Saturday 17 October 2009

Post No. 072 - Definitions of spirituality: a postscript

After so many words by others, and by me, anything I write on the subject of a definition of spirituality can only be a post script :)

Anyway, here goes my post script: one of the key elements, it seems to me, of being more spiritual, is being more aware.

Young children tend to be aware only of themselves, to be focused on themselves. As one
grows (matures), that awareness becomes wider. When one starts to develop spiritually,
one is often learning new things, or developing new aspects of oneself. Some people may choose to "retire from the wrold" a bit - like the hermits in Eastern traditions. That may be valid for their stage of development, as it may enable them to focus on developing a skill or attribute of themselves.

However, in my opinion, one cannot be spiritual if one is choosing to ignore world problems, or envrionmental problems, if one is unaware of the magic of the bird chirping outside a window, the pleasure of green under grey skies, or the needs of those around one (their tiredness, or distress, perhaps), or the needs of oneself (perhaps for rest, perhaps for partying, perhaps for friends, perhaps for "solitude" amongst nature), or even the need to empty a rubbish bin. You might choose not to empty the bin if it is over-ful because someone else is neglecting their duties and needs to learn, but you should be aware of it.

Incidentally, some of the hermits, seemingly oblivious to the world, are probably more aware of what is happening, through psychic means, than some people in the West who choose not to read papers or watch TV news "because it is negative". It IS negative: find out what is happening, and do something about it.

I will now dismount from my soap box ... Love, light, hugs and blessings


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Tags: growth, spirituality, awareness

First published: Saturday 17th October, 2009

Last edited: Saturday 17th October, 2009