Saturday, 26 October 2013

Post No. 483 - Psychic Attack, grounding out energy and using a magical book/film series

PS - since the author of this series of books has become a notorious transphobe, I do not endorse her and her output in any way, shape or form, and wish to distance myself from her and her output. I will edit these over time, and will likely remove all references. 

OK, with this post I am letting myself get dragged kicking and screaming into the late 20th Century ... but more on that later.

First off, one of the debates that one often comes across in psychic/occult discussions is:

how does one handle negative energy that is directed to one during psychic attack upon oneself? 
The debate usually is between (a) send it back to the person, or (b) reflect it up into space (or some variation thereof). I'm not happy with either option.

Directing energy back at an attacker is fraught with problems:
  • it is the exact sort of behaviour that one is receiving anyway - remember that likes and dislikes extend across many lifetimes, and thus someone who is attacking you may be doing so because of something you did a long time ago that was not 'nice' ... of course it could also be due to a flaw in their character, but if that is the case, will you really be 'teaching them a lesson'? Think of my comments in
  • it may actually strengthen either the person doing the attack (they're in a negative frame of mind, remember, and you're sending them more of that energy back) or anyone controlling them; 
  • it may enrage them further - think of being who've done things to aggravate you, and then how they have reacted to the sight of you becoming annoyed.

 Don't get me wrong: I'm not arguing for passivity, or not defending oneself, or not doing so strongly, but do so with Light, i.e. - with positive energy - use explosions of Light if you wish, but do everything with light and love.

I teach my students to ask their BPF [1] Guides that everything that they do to others be done immediately to them, so that they may know no harm is being done. Hence, if you're kidding yourself about the explosions of Light actually being Light, you very quickly realise - oops, I'm just covering up my emotions here, and not very well at that :)

Anyway, going back to what to do with the negative energy directed at one, there are other options.

The Order of Scathach has an excellent set of exercises based on practising receiving energy, and letting it go through you harmlessly. It's a brilliant exercise (as is so much of what they do), but, from my experience, doing it in real life with strong* negative energy it can be incredibly difficult to make sure you have cleared everything out of your aura ... particularly if you have to do this several times ... or often.

What I found myself doing the last time I had to deal with a load of negative energy was channelling the energy down the outside of my aura, a bit like a lightning rod channels a lightning strike, into Mother Earth for grounding and recycling - and it worked, very well, if I may say so. I felt a light rippling on the surface of my aura, but nothing got through to me, and nothing was magnified in a loop, and nothing got bounce up into planes and nonphysical entities passing thought 'above' me, or bounce sideways into people and other lifeforms or places, etc.

So ... I think I have found my preferred way of handling direct psychic attack that is relatively* strong. For less strong attack, I'll just dissolve the energy with Light -basically, by flaming.

And now, <magical book/film series>. And the late 20th Century ... :)

Reactions to this series vary in the Wiccan and magickal worlds, but something I have pointed out previously is that having so many people thinking along a particular way in effect creates a sort of low-level thought form, and I have tapped in to that. Well, I've been thinking further on that, an d have tried a few protective spells - basically, used them as a repeated chant to build up power for protective work.

When I used these to strengthen my routine protection work, the result felt much stronger, so I had a go at putting these into a PowerPoint presentation, and - with more than a little help from various friends - had audio files added and then we turned it into a Windows media file. 

Because of the connection with evil that the author has now created, all the positive potential of these has been destroyed, and I have therefore removed what I had written previously. 

[1] BPF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Forces. See here and here for more on this.

[2] Please see here and my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2, although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather engagingly - to be the Earth edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy")

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix Lux?)

My "blogiography" (list of all posts - currently not up to date) is here.  

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ...  See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "pagans for peace" project (and join me at 9 PM on Sunday, wherever you are, to meditate for peace), and here for my bindrune kit-bag.
  • One size does NOT fit all. 
  • May the world of commerce and business be recognised to be a servant, not a master, of the lives of people.
  • Ban the dream interpretation industry! 
  • A home is for living in, not feeling, becoming or being rich or a “better” class than others.
  • Like fire to the physical, emotions to the soul make a good servant, and a bad master. 
  • "Following the crowd" is not "going with the flow".
  • Armageddon is alive and well and happening right now: it is a battle between the indolence of "I only ..." and/or "I just ..." and/or "Everyone knows ... " and/or "they can ..." and what Bruce Schneier [2] calls "security theatre" on one side, and perspicacity and the understanding that the means shape the end on the other. Indolence vs. perspicacity, and expediency vs. honour.
  • The means shape the end.  
  • Sometimes you just can't argue with a biped that is armed with a sharp stick, a thick head and not too much in the way of grunts.
  • As words can kill, the right to freedom of speech comes with a DUTY to be as well-informed, objective and balanced as you can be.
  • My favourite action movie of all time is "Gandhi". However, I loathe the stereotypical action movie - and, for similar reasons, I loathe many dramas, which are often emotionally violent, more so in some cases than many war films.
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger [people]. JOHN F. KENNEDY (quoting 19th century Episcopal Bishop Phillips Brooks)
Jesus loves you.  Odin wants you to grow up. (Facebook meme, according to John Beckett)

Females, get over 'cute'. Get competent. Get trained. Get capable. Get over 'cute'. And those of you who are called Patty and Debby and Suzy, get over that. Because we use those names to infantalise females – we keep females in their 'little girl' state by the names we use for them. Get over it. If you want to be taken seriously, get serious. JANE ELLIOTT 

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing. (based on writing by) EDMUND BURKE

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." EINSTEIN

We didn't inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we only borrowed it from our children ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it is not haphazard and superficial. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

