
bring your ordered way to the wild places;
let the rains fall and the winds blow when and where they are needed;
Durga, protector against demons,
set boundaries on any fires which may occur,
and protect the wild places from the demon “bushfire”;
Cerridwen, transform all harm and damage done into growth: death into rebirth.”
we call on you to help synthesise all these threads,
love, responsibility, inspiration, justice;
ordered rain and wind, protective boundaries, transformation;
help these many ways become one great whole,
for the good of all the wild places, and all the wild life.
throughout this coming bushfire season and beyond.”
”Artemis, Baba Yaga, Pachamama, Cernunnos,
Let us love the wild places;
Brigid, Maeve, Isis and Ma’at,
Heal and inspire responsibility and justice;
Nu Kua, Durga and Cerridwen,
Tame and bound the demon bushfire;
Bring all this together.”

WATER - WEST Offering

This is traditionally done with a chalice of juice, wine or water passed around the company within the circle AFTER the dedicationary offering has been completed.

Then it is common practice to pour out a small libation, and dedicate that to your Ancestors, physical and spiritual, and to all your friends in Nature, seen and unseen.

Dedicate what remains in the Chalice to the Goddess and the God.

(After the ritual, the libations may be emptied outside, or otherwise respectfully disposed of.)


It is now time to give thanks, and close the ritual.

Devoke the Ancestors  (optional, depending on type of ritual)
Devoke your Patron Deity (optional, depending on type of ritual)
Devoke the God  (optional, depending on type of ritual)
Devoke the Goddess  (optional, depending on type of ritual)
Devoke the Four Quarters  (optional, depending on type of ritual)

Take down the Circle itself. You might say something like the Traditional;
“As Above, So Below. As the Universe, so the Soul. As within, so without. Merry meet. Merry part. And merry meet again.”

And as always - clear and release all excess energy.

[4] Greek Goddess of animals and wild places
[5] Slavic Goddess: the “wild woman”
[6] Peruvian and Bolivian Goddess of healing and wholeness with ability to connect to natural world
[7] Celtic God – the Horned One, often portrayed as a stag
[8] Celtic Goddess of Inspiration
[9] Irish Goddess of Responsibility
[10] Egyptian Goddess of Justice
[11] Chinese Goddess who brought Order to Chaos
[12] Goddess from India who helps set boundaries, and took the name Durga in honour of the demon Durga, who she slew
[13] Welsh Goddess of the Cauldron, associated with Death and rebirth
[14] Tlingit and Haida Goddess of the Forest, who held a feast to get powers together which transformed a dangerous whirlpool into a calm river
[15] Most of these interpretations are from “The Goddess Oracle” by Amy Sophia Marashinsky

[1] BPF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Forces. See here and here for more on this.

[2] Please see my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia.  

[3] See "State risks worst fires since Black Saturday", 26th November, 2012:

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")
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Tags: bushfires, energy work, harm minimisation, justice, prevention, rituals, society,

First published: Manadagr, 26th November, 2012

Last edited: Monday, 26th November, 2012