Sunday 5 April 2020

Post No. 1,528 - A Critique of Today's Mass Meditation Event

Today a mass meditation event was held to coincide with an astrological event. I'd like to comment briefly (and if I don't do brief, rough and crude dot points, I probably won't get the time and/or energy to write anything), but first, the astrological event, from David Zunker @Isispriest:
and from
The invitation, which can be found here, was:
  • well intentioned; 
  • for a good purpose (and thus could be considered needed); and 
  • well timed, as it coincided with a suitable astrological event.
Astrological events are one of the very, very, VERY few times that everyone working at the same time is reasonably justifiable. Most times it is FAR more effective to have everyone work at the same clock time in their time zone, which builds up a wave of energy that goes around the planet- and continues to do so.

Now, the invitation:
  • the language was melodramatic and off-putting. In fact, if it had come directly to me, I probably wouldn't have got through the first few paragraphs before I closed it. However, my partner requested I do this, in part on her behalf, so I persisted in reading the whole invite;
  • energies coinciding does not mean a doorway (i.e., portal) is opening - whether physical or non-physical doorway. The energies are coinciding, and that is a powerful effect that does not need a melodramatic symbol to become effective, or to have its effectiveness "explained".
    When two rivers combine, they are more powerful - they don't open doorways to other dimensions, their combination is a combination of effect, and thus is stronger than each on its own.
    When energies combine in a certain way - as is the case with this astrological event - the combination is enhanced, but it is still an enhancement of energies in this reality, and does not need reference to other dimensions for an "explanation" of its effectiveness!
    To refer to a change of path as going through a doorway/portal is symbolic - and off-putting/confusing to many people (not just me - I deal with people who are not inclined towards spiritual pursuits in part because of such melodramatic wording): just refer to change of path, which is clearer, more direct, more likely to be understood, and thus more effective;
  • I've mentioned that spiritual energies do not have to come from another dimension to have effect: in fact, they are useless if they do, as the difference between dimensions is akin to the difference between FM and AM radio. Something transmitted on AM will not have any constructive effect on FM, and vice versa, so something originating in another dimension will have to be transformed to have an effect in our reality.
    The fourth dimensions is time; the fifth dimension is something else that is equally fundamental.
    What most people misusing this terminology really mean is "more spiritual". So SAY that - don't pretend that people can only be spiritually advanced if they come from another dimensions - apart from being wrong, that is a spiritual cop out, one that denigrates the many spiritually advanced people we have in this dimension, and on this planet.
  • don't use "white light" - use clear light (as the Buddhist do) or pure brilliance (as other traditions do), otherwise you are directly feeding racism in this reality;
  • we don't need every single person to unite to achieve something. In Lynne  McTaggert's "The Power of Eight", there is a suggestion that the square root of 1% of a population is enough to cause an effect.This has been tested by Ms McTaggert and others, so there is some basis for it. To claim that everyone HAS to unite before something will manifest is melodramatic claptrap. Get off it;
  • Finally, but by no means least, Earth is not a passive thing to be healed and transformed by "heavenly influences". Mother Earth - Gaia to many, these days - is an active, powerful and vital co-creator of reality and life, equal to nonphysical energies. To view Her as something needed "heavenly"-type help is to reveal the pernicious influence of near-ubiquitous neochristian beliefs. It is FAR better to respectfully work with Mother Earth that to belittle her, or to conflate the state of humanity with the power of Mother Earth / Gaia. (I recently touched on this here.)
Having said all that, I felt a lot of energy during the session, although it seemed to fade after ten minutes, and consider time spent on this largely worthwhile - my major concern is the racist use of "white" light rather than "clear" light (which can be black) or brilliance that is so strong you can't tell what colour it is.