Those whom we cannot stand are usually those who we cannot understand P.K.SHAW

Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, and the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change." SENATOR ROBERT F. KENNEDY (US Attorney General 1966 Speech) 
Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our gross national product ... if we should judge America by that -- counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. ... Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage; neither our wisdom nor our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile." ROBERT F. KENNEDY 1968
Tags:energy flows, grounding, protection, Psychic attack, psychic self defence,

First published: Laugardagr, 26th October, 2013

Last edited:
Saturday, 26th October, 2013 

Post No. 482 - This week, and reading

Well, this week has been brought to me care of the queue jumper. It began when I was purchasing my wholemeal rolls on the way to work (so I could make my lunch during my lunch break), and what appeared to be a father and daughter walked in to the shop just ahead of me, ignored the queue there, and were served ahead of another school child who was waiting patiently and politely in line. In fact, if I hadn't pointed out that she was ahead of me, the inattentive staff would have served me ahead of her as well.

That's happened a couple of times this week, and, perhaps as a result of that, I've noticed how many people do the same while driving - queue jumping, in the form of cutting in in front of other cars in particular. Thinking more broadly, I know many people - women in particular - who get very offended if they are given special treatment, including being served or attended to ahead of others.

It's not very becoming to see, and every one of those people can count themselves as a - drum roll here - "Warrior for the Forces of Expediency" in what I am - humorously - referring to as the Battle of Armageddon between the Forces of Indolence and Expediency against the Forces of Perspicacity and Honour.

Looking at such behaviour superficially, these people look inconsiderate. Look a little deeper, though, and it is quite possible that they are trying to deal with the soul-crushing pressures of modern life in 'the West', particularly in cities ... or trying to heal from a major assault or injury ... or simply exhausted from the strains of family and work - and the soul-crushing pressures of modern life in 'the West', particularly in cities.

So ... what to do?

Well, in the short term, such behaviour is wrong, and needs to be shown up, NOT accepted, and possibly even challenged. The thing is, however, if you do so angrily, you will simply add to the barriers the wrongdoer has set up. If you do so gently, they may not show any signs of acknowledging their errors, and may even react angrily now, but there is more likely to be a response when the message sinks through to their Soul.

Wow. That's hard - quite a challenge to find a way to do that, which is why I so rarely will challenge such behaviour. I'd rather not make the situation worse.

Oh, and by the way, if you act in anger, remembering my proposition that anger is not an emotion, you could simply be reacting to the same things in you that caused in others the behaviour you are reacting to ...

So ... I've been doing some Internet-surfing, and here's a fairly big batch of links for you to enjoy :) I'll begin with my usual greetings ... 
G'day, Hello, Howdy, Hi, Zdravstvujtye (some of my work colleagues are Russian, including an absolutely invaluable administrator who has recently taken maternity leave - may she and young one and family be blest), guten Tag (where I have connection owing to a recent past life), sveiki, Czesc (I have friends, not just colleagues, at work who are Polish), bonjour (colleagues at a former workplace were French, and we practised my woeful and limited range of this language), selamat pagi (one of the best junior engineers I ever worked with was Malaysian, and she taught me a few words), annyeonghaseyo, pryvit, bitaem, como vai (a friend of mine a few years ago, although not Brazilian, had Portuguese ancestry), ¡Hola (a former work colleague and friend, a VERY talented artist - with a Mexican sensibility to her artwork, particularly around the Day of the Dead - used to teach me Mexican Spanish), Selamat pagi, ni hao (ah, my work trips to Asia, and the many wonderful, wonderful people I have met there - and some excellent work colleagues and friends here, as well), bongiorno (my current home city of Melbourne has lots of Greeks and Italians, who have made our culture far richer - and made us coffee snobs :) ), hoschakal, hejsan, ciao. 
and now on with the links. 

As a final link, I came some time ago across "Gnosis "The Lost Gospels" by Anglican priest Pete Owen Jones. This presentation , which ends with an admission that if Christianity hadn't gone down the particular paths it did - despite evidence that other gospels exist and women were not marginalised originally - it would not have become a widespread religion. I'm working on developing a more comprehensive critique, but for the moment I'll just give the link: (see also and

[1] BPF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Forces. See here and here for more on this.

[2] Please see here and my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2, although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather engagingly - to be the Earth edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy")

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix Lux?)

My "blogiography" (list of all posts - currently not up to date) is here.  

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ...  See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "pagans for peace" project (and join me at 9 PM on Sunday, wherever you are, to meditate for peace), and here for my bindrune kit-bag.
  • One size does NOT fit all. 
  • May the world of commerce and business be recognised to be a servant, not a master, of the lives of people.
  • Ban the dream interpretation industry! 
  • A home is for living in, not feeling, becoming or being rich or a “better” class than others.
  • Like fire to the physical, emotions to the soul make a good servant, and a bad master. 
  • "Following the crowd" is not "going with the flow".
  • Armageddon is alive and well and happening right now: it is a battle between the indolence of "I only ..." and/or "I just ..." and/or "Everyone knows ... " and/or "they can ..." and what Bruce Schneier [2] calls "security theatre" on one side, and perspicacity and the understanding that the means shape the end on the other. Indolence vs. perspicacity, and expediency vs. honour.
  • The means shape the end.  
  • Sometimes you just can't argue with a biped that is armed with a sharp stick, a thick head and not too much in the way of grunts.
  • As words can kill, the right to freedom of speech comes with a DUTY to be as well-informed, objective and balanced as you can be.
  • My favourite action movie of all time is "Gandhi". However, I loathe the stereotypical action movie - and, for similar reasons, I loathe many dramas, which are often emotionally violent, more so in some cases than many war films.
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger [people]. JOHN F. KENNEDY (quoting 19th century Episcopal Bishop Phillips Brooks)
Jesus loves you.  Odin wants you to grow up. (Facebook meme, according to John Beckett)

