For everyone’s convenience, I’ve shifted
the reminders / explanations about Sunday’s meditation-clearing
to this
post. I have a simplified blogiography of posts related to this work here,
a list of themes I have identified here,
and my changing the personality of oppressors post, which I am contemplating
expanding to include some key people to work on, is here.
(Also, see here for some investigation
into evidence of the effectiveness of this type of work, which shows
variability [and mentions causes] and cycles in the energetic/consciousness
response … and also here is interesting.) A range of information on emotions is here,
and suggestions on how to work with emotions is here.
The purpose of posting these news links is
not only to inform: it is also to stimulate a connection to nonBPLF units that
need to be cleared and BPLF units that
need to be strengthened. That only works if you don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by this, so take it in
small chunks if you need to, but remember to actively clear and heal!
… including yourself.
Also, in the same way that activists used
to argue that “the personal is political”, the energies we use and manifest in
our daily lives contribute to the larger soup of energies that influence world
events. If you want to, for example, improve the communication of nations,
improve yours. To help stop abuses of power, be always ethical in your conduct.
Want peace? Then work in an informed, understanding, intelligent and nuanced
way for peace in yourself and your life.
Finally, remember that many others are
doing this type of work – for instance, the Lucis
Trust's Triangles network (which has been running for many decades), the Correllian
Tradition's 'Spiritual
War for Peace' (begun in 2014, and the website was recently updated
to include many more activities),
the Hope, Peace, Love and Prosperity Spell
(also from the Correllian Tradition, in around 2007 or 2008), the Healing Minute started by the
late, great Harry
Edwards (held at 10Am and 10PM local time each day, and one can pay to
be officially registered. This also has been running for decades); and also
see here
and here,
and even commercial organisations are getting involved (for instance, see here).
No doubt there are many others, so, if you don't like what I am suggesting here, but want to be
of service, there are many other opportunities for you.
Now, the themes – short, medium and long term - that come
to mind for my work this week, after I review all this news, are (and no
apologies if this repeats the themes of any previous weeks – in fact, given the
size of this task, that is to be expected):
(a) based on my interpretation of information here and here with Saturn in Sagittarius contributing to finding an authentic balance (until 20th December, 2017), Uranus in Aries contributing to fresh and possibly radical starts (until some date in the Year 2018), and Pluto in Capricorn contributing to a transformation of power and business (and careers) (until some date in the Year 2024), conditions are ripe for a change for the better in world politics;(b) there is an enormous need to clear nonBPLF energy – the thought forms, unattached energy and scars of the collective unconscious created by millennia of violence. This need includes rescuing those who have been trapped by that history, and healing the warped views, seemingly “inherent” biases, and other damage done by the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual violence committed on scales large and small in that timeframe;(c) viewing the overall emotional state of the world from an elemental point of view, there is good evidence of increased thoughtfulness (i.e., more Air): now what is needed is more BPLF Earth for resolve, Æther for BPLF spiritual direction, and Fire for action;(d) there is a proverb about two wrongs not making a right. In the case of the struggle against Da’esh in Syria, Assad’s regime was and is extremely cruel, violent and repressive against its own people. Allying with it has been suggested as a way of quickly overcoming Da’esh, however, that would create more problems down the track: free and fair elections are the only way to head towards a solution there that is sustainable in the long term;(e) as far as the struggle against Da’esh goes elsewhere, much of that is effectively a struggle against disempowerment, or the sense of being disempowered, which upper classes and elites – which is where most rulers and politicians come from - too often struggle to understand. The disempowerment leads to pseudo-religious groups having more appeal - and disempowerment is not only about physical matters: it is also about emotional, psychological, intellectual and spiritual disempowerment - or disconnection, or lack of purpose or value. These aspects are the ones man everyday people fail to understand - i.e., "I'm perfectly happy with my life, why would anyone else not be happy as well?" This struggle also includes a struggle against hate crimes that would give Da’esh what they want, and that requires eloquence, passion and credibility on the part of those arguing for such forbearance, moderation and rationality;(f) governance needs more genuine, BPLF people in it – people who don’t want power, but only want to serve their communities;(g) action in support of companies, and at the expense of people (such as the US Congress’ actions against health care and Planned Parenthood), are spiritually immoral – and contribute to the disempowerment mentioned above;(h) humans need to care for those who are out of (metaphorical) sight – this is a fundamental lesson of maturity, spirituality and balance, and the failure to learn it is a major factor in the continuation of world poverty, hunger and thirst, and problems such as Australia’s endemic racism (also, academics talking about privilege will not change the hearts of the privileged);(i) those in power, including police and military, need to understand that dissent, difference and a degree of chaos are not bad – in fact, it gives social evolution a chance to happen, and can lead to changes that benefit all;(j) talking towards fairer, more equitable and inclusive cultures remains essential
(k) I fear what the world will find when it finally starts paying more attention to Yemen - Yemenis cannot as easily flee to places accessible by the media, but the suffering there risks becoming another Biafra;Specific energy related suggestions are also provided below, in the Section discussing R2P recommendations for Syria.
