Saturday 23 May 2020

Post No. 1,571 - Magickal Battle of the World - Weekly Meditation - Week No. 7 - Preciseness

I have been writing about improving the world through a range of means on my blogs: this blog has been focused on spiritual and psychic means, including strengthening  BPM  units and clearing nonBPM units, and meditation to generate BPM energy (and units, if you know enough).
This has been done before - particularly during times of crisis.
The climate crisis has been our World War III for some time (with the denialists being, at the very least, the WW3 equivalents of Quisling, Vichy France, etc), and we now have the COVID-19  pandemic, caused by the zoonotic  SARS-CoV-2  novel coronavirus (there are other novel coronaviruses), on top of that.
World War II was probably the biggest global crisis before our current dual crises, and during those terrible events, there were a number of people undertaking magickal work, including  the work by Dion Fortune (there were others) outlined in the Gareth Knight edited book "The Magical Battle of Britain" (my copy pub. Skylight Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-908011-45-9), which I reviewed here. Ms Fortune directed her team through a series of 136 weekly and (I think) 19 monthly meditations (I originally intended to publish a list at some stage, but it’s so long and comprehensive that I’m concerned about breaching copyright, so I may either see if I can find an online list, or publish something listing the broad themes only). At the end of this, she was exhausted, and that work is considered to have contributed to her death, but a change for the better had been accomplished.
We already have a lot of people doing a lot of work on making the world a better place (including before the current crises), but I would like to extend my contribution to also include a series of weekly - or near weekly - meditations along the line of those directed by Ms Fortune.
I am proposing this be added to the Sunday meditations which are part of my regular psychic work. For convenience, an outline of the meditation is provided at the end of this post.
The notes on each week’s meditation will probably be brief to the point of being terse.
This Week: No. 7 - Preciseness
It is useful, and often important, to be cognisant of the differences and interconnections between momentum, Group Mind, and Group Soul.
Anything - physical bodies, any idea or social movement, the growth of a group, can have momentum. That characteristic is basically a measure of how much continuation and/or growth it is likely to have in the next interval of time (unless another force or influence intervenes), and how difficult it is to change something. None of that is related to “good” or “bad”.
The Group Mind is, in a sense the collective weight of thoughts and emotions of a group. The collected weight of the passive history and the current active influences (which predominates depends on history and influence of current membership vs. influence of past membership) creates a resistance to change, and the current activities within and by the group may also create their own momentum. All of this can be for “good” or “bad”, and the group can range from a few friends, through a family or a formal organisation to entire nations and the human species as a whole.
For those larger groups in particular, our connection through our collective unconscious, and any psychic links, can become a factor.
Group Soul, on the other hand, I the higher, spiritual, or “better angels of our nature” influence on those groups. In the case of a couple of friends, it may be the Higher Selves of the two yarning to each other and agreeing to work jointly on a few matters. For larger groups, it may involve thought forms (also known as egregores).
In assessing a situation, it is at least useful, and often important, to discern aspects or components accurately and objectively - in other words, to be precise.
(The bindrune this week has been created from Eihwaz, Isa, Tiwaz, Kenaz, and Ac.)
Previous meditations in this sequence are:
1.       Introduction, definition of the problem(s), and Realisation;
2.       Determination;
3.       Together;
4.       Caution, respect and integrity (aka cunning);
5.       Momentum;
6.       Insight.
The Meditation (see here, here, and here) consists of:
 - appropriate and responsible protection (see here, here, here), prayer and ritual (e.g., here) to establish and check protection (re-do the protection, or re-schedule the meditation, if you don’t feel safe and secure);
 - establish a personal connection to your Higher BPM influences;
 - flush one's aura with emerald green, royal blue and royal purple;
 - fill one’s Heart Chakra (and maybe one’s Earth Star, Solar Plexus, Third Eye and Crown Chakras) with emerald green, royal blue and royal purple; send a weave of three streams of this colour from the Chakra(s) to a visualisation of a gigantic, multi-faceted emerald (which has been created to facilitate networking of BPM workers) through your facet until you see your energy enlivening other areas of the emerald and can feel similar energies flowing back to you;
 - visualise the rune / bindrune (if given - or, on Sunday, the group of symbols provided);
 - generate  feelings of love, peace, joy and respect;
 - strengthen those feelings (energies);
 - radiate those energies to the world for nine to eighteen minutes;
 - then, on Sunday, also perform the additional meditation work for around 15 minutes or so: contemplate the topic, and the spiritual (i.e., nonphysical) implications of it, and seek insights and understanding. Do not be distracted by thoughts of physical actions - those are necessary also, but this exercise is about the nonphysical, in the broadest possible sense, and the focus should be on nonphysical actions, energy flows, symbols, and the like, all with the intention of bringing about a change for the better. As a second stage, if you wish, you can meditate on any physical actions which may be necessary, but get the spiritually focused work done first;
 - when finished, close your chakras, centre and ground yourself and close your aura, use the banishing version of the LBRP to open circle, ground and release all excess energy; and make sure you are grounded and closed down – eat, if you need to, or seek help from someone capable and trusted.