Monday 24 December 2018

Post No. 1,255 - Multi-dimensional shielding and chakras

Something I come across from time to time in science fiction stories (and some fantasy stories, such as the Dresden Files series) is the concept of a barrier or shield existing on multiple levels / dimensions (there is a good example of that in "Small  Favor", when a Denarian uses what is called a "strangler spell" against Harry Dresden, part of which is trying to deflect five threads of energy on different frequencies, during a confrontation on an island in Lake Michigan).

It's an interesting idea, and matches up with reality, in that reality has lots of "levels" (I'll use that term as it is a more accurate reflection of what people really mean by "dimension"), and, when setting up protection, I was taught to make sure it exists on multiple levels, not just the physical/etheric or, as people extend their knowledge and ability, "the astral".

The way these levels are often explained is using frequency, with each "level" existing at a different frequency (or set of frequencies, when you become aware of the variety within each level). Personally, I consider a better analogy that the physical and etheric are different frequencies, but the other levels are more like the differences between AM and FM radio, with a WIDE range of frequencies available on each level.

Another point here: we exist on multiple levels simultaneously.

While incarnated in the physical world, we have a physical body, and an etheric body. When we have an out of body experience that is very aware of what is happening or present around our sleeping body, or at other physical locations or with other incarnate people, we are often (not always - I don't want to go into those details too much) travelling in our etheric body; when we have an experience that is separate to the physical realm, in a malleable reality that is more like what most people would call "a dream", we are most often travelling with our consciousness focused in our astral body.

Each of those bodies in another level of reality (including the etheric) is connected to our physical body a number of ways, including through one of the major chakras (that link includes links to posts I've written about this, and details of many of the chakras).

When people consider chakras, they often think of many of the characteristics of the chakras, such as associations with emotions or particular psychic abilities, but another characteristic that is useful is that each chakra is connected to a different part of Reality.

So ... if one wishes to create a "multi-dimensional" shield around one's aura, one can visualise (or use sound / scent / etc) to flush out one's aura and then build the skin of the aura (which is perhaps more like water's meniscus than our physical body's skin) into a shield. That's good, and I often do that with layers of colour and visualisations of sigils (e.g., pentagrams), and occasionally with sounds (which can help by setting up a system where sounds give warning of attacks and notification of healing, etc - but that's something for another post), but it is possible to take that a step further by using one's chakras.

I often work with colour and chakras: to summarise and simplify for the purposes of this post, I flush out each chakra with a sequence of nine "colours" (one is actually just brilliance), and then use the same sequence of colours to build up each chakra. If I consider or feel that I need a little extra protection, I will then use each chakra - working one at a time, in sequence - as a projector to create a layer of colour(s) and sigils on the surface (skin) of my aura, so, for instance, anyone in a conflict situation who wants to direct negative emotional energy at me will have both a generic barrier AND several barriers on the emotional level. If they want to try coercion, I have barriers on mental levels and also stabilising influences from mu Earth Star chakra (I find Stan a particularly useful rune to use with that chakra).

This technique can and should be varied for different situations - for instance, I'll change the sigils I use depending on what I am expecting to have to deal with (I use pentagrams, a bindrune and the hieroglyph for Yinepu, who many refer to using His Greek name of Anubis, for basic protection).

With practice, and it worth practising, the sigils can be changed as one encounters different situations. I recommend you consider having a go at this ☺

I may came back and add more on this (in particular, I'm thinking of doing some sketches over my end of year time off work, subject to other obligations and duties, and the need to rest, recuperate and recover)


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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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