Saturday 7 May 2022

Post No. 2,211 - Reading and other links

Im going to begin this with a reminder that the work of this blog is:


  • BPM  strengthening of BPM units - some nonphysical, some incarnated people . . . and one of, if not the, best ways that is done is strengthening people's connection with their own Higher Self (which is possibly not what they interpret as their conscience).


Black Lives Matter! Be Anti-Racist, Anti-Sexist, and Actively Inclusive in ALL Areas.
The Climate Crisis is real, urgent and

The Pandemic is Real, and Vaccinations save lives. Stay safe - wash your hands, practice social distancing and wear a face mask in public, and follow informed medical advice - and be considerate towards those at risk or in situations of vulnerability (including economic) while the COVID-19 pandemic is a problem.

Having made those points, here are some links that you, Dear Reader, may find of interest or value: 

  • a philosophical examination of the value of virtue in the context of the leadership of Ukraines President;
  • a view - that I happen to agree with - that UFOs are ... a subject worthy of serious inquiry. Seagulls get enough grief as it is. Putting them together is a disservice to both
  • an assessment of what may have inadvertently been revealed by recent statements on UFOs;
  • “what's happening in our brains when we meditate? Its not just a question for neuroscience
  • a fascinating article on "social fields" and changing from within
  • my thoughts on meritocracy, lack of bias, and other myths in the workplace (5 - 8 min read)
  • my thoughts on advancing the cause of human rights” (2 - 3 min read) - which are that relying only human rights laws
    can lead to people who do not understand why they are wrong complying only grudgingly to laws, and doing whatever they can to undermine those laws - e.g., in the way they raise their children, and by being parts of underground conspiracy fantasies, and by trying to overthrow governments and/or human rights decisions. . . . It is also why education at school needs to go into the whys and wherefores of human rights laws, not just the “how-to-be-inclusive’s” - and to do so in a way that enables parents of children to be taken along on the journey
  • and EXCELLENT video on the science of sex and gender, which includes the comment:
    If the biggest problem that youre having in the twenty-first century involves what other peoples g*n*t*ls look like, and what they're doing with those g*n*t*ls in the presence of other consenting adults, you may need to reevaluate your priorities;
  • this weeks afterlife report

Given an alleged (anonymous) complaint (most probably Blogger's algorithms rather than a complainant - and possibly intended to stamp out things like mirroring but they were too cowardly and unethical to be honest about that) I apparently cannot re-post my human rights (and news) information for this week here. My human rights post for this week is therefore at