Tuesday 10 May 2022

Post No. 2,213 - To Improve the World ... (1 - 2 min read)

Decades ago someone I knew had the appalling habit of behaving as if the world was a high school yard (and sometimes a primary school yard): this person even thought women slapping men was acceptable - which it is not. The person had an addiction to image, bluster & rote-based interactions, and power - or at least trying to create a façade of being powerful. 

Sounds like a lot of other people - not just conservative politicians and those naïve souls who think things like selling the seized "super-yachts" of Russian oligarchs is OK (it's not - it is illegal), but far too many everyday people who think - and therefore act - as if blind loyalty to political parties, religions, organisations (including companies and families) rather than principle is OK. 

It   is   not

If you want a better world, don't ever do that - reflect & think, be BPM, and ethically discourage others who behave in such a spiritually immature and irresponsible way.