Tuesday 2 February 2016

Post No. 819 - A New Saying

I've made a new addition to my quotations page, a new saying from - ahem - moi, aimed at those who are concerned homogeneity will occur as a result of the mingling of cultures / pathways / etc. I consider that there is a valid spiritual need for variety, which is that there is a variety of spiritual needs. As the blend of spiritual needs evolves over time, so too, do I consider, the variety of spiritual pathways and experiences available may also evolve - which, as with spiritual evolution, will probably involve a few broad pathways that suit the more common spiritual needs, plus a few more specialised offerings to meet the specific needs of a few.

Despite the efforts of proselytisers, we will NOT all eventually wind up one religion - any more than we will all wind up one homogeneous culture, as the xenophobes fear (assuming that such culture would be something alien to them - and, I find it ... ironic that such xenophobes here is Australia are happy to have cappuccinos and pizzas ...). There may, however, be - drum roll - change ....

As an example, consider Hermeticism, which came to us in the West through the various Western Mystery Traditions, and have influenced several mystical orders in recent centuries which have, perhaps, culminated in the OSOGD, Wicca, New Age, etc. Very few people identify as Hermeticists these days, but those aspects of it which WORK for some people, have been used and will continue to be used by those people - because they WORK.

Those people who do not find it works, have other pathways available to explore until they meet their needs.

Much as the medical profession is starting to - slowly - learn, to match specific techniques to specific people (i.e., ask not "what do statistics tell us works most often for most people?" but "what are the limits for each methodology, and how does one determine who it best suits and who it is contraindicated for?"), so too much our attitudes towards spiritual, metaphysical and psychic evolution / development / learning / living. Thus:
The reason for diversity / variety in life is not to allow choice, it is to enable the meeting of the diversity / variety of spiritual needs in life. 

My contributions to the "sayings" sections of my quotations page (those in green are all mine, and all have a point, but are not as significant to me) now are:

Human dignity is the inherently cumulative holistic combination of human rights, wellbeing and potential, and all actions or interaction which promote, realise or facilitate same. The converse also applies: whatever degrades, diminishes or robs humans of dignity, is inherently undignified.


The “purpose” of spiritual evolution is not the attainment of “spiritual perfection” - not in the sense of not having to evolve further, at any rate, since there is no such thing. We need to evolve in order to grow - but we can take rest breaks (hopefully well earned :) ) along the way. No, the “purpose” of evolution is, rather, to perfect our ability to learn, and thus grow.

The reason for diversity / variety in life is not to allow choice, it is to enable the meeting of the diversity / variety of spiritual needs in life. 

Our greatest struggle with, to borrow from pop culture, the Jedi-Sith scale, is not with the Sith, whether they are hiding or not: it is with the annoying, snotty-nosed, heroine/hero-worshipping little kid who keeps intruding, stopping us from being cool enough to be with our heroines/heroes, the big kids ...


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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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