Tuesday 7 December 2010

Post No. 184 - Meditation and the purpose of evolution

One of the draft posts I am working on is a review/critique of Lobsang Rampa's [1] books from the perspective of nearly four decades perspective. In the course of re-reading Rampa's books, I came across a few points on meditation that I quite liked, and thought I'd post.

According to Rampa's comments on pages 150 and 151 of Chapters of Life (my very battered, taped-together copy pub. Corgi, reprinted 1972, ISBN 552 07652 X), meditation has four parts:
  1. development of one's true personality,
  2. bringing one's physical body into rapport with one's Overself (Higher Self or Soul) and to bring one's Overself in rapport with nation’s Manu (which is, to simplify greatly, the guiding entity "in charge of" a nation [2]),
  3. attaining full occult understanding based on comprehending/apperceiving),
  4. a mystical stage where travel up Silver Cord to Overself, and then up the Golden Cord of Overself to “Deity” ("God").
Rampa gives instructions on his particular version of meditation (you used to be able to buy a recording of these instructions, actually), and includes a suggested series of meditations:
  • first, meditate on love (i.e., think kind thoughts to all creatures who live);
  • next, meditate on those in distress and, out of compassion, send rays of understanding and sympathy;
  • thirdly, meditate to rejoice in the happiness of others;
  • next, meditate on evil (e.g., how narrow the gap is between sanity/insanity, think on sin and illness, think of the sorrow which can be caused by pandering to evil,
  • finally, the meditation on serenity and tranquillity (wherein one will "rise above the mundane", no longer be bothered by oppression or fear, and view one's future with equanimity knowing that all times you are going to do your best and live your life according to your own stage of evolution).
Compare that with my flow chart below - I have three rather more mundane classifications of meditation.

I wonder how many other classification systems there are?

Next, a quick little thought from one of Alice Bailey's channelled books, Initiation, Human and Solar, which I am reading. The thought, which I don't necessarily agree with, is that the purpose of evolution is to bring mankind to the realisation of his/her/hir "Higher Self", and bring the "Lower Self" under control of the "Higher Self".

Personally, I see all aspects of myself as being equally necessary, but I wish to manifest my truest (to myself), innermost nature. That's probably nit-picking a little to some, but the differences are valid to me :)

And now, 'tis very late, so I will toddle off to bed.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


  1. I just found a Yahoo group dedicated to discussing Rampa's books. I have joined and am working my way through some of the traffic. Seems reasonably amicable - in the past, possibly some of the usual discussions about irrelevant posts, perhaps. Not too much about Rampa at times, but, overall, seems reasonable. I have been updating the index to Rampa's book that was published in Candlelight; might put it up on the Yahoo group as well as here ... This all does me hope that I don't find myself in the situation of having such a legacy: hope everyone who reads my blog can use it to move on to something BETTER.
  2. Wikipedia has a slightly different definition here.
  3. I've just today been able to convert the scanned copy of the manual I used for my regression-rescue circles to jPEG format. Now to work out to post nearly 300 pages (> 40Mb) ... I've set up a new blog specifically for that purpose only. If anyone wants an email copy, hop on over to my website and email me (will be in several emails, owing to the size). I'm fairly confident I can cope with the likely levels of such requests from this blog, but if it does get out of hand, don't be surprised if you hear nothing - sorry in advance if it comes to that.

This post's photo is yet to be posted.

Tags: Manu, guides, meditation, purpose, evolution,

First published: Tuesday 7th December, 2010

Last edited: Wednesday 8th December, 2010