News and other matters
from this week include the following (opportunities/good news are shown in green; comments are shown in purple; WARNING: some of these
links may contain triggers around issues such as violence, sexual assault,
discrimination, etc).
- permanent issue: may all actual and potential BPLF [1] Leaders be kept BPLF safe, including keeping them undetectable to the nonBPLF and keeping all their Significant Others inviolable against being used for indirect psychic attack, all as is for the Highest Spiritual Good;
- with regard to democracy, freedom and governance: Pope Francis, currently touring Africa, has warned against (new) colonialism and corruption; following the announcement of the preliminary election results in Burkina Faso, the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General’s Special Representative for West Africa, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, has congratulated the people of Burkina Faso, civil society, the transitional authorities, the Electoral Commission and all political actors on making these elections a success; for the 32nd time in row, Lebanon has failed to elect a President; Denmark has rejected closer ties with the European Union; Aung San Suu Kyi’s meetings with Myanmar’s President Thein Sein and military chief General Min Aung Hlaing, nearly a month after her party’s resounding election win, are highly significant; the New South Wales corruption watchdog’s pursuit of top prosecutor Margaret Cunneen was “unreasonable, unjust and oppressive”; in an appallingly backward step, the US Senate has approved legislation aimed at crippling Barack Obama’s health care law and Planned Parenthood; although Brazil's lower house has formally opened impeachment procedures against President Dilma Rousseff, it is unlikely the move will be successful; tax reform in Armenia is likely to hurt the poor, but the nation is voting on a move towards a parliamentary system;
- with regard to Da’esh and violent extremism generally (and I consider ALL people advocating hate or discrimination in response to violent extremism to actively be doing the work of violent extremists. This PARTICULARLY includes those cretins who use that acronym ISIS, which is actually the Greek name of the Egyptian Goddess Aset – and others - and actively perpetuates the patriarchal and sacrilegious evil that Da’esh are trying to accomplish in this world): Victoria’s new Assistant Commissioner (Counter-Terrorism) Ross Guenther has said that terrorists want to promote fear and hate until we turn on each other (bogans with slogans don’t help), and that terrorists are basically criminals and should be treated as such – see also reviews of Australia’s approach to counter-terrorism here (focused mainly on NSW) and here (including comparison to Indonesia’s successes), and this poll shows claims of former PM Abbott being strongly regarded on security were wrong; the power of terrorism depends on our response; some Parisians are drifting to the right; the FBI appears to be investigating the possibility that the San Bernardino shootings were a terrorist attack; a complaint about the British MPs’ mispronunciation of Da’esh (if you listen to the audio file, you’ll understand why I use the spelling I do – which was it used to be, before editors got lazy); a French Muslim has declared war on Da’esh; US police have arrested and charged a man for shooting a Muslim cab driver, in what is thought to be a hate crime; a couple of years after first being raised, controversy has reappeared about the illegal oil market in Turkey, part of Da’esh’s $500 million a year revenue; the importance of not weakening rules of engagement – of following US former General McChrystal’s orders “We must avoid the trap of winning tactical victories – but suffering strategic defeats – by causing civilian casualties or excessive damage and thus alienating the people”; apparently most Iraqis think Da’esh is supported by the USA; the Cameroon army has freed 900 hostages of Boko Haram; Thai police say they were warned by Moscow that 10 Syrians working for Da’esh have entered Thailand to attack Russians;
- with regard to refugees: tensions have once again flared between Indonesia and Australia over asylum seeker policy after a boat that was pushed back from Christmas Island by the Royal Australian Navy ran out of fuel off Indonesia; a former Camp X-Ray (“Guantanamo Bay”) detainee is fighting – effectively - against the Taliban in Afghanistan, sometimes with US support; the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Kyung-wha Kang, has visited Jordan, and remarked on how gratifying it was to be able to see cross-border operations in action and noted her appreciation of the support of the Jordanian authorities in facilitating cross-border operations into southern Syria and their support to the refugees; a campaign, called Share Your Warmth, aims to raise $2 million to provide the most vulnerable Palestine refugees with the support they need to keep warm this (Northern Hemisphere) winter; the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has welcomed an announcement by the Government of Thailand that more than 18,000 people have been granted nationality in the country in the last three years; the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has expressed its deep concern about tensions at the border between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, calling on the authorities of both countries to manage the border in a manner consistent with human rights and refugee protection principles; a call for the US Senate to reject an anti-refugee Bill see also here; Hungary has been accused of mistreating detained refugees; the UN Security Council may