Females, get over 'cute'. Get competent. Get trained. Get capable. Get over 'cute'. And those of you who are called Patty and Debby and Suzy, get over that. Because we use those names to infantalise females – we keep females in their 'little girl' state by the names we use for them. Get over it. If you want to be taken seriously, get serious. JANE ELLIOTT 

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing. (based on writing by) EDMUND BURKE

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." EINSTEIN

We didn't inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we only borrowed it from our children ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it is not haphazard and superficial. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

Those whom we cannot stand are usually those who we cannot understand P.K.SHAW

Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, and the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change." SENATOR ROBERT F. KENNEDY (US Attorney General 1966 Speech) 
Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our gross national product ... if we should judge America by that -- counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. ... Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage; neither our wisdom nor our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile." ROBERT F. KENNEDY 1968
Tags: anger, attitudes, emotions, empathy, impatience, myths, nonviolence, reading, references, society, stereotypes, 

First published: Laugardagr, 26th October, 2013

Last edited:
Saturday, 26th October, 2013

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Post No. 481 - Public Talk on "Why Are We Here?", Safe Travels and Containment/Prevention of Bushfires Ritual

I gave another public talk today at the Spiritualist place I go to - this one at slightly longer notice, as the original lecturer was ill, but at short enough notice that I couldn't prepare written notes. I'll give a précis of the talk shortly, but first a couple of other points.

Firstly, "Safe Travels". It is probably fairly obvious that safety of travel is something I have concerns about, and yet I recently came undone on exactly that issue. I prepared some little copper designs for someone to stabilise the energy in a particular area for the purposes of safe travel. When she collected them, she asked about taking them as cabin luggage or checked luggage, and I said "checked" (they're metal, after all). The problem was, the airline lost her luggage ...

Now, I have to admit, for some reason I had thought she would be driving, not flying, so I rather suspect the protection I had set up subconsciously was based on driving, and I didn't think to set up protection for a trip by plane.

My partner always says "Safe travels", and I think I'll have to get into making sure I say and think and set up that, not only for clients, but also for the objects I make them ...

In this particular case, we've worked out a way round the problem, but whichever airline it was is currently my least favourite :(

Next, we've currently got a major bushfire problem in New South Wales. I lit my usual candles for managing / preventing bushfires and bushfire related loss, injury and death, and then found I hadn't actually posted a ritual for this. Well, I have now. If you would like to try that, it is located at

For those of you who are joining me in tonight's meditation, it would be appreciated if you could add sending some healing and calming-of-nature energy to the New South Wales bushfires in the Blue Mountains and elsewhere ...

Now, my talk.

In essence it was:
  • what is the purpose of having a physical level of Reality? 
  • answers that the physical exists to show beauty and variety are, despite the undoubted beauty and variety of the physical, not applicable as exactly the same applies  in the astral;
  • answers that it is for experience, learning, growth and "becoming all that one can be"  don't explain the matter, as these all continue to happen in the astral and other non-physical levels of reality;
  • similarly, answers based on learning to (spiritually) love are also not an answer, as that also happens in the astral etc; 
  • if we look at the characteristics of the astral, what we perceive as "distance" in the physical is replaced by closeness / harmony of basic being (or, if you prefer, similarity of fundamental frequency), which means it is harder to be in the presence of disharmony when you are in the astral  hence, being loving and dedicated to growth is easier; 
  • in the physical, you can find yourself in the presence of people who are different, or not in harmony with you, and thus learning to spiritually love them is harder even though there is not necessarily anything "wrong" with them - and, as a result, the growth you make is better.
If I'd had time to prepare, I would probably have also pointed out that one can get a greater appreciation of the variety of the Universe in the physical, as one can also see those bits of reality that are so out-of-harmony that you would never have known them possible if you stayed in the astral  which is actually different to the first answer in the dot points above.

OK, I'm going to leave this post at that - I have family matters to attend to, now. "See" some of you in an hour or so :)

[1] BPF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Forces. See here and here for more on this.

[2] Please see here and my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2, although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather engagingly - to be the Earth edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy")

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix Lux?)

My "blogiography" (list of all posts - currently not up to date) is here.  

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ...  See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "pagans for peace" project (and join me at 9 PM on Sunday, wherever you are, to meditate for peace), and here for my bindrune kit-bag.
  • One size does NOT fit all. 
  • May the world of commerce and business be recognised to be a servant, not a master, of the lives of people.
  • Ban the dream interpretation industry! 
  • A home is for living in, not feeling, becoming or being rich or a “better” class than others.
  • Like fire to the physical, emotions to the soul make a good servant, and a bad master. 
  • "Following the crowd" is not "going with the flow".
  • Armageddon is alive and well and happening right now: it is a battle between the indolence of "I only ..." and/or "I just ..." and/or "Everyone knows ... " and/or "they can ..." and what Bruce Schneier [2] calls "security theatre" on one side, and perspicacity and the understanding that the means shape the end on the other. Indolence vs. perspicacity, and expediency vs. honour.
  • The means shape the end.  
  • Sometimes you just can't argue with a biped that is armed with a sharp stick, a thick head and not too much in the way of grunts.
  • As words can kill, the right to freedom of speech comes with a DUTY to be as well-informed, objective and balanced as you can be.
  • My favourite action movie of all time is "Gandhi". However, I loathe the stereotypical action movie - and, for similar reasons, I loathe many dramas, which are often emotionally violent, more so in some cases than many war films.
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger [people]. JOHN F. KENNEDY (quoting 19th century Episcopal Bishop Phillips Brooks)
Jesus loves you.  Odin wants you to grow up. (Facebook meme, according to John Beckett)

