Friday 16 November 2018

Post No. 1,235 - Frustration

It is incredibly frustrating to me when people are superficial and do not think.
When people buy, unquestioningly, into their parents or peers bigotries, hatreds, and prejudices.
When people fear without reason, and when people are dismissive of reasonable  concerns.
When people are superficial - such as looking at the glitz, glamour and size of a house, instead of thinking about insulation and suitability for future heat waves and storms.
When people keep busy or live their life a certain way because, without properly thinking about it, they “think” they should (doing excessive housework is an example of that)
When people buy unquestionably into a message that a group "has" to be big . . . 
Responsibility for such flaws lies with many people . . . with those responsible for business and commercial propaganda (aka “advertising”) . . . with those who indulge in intellectual ********* (such as using “agency” [e.g., “have agency in their life”] instead of “control” {e.g., “have control over their life”], or use “privilege” without understanding how harmful that is to acceptance of their message, or, in my day job, use “synthesis” instead of “growth” to shut everyday people out and maintain an unwarranted elitism) . . . with peers, too many of whom seem to act on the notion of misery loving company . . . parents who fail to understand that their children may have inclinations, tendencies, habits and thinking that is, for better or worse, different to theirs . . . with those in the education system who are subservient to Pharaoh Business instead of students' wellbeing . . . with those who are addicted to power without any thought of the consequences to everyday people . . . with managers who are superficial, and “address” problems and issues by duck shoving them onto already overloaded subordinates (e.g., “we expect workers to also . . .”) . . . and, above all else, with those people who, mindless as automatons, go along with everything that makes their life harder (and maybe even glory, unthinkingly, in it as a sort of “challenge” or “test”), accept all that is new and glitzy, and never give anything up for the sake of maintaining their honour (their maegan), ethics, or principles - who value being part of a herd ahead of keeping their soul . . .
These problems show room for improvement in them – and me (impatience, judgementalism, etc), but above all else, they show a cause of the harm that is being actively committed in this world by everyday people (in addition to the harm committed by business) that is addressable.
May it be so addressed.