authorise military action against “people smugglers” off the Libyan coast (what happens to the refugees then?); racism / ethnic discrimination at Europe’s borders against refugees; Canada is aiming to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees by the end of December; the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has said that recent fighting between local groups and the South Sudanese army in the Western Equatorial region of South Sudan has displaced over 4,000 people into a remote region of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo; as the resumption of dangerous sea journeys in the Bay of Bengal looms, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has said that countries in the region have affirmed that the only way to reduce loss of life at sea is by working together on comprehensive and sustainable approaches, and delegates from more than 20 countries and international organizations have met for the 2nd Special Meeting on Irregular Migration in the Indian Ocean;
- with regard to human rights and discrimination (including associated violence / crime): the reactions described in this article show utter stupidity: the man has been forced to make this comment, and his wife raise that possibility, BECAUSE the nation they are in CHANGING; a study has found that Muslims in Sydney experience discrimination and verbal slurs at three times the rate of all other Australians; a call for allegations of torture by the Thai army to be investigated; Iran, a Shia theocracy, has adopted a very progressive law when it comes to transsexual rights; resistance is growing to online abuse of women; abuse of overweight travellers on London’s public transport (and elsewhere);
- with regard to crime, judicial matters and policing: Victoria’s new Assistant Commissioner (Counter-terrorism) Ross Guenther has said that terrorists want to promote fear and hate until we turn on each other (i.e., bogans with slogans don’t help), and that terrorists are basically criminals and should be treated as such; a call for police to face tighter restrictions on when they can share information with nations that impose the death penalty; the Australian Greens’ leader on the medical experience which informed his attitude towards drug policies; an article claims Victoria police's professional standards unit and Victoria's anti-corruption agency, IBAC, have found abuse or harassment of vulnerable victims of crime, including domestic violence victims, is being committed by a small number of police officers, and that a soon-to-be-released report by the state's human rights agency has found that levels of harassment or discrimination inside Victoria Police may be on par or worse than that previously discovered inside Australia's Defence Force; Victoria Police have not paid court costs as directed, and may be the target of a debt collection action; another mass shooting has occurred in the USA, which has led to a call for Australian travel advisories for the USA to include warnings about the levels of gun violence (which I consider an excellent idea) and objections to glib politician responses, and a police officer has been praised for his calm as he helped evacuate survivors during this event (this sort of bravery is probably part of the reasons most police officers joined up – it certainly is for those I know). The FBI is investigating the possibility of this being a terrorist act; a call for a public health response to the USA’s gun violence epidemics; a review of the possibility of reform in Chicago’s police department; the Fremantle Dockers fan who assaulted a woman has been jailed; a Perth police officer who shot a pet dog last month was justified in his use of force, a review into the incident has found (on that, I find dog owners as unreliable in assessing the behaviour of their pets as some parents are doing the same for the children … );
- with regard to media and freedom of expression: Nigeria is attempting to restrain free speech on social media; Afghan’s media are demanding better access to information, claiming that Afghan officials routinely deny information to the media in direct contravention of national law;
- with regard to overcrowding and “modern” lifestyle issues (is YOUR smart phone free of conflict minerals?): a suggestion that religious leaders may be able to lead action to overcome an expected shortfall from the climate talks in Paris; a nuanced examination of the possible links between TV violence and violence – particularly domestic, and other influences on the problem;
- with regard to the conflict in Afghanistan (noting that Afghanistan was once a peaceful and modern society, even allowing women in miniskirts, before the Russian invasion – see here): Afghan’s media are demanding better access to information, claiming that Afghan officials routinely deny information to the media in direct contravention of national law; 12 people have been killed by a mortar attack;