Females, get over 'cute'. Get competent. Get trained. Get capable. Get over 'cute'. And those of you who are called Patty and Debby and Suzy, get over that. Because we use those names to infantalise females – we keep females in their 'little girl' state by the names we use for them. Get over it. If you want to be taken seriously, get serious. JANE ELLIOTT 

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing. (based on writing by) EDMUND BURKE

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." EINSTEIN

We didn't inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we only borrowed it from our children ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it is not haphazard and superficial. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

Those whom we cannot stand are usually those who we cannot understand P.K.SHAW

Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, and the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change." SENATOR ROBERT F. KENNEDY (US Attorney General 1966 Speech) 
Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our gross national product ... if we should judge America by that -- counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. ... Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage; neither our wisdom nor our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile." ROBERT F. KENNEDY 1968
Tags: planes of existence, nature of reality, purpose, bushfires, rituals, travel, safety, protection, indirect psychic attack, artificer, philosophy,

First published: Sunnudagr, 20th October, 2013

Last edited:
Sunday, 20th October, 2013

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Post No. 480 - Heaven Bent

In 1998 or 1999, I attended the Health-In-Difference 2 (HID 2) conference in Melbourne.It was an eye-opener - a conference devoted to LGBTIQ health, by members of the LGBTIQ communities, so there was none of the stupid assumptions and ignorance by mainstream health people trying to 'research' these areas of health (who often missed fundamental, obvious points such as using the wrong pronouns for trans* people, or missing the impact of discrimination). Mind you, that doesn't mean there weren't mistakes, as there have been and often still are tensions between these disparate communities and their disparate sub-sections - just as there are with the broader communities.

Anyway, I was impressed enough to want to contribute to the next HID conference, in Adelaide, and eventually decided to do so by trying to research some statistics on the levels of interest in spiritual/religious matters amongst the LGBTIQ communities. Surprisingly, I found there was a strong multi-faith segment at HID3, and my paper was just one of several. That interest was evidently significant, and a few years later, in 2003, Adelaide hosted the first National Queer Spirituality Conference (NQSC). I've written about the impacts that the NQSC on me elsewhere, but in the context of this post, it was fantastic that probably no more than a couple of dozen of people with a spiritual  religious bent at HID3 led a few years later to a National conference with probably a couple of hundred people - the Victorian based VQSC some of us organised in 2005 had130 people attend, mostly from Victoria, but some also from New South Wales.

Attempts to organise follow up NQSC / VQSC have not yet come to fruition, but now we have a book about LGBTIQ people's experiences in relation to the interaction between being LGBTIQ and also spirituality / religion - not in the more widely known sense of the discrimination of some religious minorities against LGBTIQ people, but mostly the experiences of those LGBTIQ people for whom spirituality / religion is significant. That book is "Heaven Bent", edited by Luke Gahan and Tiffany Jones, published by Clouds of Magellan Press (paperback RRP: $29.95 | ISBN: 978-0-9874037-4-2 | 334 pp), and my partner Sharlot is one of the contributors, along with a close friend and others I know.

"Heaven Bent" had its official launch tonight, at the Hares and Hyenas bookshop, and it was wonderful to see the march of increasing acceptance of the spirituality / religious beliefs of LGBTIQ people - although apparently floating the idea led to some reactions along the lines of "can you find enough LGBTIQ people to write chapters?", which goes to show just how desperately needed this book is. (It was also wonderful to catch up with old friends and share experiences and chew the fat [3] , but that's another story :) )

There is still much to do about the discrimination and violence LGBTIQ people experience (particularly in some sections of the world), but this book is an important step in the march towards genuine acceptance of LGBTIQ people by the broader communities, and by the LGBTIQ communities of those LGBTIQ people who do have an interest in spirituality / religion (some of the responses I've personally encountered over the years from other LGBTIQ people has been, at times, extremely vitriolic - largely based on the experience of discrimination those people had experience at the hands of bigots who happened to be misrepresenting their religion in order to attack LGBTIQ people).

If you can, I urge you to buy this book: I consider it to be ground breaking, and its a good read :) .

[3] Six grey hairs and 2 wrinkles? Ha! That's nothing - wait till you see me without the pancake on! :)

[1] BPF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Forces. See here and here for more on this.

[2] Please see here and my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2, although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather engagingly - to be the Earth edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy")

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix Lux?)

My "blogiography" (list of all posts - currently not up to date) is here.  

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ...  See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "pagans for peace" project (and join me at 9 PM on Sunday, wherever you are, to meditate for peace), and here for my bindrune kit-bag.
  • One size does NOT fit all. 
  • May the world of commerce and business be recognised to be a servant, not a master, of the lives of people.
  • Ban the dream interpretation industry! 
  • A home is for living in, not feeling, becoming or being rich or a “better” class than others.
  • Like fire to the physical, emotions to the soul make a good servant, and a bad master. 
  • "Following the crowd" is not "going with the flow".
  • Armageddon is alive and well and happening right now: it is a battle between the indolence of "I only ..." and/or "I just ..." and/or "Everyone knows ... " and/or "they can ..." and what Bruce Schneier [2] calls "security theatre" on one side, and perspicacity and the understanding that the means shape the end on the other. Indolence vs. perspicacity, and expediency vs. honour.
  • The means shape the end.  
  • Sometimes you just can't argue with a biped that is armed with a sharp stick, a thick head and not too much in the way of grunts.
  • As words can kill, the right to freedom of speech comes with a DUTY to be as well-informed, objective and balanced as you can be.
  • My favourite action movie of all time is "Gandhi". However, I loathe the stereotypical action movie - and, for similar reasons, I loathe many dramas, which are often emotionally violent, more so in some cases than many war films.
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger [people]. JOHN F. KENNEDY (quoting 19th century Episcopal Bishop Phillips Brooks)
Jesus loves you.  Odin wants you to grow up. (Facebook meme, according to John Beckett)

