Sunday 20 November 2016

Post No. 953 - Weekly Meditation - Updated (again)

This is an updated version of the meditation post here, which is an edit of the original post here I have taken some elements out, so feel free to blend that post and this one – or adjust on the basis of your experience / knowledge.



use appropriate prayer and ritual (e.g., here) to establish protection, and check that you feel safe and secure: if you do not, keep working at the protection until you do feel safe and secure, or re-schedule.

Connection – Personal

Asking for Help
With your eyes open, visualize the rune Wunjo (for its connection to spiritual ecstasy) at your heart, take a deep breath and sound the rune’s name, long and strong, letting the vibration centre on the image of the rune and radiating gold light in all directions, carrying your desire to be of service for this meditation.
While sounding and visualising, imagine all beings that have vowed to help you, your Patron Deities, BPLF Guides, and your Higher Self, in the space all around you … and all those who are also doing this work. Imagine that they hear you, and turn to face you.
Receiving Help
Close your eyes and take another deep breath. Do another long chant of Wunjo and visualise yourself all the other beings present have a golden Wunjo light up at their heart chakras, as they join your chant and radiate golden light at you (and anyone you are working with). This light fills up your body with “all good things” and pushes out “all bad things”.
Sharing Help
Having been purified and empowered by the blessing of these beings take a deep breath and open your eyes. Do another long chant of Wunjo and visualise yourself all the other beings present have a golden Wunjo light up at their heart chakras, as they join your chant and radiate golden light outwards in all directions.

Connection – with Others

One of the most important tenets of this work is that others are also doing this, or something similar, and, therefore, one should be seeking to work with those BPM others, rather than trying to do everything oneself or  even worse – competing with others of goodwill.
The question is: how to do so?
After considerable thought, meditation and BPM consultation, I have settled on the technique included in the meditation sequence – which is an adaptation of a Rangers of the Inner Plane technique.


The meditation itself comprises:
  • flush one's aura with emerald green, royal blue and royal purple, as per the instructions channelled from The Nine;
  • fill one’s Heart Chakra (and, if one can do so comfortably, one’s Earth Star, Solar Plexus, Third Eye and Crown Chakras) with emerald green, royal blue and royal purple, and then send a weave of three streams of this colour from the Chakra(s) to a visualisation of a gigantic (your idea of gigantic: mine is about Moon sized), multi-faceted emerald, a thought form which has been created to facilitate networking of BPM workers, allowing yourself to find the facet which is reserved for you alone, and send the energy in through that facet until you see it enlivening other areas of the emerald and you can feel similar energies flowing back to you;
  • visualise any sequence of runes / bindrunes I have included in my regular weekly Psychic Weather Report;
  • generate feelings of love, peace, joy and respect (I do more than 'just' feelings of peace, as achieving and maintaining a true and BPLF valid peace is such a complex matter);
  • strengthen those feelings (energies) using the alternate nostril breathing exercise I have described here or something else that is BPM and works for you;
  • radiate those energies to the world for nine to eighteen minutes (if you have one of those so-called “smart” phone, there is an app here which is apparently very nice [and fee]).


When you have finished, close your chakras, centre yourself and close your aura, use the banishing version of the LBRP to open circle, and ground and release all excess energy. Afterwards, make sure you are grounded and close down – eat, if you need to, or seek help from someone capable and trusted.

I apologise for publishing these posts twice, but Blogger keeps changing my formatting. I can either publish it and then correct it, or save and close the post and correct it when I reopen it, but that leaves an extra copy in my "drafts" folder ...

Love, light, hugs and blessings
I am revamping my former website, and getting at least one other underway (pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix Lux … aka Morinehtar … would-be drýicgan or maga ... )
My "blogiography" (list of all posts and guide as to how to best use this site) is here, and my glossary/index is here. The reasons for my caution when using Wikipedia are here.

I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ... See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "Pagans for Peace" project (and join me for a few minutes at some time between 8 and 11 PM on Sunday, wherever you are, to meditate-clear for peace), and here for my bindrune kit-bag. I also strongly recommend learning how to flame, ground and shield, do alternate nostril breathing, work with colour, and see also here and be flexible. 
May the best in me, my Higher Self,
and those of the Clear Light who assist me,
help me to keep myself grounded, centred and shielded,
to be Balanced and a Fulcrum of Balance,
a centre of Balanced Positivity and Spiritual Maturity,
with my aura continuously cleansed, cleared and closed,
repelling all negative or unwanted energies,
whilst allowing positive, balancing and healing energies in and through.
The real dividing line is not between Christianity and Islam, Sunni and Shia, East and West. It is between people who believe in coexistence, and those who don’t.
Tom Fletcher, Former UK Ambassador to Lebanon
  • All of the above - and this blog - could be wrong, or subject to context, perspective, or state of spiritual evolution ...
Tags: activism, discrimination, energy work, magick, meditation, psychic weather,  runes, 
First published: Sunnudagr, 20th November, 2016
Last edited (excluding fixing typo's, Blogger's change of my formatting and other minor matters): Sunday, 20th November, 2016