- with regard to Africa (where I am still looking for a comprehensive local source of news, one akin to the Middle East Eye or The Hindu) generally, in addition to mentions elsewhere: a MINUSMA camp in Mali has been attacked; the UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) reports that it has conducted an operation against an Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) camp in coordination with the Congolese armed forces; the UN Mission in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) reports that approximately 15 unidentified armed assailants launched successive attacks against two camps of the Forces républicaines Côte d’Ivoire (FRCI) on Wednesday. Following a prolonged exchange of gunfire, the assailants fled. Seven FRCI soldiers and four assailants were killed, and en FRCI soldiers and one of the assailants were injured; the UN Support Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) together with the European Union, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) today welcomed the signing of a recent agreement between Puntland and Galmudug as well as the Somali leaders’ commitment to restore peace to the communities living in Gaalkacyo; The UN Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) reports that over the past couple of days several incidents involving anti-Balaka and ex-Séléka have raised tensions, and that it intervened in response to an attack by a group of ex-Seleka combatants at a camp for internally displaced persons which resulted in eight displaced persons being killed and several wounded, five ex-Seleka were also killed and two injured, and one peacekeeper from the Mission being slightly wounded;
- with regard to China and East Asia: a Chinese cyber attack may lead to Australia’s Bureau of meteorology replacing its computers; more concerns over the Chinese takeover of Darwin’s port; China is set to expand investments in Africa that would help absorb its excess manufacturing capacity as part of an effort to re-engage with the continent and integrate it within China’s “Belt and Road connectivity framework”, but is making less progress in Laos;
- with regard to the conflict in Iraq (noting that Iraq was once a peaceful and prosperous society, before the USA / CIA backed revolution – see here): as the UN Secretary-General condemned the two bomb attacks in Baghdad on 30th November, which killed at least 15 civilians and injured several dozen, the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) has released its casualty figures for November, saying that a total of 888 Iraqis were killed (including 500 civilians) and another 1,237 were wounded in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict. A new report by the Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Children and Armed Conflict details a large number of abuses against Iraqi children, including killing and maiming, acts of extreme violence, the abduction of close to 1,400 boys and girls, recurrent attacks on schools and hospitals, the recruitment and use of children and sexual violence used as a tactic of war by Da’esh; the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has expressed its concern at reports of increasing human rights violations and abuses committed against Sunni Arab communities in parts of Iraq that have been reclaimed from Da’esh;
- with regard to the Libyan civil war: thousands have been detained in Libya without charge, and subjected to abuse and torture; paid vigilantes are attempting to enforce law and order, and “stop people smugglers” (what happens to the refugees then?) in some Libyan towns; the UN Security Council may authorise military action against “people smugglers” off the Libyan coast (what happens to the refugees then?); the fight over oil in Libya, with recommendations on what to do to address this;
- with regard to Sudan and South Sudan: in South Sudan, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) that aid workers have reached Leer town and Thonyor in Leer County today for the first time since October, when they were forced to withdraw because of intense fighting; the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has said that recent fighting between local groups and the South Sudanese army in the Western Equatorial region of South Sudan has displaced over 4,000 people into a remote region of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo;
- with regard to the conflict in Syria: the Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, has visited Norway at the invitation of the Foreign Minister for consultations on the Vienna process, and on efforts currently undertaken jointly by the Norwegian, British and German Governments to call for an international donor conference on Syria next February. Norway has been providing support to the office of the Special Envoy through various initiatives. The Envoy is now in Brussels for consultations with representatives of a number of European countries and European Union officials; the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Kyung-wha Kang, has visited Jordan, and remarked on how gratifying it was to be able to see cross-border operations in action and noted her appreciation of the support of the Jordanian authorities in facilitating cross-border operations into southern Syria and their support to the refugees; Syria’s only cosmonaut is now a refugee; Turkey has expressed “sadness” for the death of one the Russian pilots shot down last week; Canada is aiming to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees by the end of December; a new round of international talks on ending the war in Syria will be held in New York, just weeks before the planned start of a ceasefire and peace negotiations; an analysis of the military situation in Syria by an experience war correspondent, who dismisses further increases of the air campaign, and says Assad and Iraq’s Shia militia will be the key to defeating Da’esh; a personal insight into the abuses and totalitarian nature of the Assad regime that some are advocating connection to, in order to defeat Da’esh; Britain claims to have bombed a Da’esh controlled oil field; a comparison of the Syrian and Spanish civil wars;
- with regard to Turkey: a couple of years after first being raised, controversy has reappeared about the illegal oil market in Turkey, part of Da’esh’s $500 million a year revenue; 5 people have been injured by a pipe bomb in Istanbul;
