Saturday 9 July 2011

Post No. 289 - Deity

I recently joined a new tradition, and one of the questions I was asked was: "how is my relationship with Deity?"

It's an interesting thing to ask, from a spiritual point of view. Most spiritual paths consider they have an element of developing a relationship with Deity ... I tend more to the view that my spirituality is about being as much as I can be, and that the issue of an ultimate creator is of less significance than my Higher Self, my Guides, etc, and what I am doing in my everyday life, and what sort of person I am (when judged by my actions, NOT my words). This is similar to a viewpoint I have heard some Buddhist express, that the existence of Deity is irrelevant, as they are too busy trying to be the best person they can in order to spend time and energy on the issue of Deity. (On the other hand, some Westerners who take up Buddhism do not change their character, rather seeming to see this as an intellectual study exercise, not a tool for change - as is the case with someone I challenged when I was organising the 2005 Victorian Queer Spirituality Conference, who had a key role in me giving up any identification as a Buddhist [1].)

I know some people find comfort or inspiration in consideration of the existence of Deity, but I don't. My view of Deity tends towards the hierarchical arrangement of "Manu's", a bit like a chain of managers, described by Lobsang Rampa. Each of these people is learning and growing, and, in fact, the Ultimate Creator type level, that which "the Nine" defined in Stuart Holroyd's book "Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth" as
  • "a unified infinite intelligence supported by pure love and which grows with pure love" (page 286)
is, by definition, continuing to grow and evolve.

Going back to spirituality, I prefer to do things like say "I wish to go and do magic/meditation/ritual" than "I want to go and spend some time with the Goddess". Probably less chance of getting locked up with the former ... :) Still, it - contact with the more spiritual - is a key aspect of my spirituality, albeit one that I consider the most accessible and useful form of (communicating with Deity) for me is via my Higher Self (accessed via meditation for the purpose of gaining knowledge, as opposed to the "meditation for the purpose of relaxation" many people know, or the "meditation for generation and transmission of love or other p ositive energy" that I also do [2] )., and it wouldn't hurt me to acknowledge that more.

And now it is time to goacknowlege and access breakfast.

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")

  1. It is fascinating to me that I have also changed my identification over the years I have been working on this blog.
  2. I've written about this previously - for instance, here, here and here.

Tags: deities, spirituality, meditation,

First published: Laugadagr, 9th July, 2011

Last edited: Satrurday, 9th July, 2011