I've nealy finished watching the 2001 film "
I am Sam" (these things can take some time in my house with breaks for cuppas etc). I found the film moving, although I can see why critics would consider it sentimental. One thing it did remind me of, though, is that I have often thought I was truly blest a few years ago to have a friend who had Aspergers: this friend's questions prompted me to critique my life and society, and gain a deeper understanding as a result.
(Their cooking was pretty good, too :) )
Love, light, hugs and blessings
Tags: cross-fertilisation (ideas), attitudes, awareness, perspective, daily life, discrimination, personal characteristics, personal responsibility, philosophy, Aspergers, disability, family, parenting,
First published: Wednesday 21st April, 2010
Last edited: Wednesday 21st April, 2010