- with regard to the war in Yemen: the World Food Programme (WFP) says that Yemen’s fragile food security is deteriorating - WFP operations currently reach more than 2.8 million people each month, but all 10 governorates are on the edge of famine and WFP needs to each 5 million people every month. To do this, WFP needs $320 million for the next six months; the UN Secretary-General has condemned the airstrikes by the Saudi-led Coalition on a mobile health clinic run by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Taiz city, Yemen;
- with regard to natural and other catastrophes: flooding in southern India has now killed over 200, injured hundreds and caused widespread disruption and damage (for the record, the figure of rainfall Tamil Nadu had – not mentioned in the article – appears to be up to half a metre in a day, with one metre of rain predicted over a coming 3 day period), with at least one offer of help;
- at 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) in Paris, the Secretary-General stressed that Africa was particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, with much of its economy depending on a climate-sensitive natural resource base. On the margins of the climate change conference, several new international partnerships have been unveiled to help the most world’s most vulnerable people from the impacts of climate change, including early warning systems for more than 50 of the least developed countries and small island States, as well as providing access to insurance to 400 million people in the most vulnerable countries over the next five years. The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris does not end for another two weeks, as nations get down to the nitty gritty
- in his message for International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Secretary-General said that building a sustainable, inclusive world for all requires the full engagement of people of all abilities, that the 2030 Agenda includes many issues of concern to persons with disabilities and urged everyone to work together to transform these commitments into action and we need to strengthen development policies and practices to ensure that accessibility is part of inclusive and sustainable development;
- the World Food Organization (WFP), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the German Red Cross have joined forces to unveil a new initiative called Food Security Climate Resilience Facility or FoodSECuRe, will help release funds for disaster preparedness and response before a crisis hits while providing the necessary support for resilience building activities;
- the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) said that the health needs of women and adolescents are too often neglected in humanitarian response to natural disasters and conflicts around the world;
- the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has reported that major food commodity prices fell in November, reversing about half their rise in the previous month, as the cost of internationally-traded staples, except for sugar, fell across the board (I am aware of a view that the fall has simply restored prices to the state before recent extremes, which still was higher than many people can afford);
- the Global
Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
(R2P) also has:
- an occasional report, aiming to give background, offer analysis, track international response and suggest necessary action, for five nations in immediate crisis (“mass atrocities are occurring and urgent action is needed”: Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Lake Chad Basin, and Burma), one nation at imminent risk (“the situation is reaching a critical threshold and the risk of mass atrocity crimes occurring in the immediate future is very high if effective preventive action is not taken”: Burundi, South Sudan and the Central African Republic), and five nations for which there is serious concern (“significant risk of occurrence, or recurrence, of mass atrocity crimes within the foreseeable future if effective action is not taken”: Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya);
Recommended actions from the occasional report for the nation of Syria, where mass atrocity crimes are happening now (I will work through other nations from the report in coming weeks) are:
- Syrian government forces and armed opposition groups must facilitate immediate and unimpeded humanitarian access to civilian populations trapped or displaced by fighting;
- the international community must intensify efforts towards finding a potential political solution to the conflict, increasing assistance to those affected by the civil war, and all foreign states participating in airstrikes in Syria must ensure all necessary precautions are taken to avoid civilian casualties and uphold International Humanitarian Law;
- the UN Security Council needs to take proximate steps, including imposing an arms embargo, referring the situation to the International Criminal Court, and taking expeditious action to end the use of chemical weapons and other indiscriminate and illegal weapons;
- Russia, Iran and Hezbollah must cease enabling the crimes of the Syrian government, and nations opposed to the rule of President Bashar Al-Assad must withhold support to armed groups who commit war crimes or target minority communities;
- From an energetic point of view, what is needed is genuineness to back up cheap words on the part of those outside Syria who can influence the situation there, and healing of the grief, loss, fear, anger and hate of those in Syria – it is important not to be glib about what all the people of Syria have and are continuing to experience: how sanguine would you be if a loved one was tortured or killed horribly – or simply disappeared?