Females, get over 'cute'. Get competent. Get trained. Get capable. Get over 'cute'. And those of you who are called Patty and Debby and Suzy, get over that. Because we use those names to infantalise females – we keep females in their 'little girl' state by the names we use for them. Get over it. If you want to be taken seriously, get serious. JANE ELLIOTT 

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing. (based on writing by) EDMUND BURKE

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." EINSTEIN

We didn't inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we only borrowed it from our children ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it is not haphazard and superficial. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

Those whom we cannot stand are usually those who we cannot understand P.K.SHAW

Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, and the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change." SENATOR ROBERT F. KENNEDY (US Attorney General 1966 Speech) 
Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our gross national product ... if we should judge America by that -- counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. ... Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage; neither our wisdom nor our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile." ROBERT F. KENNEDY 1968
Tags: attitudes, discrimination, lesbian/bisexual/gay, LGBTIQ, religion, society, spirituality,

First published: Wodansdagr, 16th October, 2013

Last edited:
Wednesday, 16th October, 2013

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Post No. 479 - Chakras and reading

One of the things that keeps cropping up in my life at the moment is the topic of 'closing down' chakras - or, as I term it, de-sensitising chakras, so that you are not unduly open (to psychic awareness, nonphysical energies and influences, etc). This is fairly common-sensical, but I have recently realised that there is a potential problem with this: de-energising, as well as desensitising.

The problem with de-energising a chakra is that it stops being able to function -or stops functioning as well - as it is intended, which is NOT only around psychic matters. For instance, the Earth Star, base and second chakra have important roles to play in terms of our physical health; the Solar Plexus chakra is vital to our emotional wellbeing. If the latter is under energised, we can find ourselves prone to lack of confidence, being overly put upon by others, depression, generally being out of sorts, etc, etc, etc.

Some people are energetically hyper-active, and thus don't have this problem - just as some people are always physically restless because of their high levels of physical energy. Hence, in much the same way as the life learnings of people with oily hair around hair care [3] are completely and utterly irrelevant, useless and inadvisable for people with dry hair, so too are the lessons of those with high energetic states for their chakras utterly useless for those with low energetic states - in fact, such inappropriate advice can be dangerous.

Once again, one size does not fit all.

I'll have to add that to my chakra workshop ...

Another topic that has come up recently in my life is that of not doing work at night so one can awake feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Yes, to some extent that is correct - but also, many people find when they are astral travelling in sleep state the only time that they can do any work outside of families and other mundane commitments. If they always woke rested, they would become depressed and possibly suicidal at the constraints upon them. Some such people are, in fact, doing important work in the astral that they may be completely unaware of in their waking state. Of course their need to work in the astral has to be balanced against the need to keep the physical functioning, which requires adequate sleep, but once again, one size does not fit all, and the astral life of an incaranate is also of value, not only the physical life of the incarnate. 

Now ... some reading links. So, first ...

G'day, Hello, Howdy, Hi, Zdravstvujtye (some of my work colleagues are Russian, including an absolutely invaluable administrator who has recently taken maternity leave - may she and young one and family be blest), guten Tag (where I have connection owing to a recent past life), sveiki, Czesc (I have friends, not just colleagues, at work who are Polish), bonjour (colleagues at a former workplace were French, and we practised my woeful and limited range of this language), selamat pagi (one of the best junior engineers I ever worked with was Malaysian, and she taught me a few words), annyeonghaseyo, pryvit, bitaem, como vai (a friend of mine a few years ago, although not Brazilian, had Portuguese ancestry), ¡Hola (a former work colleague and friend, a VERY talented artist - with a Mexican sensibility to her artwork, particularly around the Day of the Dead - used to teach me Mexican Spanish), Selamat pagi, ni hao (ah, my work trips to Asia, and the many wonderful, wonderful people I have met there - and some excellent work colleagues and friends here, as well), bongiorno (my current home city of Melbourne has lots of Greeks and Italians, who have made our culture far richer - and made us coffee snobs :) ), hoschakal, hejsan.
PS - I'm feeling around half a dozen people joining in on the Sunday evening meditations: thank you, and well done for making the effort. 

OK, as a first point, I have a new blog that I am following:

[3] That's been a bone of contention in my life, unasked for and completely stupid advice from people with oily hair about hair care ("you should always shampoo twice", "wash your hair every day so it doesn't get too oily", etc, etc, etc - whereas, in fact, because my hair is fine and dry, I actually have to soak it in olive oil before I shampoo it ... Conversely, I know people with oily hair who enthusiastically adopted that because I did it, and found it was not at all appropriate for them.

One size does not fit all.

[1] BPF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Forces. See here and here for more on this.

[2] Please see here and my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2, although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather engagingly - to be the Earth edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy")

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix Lux?)

My "blogiography" (list of all posts - currently not up to date) is here.  

