Monday 16 May 2022

Post No. 2,217 - An Internal Energetic Creation for Self Protection (2 - 3 min. read)

I have been under considerable personal pressure for some months (family & personal health issues, and work - the latter ironically, because we have been so successful and have been struggling to hire enough people - which we have just about finished doing, so this will ease up soon). I've been using all I know to cope and keep going, but, after a difficult few years (involving far more than just the pandemic), I have become exhausted - even when I had a one week break (over which I was, however, mostly physically ill)

Today was a bit of a crisis point.

Three things helped me: 

  1. The company I work for was able to provide someone (one of the people recently hired) with the skills I need to get my workload completed (although that will take some time)
  2. The global coherence meditation (which I'm finding works well when I use my  touchstone); and 
  3. A new energetic visualisation.

The latter came to me during a meditation, when I noticed that I had a grid or cage of golden lines arcing gently out from my base chakra and flowing up - within the confines of my physical body - to my crown chakra. While that was present, I felt calm, strong, and loving - and I realised the lines of energy were acting like a Faraday cage to protect my heart and other chakras from the external stresses and other external influences of the day. 

I will try to add a sketch of that to - try to - illustrate it . . .which is now below.

To be clear: until now, I have worked on clearing / strengthening chakras, and protecting individual chakras, my body, and the various levels of my aura and my auric skin. This is the first time I've used chakras to protect other chakras - and I have found no mention of this in anything I've read over the last half century, nor from an internet search I did after working with this. 

It will be interesting to see if it helps anyone else . . . or if this can be used in other ways . . . 

It should be noted that this is a "last ditch" measure - it gets used when the normal forms of protection have been overwhelmed - perhaps by you being exhausted, overloaded, or overwhelmed by life events.

(And I'll be extremely disappointed if I find others knew of this but didn't share it - and a little less disappointed if I just hadn't found it yet.)

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