Sunday 20 June 2010

Post No. 124 - Shock! Horror! Expose on Guides!

Sit down ... take a breath ... ready?

Guides are not always superbly highly spiritually evolved beings who are spiritual saints beyond sinning or having to reincarnate. Sure, they must be more skilled and aware than the person they are guiding, and they need some skill at guiding someone on a different level of reality (think of herding a [physical] cat using feather-soft telepathic rods in your left and right hands, and you're probably at about 10% of the technical/practical challenges of this role) but they are not always perfect, nor are they saints who are completely beyond making any mistakes. (Keep in mind that guides generally work in consultation with other guides, including astral experts in various skills/areas, so they have ways to overcome personal shortcomings.)

I have found a few situations where I was more knowledgeable/skilled than someone else's guides, and have done work (clearing, healing, etc) to help the person's guides as much as to help the person - or maybe that's all just because the guides have become exhausted and overwhelmed at trying to help the person?

Guides are skilled and trained (to the necessary extent) for helping their charge - but, keep in mind that the charge may have the negative karma of not being helped well ...

This is, to some extent, a counter argument to the view I presented in another post. More usefully, it is worth keeping in mind that:
  1. Your Guides and helpers are doing an incredibly difficult task, and you should think of their well being occasionally (e.g., send them some healing, much as you would send healing to the place that any crystal you had had come from).
  2. Your Guides are, as with all creation [1], ever learning and growing: the task that they are undertaking with you is a tool to enable them to grow, learn and possibly repay some karmic debt. That means, there is some benefit for them in doing this, so, even though they may well be people you are close to (maybe even family or closer relationships in other lives), you should not be so overwhelmed by gratitude that you don't feel you can say when you don't understand something, or the message isn't coming through clearly (which may oblige them to "lift their game", or study/consult/grow in order to do better). Of course, the technical difficulties (and your own karma) may impinge on their attempts, so you may not get the results you want, but you can still ask - respectfully.
  3. I will emphasise that word: respectfully. As mentioned in the first point, they are doing a very difficult task, one that is aimed at benefiting YOU: show due gratitude, and a bit of manners.
  4. This can be considered an exercise in learning to ask respectfully, and with consideration of what it will cost the other to accede to the request, which will be required when working with Deities - particularly patron Deities.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


This post's photo is yet to be posted.

Tags: guidance, gratitude, communication, planes of existence, spirituality, growth, evolution, personal characteristics, respect, responsibility,

First published: Saturday 26th June, 2010

Last edited: Thursday 5th August, 2010 (added more tags)