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ...  See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "pagans for peace" project (and join me at 9 PM on Sunday, wherever you are, to meditate for peace), and here for my bindrune kit-bag.
  • One size does NOT fit all. 
  • May the world of commerce and business be recognised to be a servant, not a master, of the lives of people.
  • Ban the dream interpretation industry! 
  • A home is for living in, not feeling, becoming or being rich or a “better” class than others.
  • Like fire to the physical, emotions to the soul make a good servant, and a bad master. 
  • "Following the crowd" is not "going with the flow".
  • Armageddon is alive and well and happening right now: it is a battle between the indolence of "I only ..." and/or "I just ..." and/or "Everyone knows ... " and/or "they can ..." and what Bruce Schneier [2] calls "security theatre" on one side, and perspicacity and the understanding that the means shape the end on the other. Indolence vs. perspicacity, and expediency vs. honour.
  • The means shape the end.  
  • Sometimes you just can't argue with a biped that is armed with a sharp stick, a thick head and not too much in the way of grunts.
  • As words can kill, the right to freedom of speech comes with a DUTY to be as well-informed, objective and balanced as you can be.
  • My favourite action movie of all time is "Gandhi". However, I loathe the stereotypical action movie - and, for similar reasons, I loathe many dramas, which are often emotionally violent, more so in some cases than many war films.
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger [people]. JOHN F. KENNEDY (quoting 19th century Episcopal Bishop Phillips Brooks)
Jesus loves you.  Odin wants you to grow up. (Facebook meme, according to John Beckett)

Females, get over 'cute'. Get competent. Get trained. Get capable. Get over 'cute'. And those of you who are called Patty and Debby and Suzy, get over that. Because we use those names to infantalise females – we keep females in their 'little girl' state by the names we use for them. Get over it. If you want to be taken seriously, get serious. JANE ELLIOTT 

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing. (based on writing by) EDMUND BURKE

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." EINSTEIN

We didn't inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we only borrowed it from our children ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it is not haphazard and superficial. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

Those whom we cannot stand are usually those who we cannot understand P.K.SHAW

Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, and the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change." SENATOR ROBERT F. KENNEDY (US Attorney General 1966 Speech) 
Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our gross national product ... if we should judge America by that -- counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. ... Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage; neither our wisdom nor our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile." ROBERT F. KENNEDY 1968
Tags: attitudes, chakras, meditation, peace, reading, society,

First published: Laugardagr, 12th October, 2013

Last edited:
Saturday, 12th October, 2013

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Post No. 478 - Speculations: 'Input Orientation', Obama, and other stuff

One of the things that exercises my mind from time to time is speculation about various matters - and this had led, for example, to my work on 'growth orientation'. I'd like to now extend that work a little, and look at what I am going to call 'input orientation'.

First, consider our physical senses - sight, sound, taste, touch and smell.

Most people tend to become focused more on using sight as their main input - and the decline of the sense of smell is certainly of survival value for living in a city, and I suspect the loss of hearing because of noise might also have its benefits with city living as well :) , but that isn't always the case. I'm not only considering extreme situations where people have lost the use of a sense, but also consider, for instance, the high refinement of the sense of taste for a chef (can you taste a recipe and break down ALL the multiple tastes in it?), the sense of smell for someone working with perfumes [3] , the sense of hearing for a musician, the sense of touch for a massage therapist. Obviously these have been refined because of the careers I've listed, but could it be that the predilection towards sensitivity of those senses was already there, and that led them into those careers?

(Incidentally, all of these refinements of sense could be argued to be merely specialisation, and not necessarily an improvement, in much the same way that some people who are geniuses in one area of life seem to have done so at the expense of their abilities in other areas ... which is a wonderfully comforting argument to those of us who aren't particularly exceptional in any area, and ignores those rotten sods who are gifted everywhere :) )

OK, so let's move on to what I am proposing - which is not simply strongest or best developed sense.

As a first point, are you more affected by external or internal stimuli - good and bad?

I suppose someone who is more affected by internal stimuli would be an introvert, but someone who is affected by external stimuli isn't necessarily an extrovert.

For instance, in my case, I'm affected by internal states through my meditation and self awareness (incidentally, I've personally found the psychological tool of mindfulness of little value, as (a) I'm quite self aware anyway, and (b) the often instated step of letting go ignores that much of what is going on has a reason - and possibly even a purpose, such as something to do with survival), and also external influences - such as the psychic overcrowding of a city, and the refreshing psychic uplift of a forest.

I've also given a hint of what I'm aiming at here: is there a particular physical or non-physical sense that one is more receptive to 'good' or 'bad' (perhaps, pleasant and unpleasant?) influences coming in on? For instance, I am less susceptible than others, perhaps to some unpleasant smells, but surprisingly sensitive to others. I'm also surprisingly - given my variable deafness, particularly when I'm tired (my eyesight gets worse when I'm tired or stressed as well, but in that case, I know that it is those factors influencing my sugar levels) -  sensitive to good and bad sounds both externally (e.g. good music, such as the head-banging bluegrass of Mumford & Sons, or the horrible scream of a kettle) and internally (I often have favourite music running through my mind). Overall, however, I am most sensitive to psychic impressions both internally and externally: that means I am living in a state of permanent overload from the psychic impressions from people in a city (very few really enjoy that experience: most drown out their sorrows, or simply exist with - or ignore  the stresses of traffic, work pressures, mortgage and rent stress, boundary and other neighbour disputes, etc, etc, etc), and have become quite reclusive as a result of five years of this constant bombardment - which means I have had to spend five years constantly maintaining my psychic defences, and am quite exhausted.

Oddly enough, this also show that I have some surprising people orientations:
  • I am sensitive towards people in terms of 'bad' input from outside myself; 
  • I am sensitive towards people in terms of 'good' input from inside myself - meaning, BPF Guides, etc; 
  • I am also sensitive towards people in terms of 'bad' input from inside myself, in terms of psychic attack (yes, I know that comes from outside, but I'm just starting to try and work all this out, OK? :) ), and also things like negative or excessively self critical self-talk; 
  • I am sensitive towards the world of Nature (particularly the ocean and all that goes with sailing) in terms of 'good' input from outside myself.
I'm going to meditate on that, and see if I can work out a way to use that increased awareness, and refine that method of analysis.