- the Political Violence at a Glance blog has: a nuanced examination of a possible link between education and reduction of terrorism (which I have not heard of previously, and was surprised to read of, although I am aware of the use of education as a counter to crime [jobs also help] and bigotry);
- the Institute for War and Peace Reporting also has: violent clashes have left 6 dead in Azerbaijan, with police claims that Shia militants were responsible disputed by local villagers;
- the Middle East Eyealso has:
an Egyptian court has overturned death sentences against Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie and 11 others for allegedly plotting and carrying out acts of violence in protests against the 2013 army coup; 4 police officers will be imprisoned for torturing a prisoner to death; less than a third of voters turned out for recent Egyptian elections;
female divorcees and widows in Saudi Arabia are to be assigned ID cards allowing them to act independently of men;
Freedom Theatre;
Palestinian-Israeli politician Ayman Odeh is in Washington to accuse Israel’s right-wing government of "racist incitement" against its own Arab citizens;
- Also on West Asia / the Middle East:
the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Nickolay Mladenov, has expressed concern that, four months after the arson attack against the Dawabsha family in the West Bank, the incident has still not been resolved. He said that he is concerned by the slow progress and calls on the Israeli authorities to move swiftly in bringing the perpetrators of this terrible crime to justice; after a long delay, the Saudi cabinet has approved a law that may pave the way for non-charity organizations to operate legally, which is a significant advance for a country where civil society organizations are generally barred from operating and activists are often jailed for speaking their minds; the IAEA report confirmed that Iran is in compliance with the confidential Iran-IAEA roadmap agreement;
- The Hindu also has: the developing country bloc of G77 and China have launched a sharp attack on some developed countries at the climate talks in Paris for trying to amend the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by tying finance to conditions in the draft agreement; in the face of raging debate over religious intolerance and mounting concerns about radicalisation, Navy Chief Admiral R.K. Dhowan has claimed that his force was totally secular and a microcosm of India; Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that India can move ahead only on the “strong shoulders” of the states and not from Delhi alone; a court has refused to accept the closure report and directed the CBI to conduct further investigation into the 1984 anti-Sikh riots case against Congress leader Jagdish Tytler; as temperatures dipped in the National Capital, the Supreme Court has criticised the government for not implementing the scheme to provide shelter to the urban homeless; a top Obama Administration official has said India has been a “real trailblazer” when it comes to financial inclusion; an injectable vaccine to prevent re-emergence of polio was launched today by the government and it will be administered in addition to polio drops to double the protection from the deadly virus, which has chances of coming back see also here;
and from a range of other sites:
- NATO has welcomed Montenegro into its membership, in the alliance's first expansion since 2009, defying Russian warnings that enlargement of the US-led bloc further into the Balkans was a "provocation";
- an ultra-nationalist group in Japan is trying to restore the Japanese empire;
- “a small but growing contingent of America’s ultra-rich are not only committing the bulk of their wealth to philanthropic causes, but also pooling their talents and networks to find innovative ways to address a range of complicated social issues”;
- large companies now have to be transparent on tax;
- a debunking of the “contrails” conspiracy theory;
- nonviolent action is being used to try to hold Mexico’s national oil company to account for damage and disruption that it is causing;
[2] Please
see here, here and my post "The
Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons
I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2,
although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather
engagingly - to be the Earth edition of
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy").
[3] I apologise for the formatting: it seems Blogger is
no longer as WYSIWYG as it used to be, and there are a lot of unwanted
changes to layout made upon publishing, so I often have to edit it immediately
after publishing to get the format as close to what I want as possible.Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix
Lux … aka Morinehtar … would-be drýicgan or maga
... )
My "blogiography" (list of all posts and guide as to how to best use this
site) is here, and my glossary/index is here.
I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue
(see here and here), and it grew ... See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "Pagans for Peace" project (and join me
for a few minutes at some time between 8 and 11 PM on Sunday, wherever you are,
to meditate-clear for peace), and here
for my bindrune kit-bag. I also strongly recommend
learning how to flame, ground
and shield, do alternate
nostril breathing, work
with colour, and see also here and be
The real dividing line is not between
Christianity and Islam, Sunni and Shia, East and West. It is between people who
believe in coexistence, and those who don’t.
- If your “gut” (your instinct/intuition) is telling you something is wrong, but logic and the available evidence is saying otherwise, the proper conclusion to draw is that you need better, more personally credible evidence. Your “gut” could be wrong, right, or missing the nuances / “shades of grey” . So could the available evidence.
- All of the above - and this blog - could be wrong, or subject to context, perspective, or state of spiritual evolution ...
Tags: activism, discrimination, energy work, magick, meditation,
nonviolence, peace, society, violence, war,
First published: Laugardagr, 5th December, 2015
Last edited (excluding fixing typo's
and other minor matters): Saturday, 5th December, 2015