Monday 9 August 2010

Post No. 144 - Not devoking

Had a reminder of an interesting concept last night: not devoking.

This is something I occasionally do if I want to build up the energies in something that is not used by a lot of people - e.g., a personal sacred space. I wouldn't do it in a public area, one where people are coming and going, for instance, or anywhere else I couldn't be absolutely certain I wasn't going to create a risk for others, but, in some cases, it has a use.

Last night, there was this aspect, but also, there was the idea that, if, say, one had invoked something that was vital, perhaps ... say ... rain, you didn't want to "send rain away", so you wouldn't "devoke rain".

Interesting viewpoint ...

Love, light, hugs and blessings


This post's photo is yet to be posted.

Tags: rituals, potential mistakes,

First published: Monday 8th August, 2010

Last edited: Monday 8th August, 2010