Next, Obama [2].

Despite some major problems with Obama's presidency (such as the failure to shut down Guantanamo, allegations of extrajudicial killings and the use of drones, and the increased surveillance [4] ), overall I am impressed with Obama. He has made some major contributions to the fight against discrimination [5], and on Syria he demonstrated a commitment towards participatory democracy that is admirable, particularly in view of the US system which (in my words) creates a position of 'elected royalty' that they call 'President', and thereby made the current non-invasive resolution of the chemical weapons problem in Syria possible. Ultimately, such actions are to the benefit of the USA - but the current blockade of the entire USA by a few hardline Republicans [6] who don't want people to have affordable health care is not (see here for an example of what those Republicans seem to want).

So, going back to Obama. As a brief summary, perhaps consider the following listing of benefits and faults from Wikipedia:
"Early in his first term in office, Obama signed into law economic stimulus legislation in response to the Great Recession in the form of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. Other major domestic initiatives in his presidency include the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, often referred to as "Obamacare"; the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act; the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010; the Budget Control Act of 2011; and the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. In May 2012, he became the first sitting U.S. president to publicly support same-sex marriage and in 2013 his administration filed briefs which urged the Supreme Court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 and California's Proposition 8 as unconstitutional. In foreign policy, Obama ended U.S. military involvement in the Iraq War, ordered troop buildup and drawdown in Afghanistan, signed the New START arms control treaty with Russia, ordered U.S. military involvement in Libya, and ordered the military operation that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden."
In addition, Obama has taken positive action towards much-needed gun control in the USA. 

If I was to sum this up, socially and economically I consider Obama has been 'good' (I would say progressive, but while that word is good to me, others don't think it is - and it can be abused or misused), but militarily and on human rights and security, a mixed bag - some 'good', some 'bad' (you can choose which is which according to your views).

When I first got the idea for this topic as a post (several years ago now), my focus was on the apparent change from pre-election Obama, who promised to shut down the Guantanamo detention facility immediately, and post-election Obama, where, not only did this fail to happen, but we there was also an increase in concerning attitudes.


No - seriously, ignoring the usual fashionable cynic rubbish, why?

You see, I consider there are multiple levels to events in life, and in this particular case, I consider the tendency of some to jump on the 'fashionable cynic' bandwagon (so many Aussies are so good at that ... ) says more about the fashionable cynic than it does about the person being speculated (and it is, remember, just that - speculation) about, and misses out on a chance to learn something.

In the case of Obama's apparent change (I'll use the word 'apparent' in case the fashionable cynics are correct :) ), the issue that struck me is that people generally have a powerful desire to 'belong' - even in the case of people who don't seem to want to belong to what the social majority think is worth 'belonging' to, which covers me, that desire to 'belong' may still present. In my case, my desire to 'belong' is to 'belong' to the group comprising my Patron Deities, BPF Guides and those incarnated people I love and/or respect - not the fashionable or the 'in' crowd [7] . If you've been on the 'outer' for a while, or in a significant way, when you have a chance to 'in', to become accepted, there is a tendency to adopt the values of the 'in' crowd with possibly excessive zeal. I've seen this in a range of situations - including, sadly, in some trans people (although, before reforms to provide protection against discrimination, such behaviour often had survival value - i.e., you were less likely to be victimised, assaulted or killed - and I've buried far too many trans people, often as a result of discrimination leading to suicide [8] ).

Now, if you add to that the need to work closely with a group that you suddenly find yourself either part of or 'in' with, then you have a double-whammy of drivers towards adopting the prevailing views inside that group - i.e. the 'group mind', or, if you prefer, 'group think'.

It is important to remember that, in the scenario I'm speculating about, these people cannot be ignored: they have important roles to play, and cannot be dismissed as if they do not exist. If someone is considering in running for public office, this is an issue that they will hopefully have considered (I worry whether some of the minor parties who have been elected to the Senate in our recent [Australian Commonwealth] election have thought this through ... ) such issues, and how they are going to spend several years juggling pressures and combat with experienced professionals (think 'Yes Minister') whilst maintaining health and sanity - hopefully.

So ... having made that speculation ... how does that, Dear Reader, apply to your own life? Where have you struck a balance between being able to exist in reasonable harmony at the price of your principles? I know where I'm juggling those pressures, and what my balance points currently are, and I frequently review them.

Which leads me to my next point, an exercise I came up with someone some time ago for someone who was coming to terms with the balance that one has to have between confidence and humility.

That exercise is based on the analogy of a bow - specifically, being the bow strong.

Now, when a bow is drawn, the strong is pulled back by the archer, and the resistance made by the connection to the bow bends the bow, and converts the archer's applied muscular effort into stored kinetic energy which, when the string is released by the archer, is transferred from the bow to the arrow - and the arrow flies.

At the point where the archers fingers meet the bow string, there are two opposing forces: one from the top of the bow, and one from the bottom (assuming the bow is in the more common position of vertical). If those forces weren't in balance (say, for instance, the archer is trying to draw the bow whole holding the string near one end of the bow, rather than the centre), it won't work, or won't work well - the arrow will either not take flight, or will be off target. If you try to draw a bow that has a broken string, it won't work at all.

So if we take the balance between confidence and humility:
  • too much confidence and not enough humility leads to arrogance and hubris - the pride that goeth before a fall; 
  • not enough confidence and too much humility leads to being a doormat that others walk all over (a problem for me in much of my life, which will no doubt surprise some people who know me, but then I've worked consciously and fixing that balance) or even depression.
The exercise is to stand with your arms extended out horizontally from your shoulders,out sideways, and imagine that they are the string of the bow. Imagine that one represents confidence, and the other humility, and then begin to slowly bring your arms forward into a vee, as if your arms are the string of a horizontal bow being drawn by some archer. As you do so, allow yourself to feel the balance between the two forces, perhaps even in relation to a specific situation, and contemplate how too much of either can show up in that particular situation. If you've practiced enough to become proficient, you could possibly even allow one arm to move slightly ahead of the other as you do so.

The aim is to promote awareness and thinking that will help you be mindful, and thus effective at balancing competing influences or forces - not just confidence and humility, but other poles as well.

OK, that has taken me nearly five hours, so the other 'other stuff' can now wait for some other post :) (arggh - I've got so much non-blog stuff to do! How do people blog every day - do it full time?) But, as a couple of quick final notes, I've added a personal story to my previous post, as note 3, and sometimes politicians can surprise one for the good, as Denis Napthine has on LGBTIQ issues and the disabled.

[3] In my case, I often joke about not having a sense of smell because of my work in wastewater treatment, but the truth is that it is simply developed in certain ways that benefit work, rather than more socially acceptable uses. Hence, for example, I have no interest in being able to sort out types of perfumes or food smells (and have been ridiculed by others for that lack - despite me clearly being a butch lesbian and thus clearly not likely to be interested in such matters :) [joke, Joyce!] ), but I can walk onto a treatment plant and tell you what sort of process upset has occurred and start problem solving straight away, base on the smell - which should NOT normally be present. 

[4] For more on this, see here, here (ironic that something I thought of years ago as a defence against viruses is now being advocated by others - albeit for different reasons :) ) and here

[5] Not least of which is getting the idiots rabbiting on about his birth certificate out into the open - do they really, in a country that used to pride itself on taking the world's downtrodden etc, want to object to him being a foreigner? Even if he was - so what? Anyone who isn't Native American is going to have that problem to some extent, and I consider the key issue here is where his loyalty is - which I consider pretty clearly to be towards the USA. It would be an issue if he had deliberately misled voters in order to get elected, but I don't consider that such is the case: Obama genuinely believes - on this issue - what he says, in my view. 

[6] When did people start calling the Republican Party the 'GOP'? Took me a long time to find out what they were on about when that started appearing in the media - I thought G had to stand for Government, so was on the wrong track for a long time; as someone who is not in the US, could the media please remember that outsiders like me don't necessarily get GOP? 

[7] When I was a teenager, last millennia :) , my friends at high school used to joke that we so far 'out' from the 'in' crowd that we formed our own little Kuiper Belt of outness ... 

[8] And hence the addition of my quote "As words can kill, the right to freedom of speech comes with a DUTY to be as well-informed, objective and balanced as you can be" some time ago.

[1] BPF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Forces. See here and here for more on this.

[2] Please see here and my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2, although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather engagingly - to be the Earth edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy")

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix Lux?)

My "blogiography" (list of all posts - currently not up to date) is here.  

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ...  See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "pagans for peace" project (and join me at 9 PM on Sunday, wherever you are, to meditate for peace), and here for my bindrune kit-bag.
  • One size does NOT fit all. 
  • May the world of commerce and business be recognised to be a servant, not a master, of the lives of people.
  • Ban the dream interpretation industry! 
  • A home is for living in, not feeling, becoming or being rich or a “better” class than others.
  • Like fire to the physical, emotions to the soul make a good servant, and a bad master. 
  • "Following the crowd" is not "going with the flow".
  • Armageddon is alive and well and happening right now: it is a battle between the indolence of "I only ..." and/or "I just ..." and/or "Everyone knows ... " and/or "they can ..." and what Bruce Schneier [2] calls "security theatre" on one side, and perspicacity and the understanding that the means shape the end on the other. 
  • The means shape the end.  
  • Sometimes you just can't argue with a biped that is armed with a sharp stick, a thick head and not too much in the way of grunts.
  • As words can kill, the right to freedom of speech comes with a DUTY to be as well-informed, objective and balanced as you can be.
  • My favourite action movie of all time is "Gandhi". However, I loathe the stereotypical action movie - and, for similar reasons, I loathe many dramas, which are often emotionally violent, more so in some cases than many war films.
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger [people]. JOHN F. KENNEDY (quoting 19th century Episcopal Bishop Phillips Brooks)
Jesus loves you.  Odin wants you to grow up. (Facebook meme, according to John Beckett)

Females, get over 'cute'. Get competent. Get trained. Get capable. Get over 'cute'. And those of you who are called Patty and Debby and Suzy, get over that. Because we use those names to infantalise females – we keep females in their 'little girl' state by the names we use for them. Get over it. If you want to be taken seriously, get serious. JANE ELLIOTT 

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing. (based on writing by) EDMUND BURKE

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." EINSTEIN

We didn't inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we only borrowed it from our children ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it is not haphazard and superficial. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

Those whom we cannot stand are usually those who we cannot understand P.K.SHAW

Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, and the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change." SENATOR ROBERT F. KENNEDY (US Attorney General 1966 Speech) 
Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our gross national product ... if we should judge America by that -- counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. ... Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages; the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage; neither our wisdom nor our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile." ROBERT F. KENNEDY 1968
Tags: balance, Bow Balance exercise, exercises, governance, input orientation, media, Obama, politics, society,

First published: Sunnudagr, 6th October, 2013

Last edited:
Sunday, 6th October, 2013